]> Git — Sourcephile - gargantext.git/blob - src/Gargantext/Core/Ext/IMTUser.hs
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[gargantext.git] / src / Gargantext / Core / Ext / IMTUser.hs
1 {-|
2 Module : Gargantext.Core.Ext.IMTUser
3 Description : Interface to get IMT users
4 Copyright : (c) CNRS, 2017-Present
5 License : AGPL + CECILL v3
6 Maintainer : team@gargantext.org
7 Stability : experimental
8 Portability : POSIX
10 We can not import the IMT Client API code since it is copyrighted.
11 Here is writtent a common interface.
13 -}
16 module Gargantext.Core.Ext.IMTUser -- (deserialiseImtUsersFromFile)
17 where
19 import Codec.Serialise
20 import Data.Csv
21 import Data.Either
22 import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
23 import Data.Text (Text)
24 import Data.Vector (Vector)
25 import GHC.Generics (Generic)
26 import Gargantext.Core.Text.Corpus.Parsers.CSV
27 import Gargantext.Database.Admin.Types.Hyperdata.Contact
28 import Gargantext.Prelude
29 import System.FilePath.Posix (takeExtension)
30 import System.IO (FilePath)
31 import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
32 import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
34 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
35 readFile_Annuaire :: FilePath -> IO [HyperdataContact]
36 readFile_Annuaire fp = case takeExtension fp of
37 ".csv" -> readCSVFile_Annuaire fp
38 ".data" -> deserialiseImtUsersFromFile fp
39 _ -> panic "[G.C.E.I.readFile_Annuaire] extension unknown"
41 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
42 data IMTUser = IMTUser
43 { id :: Maybe Text
44 , entite :: Maybe Text
45 , mail :: Maybe Text
46 , nom :: Maybe Text
47 , prenom :: Maybe Text
48 , fonction :: Maybe Text
49 , fonction2 :: Maybe Text
50 , tel :: Maybe Text
51 , fax :: Maybe Text
52 , service :: Maybe Text
53 , groupe :: Maybe Text
54 , entite2 :: Maybe Text
55 , service2 :: Maybe Text
56 , groupe2 :: Maybe Text
57 , bureau :: Maybe Text
58 , url :: Maybe Text
59 , pservice :: Maybe Text
60 , pfonction :: Maybe Text
61 , afonction :: Maybe Text
62 , afonction2 :: Maybe Text
63 , grprech :: Maybe Text
64 , appellation :: Maybe Text
65 , lieu :: Maybe Text
66 , aprecision :: Maybe Text
67 , atel :: Maybe Text
68 , sexe :: Maybe Text
69 , statut :: Maybe Text
70 , idutilentite :: Maybe Text
71 , actif :: Maybe Text
72 , idutilsiecoles :: Maybe Text
73 , date_modification :: Maybe Text
74 } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
76 -- | CSV instance
77 instance FromNamedRecord IMTUser where
78 parseNamedRecord r = do
79 id <- r .: "id"
80 entite <- r .: "entite"
81 mail <- r .: "mail"
82 nom <- r .: "nom"
83 prenom <- r .: "prenom"
84 fonction <- r .: "fonction"
85 fonction2 <- r .: "fonction2"
86 tel <- r .: "tel"
87 fax <- r .: "fax"
88 service <- r .: "service"
89 groupe <- r .: "groupe"
90 entite2 <- r .: "entite2"
91 service2 <- r .: "service2"
92 groupe2 <- r .: "groupe2"
93 bureau <- r .: "bureau"
94 url <- r .: "url"
95 pservice <- r .: "pservice"
96 pfonction <- r .: "pfonction"
97 afonction <- r .: "afonction"
98 afonction2 <- r .: "afonction2"
99 grprech <- r .: "grprech"
100 appellation <- r .: "appellation"
101 lieu <- r .: "lieu"
102 aprecision <- r .: "aprecision"
103 atel <- r .: "atel"
104 sexe <- r .: "sexe"
105 statut <- r .: "statut"
106 idutilentite <- r .: "idutilentite"
107 actif <- r .: "actif"
108 idutilsiecoles <- r .: "idutilsiecoles"
109 date_modification <- r .: "date_modification"
110 pure $ IMTUser {..}
112 headerCSVannuaire :: Header
113 headerCSVannuaire =
114 header ["id","entite","mail","nom","prenom","fonction","fonction2","tel","fax","service","groupe","entite2","service2","groupe2","bureau","url","pservice","pfonction","afonction","afonction2","grprech","appellation","lieu","aprecision","atel","sexe","statut","idutilentite","actif","idutilsiecoles","date_modification"]
117 readCSVFile_Annuaire :: FilePath -> IO [HyperdataContact]
118 readCSVFile_Annuaire fp = do
119 users <- snd <$> readCSVFile_Annuaire' fp
120 pure $ map imtUser2gargContact $ Vector.toList users
122 readCSVFile_Annuaire' :: FilePath -> IO (Header, Vector IMTUser)
123 readCSVFile_Annuaire' = fmap readCsvHalLazyBS' . BL.readFile
124 where
125 readCsvHalLazyBS' :: BL.ByteString -> (Header, Vector IMTUser)
126 readCsvHalLazyBS' bs = case decodeByNameWith (csvDecodeOptions Tab) bs of
127 Left e -> panic (cs e)
128 Right rows -> rows
130 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
131 -- | Serialization for optimization
132 instance Serialise IMTUser
133 deserialiseImtUsersFromFile :: FilePath -> IO [HyperdataContact]
134 deserialiseImtUsersFromFile filepath = map imtUser2gargContact <$> deserialiseFromFile' filepath
136 deserialiseFromFile' :: FilePath -> IO [IMTUser]
137 deserialiseFromFile' filepath = deserialise <$> BL.readFile filepath
139 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
140 imtUser2gargContact :: IMTUser -> HyperdataContact
141 --imtUser2gargContact (IMTUser id' entite' mail' nom' prenom' fonction' _fonction2' tel' _fax'
142 -- service' _groupe' _entite2 _service2 _group2 bureau' url' _pservice' _pfonction' _afonction' _afonction2'
143 -- _grprech' _appellation' lieu' _aprecision' _atel' _sexe' _statut' _idutilentite'
144 -- _actif' _idutilsiecoles' date_modification')
145 -- = HyperdataContact (Just "IMT Annuaire") (Just qui) [ou] ((<>) <$> (fmap (\p -> p <> " ") prenom') <*> nom') entite' date_modification' Nothing Nothing
146 imtUser2gargContact (IMTUser { id
147 , entite
148 , mail
149 , nom
150 , prenom
151 , fonction
152 , tel
153 , service
154 , bureau
155 , url
156 , lieu
157 , date_modification }) =
158 HyperdataContact { _hc_bdd = Just "IMT Annuaire"
159 , _hc_who = Just qui
160 , _hc_where = [ou]
161 , _hc_title = title
162 , _hc_source = entite
163 , _hc_lastValidation = date_modification
164 , _hc_uniqIdBdd = Nothing
165 , _hc_uniqId = Nothing }
166 where
167 title = (<>) <$> (fmap (\p -> p <> " ") prenom) <*> nom
168 qui = ContactWho { _cw_id = id
169 , _cw_firstName = prenom
170 , _cw_lastName = nom
171 , _cw_keywords = catMaybes [service]
172 , _cw_freetags = []
173 , _cw_description = Nothing }
174 ou = ContactWhere { _cw_organization = toList entite
175 , _cw_labTeamDepts = toList service
176 , _cw_role = fonction
177 , _cw_office = bureau
178 , _cw_country = Just "France"
179 , _cw_city = lieu
180 , _cw_touch = contact
181 , _cw_entry = Nothing
182 , _cw_exit = Nothing }
183 contact = Just $ ContactTouch { _ct_mail = mail
184 , _ct_phone = tel
185 , _ct_url = url }
186 -- meta = ContactMetaData (Just "IMT annuaire") date_modification'
187 toList Nothing = []
188 toList (Just x) = [x]