]> Git — Sourcephile - gargantext.git/blob - src/Gargantext/API/Admin/Settings.hs
Remove some unnecssary language pragmas
[gargantext.git] / src / Gargantext / API / Admin / Settings.hs
1 {-|
2 Module : Gargantext.API.Admin.Settings
3 Description : Settings of the API (Server and Client)
4 Copyright : (c) CNRS, 2017-Present
5 License : AGPL + CECILL v3
6 Maintainer : team@gargantext.org
7 Stability : experimental
8 Portability : POSIX
10 TODO-SECURITY: Critical
11 -}
13 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-name-shadowing #-}
15 {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
16 {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
18 module Gargantext.API.Admin.Settings
19 where
21 import Codec.Serialise (Serialise(), serialise, deserialise)
22 import Control.Concurrent
23 import Control.Debounce (mkDebounce, defaultDebounceSettings, debounceFreq, debounceAction)
24 import Control.Lens
25 import Control.Monad.Logger
26 import Control.Monad.Reader
27 import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
28 import Data.Pool (Pool, createPool)
29 import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple (Connection, connect, close, ConnectInfo)
30 import Network.HTTP.Client.TLS (newTlsManager)
31 import Servant.Auth.Server (defaultJWTSettings, CookieSettings(..), XsrfCookieSettings(..), defaultCookieSettings, defaultXsrfCookieSettings, readKey, writeKey)
32 import Servant.Client (parseBaseUrl)
33 import Servant.Job.Async (newJobEnv, defaultSettings)
34 import System.Directory
35 import System.FileLock (tryLockFile, unlockFile, SharedExclusive(Exclusive))
36 import System.IO (FilePath, hClose)
37 import System.IO.Temp (withTempFile)
38 import System.Log.FastLogger
39 import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
41 import Gargantext.API.Admin.EnvTypes
42 import Gargantext.API.Admin.Types
43 import Gargantext.API.Ngrams.Types (NgramsRepo, HasRepo(..), RepoEnv(..), r_version, initRepo, renv_var, renv_lock)
44 import Gargantext.Database.Prelude (databaseParameters, HasConfig(..))
45 import Gargantext.Prelude
46 import Gargantext.Prelude.Config (GargConfig(..), gc_repofilepath, readConfig)
48 devSettings :: FilePath -> IO Settings
49 devSettings jwkFile = do
50 jwkExists <- doesFileExist jwkFile
51 when (not jwkExists) $ writeKey jwkFile
52 jwk <- readKey jwkFile
53 pure $ Settings
54 { _allowedOrigin = "http://localhost:8008"
55 , _allowedHost = "localhost:3000"
56 , _appPort = 3000
57 , _logLevelLimit = LevelDebug
58 -- , _dbServer = "localhost"
59 , _sendLoginEmails = LogEmailToConsole
60 , _scrapydUrl = fromMaybe (panic "Invalid scrapy URL") $ parseBaseUrl "http://localhost:6800"
61 , _cookieSettings = defaultCookieSettings { cookieXsrfSetting = Just xsrfCookieSetting } -- TODO-SECURITY tune
62 , _jwtSettings = defaultJWTSettings jwk -- TODO-SECURITY tune
63 }
64 where
65 xsrfCookieSetting = defaultXsrfCookieSettings { xsrfExcludeGet = True }
68 import System.Environment (lookupEnv)
70 reqSetting :: FromHttpApiData a => Text -> IO a
71 reqSetting name = do
72 e <- fromMaybe (panic $ "Missing " <> name) <$> lookupEnv (unpack name)
73 pure $ either (panic $ "Unable to parse " <> name) identity $ parseUrlPiece $ pack e
75 optSetting :: FromHttpApiData a => Text -> a -> IO a
76 optSetting name d = do
77 me <- lookupEnv (unpack name)
78 case me of
79 Nothing -> pure d
80 Just e -> pure $ either (panic $ "Unable to parse " <> name) identity $ parseUrlPiece $ pack e
82 settingsFromEnvironment :: IO Settings
83 settingsFromEnvironment =
84 Settings <$> (encodeUtf8 <$> reqSetting "ALLOWED_ORIGIN")
85 <*> (encodeUtf8 <$> reqSetting "ALLOWED_HOST")
86 <*> optSetting "PORT" 3000
87 <*> (parseLogLevel <$> optSetting "LOG_LEVEL" "warn")
88 <*> reqSetting "DB_SERVER"
89 <*> (parseJwk <$> reqSetting "JWT_SECRET")
90 <*> optSetting "SEND_EMAIL" SendEmailViaAws
91 -}
93 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
94 -- | RepoDir FilePath configuration
95 type RepoDirFilePath = FilePath
97 repoSnapshot :: RepoDirFilePath -> FilePath
98 repoSnapshot repoDir = repoDir <> "/repo.cbor"
100 -- | TODO add hard coded file in Settings
101 -- This assumes we own the lock on repoSnapshot.
102 repoSaverAction :: RepoDirFilePath -> Serialise a => a -> IO ()
103 repoSaverAction repoDir a = do
104 withTempFile "repos" "tmp-repo.cbor" $ \fp h -> do
105 printDebug "repoSaverAction" fp
106 L.hPut h $ serialise a
107 hClose h
108 renameFile fp (repoSnapshot repoDir)
110 -- The use of mkDebounce makes sure that repoSaverAction is not called too often.
111 -- If repoSaverAction start taking more time than the debounceFreq then it should
112 -- be increased.
113 mkRepoSaver :: RepoDirFilePath -> MVar NgramsRepo -> IO (IO ())
114 mkRepoSaver repoDir repo_var = mkDebounce settings
115 where
116 settings = defaultDebounceSettings
117 { debounceFreq = let n = 6 :: Int in 10^n -- 1 second
118 , debounceAction = withMVar repo_var (repoSaverAction repoDir)
119 -- Here this not only `readMVar` but `takeMVar`.
120 -- Namely while repoSaverAction is saving no other change
121 -- can be made to the MVar.
122 -- This might be not efficent and thus reconsidered later.
123 -- However this enables to safely perform a *final* save.
124 -- See `cleanEnv`.
125 -- Future work:
126 -- Add a new MVar just for saving.
127 }
129 readRepoEnv :: FilePath -> IO RepoEnv
130 readRepoEnv repoDir = do
131 -- Does file exist ? :: Bool
132 _repoDir <- createDirectoryIfMissing True repoDir
134 repoFile <- doesFileExist (repoSnapshot repoDir)
136 -- Is file not empty ? :: Bool
137 repoExists <- if repoFile
138 then (>0) <$> getFileSize (repoSnapshot repoDir)
139 else pure False
141 mlock <- tryLockFile (repoSnapshot repoDir) Exclusive
142 lock <- maybe (panic "Repo file already locked") pure mlock
144 mvar <- newMVar =<<
145 if repoExists
146 then do
147 -- e_repo <- eitherDecodeStrict <$> deserialise <$> L.readFile repoSnapshot
148 repo <- deserialise <$> L.readFile (repoSnapshot repoDir)
149 -- repo <- either fail pure e_repo
150 let archive = (repoSnapshot repoDir) <> ".v" <> show (repo ^. r_version)
151 copyFile (repoSnapshot repoDir) archive
152 pure repo
153 else
154 pure initRepo
155 -- TODO save in DB here
156 saver <- mkRepoSaver repoDir mvar
157 pure $ RepoEnv { _renv_var = mvar, _renv_saver = saver, _renv_lock = lock }
159 devJwkFile :: FilePath
160 devJwkFile = "dev.jwk"
162 newEnv :: PortNumber -> FilePath -> IO Env
163 newEnv port file = do
164 manager <- newTlsManager
165 settings <- devSettings devJwkFile <&> appPort .~ port -- TODO read from 'file'
166 when (port /= settings ^. appPort) $
167 panic "TODO: conflicting settings of port"
169 config <- readConfig file
170 self_url <- parseBaseUrl $ "" <> show port
171 dbParam <- databaseParameters file
172 pool <- newPool dbParam
173 repo <- readRepoEnv (_gc_repofilepath config)
174 scrapers_env <- newJobEnv defaultSettings manager
175 logger <- newStderrLoggerSet defaultBufSize
177 pure $ Env
178 { _env_settings = settings
179 , _env_logger = logger
180 , _env_pool = pool
181 , _env_repo = repo
182 , _env_manager = manager
183 , _env_scrapers = scrapers_env
184 , _env_self_url = self_url
185 , _env_config = config
186 }
188 newPool :: ConnectInfo -> IO (Pool Connection)
189 newPool param = createPool (connect param) close 1 (60*60) 8
191 cleanEnv :: (HasConfig env, HasRepo env) => env -> IO ()
192 cleanEnv env = do
193 r <- takeMVar (env ^. repoEnv . renv_var)
194 repoSaverAction (env ^. config . gc_repofilepath) r
195 unlockFile (env ^. repoEnv . renv_lock)
197 type IniPath = FilePath