]> Git — Sourcephile - gargantext.git/blob - src/Gargantext/API.hs
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[gargantext.git] / src / Gargantext / API.hs
1 {-|
2 Module : Gargantext.API
3 Description : REST API declaration
4 Copyright : (c) CNRS, 2017-Present
5 License : AGPL + CECILL v3
6 Maintainer : team@gargantext.org
7 Stability : experimental
8 Portability : POSIX
10 Main (RESTful) API of the instance Gargantext.
12 The Garg-API is typed to derive the documentation, the mock and tests.
14 This API is indeed typed in order to be able to derive both the server
15 and the client sides.
17 The Garg-API-Monad enables:
18 - Security (WIP)
19 - Features (WIP)
20 - Database connection (long term)
21 - In Memory stack management (short term)
22 - Logs (WIP)
24 Thanks to Yann Esposito for our discussions at the start and to Nicolas
25 Pouillard (who mainly made it).
27 -}
29 {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
30 {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
31 module Gargantext.API
32 where
34 import Control.Exception (finally)
35 import Control.Lens
36 import Control.Monad.Reader (runReaderT)
37 import Data.List (lookup)
38 import Data.Text.Encoding (encodeUtf8)
39 import Data.Text.IO (putStrLn)
40 import Data.Validity
41 import GHC.Base (Applicative)
42 import GHC.Generics (Generic)
43 import Gargantext.API.Admin.Auth.Types (AuthContext)
44 import Gargantext.API.Admin.Settings (newEnv)
45 import Gargantext.API.Admin.Types (FireWall(..), PortNumber, cookieSettings, jwtSettings, settings)
46 import Gargantext.API.EKG
47 import Gargantext.API.Ngrams (saveNodeStory)
48 import Gargantext.API.Prelude
49 import Gargantext.API.Routes
50 import Gargantext.API.Server (server)
51 import Gargantext.Core.NodeStory
52 import Gargantext.Prelude hiding (putStrLn)
53 import Network.HTTP.Types hiding (Query)
54 import Network.Wai
55 import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp hiding (defaultSettings)
56 import Network.Wai.Middleware.Cors
57 import Network.Wai.Middleware.RequestLogger
58 import Paths_gargantext (getDataDir)
59 import Servant
60 import System.FilePath
62 data Mode = Dev | Mock | Prod
63 deriving (Show, Read, Generic)
65 -- | startGargantext takes as parameters port number and Ini file.
66 startGargantext :: Mode -> PortNumber -> FilePath -> IO ()
67 startGargantext mode port file = do
68 env <- newEnv port file
69 portRouteInfo port
70 app <- makeApp env
71 mid <- makeDevMiddleware mode
72 run port (mid app) `finally` stopGargantext env
74 portRouteInfo :: PortNumber -> IO ()
75 portRouteInfo port = do
76 putStrLn " ----Main Routes----- "
77 putStrLn $ "http://localhost:" <> toUrlPiece port <> "/index.html"
78 putStrLn $ "http://localhost:" <> toUrlPiece port <> "/swagger-ui"
80 -- TODO clean this Monad condition (more generic) ?
81 stopGargantext :: HasNodeStorySaver env => env -> IO ()
82 stopGargantext env = do
83 putStrLn "----- Stopping gargantext -----"
84 runReaderT saveNodeStory env
86 {-
87 startGargantextMock :: PortNumber -> IO ()
88 startGargantextMock port = do
89 portRouteInfo port
90 application <- makeMockApp . MockEnv $ FireWall False
91 run port application
92 -}
94 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
96 fireWall :: Applicative f => Request -> FireWall -> f Bool
97 fireWall req fw = do
98 let origin = lookup "Origin" (requestHeaders req)
99 let host = lookup "Host" (requestHeaders req)
101 if origin == Just (encodeUtf8 "http://localhost:8008")
102 && host == Just (encodeUtf8 "localhost:3000")
103 || (not $ unFireWall fw)
105 then pure True
106 else pure False
108 {-
109 -- makeMockApp :: Env -> IO (Warp.Settings, Application)
110 makeMockApp :: MockEnv -> IO Application
111 makeMockApp env = do
112 let serverApp = appMock
114 -- logWare <- mkRequestLogger def { destination = RequestLogger.Logger $ env^.logger }
115 --logWare <- mkRequestLogger def { destination = RequestLogger.Logger "/tmp/logs.txt" }
116 let checkOriginAndHost app req resp = do
117 blocking <- fireWall req (env ^. menv_firewall)
118 case blocking of
119 True -> app req resp
120 False -> resp ( responseLBS status401 []
121 "Invalid Origin or Host header")
123 let corsMiddleware = cors $ \_ -> Just CorsResourcePolicy
124 -- { corsOrigins = Just ([env^.settings.allowedOrigin], False)
125 { corsOrigins = Nothing -- == /*
126 , corsMethods = [ methodGet , methodPost , methodPut
127 , methodDelete, methodOptions, methodHead]
128 , corsRequestHeaders = ["authorization", "content-type"]
129 , corsExposedHeaders = Nothing
130 , corsMaxAge = Just ( 60*60*24 ) -- one day
131 , corsVaryOrigin = False
132 , corsRequireOrigin = False
133 , corsIgnoreFailures = False
134 }
136 --let warpS = Warp.setPort (8008 :: Int) -- (env^.settings.appPort)
137 -- $ Warp.defaultSettings
139 --pure (warpS, logWare $ checkOriginAndHost $ corsMiddleware $ serverApp)
140 pure $ logStdoutDev $ checkOriginAndHost $ corsMiddleware $ serverApp
141 -}
144 makeDevMiddleware :: Mode -> IO Middleware
145 makeDevMiddleware mode = do
146 -- logWare <- mkRequestLogger def { destination = RequestLogger.Logger $ env^.logger }
147 -- logWare <- mkRequestLogger def { destination = RequestLogger.Logger "/tmp/logs.txt" }
148 -- let checkOriginAndHost app req resp = do
149 -- blocking <- fireWall req (env ^. menv_firewall)
150 -- case blocking of
151 -- True -> app req resp
152 -- False -> resp ( responseLBS status401 []
153 -- "Invalid Origin or Host header")
154 --
155 let corsMiddleware = cors $ \_ -> Just CorsResourcePolicy
156 -- { corsOrigins = Just ([env^.settings.allowedOrigin], False)
157 { corsOrigins = Nothing -- == /*
158 , corsMethods = [ methodGet , methodPost , methodPut
159 , methodDelete, methodOptions, methodHead]
160 , corsRequestHeaders = ["authorization", "content-type"]
161 , corsExposedHeaders = Nothing
162 , corsMaxAge = Just ( 60*60*24 ) -- one day
163 , corsVaryOrigin = False
164 , corsRequireOrigin = False
165 , corsIgnoreFailures = False
166 }
168 --let warpS = Warp.setPort (8008 :: Int) -- (env^.settings.appPort)
169 -- $ Warp.defaultSettings
171 --pure (warpS, logWare . checkOriginAndHost . corsMiddleware)
172 case mode of
173 Prod -> pure $ logStdout . corsMiddleware
174 _ -> pure $ logStdoutDev . corsMiddleware
176 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
177 -- | API Global
178 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
180 ---------------------------
183 -- TODO-SECURITY admin only: withAdmin
184 -- Question: How do we mark admins?
185 {-
186 serverGargAdminAPI :: GargServer GargAdminAPI
187 serverGargAdminAPI = roots
188 :<|> nodesAPI
189 -}
191 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
192 --gargMock :: Server GargAPI
193 --gargMock = mock apiGarg Proxy
194 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
197 makeApp :: EnvC env => env -> IO Application
198 makeApp env = do
199 serv <- server env
200 (ekgStore, ekgMid) <- newEkgStore api
201 ekgDir <- (</> "ekg-assets") <$> getDataDir
202 return $ ekgMid $ serveWithContext apiWithEkg cfg
203 (ekgServer ekgDir ekgStore :<|> serv)
204 where
205 cfg :: Servant.Context AuthContext
206 cfg = env ^. settings . jwtSettings
207 :. env ^. settings . cookieSettings
208 -- :. authCheck env
209 :. EmptyContext
211 --appMock :: Application
212 --appMock = serve api (swaggerFront :<|> gargMock :<|> serverStatic)
213 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
214 api :: Proxy API
215 api = Proxy
217 apiWithEkg :: Proxy (EkgAPI :<|> API)
218 apiWithEkg = Proxy
220 apiGarg :: Proxy GargAPI
221 apiGarg = Proxy
222 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
224 {- UNUSED
225 --import GHC.Generics (D1, Meta (..), Rep, Generic)
226 --import GHC.TypeLits (AppendSymbol, Symbol)
227 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
228 -- Type Family for the Documentation
229 type family TypeName (x :: *) :: Symbol where
230 TypeName Int = "Int"
231 TypeName Text = "Text"
232 TypeName x = GenericTypeName x (Rep x ())
234 type family GenericTypeName t (r :: *) :: Symbol where
235 GenericTypeName t (D1 ('MetaData name mod pkg nt) f x) = name
237 type Desc t n = Description (AppendSymbol (TypeName t) (AppendSymbol " | " n))
238 -}