]> Git — Sourcephile - gargantext.git/blob - src/Gargantext/Utils/Jobs/Monad.hs
[FIX] Quick Fix of the ngrams building list
[gargantext.git] / src / Gargantext / Utils / Jobs / Monad.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf, FunctionalDependencies, MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
2 module Gargantext.Utils.Jobs.Monad where
4 import Gargantext.Utils.Jobs.Settings
5 import Gargantext.Utils.Jobs.Map
6 import Gargantext.Utils.Jobs.Queue
7 import Gargantext.Utils.Jobs.State
9 import Control.Concurrent.STM
10 import Control.Exception
11 import Control.Monad.Except
12 import Data.Map (Map)
13 import Data.Time.Clock
14 import Network.HTTP.Client (Manager)
15 import Prelude
17 import qualified Servant.Job.Core as SJ
18 import qualified Servant.Job.Types as SJ
20 data JobEnv t w a = JobEnv
21 { jeSettings :: JobSettings
22 , jeState :: JobsState t w a
23 , jeManager :: Manager
24 }
26 newJobEnv
27 :: (EnumBounded t, Monoid w)
28 => JobSettings
29 -> Map t Prio
30 -> Manager
31 -> IO (JobEnv t w a)
32 newJobEnv js prios mgr = JobEnv js <$> newJobsState js prios <*> pure mgr
34 type NumRunners = Int
36 defaultJobSettings :: NumRunners -> SJ.SecretKey -> JobSettings
37 defaultJobSettings numRunners k = JobSettings
38 { jsNumRunners = numRunners
39 , jsJobTimeout = 30 * 60 -- 30 minutes
40 , jsIDTimeout = 30 * 60 -- 30 minutes
41 , jsGcPeriod = 1 * 60 -- 1 minute
42 , jsSecretKey = k
43 }
45 genSecret :: IO SJ.SecretKey
46 genSecret = SJ.generateSecretKey
48 class MonadIO m => MonadJob m t w a | m -> t w a where
49 getJobEnv :: m (JobEnv t w a)
51 getJobsSettings :: MonadJob m t w a => m JobSettings
52 getJobsSettings = jeSettings <$> getJobEnv
54 getJobsState :: MonadJob m t w a => m (JobsState t w a)
55 getJobsState = jeState <$> getJobEnv
57 getJobsMap :: MonadJob m t w a => m (JobMap (SJ.JobID 'SJ.Safe) w a)
58 getJobsMap = jobsData <$> getJobsState
60 getJobsQueue :: MonadJob m t w a => m (Queue t (SJ.JobID 'SJ.Safe))
61 getJobsQueue = jobsQ <$> getJobsState
63 queueJob
64 :: (MonadJob m t w a, Ord t)
65 => t
66 -> i
67 -> (i -> Logger w -> IO a)
68 -> m (SJ.JobID 'SJ.Safe)
69 queueJob jobkind input f = do
70 js <- getJobsSettings
71 st <- getJobsState
72 liftIO (pushJob jobkind input f js st)
74 findJob
75 :: MonadJob m t w a
76 => SJ.JobID 'SJ.Safe
77 -> m (Maybe (JobEntry (SJ.JobID 'SJ.Safe) w a))
78 findJob jid = do
79 jmap <- getJobsMap
80 liftIO $ lookupJob jid jmap
82 data JobError
83 = InvalidIDType
84 | IDExpired
85 | InvalidMacID
86 | UnknownJob
87 | JobException SomeException
88 deriving Show
90 checkJID
91 :: MonadJob m t w a
92 => SJ.JobID 'SJ.Unsafe
93 -> m (Either JobError (SJ.JobID 'SJ.Safe))
94 checkJID (SJ.PrivateID tn n t d) = do
95 now <- liftIO getCurrentTime
96 js <- getJobsSettings
97 if | tn /= "job" -> return (Left InvalidIDType)
98 | now > addUTCTime (fromIntegral $ jsIDTimeout js) t -> return (Left IDExpired)
99 | d /= SJ.macID tn (jsSecretKey js) t n -> return (Left InvalidMacID)
100 | otherwise -> return $ Right (SJ.PrivateID tn n t d)
102 withJob
103 :: MonadJob m t w a
104 => SJ.JobID 'SJ.Unsafe
105 -> (SJ.JobID 'SJ.Safe -> JobEntry (SJ.JobID 'SJ.Safe) w a -> m r)
106 -> m (Either JobError (Maybe r))
107 withJob jid f = do
108 r <- checkJID jid
109 case r of
110 Left e -> return (Left e)
111 Right jid' -> do
112 mj <- findJob jid'
113 case mj of
114 Nothing -> return (Right Nothing)
115 Just j -> Right . Just <$> f jid' j
117 handleIDError
118 :: MonadError e m
119 => (JobError -> e)
120 -> m (Either JobError a)
121 -> m a
122 handleIDError toE act = act >>= \r -> case r of
123 Left err -> throwError (toE err)
124 Right a -> return a
126 removeJob
127 :: (Ord t, MonadJob m t w a)
128 => Bool -- is it queued (and we have to remove jid from queue)
129 -> t
130 -> SJ.JobID 'SJ.Safe
131 -> m ()
132 removeJob queued t jid = do
133 q <- getJobsQueue
134 m <- getJobsMap
135 liftIO . atomically $ do
136 when queued $
137 deleteQueue t jid q
138 deleteJob jid m