2 Module : Gargantext.Text.Metrics.FrequentItemSet
3 Description : Ngrams tools
4 Copyright : (c) CNRS, 2018
5 License : AGPL + CECILL v3
6 Maintainer : team@gargantext.org
7 Stability : experimental
10 Domain Specific Language to manage Frequent Item Set (FIS)
14 {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
16 module Gargantext.Text.Metrics.FrequentItemSet
24 import Data.List (tail, filter)
29 import Gargantext.Prelude
31 type Size = Either Int (Int, Int)
33 --data Size = Point | Segment
35 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
36 -- | Occurrence is Frequent Item Set of size 1
37 occ :: Frequency -> [[Item]] -> [Fis]
38 occ f is = fisWithSize (Left 1) f is
40 -- | Cooccurrence is Frequent Item Set of size 2
41 cooc :: Frequency -> [[Item]] -> [Fis]
42 cooc f is = fisWithSize (Left 2) f is
44 all :: Frequency -> [[Item]] -> [Fis]
45 all f is = fisWith Nothing f is
47 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
48 between :: (Int, Int) -> Frequency -> [[Item]] -> [Fis]
49 between (x,y) f is = fisWithSize (Right (x,y)) f is
51 --maximum :: Int -> Frequency -> [[Item]] -> [Fis]
52 --maximum m f is = between (0,m) f is
55 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
56 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
57 -- | Data type to type the Frequent Item Set
58 -- TODO replace List with Set in fisItemSet
59 -- be careful : risks to erase HLCM behavior
61 data Fis' a = Fis' { _fisCount :: Int
65 -- | Sugar from items to FIS
66 items2fis :: [Item] -> Maybe Fis
67 items2fis is = case head is of
69 Just h -> Just (Fis' h (tail is))
71 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
72 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
74 fisWithSize :: Size -> Frequency -> [[Item]] -> [Fis]
75 fisWithSize n f is = case n of
76 Left n' -> fisWith (Just (\x -> length x == (n'+1) )) f is
77 Right (a,b) -> fisWith (Just (\x -> cond1 a x && cond2 b x)) f is
79 cond1 a' x = length x >= a'
80 cond2 b' x = length x <= b'
83 fisWith :: Maybe ([Item] -> Bool) -> Frequency -> [[Item]] -> [Fis]
84 fisWith s f is = unMaybe $ map items2fis $ filter' $ runLCMmatrix is f
88 Just fun -> filter fun
90 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
91 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
95 ---- | /!\ indexes are not the same:
97 ---- | Index ngrams from Map
98 ----indexNgram :: Ord a => Map a Occ -> Map Index a
99 ----indexNgram m = fromList (zip [1..] (keys m))
101 ---- | Index ngrams from Map
102 ----ngramIndex :: Ord a => Map a Occ -> Map a Index
103 ----ngramIndex m = fromList (zip (keys m) [1..])
105 --indexWith :: Ord a => Map a Occ -> [a] -> [Int]
106 --indexWith m xs = unMaybe $ map (\x -> lookupIndex x m) xs
108 --indexIt :: Ord a => [[a]] -> (Map a Int, [[Int]])
109 --indexIt xs = (m, is)
111 -- m = sumOcc (map occ xs)
112 -- is = map (indexWith m) xs
114 --list2fis :: Ord a => FIS.Frequency -> [[a]] -> (Map a Int, [FIS.Fis])
115 --list2fis n xs = (m', fs)
117 -- (m, is) = indexIt xs
118 -- m' = M.filter (>50000) m
121 --text2fis :: FIS.Frequency -> [Text] -> (Map Text Int, [FIS.Fis])
122 --text2fis n xs = list2fis n (map terms xs)
124 ----text2fisWith :: FIS.Size -> FIS.Frequency -> [Text] -> (Map Text Int, [FIS.Fis])
125 ----text2fisWith = undefined