]> Git — Sourcephile - gargantext.git/blob - src/Gargantext/API/GraphQL/Node.hs
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[gargantext.git] / src / Gargantext / API / GraphQL / Node.hs
2 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
5 module Gargantext.API.GraphQL.Node where
7 import Data.Either (Either(..))
8 import Data.Morpheus.Types
9 ( GQLType
10 , Resolver
11 , QUERY
12 , lift
13 )
14 import Data.Text (Text)
15 import qualified Data.Text as T
16 import Gargantext.API.Prelude (GargM, GargError)
17 import Gargantext.Core.Mail.Types (HasMail)
18 import Gargantext.Database.Admin.Types.Node (NodeId(..), NodeType)
19 import qualified Gargantext.Database.Admin.Types.Node as NN
20 import Gargantext.Database.Query.Table.Node (getClosestParentIdByType, getNode)
21 import Gargantext.Database.Prelude (HasConnectionPool, HasConfig)
22 import qualified Gargantext.Database.Schema.Node as N
23 import Gargantext.Prelude
24 import GHC.Generics (Generic)
25 import qualified Prelude as Prelude
26 import Text.Read (readEither)
28 data Node = Node
29 { id :: Int
30 , name :: Text
31 , parent_id :: Maybe Int
32 , type_id :: Int
33 } deriving (Show, Generic, GQLType)
35 data NodeArgs
36 = NodeArgs
37 { node_id :: Int
38 } deriving (Generic, GQLType)
40 type GqlM e env = Resolver QUERY e (GargM env GargError)
42 -- | Function to resolve user from a query.
43 resolveNodes
44 :: (HasConnectionPool env, HasConfig env, HasMail env)
45 => NodeArgs -> GqlM e env [Node]
46 resolveNodes NodeArgs { node_id } = dbNodes node_id
48 dbNodes
49 :: (HasConnectionPool env, HasConfig env, HasMail env)
50 => Int -> GqlM e env [Node]
51 dbNodes node_id = do
52 node <- lift $ getNode $ NodeId node_id
53 pure [toNode node]
55 data NodeParentArgs
56 = NodeParentArgs
57 { node_id :: Int
58 , parent_type :: Text
59 } deriving (Generic, GQLType)
61 resolveNodeParent
62 :: (HasConnectionPool env, HasConfig env, HasMail env)
63 => NodeParentArgs -> GqlM e env [Node]
64 resolveNodeParent NodeParentArgs { node_id, parent_type } = dbParentNodes node_id parent_type
66 dbParentNodes
67 :: (HasConnectionPool env, HasConfig env, HasMail env)
68 => Int -> Text -> GqlM e env [Node]
69 dbParentNodes node_id parent_type = do
70 let mParentType = readEither (T.unpack parent_type) :: Either Prelude.String NodeType
71 case mParentType of
72 Left err -> do
73 lift $ printDebug "[dbParentNodes] error reading parent type" (T.pack err)
74 pure []
75 Right parentType -> do
76 mNodeId <- lift $ getClosestParentIdByType (NodeId node_id) parentType -- (fromNodeTypeId parent_type_id)
77 case mNodeId of
78 Nothing -> pure []
79 Just id -> do
80 node <- lift $ getNode id
81 pure [toNode node]
83 toNode :: NN.Node json -> Node
84 toNode (N.Node { .. }) = Node { id = NN.unNodeId _node_id
85 , name = _node_name
86 , parent_id = NN.unNodeId <$> _node_parent_id
87 , type_id = _node_typename }