]> Git — Sourcephile - gargantext.git/blob - src/Gargantext/API/Search.hs
[GQL] Add team leader to query
[gargantext.git] / src / Gargantext / API / Search.hs
1 {-|
2 Module : Gargantext.API.Count
3 Description : Server API
4 Copyright : (c) CNRS, 2017-Present
5 License : AGPL + CECILL v3
6 Maintainer : team@gargantext.org
7 Stability : experimental
8 Portability : POSIX
10 Count API part of Gargantext.
11 -}
13 {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
14 {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
15 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
17 module Gargantext.API.Search
18 where
20 import Data.Aeson hiding (defaultTaggedObject)
21 import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
22 import Data.Swagger hiding (fieldLabelModifier, Contact)
23 import Data.Text (Text)
24 import Data.Time (UTCTime)
25 import GHC.Generics (Generic)
26 import Gargantext.API.Prelude (GargServer)
27 import Gargantext.Core.Utils.Prefix (unPrefixSwagger, unCapitalize, dropPrefix)
28 import Gargantext.Database.Action.Flow.Pairing (isPairedWith)
29 import Gargantext.Database.Action.Search
30 import Gargantext.Database.Admin.Types.Hyperdata (HyperdataContact(..), HyperdataDocument(..), ContactWho(..))
31 import Gargantext.Database.Admin.Types.Hyperdata.Contact (_cw_organization)
32 import Gargantext.Database.Admin.Types.Node
33 import Gargantext.Database.Query.Facet
34 import qualified Gargantext.Defaults as Defaults
35 import Gargantext.Prelude
36 import Gargantext.Utils.Aeson (defaultTaggedObject)
37 import Servant
38 import Test.QuickCheck (elements)
39 import Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary
40 import qualified Data.Text as Text
42 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
43 -- TODO-ACCESS: CanSearch? or is it part of CanGetNode
44 -- TODO-EVENTS: No event, this is a read-only query.
45 type API results = Summary "Search endpoint"
46 :> ReqBody '[JSON] SearchQuery
47 :> QueryParam "offset" Int
48 :> QueryParam "limit" Int
49 :> QueryParam "order" OrderBy
50 :> Post '[JSON] results
51 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
52 -- | Api search function
53 api :: NodeId -> GargServer (API SearchResult)
55 api nId (SearchQuery q SearchDoc) o l order =
56 SearchResult <$> SearchResultDoc
57 <$> map (toRow nId)
58 <$> searchInCorpus nId False q o l order
60 api nId (SearchQuery q SearchContact) o l order = do
61 printDebug "isPairedWith" nId
62 aIds <- isPairedWith nId NodeAnnuaire
63 -- TODO if paired with several corpus
64 case head aIds of
65 Nothing -> pure $ SearchResult
66 $ SearchNoResult "[G.A.Search] pair corpus with an Annuaire"
67 Just aId -> SearchResult
68 <$> SearchResultContact
69 <$> map (toRow aId)
70 <$> searchInCorpusWithContacts nId aId q o l order
72 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
73 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
74 -- | Main Types
75 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
76 data SearchType = SearchDoc | SearchContact
77 deriving (Generic)
78 instance FromJSON SearchType where
79 parseJSON = genericParseJSON (defaultOptions { sumEncoding = ObjectWithSingleField })
80 instance ToJSON SearchType where
81 toJSON = genericToJSON (defaultOptions { sumEncoding = ObjectWithSingleField })
82 instance ToSchema SearchType
83 instance Arbitrary SearchType where
84 arbitrary = elements [SearchDoc, SearchContact]
86 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
87 data SearchQuery =
88 SearchQuery { query :: ![Text]
89 , expected :: !SearchType
90 }
91 deriving (Generic)
92 instance FromJSON SearchQuery where
93 parseJSON = genericParseJSON defaultOptions
94 instance ToJSON SearchQuery where
95 toJSON = genericToJSON defaultOptions
96 instance ToSchema SearchQuery
97 {-
98 where
99 declareNamedSchema = genericDeclareNamedSchema (unPrefixSwagger "")
100 -}
102 instance Arbitrary SearchQuery where
103 arbitrary = elements [SearchQuery ["electrodes"] SearchDoc]
104 -- arbitrary = elements [SearchQuery "electrodes" 1 ] --SearchDoc]
105 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
106 data SearchResult =
107 SearchResult { result :: !SearchResultTypes}
108 deriving (Generic)
110 instance FromJSON SearchResult where
111 parseJSON = genericParseJSON defaultOptions
113 instance ToJSON SearchResult where
114 toJSON = genericToJSON defaultOptions
116 instance ToSchema SearchResult
117 {-
118 where
119 declareNamedSchema = genericDeclareNamedSchema (unPrefixSwagger "")
120 -}
122 instance Arbitrary SearchResult where
123 arbitrary = SearchResult <$> arbitrary
126 data SearchResultTypes =
127 SearchResultDoc { docs :: ![Row] }
128 | SearchResultContact { contacts :: ![Row] }
129 | SearchNoResult { message :: !Text }
130 deriving (Generic)
131 instance FromJSON SearchResultTypes where
132 parseJSON = genericParseJSON (defaultOptions { sumEncoding = defaultTaggedObject })
133 instance ToJSON SearchResultTypes where
134 toJSON = genericToJSON (defaultOptions { sumEncoding = defaultTaggedObject })
136 instance Arbitrary SearchResultTypes where
137 arbitrary = do
138 srd <- SearchResultDoc <$> arbitrary
139 src <- SearchResultContact <$> arbitrary
140 srn <- pure $ SearchNoResult "No result because.."
141 elements [srd, src, srn]
143 instance ToSchema SearchResultTypes where
144 declareNamedSchema = genericDeclareNamedSchema (unPrefixSwagger "")
147 --------------------------------------------------------------------
149 data Row =
150 Document { id :: !NodeId
151 , created :: !UTCTime
152 , title :: !Text
153 , hyperdata :: !HyperdataRow
154 , category :: !Int
155 , score :: !Int
156 }
157 | Contact { c_id :: !Int
158 , c_created :: !UTCTime
159 , c_hyperdata :: !HyperdataRow
160 , c_score :: !Int
161 , c_annuaireId :: !NodeId
162 }
163 deriving (Generic)
164 instance FromJSON Row
165 where
166 parseJSON = genericParseJSON
167 ( defaultOptions { sumEncoding = defaultTaggedObject } )
168 instance ToJSON Row
169 where
170 toJSON = genericToJSON (defaultOptions { sumEncoding = defaultTaggedObject })
171 instance Arbitrary Row where
172 arbitrary = arbitrary
174 instance ToSchema Row where
175 declareNamedSchema = genericDeclareNamedSchema (unPrefixSwagger "")
177 class ToRow a where
178 toRow :: NodeId -> a -> Row
180 instance ToRow FacetDoc where
181 toRow _ (FacetDoc { .. }) =
182 Document { id = facetDoc_id
183 , created = facetDoc_created
184 , title = facetDoc_title
185 , hyperdata = toHyperdataRow facetDoc_hyperdata
186 , category = fromMaybe 0 facetDoc_category
187 , score = round $ fromMaybe 0 facetDoc_score }
189 -- | TODO rename FacetPaired
190 type FacetContact = FacetPaired Int UTCTime HyperdataContact Int
192 instance ToRow FacetContact where
193 toRow annuaireId (FacetPaired nId utc h s) = Contact nId utc (toHyperdataRow h) s annuaireId
196 --------------------------------------------------------------------
197 data HyperdataRow =
198 HyperdataRowDocument { _hr_abstract :: !Text
199 , _hr_authors :: !Text
200 , _hr_bdd :: !Text
201 , _hr_doi :: !Text
202 , _hr_institutes :: !Text
203 , _hr_language_iso2 :: !Text
204 , _hr_page :: !Int
205 , _hr_publication_date :: !Text
206 , _hr_publication_day :: !Int
207 , _hr_publication_hour :: !Int
208 , _hr_publication_minute :: !Int
209 , _hr_publication_month :: !Int
210 , _hr_publication_second :: !Int
211 , _hr_publication_year :: !Int
212 , _hr_source :: !Text
213 , _hr_title :: !Text
214 , _hr_url :: !Text
215 , _hr_uniqId :: !Text
216 , _hr_uniqIdBdd :: !Text
217 }
218 | HyperdataRowContact { _hr_firstname :: !Text
219 , _hr_lastname :: !Text
220 , _hr_labs :: !Text
221 }
222 deriving (Generic)
223 instance FromJSON HyperdataRow
224 where
225 parseJSON = genericParseJSON
226 ( defaultOptions
227 { sumEncoding = defaultTaggedObject
228 , fieldLabelModifier = unCapitalize . dropPrefix "_hr_"
229 , omitNothingFields = False
230 }
231 )
232 instance ToJSON HyperdataRow
233 where
234 toJSON = genericToJSON
235 ( defaultOptions
236 { sumEncoding = defaultTaggedObject
237 , fieldLabelModifier = unCapitalize . dropPrefix "_hr_"
238 , omitNothingFields = False
239 }
240 )
242 instance Arbitrary HyperdataRow where
243 arbitrary = arbitrary
245 instance ToSchema HyperdataRow where
246 declareNamedSchema = genericDeclareNamedSchema (unPrefixSwagger "_hr_")
248 class ToHyperdataRow a where
249 toHyperdataRow :: a -> HyperdataRow
251 instance ToHyperdataRow HyperdataDocument where
252 toHyperdataRow (HyperdataDocument { .. }) =
253 HyperdataRowDocument
254 { _hr_abstract = fromMaybe "" _hd_abstract
255 , _hr_authors = fromMaybe "" _hd_authors
256 , _hr_bdd = fromMaybe "" _hd_bdd
257 , _hr_doi = fromMaybe "" _hd_doi
258 , _hr_institutes = fromMaybe "" _hd_institutes
259 , _hr_language_iso2 = fromMaybe "EN" _hd_language_iso2
260 , _hr_page = fromMaybe 0 _hd_page
261 , _hr_publication_date = fromMaybe "" _hd_publication_date
262 , _hr_publication_year = fromMaybe (fromIntegral Defaults.year) _hd_publication_year
263 , _hr_publication_month = fromMaybe Defaults.month _hd_publication_month
264 , _hr_publication_day = fromMaybe Defaults.day _hd_publication_day
265 , _hr_publication_hour = fromMaybe 0 _hd_publication_hour
266 , _hr_publication_minute = fromMaybe 0 _hd_publication_minute
267 , _hr_publication_second = fromMaybe 0 _hd_publication_second
268 , _hr_source = fromMaybe "" _hd_source
269 , _hr_title = fromMaybe "Title" _hd_title
270 , _hr_url = fromMaybe "" _hd_url
271 , _hr_uniqId = fromMaybe "" _hd_uniqId
272 , _hr_uniqIdBdd = fromMaybe "" _hd_uniqIdBdd }
274 instance ToHyperdataRow HyperdataContact where
275 toHyperdataRow (HyperdataContact { _hc_who = Just (ContactWho _ fn ln _ _ _), _hc_where = ou} ) =
276 HyperdataRowContact (fromMaybe "FirstName" fn) (fromMaybe "LastName" ln) ou'
277 where
278 ou' = maybe "CNRS" (Text.intercalate " " . _cw_organization) (head ou)
279 toHyperdataRow (HyperdataContact {}) =
280 HyperdataRowContact "FirstName" "LastName" "Labs"