]> Git — Sourcephile - gargantext.git/blob - bin/gargantext-client/Tracking.hs
Add client executable to run 'scripts' against a running Garg backend
[gargantext.git] / bin / gargantext-client / Tracking.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
2 module Tracking
3 ( tracking
4 , ppTracked
5 , EkgMetric
6 , Step
7 ) where
9 import Core
10 import Options
12 import Control.Monad.IO.Class
13 import Data.List (intersperse)
14 import Data.Text (Text)
15 import Servant.Client
16 import System.Metrics.Json (Value)
18 import Gargantext.API.Client
20 import qualified Data.Text as T
22 -- | e.g @["rts", "gc", "bytes_allocated"]@
23 type EkgMetric = [Text]
24 -- | Any textual description of a step
25 type Step = Text
27 -- | Track EKG metrics before/after running a bunch of computations
28 -- that can talk to the backend.
29 tracking
30 :: ClientOpts
31 -> [Text] -- ^ e.g @["rts.gc.bytes_allocated"]@
32 -> [(Step, ClientM a)]
33 -> ClientM [Either [(EkgMetric, Value)] (Step, a)]
34 -- no steps, nothing to do
35 tracking _ _ [] = return []
36 -- no metrics to track, we just run the steps
37 tracking _ [] steps = traverse runStep steps
38 -- metrics to track: we intersperse metric fetching and steps,
39 -- starting and ending with metric fetching
40 tracking opts ms' steps = mix (Left <$> fetchMetrics) (map runStep steps)
42 where fetchMetrics :: ClientM [(EkgMetric, Value)]
43 fetchMetrics = flip traverse ms $ \metric -> do
44 whenVerbose opts $
45 liftIO . putStrLn $ "[Debug] metric to track: " ++ T.unpack (T.intercalate "." metric)
46 dat <- (metric,) <$> getMetricSample metric
47 whenVerbose opts $
48 liftIO . putStrLn $ "[Debug] metric pulled: " ++ show dat
49 return dat
50 mix :: ClientM a -> [ClientM a] -> ClientM [a]
51 mix x xs = sequence $ [x] ++ intersperse x xs ++ [x]
52 ms = map (T.splitOn ".") ms'
54 -- ^ A trivial function to print results of steps and sampled metrics
55 ppTracked :: Show a => [Either [(EkgMetric, Value)] (Step, a)] -> ClientM ()
56 ppTracked [] = return ()
57 ppTracked (Right (step, a) : rest) = do
58 liftIO . putStrLn $ "[step: " ++ T.unpack step ++ "] returned: " ++ show a
59 ppTracked rest
60 ppTracked (Left ms : rest) = do
61 liftIO . putStrLn $ unlines
62 [ T.unpack (T.intercalate "." metric) ++ " = " ++ show val
63 | (metric, val) <- ms
64 ]
65 ppTracked rest
67 runStep :: (Step, ClientM a) -> ClientM (Either e (Step, a))
68 runStep (step, act) = Right . (step,) <$> act