]> Git — Sourcephile - doclang.git/blob - Language/TCT/Write/HTML5.hs
Add basic support for HeaderDotSlash including.
[doclang.git] / Language / TCT / Write / HTML5.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
4 module Language.TCT.Write.HTML5 where
6 import Control.Monad (Monad(..), forM_, mapM_, when, unless)
7 import Data.Bool
8 import Data.Char (Char)
9 import Data.Default.Class (Default(..))
10 import Data.Eq (Eq(..))
11 import Data.Foldable (Foldable(..))
12 import Data.Function (($), (.))
13 import Data.Functor.Compose (Compose(..))
14 import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
15 import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..))
16 import Data.Ord (Ord(..), Ordering(..))
17 import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
18 import Data.Sequence (ViewL(..))
19 import Data.String (String, IsString(..))
20 import Prelude (Num(..), undefined, error)
21 import Text.Blaze ((!))
22 import Text.Blaze.Html (Html)
23 import Text.Show (Show(..))
24 import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State as S
25 import qualified Data.List as List
26 import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
27 import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
28 import qualified Text.Blaze.Html5 as H
29 import qualified Text.Blaze.Html5.Attributes as HA
31 import Language.TCT
32 -- import Language.TCT.Debug
33 import Language.TCT.Utils
34 import Text.Blaze.Utils
35 import qualified Language.TCT.Write.Plain as Plain
37 document :: Trees (Cell Node) -> Html
38 document body = do
39 H.docType
40 H.html $ do
41 H.head $ do
42 H.meta ! HA.httpEquiv "Content-Type"
43 ! HA.content "text/html; charset=UTF-8"
44 whenJust (titleFrom body) $ \t ->
45 H.title $
46 H.toMarkup $ Plain.text def t
47 -- link ! rel "Chapter" ! title "SomeTitle">
48 H.link ! HA.rel "stylesheet"
49 ! HA.type_ "text/css"
50 ! HA.href "style/tct-html5.css"
51 let (html5Body, State{}) =
52 runStateMarkup def $
53 html5ify body
54 H.body $ do
55 H.a ! HA.id "line-1" $ return ()
56 html5Body
58 titleFrom :: Roots -> Maybe Root
59 titleFrom tct =
60 List.find (\case
61 Tree (unCell -> NodeHeader HeaderSection{}) _ts -> True
62 _ -> False) tct >>=
63 \case
64 Tree (unCell -> NodeHeader (HeaderSection _lvl))
65 (Seq.viewl -> title:<_) -> Just title
66 _ -> Nothing
68 -- * Type 'Html5'
69 type Html5 = StateMarkup State ()
71 instance IsString Html5 where
72 fromString = mapM_ html5ify
74 html5 :: H.ToMarkup a => a -> Html5
75 html5 = Compose . return . H.toMarkup
77 -- ** Type 'State'
78 data State
79 = State
80 { state_pos :: Pos
81 , state_indent :: Html5
82 , state_italic :: Bool
83 , state_ext_html :: String
84 } -- deriving (Eq, Show)
85 instance Default State where
86 def = State
87 { state_pos = pos1
88 , state_indent = ""
89 , state_italic = False
90 , state_ext_html = ".html"
91 }
92 -- instance Pretty State
94 -- * Class 'Html5ify'
95 class Html5ify a where
96 html5ify :: a -> Html5
97 instance Html5ify () where
98 html5ify = mempty
99 instance Html5ify Char where
100 html5ify = \case
101 '\n' -> do
102 s@State{state_pos=Pos line _col, ..} <- liftStateMarkup S.get
103 liftStateMarkup $ S.put s{state_pos=Pos (line + 1) 1}
104 html5 '\n'
105 H.a ! HA.id ("line-"<>attrify (line + 1)) $$ return ()
106 state_indent
107 c -> do
108 liftStateMarkup $ S.modify' $ \s@State{state_pos=Pos line col} ->
109 s{state_pos=Pos line (col + 1)}
110 html5 c
111 instance Html5ify String where
112 html5ify = mapM_ html5ify
113 instance Html5ify TL.Text where
114 html5ify t
115 | TL.null t = mempty
116 | otherwise =
117 let (h,ts) = TL.span (/='\n') t in
118 case TL.uncons ts of
119 Nothing -> do
120 liftStateMarkup $ S.modify' $ \s@State{state_pos=Pos line col} ->
121 s{state_pos=Pos line $ col + int (TL.length h)}
122 html5 h
123 Just (_n,ts') -> do
124 html5 h
125 -- NOTE: useless to increment the pos_column for h,
126 -- since the following '\n' will reset the pos_column.
127 html5ify '\n'
128 html5ify ts'
129 instance Html5ify Pos where
130 html5ify new@(Pos lineNew colNew) = do
131 s@State
132 { state_pos=old@(Pos lineOld colOld)
133 , state_indent
134 } <- liftStateMarkup S.get
135 case lineOld`compare`lineNew of
136 LT -> do
137 forM_ [lineOld+1..lineNew] $ \lnum -> do
138 html5 '\n'
139 H.a ! HA.id ("line-"<>attrify lnum) $$ return ()
140 liftStateMarkup $ S.put s{state_pos=Pos lineNew 1}
141 state_indent
142 Pos _lineMid colMid <- liftStateMarkup $ S.gets state_pos
143 html5 $ List.replicate (colNew - colMid) ' '
144 liftStateMarkup $ S.put s{state_pos=new}
145 EQ | colOld <= colNew -> do
146 liftStateMarkup $ S.put s{state_pos=new}
147 html5 $ List.replicate (colNew - colOld) ' '
148 _ -> error $ "html5ify: non-ascending Pos:"
149 <> "\n old: " <> show old
150 <> "\n new: " <> show new
151 instance Html5ify Roots where
152 html5ify = mapM_ html5ify
153 instance Html5ify Root where
154 html5ify (Tree (Cell bp _ep nod) ts) = do
155 html5ify bp
156 case nod of
157 ----------------------
158 NodeLower name attrs -> do
159 H.span ! HA.class_ (mconcat ["header header-lower"," header-name-",attrify name]) $$ do
160 H.span ! HA.class_ "header-mark" $$ html5ify '<'
161 H.span ! HA.class_ "header-name" $$ html5ify name
162 html5ify attrs
163 html5ify ts
164 ----------------------
165 NodeHeader hdr ->
166 case hdr of
167 HeaderGreat n wh -> html5HeaderRepeated "" "" n wh ">" "" "great"
168 HeaderBar n wh -> html5HeaderRepeated "" "" n wh "|" "" "bar"
169 HeaderColon n wh -> html5Header "" "" n wh ":" "" "colon"
170 HeaderEqual n wh -> html5Header "" "" n wh "=" "" "equal"
171 HeaderDot n -> html5Header "" "" n "" "." "" "dot"
172 HeaderDash -> html5Header "" "" "" "" "-" " " "dash"
173 HeaderDashDash -> html5Header "" "" "" "" "--" " " "dashdash"
174 HeaderBrackets n -> html5Header "[" "" n "" "]" "" "dashdash"
175 HeaderSection lvl -> do
176 H.section $$ do
177 H.span ! HA.class_ "section-title" $$ do
178 H.span ! HA.class_ "section-mark" $$ do
179 html5ify $ List.replicate lvl '#'
180 case Seq.viewl ts of
181 title :< _ -> h lvl $$ html5ify title
182 _ -> return ()
183 html5ify $
184 case Seq.viewl ts of
185 _ :< ts' -> ts'
186 _ -> ts
187 where
188 h 1 = H.h1
189 h 2 = H.h2
190 h 3 = H.h3
191 h 4 = H.h4
192 h 5 = H.h5
193 h 6 = H.h6
194 h n | n > 6 = H.span ! HA.class_ ("h h"<>attrify n)
195 h _ = undefined
196 HeaderDotSlash n -> do
197 ext <- liftStateMarkup $ S.gets state_ext_html
198 if null ext
199 then html5ify file
200 else
201 H.a ! HA.class_ "header-dotslash"
202 ! HA.href (attrify $ file<>ext) $$
203 html5ify file
204 where file = "./"<>n
205 where
206 html5Head :: Name -> White -> Name -> White -> TL.Text -> White -> H.AttributeValue -> Html5
207 html5Head markBegin whmb name whn markEnd whme cl = do
208 H.span ! HA.class_ (mconcat $ ["header header-",cl] <>
209 if TL.null name then [] else [" header-name-",attrify name]) $$ do
210 when (markBegin/="") $
211 H.span ! HA.class_ "header-mark" $$ html5ify markBegin
212 html5ify whmb
213 when (name/="") $
214 H.span ! HA.class_ "header-name" $$ html5ify name
215 html5ify whn
216 when (markEnd/="") $
217 H.span ! HA.class_ "header-mark" $$ html5ify markEnd
218 html5ify whme
219 html5Header markBegin whmb name whn markEnd whme cl = do
220 html5Head markBegin whmb name whn markEnd whme cl
221 H.span ! HA.class_ "header-value" $$
222 html5ify ts
223 html5HeaderRepeated :: Name -> White -> Name -> White -> TL.Text -> White -> H.AttributeValue -> Html5
224 html5HeaderRepeated markBegin whmb name whn markEnd whme cl = do
225 State{state_indent} <- liftStateMarkup S.get
226 liftStateMarkup $ S.modify' $ \s ->
227 s{ state_indent = do
228 state_indent
229 Pos _lineMid colMid <- liftStateMarkup $ S.gets state_pos
230 html5ify $ List.replicate (pos_column bp - colMid) ' '
231 html5Head markBegin whmb name whn markEnd whme cl
232 }
233 r <- html5Header markBegin whmb name whn markEnd whme cl
234 liftStateMarkup $ S.modify' $ \s -> s{state_indent}
235 return r
236 ----------------------
237 NodeText t -> do
238 State{state_indent} <- liftStateMarkup S.get
239 liftStateMarkup $ S.modify' $ \s ->
240 s{ state_indent = do
241 state_indent
242 Pos _lineMid colMid <- liftStateMarkup $ S.gets state_pos
243 html5ify $ List.replicate (pos_column bp - colMid) ' '
244 }
245 r <- html5ify t
246 liftStateMarkup $ S.modify' $ \s -> s{state_indent}
247 return r
248 ----------------------
249 NodePara -> do
250 State{state_indent} <- liftStateMarkup S.get
251 liftStateMarkup $ S.modify' $ \s ->
252 s{ state_indent = do
253 state_indent
254 Pos _lineMid colMid <- liftStateMarkup $ S.gets state_pos
255 html5ify $ List.replicate (pos_column bp - colMid) ' '
256 }
257 r <- html5ify ts
258 liftStateMarkup $ S.modify' $ \s -> s{state_indent}
259 return r
260 ----------------------
261 NodeToken t -> html5ify t <> html5ify ts
262 ----------------------
263 NodePair pair ->
264 case pair of
265 PairElem name attrs -> do
266 H.span ! HA.class_ ("pair-PairElem" <> " pair-elem-"<>attrify name) $$ do
267 H.span ! HA.class_ "pair-open" $$ o
268 unless (null ts) $ do
269 H.span ! HA.class_ "pair-content" $$ html5ify ts
270 H.span ! HA.class_ "pair-close" $$ c
271 where
272 html5Name =
273 H.span ! HA.class_ "elem-name" $$
274 html5ify name
275 o,c :: Html5
276 (o,c)
277 | null ts =
278 ( "<"<>html5Name<>html5ify attrs<>"/>"
279 , mempty )
280 | otherwise =
281 ( "<"<>html5Name<>html5ify attrs<>">"
282 , "</"<>html5Name<>">" )
283 _ -> do
284 H.span ! HA.class_ ("pair-"<>fromString (show pair)) $$ do
285 let (o,c) = pairBorders pair ts
286 H.span ! HA.class_ "pair-open" $$ html5ify o
287 H.span ! HA.class_ "pair-content" $$ em $ html5ify ts
288 H.span ! HA.class_ "pair-close" $$ html5ify c
289 where
290 em :: Html5 -> Html5
291 em h =
292 case pair of
293 p | p == PairSlash
294 || p == PairFrenchquote
295 || p == PairDoublequote -> do
296 State{..} <- liftStateMarkup $ S.get
297 liftStateMarkup $ S.modify' $ \s -> s{state_italic = not state_italic}
298 r <- H.em ! HA.class_ (if state_italic then "even" else "odd") $$ h
299 liftStateMarkup $ S.modify' $ \s -> s{state_italic}
300 return r
301 _ -> h
302 instance Html5ify Token where
303 html5ify tok =
304 case tok of
305 TokenText t -> html5ify t
306 TokenTag v ->
307 H.span ! HA.class_ "tag" $$ do
308 H.span ! HA.class_ "tag-open" $$
309 html5ify '#'
310 html5ify v
311 TokenEscape c -> html5ify ['\\', c]
312 TokenLink l -> do
313 H.a ! HA.href (attrify l) $$
314 html5ify l
315 instance Html5ify ElemAttrs where
316 html5ify = mapM_ html5ify
317 instance Html5ify (White,ElemAttr) where
318 html5ify (elemAttr_white,ElemAttr{..}) = do
319 html5ify elemAttr_white
320 H.span ! HA.class_ "attr-name" $$
321 html5ify elemAttr_name
322 html5ify elemAttr_open
323 H.span ! HA.class_ "attr-value" $$
324 html5ify elemAttr_value
325 html5ify elemAttr_close