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[gargantext.git] / src / Gargantext / Prelude.hs
1 {-|
2 Module : Gargantext.Prelude
3 Description : Specific Prelude of the project
4 Copyright : (c) CNRS, 2017-Present
5 License : AGPL + CECILL v3
6 Maintainer : team@gargantext.org
7 Stability : experimental
8 Portability : POSIX
10 -}
12 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-name-shadowing #-}
13 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-type-defaults #-}
15 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
16 {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
17 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
18 {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
20 module Gargantext.Prelude
21 ( module Gargantext.Prelude
22 , module Protolude
23 , headMay, lastMay
24 , module GHC.Err.Located
25 , module Text.Show
26 , module Text.Read
27 , cs
28 , module Data.Maybe
29 , round
30 , sortWith
31 , module Prelude
32 , MonadBase(..)
33 )
34 where
36 import Control.Monad.Base (MonadBase(..))
37 import GHC.Exts (sortWith)
38 import GHC.Err.Located (undefined)
39 import GHC.Real (round)
40 import Data.Maybe (isJust, fromJust, maybe)
41 import Data.Text (Text)
42 import Protolude ( Bool(True, False), Int, Int64, Double, Integer
43 , Fractional, Num, Maybe(Just,Nothing)
44 , Enum, Bounded, Float
45 , Floating, Char, IO
46 , pure, (>>=), (=<<), (<*>), (<$>), (>>)
47 , head, flip
48 , Ord, Integral, Foldable, RealFrac, Monad, filter
49 , reverse, map, mapM, zip, drop, take, zipWith
50 , sum, fromIntegral, length, fmap, foldl, foldl'
51 , takeWhile, sqrt, identity
52 , abs, min, max, maximum, minimum, return, snd, truncate
53 , (+), (*), (/), (-), (.), ($), (&), (**), (^), (<), (>), log
54 , Eq, (==), (>=), (<=), (<>), (/=)
55 , (&&), (||), not, any, all
56 , concatMap
57 , fst, snd, toS
58 , elem, die, mod, div, const, either
59 , curry, uncurry, repeat
60 , otherwise, when
61 , IO()
62 , compare
63 , on
64 , panic
65 )
67 import Prelude (Enum, Bounded, minBound, maxBound, putStrLn)
68 -- TODO import functions optimized in Utils.Count
69 -- import Protolude hiding (head, last, all, any, sum, product, length)
70 -- import Gargantext.Utils.Count
71 import qualified Data.List as L hiding (head, sum)
72 import qualified Control.Monad as M
74 import Data.Map (Map)
75 import qualified Data.Map as M
77 import Data.Map.Strict (insertWith)
78 import qualified Data.Vector as V
79 import Safe (headMay, lastMay, initMay, tailMay)
80 import Text.Show (Show(), show)
81 import Text.Read (Read())
82 import Data.String.Conversions (cs)
85 printDebug :: (Show a, MonadBase IO m) => [Char] -> a -> m ()
86 printDebug msg x = liftBase . putStrLn $ msg <> " " <> show x
87 -- printDebug _ _ = pure ()
90 -- | splitEvery n == chunkAlong n n
91 splitEvery :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
92 splitEvery _ [] = []
93 splitEvery n xs =
94 let (h,t) = L.splitAt n xs
95 in h : splitEvery n t
97 type Grain = Int
98 type Step = Int
100 -- | Function to split a range into chunks
101 -- if step == grain then linearity (splitEvery)
102 -- elif step < grain then overlapping
103 -- else dotted with holes
104 -- TODO FIX BUG if Steps*Grain /= length l
105 -- chunkAlong 10 10 [1..15] == [1..10]
106 -- BUG: what about the rest of (divMod 15 10)?
107 -- TODO: chunkAlongNoRest or chunkAlongWithRest
108 -- default behavior: NoRest
110 chunkAlong :: Eq a => Grain -> Step -> [a] -> [[a]]
111 chunkAlong a b l = case a >= length l of
112 True -> [l]
113 False -> chunkAlong' a b l
115 chunkAlong' :: Eq a => Grain -> Step -> [a] -> [[a]]
116 chunkAlong' a b l = case a > 0 && b > 0 of
117 True -> chunkAlong'' a b l
118 False -> panic "ChunkAlong: Parameters should be > 0 and Grain > Step"
120 chunkAlong'' :: Eq a => Int -> Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
121 chunkAlong'' a b l = filter (/= []) $ only (while dropAlong)
122 where
123 only = map (take a)
124 while = takeWhile (\x -> length x >= a)
125 dropAlong = L.scanl (\x _y -> drop b x) l ([1..] :: [Integer])
127 -- | Optimized version (Vector)
128 chunkAlongV :: Int -> Int -> V.Vector a -> V.Vector (V.Vector a)
129 chunkAlongV a b l = only (while dropAlong)
130 where
131 only = V.map (V.take a)
132 while = V.takeWhile (\x -> V.length x >= a)
133 dropAlong = V.scanl (\x _y -> V.drop b x) l (V.fromList [1..])
135 -- | TODO Inverse of chunk ? unchunkAlong ?
136 -- unchunkAlong :: Int -> Int -> [[a]] -> [a]
137 -- unchunkAlong = undefined
140 -- splitAlong [2,3,4] ("helloworld" :: [Char]) == ["he", "llo", "worl", "d"]
141 splitAlong :: [Int] -> [Char] -> [[Char]]
142 splitAlong _ [] = [] -- No list? done
143 splitAlong [] xs = [xs] -- No place to split at? Return the remainder
144 splitAlong (x:xs) ys = take x ys : splitAlong xs (drop x ys)
145 -- take until our split spot, recurse with next split spot and list remainder
147 takeWhileM :: (Monad m) => (a -> Bool) -> [m a] -> m [a]
148 takeWhileM _ [] = return []
149 takeWhileM p (a:as) = do
150 v <- a
151 if p v
152 then do
153 vs <- takeWhileM p as
154 return (v:vs)
155 else return []
157 -- SUMS
158 -- To select the right algorithme according to the type:
159 -- https://github.com/mikeizbicki/ifcxt
161 sumSimple :: Num a => [a] -> a
162 sumSimple = L.foldl' (+) 0
164 -- | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kahan_summation_algorithm
165 sumKahan :: Num a => [a] -> a
166 sumKahan = snd . L.foldl' go (0,0)
167 where
168 go (c,t) i = ((t'-t)-y,t')
169 where
170 y = i-c
171 t' = t+y
173 -- | compute part of the dict
174 count2map :: (Ord k, Foldable t) => t k -> Map k Double
175 count2map xs = M.map (/ (fromIntegral (length xs))) (count2map' xs)
177 -- | insert in a dict
178 count2map' :: (Ord k, Foldable t) => t k -> Map k Double
179 count2map' xs = L.foldl' (\x y -> insertWith (+) y 1 x) M.empty xs
181 trunc :: (RealFrac a, Integral c, Integral b) => b -> a -> c
182 trunc n = truncate . (* 10^n)
184 trunc' :: Int -> Double -> Double
185 trunc' n x = fromIntegral $ truncate $ (x * 10^n)
187 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
188 bool2num :: Num a => Bool -> a
189 bool2num True = 1
190 bool2num False = 0
192 bool2double :: Bool -> Double
193 bool2double = bool2num
195 bool2int :: Bool -> Int
196 bool2int = bool2num
197 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
199 -- Normalizing && scaling data
200 scale :: [Double] -> [Double]
201 scale = scaleMinMax
203 scaleMinMax :: [Double] -> [Double]
204 scaleMinMax xs = map (\x -> (x - mi / (ma - mi + 1) )) xs'
205 where
206 ma = maximum xs'
207 mi = minimum xs'
208 xs' = map abs xs
210 scaleNormalize :: [Double] -> [Double]
211 scaleNormalize xs = map (\x -> (x - v / (m + 1))) xs'
212 where
213 v = variance xs'
214 m = mean xs'
215 xs' = map abs xs
217 normalize :: [Double] -> [Double]
218 normalize as = normalizeWith identity as
220 normalizeWith :: Fractional b => (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
221 normalizeWith extract bs = map (\x -> x/(sum bs')) bs'
222 where
223 bs' = map extract bs
225 -- Zip functions to add
226 zipFst :: ([b] -> [a]) -> [b] -> [(a, b)]
227 zipFst f xs = zip (f xs) xs
229 zipSnd :: ([a] -> [b]) -> [a] -> [(a, b)]
230 zipSnd f xs = zip xs (f xs)
232 -- | maximumWith
233 maximumWith :: (Ord a1, Foldable t) => (a2 -> a1) -> t a2 -> a2
234 maximumWith f = L.maximumBy (compare `on` f)
236 -- | To get all combinations of a list with no
237 -- repetition and apply a function to the resulting list of pairs
238 listToCombi :: forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [(b,b)]
239 listToCombi f l = [ (f x, f y) | (x:rest) <- L.tails l, y <- rest ]
241 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
242 -- Empty List Sugar Error Handling
243 -- TODO add Garg Monad Errors
245 listSafe1 :: Text -> ([a] -> Maybe a)
246 -> Text -> [a] -> a
247 listSafe1 s f e xs = maybe (panic $ h <> e) identity (f xs)
248 where
249 h = "[ERR][Gargantext] Empty list for " <> s <> " in "
251 head' :: Text -> [a] -> a
252 head' = listSafe1 "head" headMay
254 last' :: Text -> [a] -> a
255 last' = listSafe1 "last" lastMay
257 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
259 listSafeN :: Text -> ([a] -> Maybe [a])
260 -> Text -> [a] -> [a]
261 listSafeN s f e xs = maybe (panic $ h <> e) identity (f xs)
262 where
263 h = "[ERR][Gargantext] Empty list for " <> s <> " in "
265 tail' :: Text -> [a] -> [a]
266 tail' = listSafeN "tail" tailMay
268 init' :: Text -> [a] -> [a]
269 init' = listSafeN "init" initMay
271 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
272 --- Some Statistics sugar functions
273 -- Exponential Average
274 eavg :: [Double] -> Double
275 eavg (x:xs) = a*x + (1-a)*(eavg xs)
276 where a = 0.70
277 eavg [] = 0
279 -- Simple Average
280 mean :: Fractional a => [a] -> a
281 mean xs = sum xs / fromIntegral (length xs)
283 sumMaybe :: Num a => [Maybe a] -> Maybe a
284 sumMaybe = fmap sum . M.sequence
286 variance :: Floating a => [a] -> a
287 variance xs = sum ys / (fromIntegral (length xs) - 1)
288 where
289 m = mean xs
290 ys = map (\x -> (x - m) ** 2) xs
292 deviation :: Floating a => [a] -> a
293 deviation = sqrt . variance
295 movingAverage :: (Eq b, Fractional b) => Int -> [b] -> [b]
296 movingAverage steps xs = map mean $ chunkAlong steps 1 xs
298 ma :: [Double] -> [Double]
299 ma = movingAverage 3
302 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
303 fib :: Int -> Int
304 fib 0 = 0
305 fib 1 = 1
306 fib n = fib (n-1) + fib (n-2)