]> Git — Sourcephile - gargantext.git/blob - src/Gargantext/Database/Query/Table/NodeContext.hs
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[gargantext.git] / src / Gargantext / Database / Query / Table / NodeContext.hs
1 {-|
2 Module : Gargantext.Database.Query.Table.NodeContext
3 Description :
4 Copyright : (c) CNRS, 2017-Present
5 License : AGPL + CECILL v3
6 Maintainer : team@gargantext.org
7 Stability : experimental
8 Portability : POSIX
10 Here is a longer description of this module, containing some
11 commentary with @some markup@.
12 -}
14 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
16 {-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-}
17 {-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
18 {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
19 {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
21 module Gargantext.Database.Query.Table.NodeContext
22 ( module Gargantext.Database.Schema.NodeContext
23 , queryNodeContextTable
24 , selectDocsDates
25 , selectDocNodes
26 , selectDocs
27 , nodeContextsCategory
28 , nodeContextsScore
29 , getNodeContexts
30 , getNodeContext
31 , updateNodeContextCategory
32 , getContextsForNgrams
33 , ContextForNgrams(..)
34 , getContextsForNgramsTerms
35 , ContextForNgramsTerms(..)
36 , insertNodeContext
37 , deleteNodeContext
38 , selectPublicContexts
39 , selectCountDocs
40 )
41 where
43 import Control.Arrow (returnA)
44 import Control.Lens (view, (^.))
45 import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
46 import Data.Time (UTCTime)
47 import Data.Text (Text, splitOn)
48 import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.SqlQQ (sql)
49 import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.Types (Values(..), QualifiedIdentifier(..))
50 import Opaleye
51 import qualified Database.PostgreSQL.Simple as PGS (In(..), Query, Only(..))
52 import qualified Opaleye as O
54 import Gargantext.Core
55 import Gargantext.Core.Types
56 -- import Gargantext.Core.Types.Search (HyperdataRow(..), toHyperdataRow)
57 import Gargantext.Database.Admin.Types.Hyperdata
58 import Gargantext.Database.Query.Table.Node.Error (HasNodeError, NodeError(DoesNotExist), nodeError)
59 import Gargantext.Database.Prelude
60 import Gargantext.Prelude.Crypto.Hash (Hash)
61 import Gargantext.Database.Schema.Context
62 import Gargantext.Database.Schema.Node
63 import Gargantext.Database.Schema.NodeContext
64 import Gargantext.Prelude
66 queryNodeContextTable :: Select NodeContextRead
67 queryNodeContextTable = selectTable nodeContextTable
69 -- | not optimized (get all ngrams without filters)
70 _nodesContexts :: Cmd err [NodeContext]
71 _nodesContexts = runOpaQuery queryNodeContextTable
73 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
74 -- | Basic NodeContext tools
75 getNodeContexts :: NodeId -> Cmd err [NodeContext]
76 getNodeContexts n = runOpaQuery (selectNodeContexts $ pgNodeId n)
77 where
78 selectNodeContexts :: Column SqlInt4 -> Select NodeContextRead
79 selectNodeContexts n' = proc () -> do
80 ns <- queryNodeContextTable -< ()
81 restrict -< _nc_node_id ns .== n'
82 returnA -< ns
85 getNodeContext :: HasNodeError err => ContextId -> NodeId -> Cmd err NodeContext
86 getNodeContext c n = do
87 maybeNodeContext <- headMay <$> runOpaQuery (selectNodeContext (pgNodeId c) (pgNodeId n))
88 case maybeNodeContext of
89 Nothing -> nodeError (DoesNotExist c)
90 Just r -> pure r
91 where
92 selectNodeContext :: Column SqlInt4 -> Column SqlInt4 -> Select NodeContextRead
93 selectNodeContext c' n' = proc () -> do
94 ns <- queryNodeContextTable -< ()
95 restrict -< _nc_context_id ns .== c'
96 restrict -< _nc_node_id ns .== n'
97 returnA -< ns
99 updateNodeContextCategory :: ContextId -> NodeId -> Int -> Cmd err Int64
100 updateNodeContextCategory cId nId cat = do
101 execPGSQuery upScore (cat, cId, nId)
102 where
103 upScore :: PGS.Query
104 upScore = [sql| UPDATE nodes_contexts
105 SET category = ?
106 WHERE context_id = ?
107 AND node_id = ? |]
109 data ContextForNgrams =
110 ContextForNgrams { _cfn_nodeId :: NodeId
111 , _cfn_hash :: Maybe Hash
112 , _cfn_userId :: UserId
113 , _cfn_parentId :: Maybe ParentId
114 , _cfn_c_title :: ContextTitle
115 , _cfn_date :: UTCTime
116 , _cfn_hyperdata :: HyperdataDocument }
117 getContextsForNgrams :: HasNodeError err
118 => NodeId
119 -> [Int]
120 -> Cmd err [ContextForNgrams]
121 getContextsForNgrams cId ngramsIds = do
122 res <- runPGSQuery query (cId, PGS.In ngramsIds)
123 pure $ (\( _cfn_nodeId
124 , _cfn_hash
125 , _cfn_userId
126 , _cfn_parentId
127 , _cfn_c_title
128 , _cfn_date
129 , _cfn_hyperdata) -> ContextForNgrams { .. }) <$> res
130 where
131 query :: PGS.Query
132 query = [sql| SELECT contexts.id, hash_id, typename, user_id, parent_id, name, date, hyperdata
133 FROM contexts
134 JOIN context_node_ngrams ON contexts.id = context_node_ngrams.context_id
135 JOIN nodes_contexts ON contexts.id = nodes_contexts.context_id
136 WHERE nodes_contexts.node_id = ?
137 AND context_node_ngrams.ngrams_id IN ? |]
139 data ContextForNgramsTerms =
140 ContextForNgramsTerms { _cfnt_nodeId :: NodeId
141 , _cfnt_hash :: Maybe Hash
142 , _cfnt_nodeTypeId :: NodeTypeId
143 , _cfnt_userId :: UserId
144 , _cfnt_parentId :: Maybe ParentId
145 , _cfnt_c_title :: ContextTitle
146 , _cfnt_date :: UTCTime
147 , _cfnt_hyperdata :: HyperdataDocument
148 , _cfnt_score :: Maybe Double
149 , _cfnt_category :: Maybe Int }
150 getContextsForNgramsTerms :: HasNodeError err
151 => NodeId
152 -> [Text]
153 -> Cmd err [ContextForNgramsTerms]
154 getContextsForNgramsTerms cId ngramsTerms = do
155 res <- runPGSQuery query (cId, PGS.In ngramsTerms)
156 pure $ (\( _cfnt_nodeId
157 , _cfnt_hash
158 , _cfnt_nodeTypeId
159 , _cfnt_userId
160 , _cfnt_parentId
161 , _cfnt_c_title
162 , _cfnt_date
163 , _cfnt_hyperdata
164 , _cfnt_score
165 , _cfnt_category) -> ContextForNgramsTerms { .. }) <$> res
166 where
167 query :: PGS.Query
168 query = [sql| SELECT t.id, t.hash_id, t.typename, t.user_id, t.parent_id, t.name, t.date, t.hyperdata, t.score, t.category
169 FROM (
170 SELECT DISTINCT ON (contexts.id) contexts.id AS id, hash_id, typename, user_id, parent_id, name, date, hyperdata, nodes_contexts.score AS score, nodes_contexts.category AS category,context_node_ngrams.doc_count AS doc_count
171 FROM contexts
172 JOIN context_node_ngrams ON contexts.id = context_node_ngrams.context_id
173 JOIN nodes_contexts ON contexts.id = nodes_contexts.context_id
174 JOIN ngrams ON context_node_ngrams.ngrams_id = ngrams.id
175 WHERE nodes_contexts.node_id = ?
176 AND ngrams.terms IN ?) t
177 ORDER BY t.doc_count DESC |]
179 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
180 insertNodeContext :: [NodeContext] -> Cmd err Int
181 insertNodeContext ns = mkCmd $ \conn -> fromIntegral <$> (runInsert_ conn
182 $ Insert nodeContextTable ns' rCount (Just DoNothing))
183 where
184 ns' :: [NodeContextWrite]
185 ns' = map (\(NodeContext i n c x y)
186 -> NodeContext (sqlInt4 <$> i)
187 (pgNodeId n)
188 (pgNodeId c)
189 (sqlDouble <$> x)
190 (sqlInt4 <$> y)
191 ) ns
194 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
195 type Node_Id = NodeId
196 type Context_Id = NodeId
198 deleteNodeContext :: Node_Id -> Context_Id -> Cmd err Int
199 deleteNodeContext n c = mkCmd $ \conn ->
200 fromIntegral <$> runDelete_ conn
201 (Delete nodeContextTable
202 (\(NodeContext _ n_id c_id _ _) -> n_id .== pgNodeId n
203 .&& c_id .== pgNodeId c
204 )
205 rCount
206 )
208 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
209 -- | Favorite management
210 nodeContextsCategory :: [(CorpusId, DocId, Int)] -> Cmd err [Int]
211 nodeContextsCategory inputData = map (\(PGS.Only a) -> a)
212 <$> runPGSQuery catSelect (PGS.Only $ Values fields inputData)
213 where
214 fields = map (\t-> QualifiedIdentifier Nothing t) ["int4","int4","int4"]
215 catSelect :: PGS.Query
216 catSelect = [sql| UPDATE nodes_contexts as nn0
217 SET category = nn1.category
218 FROM (?) as nn1(node_id,context_id,category)
219 WHERE nn0.node_id = nn1.node_id
220 AND nn0.context_id = nn1.context_id
221 RETURNING nn1.node_id
222 |]
224 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
225 -- | Score management
226 nodeContextsScore :: [(CorpusId, DocId, Int)] -> Cmd err [Int]
227 nodeContextsScore inputData = map (\(PGS.Only a) -> a)
228 <$> runPGSQuery catScore (PGS.Only $ Values fields inputData)
229 where
230 fields = map (\t-> QualifiedIdentifier Nothing t) ["int4","int4","int4"]
231 catScore :: PGS.Query
232 catScore = [sql| UPDATE nodes_contexts as nn0
233 SET score = nn1.score
234 FROM (?) as nn1(node_id, context_id, score)
235 WHERE nn0.node_id = nn1.node_id
236 AND nn0.context_id = nn1.context_id
237 RETURNING nn1.context_id
238 |]
241 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
242 selectCountDocs :: HasDBid NodeType => CorpusId -> Cmd err Int
243 selectCountDocs cId = runCountOpaQuery (queryCountDocs cId)
244 where
245 queryCountDocs cId' = proc () -> do
246 (c, nc) <- joinInCorpus -< ()
247 restrict -< nc^.nc_node_id .== (toNullable $ pgNodeId cId')
248 restrict -< nc^.nc_category .>= (toNullable $ sqlInt4 1)
249 restrict -< c^.context_typename .== (sqlInt4 $ toDBid NodeDocument)
250 returnA -< c
253 -- | TODO use UTCTime fast
254 selectDocsDates :: HasDBid NodeType => CorpusId -> Cmd err [Text]
255 selectDocsDates cId = map (head' "selectDocsDates" . splitOn "-")
256 <$> catMaybes
257 <$> map (view hd_publication_date)
258 <$> selectDocs cId
260 selectDocs :: HasDBid NodeType => CorpusId -> Cmd err [HyperdataDocument]
261 selectDocs cId = runOpaQuery (queryDocs cId)
263 queryDocs :: HasDBid NodeType => CorpusId -> O.Select (Column SqlJsonb)
264 queryDocs cId = proc () -> do
265 (c, nn) <- joinInCorpus -< ()
266 restrict -< nn^.nc_node_id .== (toNullable $ pgNodeId cId)
267 restrict -< nn^.nc_category .>= (toNullable $ sqlInt4 1)
268 restrict -< c^.context_typename .== (sqlInt4 $ toDBid NodeDocument)
269 returnA -< view (context_hyperdata) c
271 selectDocNodes :: HasDBid NodeType => CorpusId -> Cmd err [Context HyperdataDocument]
272 selectDocNodes cId = runOpaQuery (queryDocNodes cId)
274 queryDocNodes :: HasDBid NodeType => CorpusId -> O.Select ContextRead
275 queryDocNodes cId = proc () -> do
276 (c, nc) <- joinInCorpus -< ()
277 restrict -< nc^.nc_node_id .== (toNullable $ pgNodeId cId)
278 restrict -< nc^.nc_category .>= (toNullable $ sqlInt4 1)
279 restrict -< c^.context_typename .== (sqlInt4 $ toDBid NodeDocument)
280 returnA -< c
282 joinInCorpus :: O.Select (ContextRead, NodeContextReadNull)
283 joinInCorpus = leftJoin queryContextTable queryNodeContextTable cond
284 where
285 cond :: (ContextRead, NodeContextRead) -> Column SqlBool
286 cond (c, nc) = c^.context_id .== nc^.nc_context_id
289 joinOn1 :: O.Select (NodeRead, NodeContextReadNull)
290 joinOn1 = leftJoin queryNodeTable queryNodeContextTable cond
291 where
292 cond :: (NodeRead, NodeContextRead) -> Column SqlBool
293 cond (n, nc) = nc^.nc_node_id .== n^.node_id
296 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
297 selectPublicContexts :: HasDBid NodeType => (Hyperdata a, DefaultFromField SqlJsonb a)
298 => Cmd err [(Node a, Maybe Int)]
299 selectPublicContexts = runOpaQuery (queryWithType NodeFolderPublic)
301 queryWithType :: HasDBid NodeType =>NodeType -> O.Select (NodeRead, Column (Nullable SqlInt4))
302 queryWithType nt = proc () -> do
303 (n, nc) <- joinOn1 -< ()
304 restrict -< n^.node_typename .== (sqlInt4 $ toDBid nt)
305 returnA -< (n, nc^.nc_context_id)