]> Git — Sourcephile - gargantext.git/blob - src/Gargantext/API/GraphQL/Context.hs
fix the synchronic clustering
[gargantext.git] / src / Gargantext / API / GraphQL / Context.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
4 module Gargantext.API.GraphQL.Context where
6 -- TODO Add support for adding FrameWrite comments for a Context
8 import Data.Morpheus.Types
9 ( GQLType
10 , Resolver
11 , ResolverM
12 , QUERY
13 , lift
14 )
15 import Data.Text (Text, pack)
16 import Data.Time.Format.ISO8601 (iso8601Show)
17 import Gargantext.API.Admin.Types (HasSettings)
18 import Gargantext.API.Prelude (GargM, GargError)
19 import Gargantext.Core.Types.Search (HyperdataRow(..), toHyperdataRow)
20 import Gargantext.Database.Admin.Types.Hyperdata (HyperdataDocument)
21 import Gargantext.Database.Admin.Types.Node (ContextTitle, NodeId(..), NodeTypeId, UserId, unNodeId)
22 import Gargantext.Database.Prelude (CmdCommon)
23 import Gargantext.Database.Query.Table.NodeContext (getNodeContext, getContextsForNgramsTerms, ContextForNgramsTerms(..), {- getContextNgrams, -} getContextNgramsMatchingFTS)
24 import qualified Gargantext.Database.Query.Table.NodeContext as DNC
25 import Gargantext.Database.Schema.NodeContext (NodeContext, NodeContextPoly(..))
26 import Gargantext.Prelude
27 import Gargantext.Prelude.Crypto.Hash (Hash)
28 import GHC.Generics (Generic)
30 data ContextGQL = ContextGQL
31 { c_id :: Int
32 , c_hash_id :: Maybe Hash
33 , c_typename :: NodeTypeId
34 , c_user_id :: UserId
35 , c_parent_id :: Maybe Int
36 , c_name :: ContextTitle
37 , c_date :: Text -- TODO UTCTime
38 , c_hyperdata :: Maybe HyperdataRowDocumentGQL
39 , c_score :: Maybe Double
40 , c_category :: Maybe Int
41 } deriving (Generic, GQLType, Show)
43 -- We need this type instead of HyperdataRow(HyperdataRowDocument)
44 -- because the latter is a sum type (of doc and contact) and we return
45 -- docs here only. Without the union type, GraphQL endpoint is simpler.
46 data HyperdataRowDocumentGQL =
47 HyperdataRowDocumentGQL { hrd_abstract :: Text
48 , hrd_authors :: Text
49 , hrd_bdd :: Text
50 , hrd_doi :: Text
51 , hrd_institutes :: Text
52 , hrd_language_iso2 :: Text
53 , hrd_page :: Int
54 , hrd_publication_date :: Text
55 , hrd_publication_day :: Int
56 , hrd_publication_hour :: Int
57 , hrd_publication_minute :: Int
58 , hrd_publication_month :: Int
59 , hrd_publication_second :: Int
60 , hrd_publication_year :: Int
61 , hrd_source :: Text
62 , hrd_title :: Text
63 , hrd_url :: Text
64 , hrd_uniqId :: Text
65 , hrd_uniqIdBdd :: Text
66 } deriving (Generic, GQLType, Show)
68 data NodeContextGQL = NodeContextGQL
69 { nc_id :: Maybe Int
70 , nc_node_id :: Int
71 , nc_context_id :: Int
72 , nc_score :: Maybe Double
73 , nc_category :: Maybe Int
74 } deriving (Generic, GQLType, Show)
76 -- | Arguments to the "context node" query.
77 -- "context_id" is doc id
78 -- "node_id" is it's corpus id
79 data NodeContextArgs
80 = NodeContextArgs
81 { context_id :: Int
82 , node_id :: Int
83 } deriving (Generic, GQLType)
85 data ContextsForNgramsArgs
86 = ContextsForNgramsArgs
87 { corpus_id :: Int
88 , ngrams_terms :: [Text]
89 } deriving (Generic, GQLType)
91 data NodeContextCategoryMArgs = NodeContextCategoryMArgs
92 { context_id :: Int
93 , node_id :: Int
94 , category :: Int
95 } deriving (Generic, GQLType)
97 data ContextNgramsArgs
98 = ContextNgramsArgs
99 { context_id :: Int
100 , list_id :: Int }
101 deriving (Generic, GQLType)
103 type GqlM e env = Resolver QUERY e (GargM env GargError)
104 type GqlM' e env a = ResolverM e (GargM env GargError) a
106 -- GQL API
108 -- | Function to resolve context from a query.
109 resolveNodeContext
110 :: (CmdCommon env)
111 => NodeContextArgs -> GqlM e env [NodeContextGQL]
112 resolveNodeContext NodeContextArgs { context_id, node_id } =
113 dbNodeContext context_id node_id
115 resolveContextsForNgrams
116 :: (CmdCommon env)
117 => ContextsForNgramsArgs -> GqlM e env [ContextGQL]
118 resolveContextsForNgrams ContextsForNgramsArgs { corpus_id, ngrams_terms } =
119 dbContextForNgrams corpus_id ngrams_terms
121 resolveContextNgrams
122 :: (CmdCommon env)
123 => ContextNgramsArgs -> GqlM e env [Text]
124 resolveContextNgrams ContextNgramsArgs { context_id, list_id } =
125 dbContextNgrams context_id list_id
127 -- DB
129 -- | Inner function to fetch the node context DB.
130 dbNodeContext
131 :: (CmdCommon env)
132 => Int -> Int -> GqlM e env [NodeContextGQL]
133 dbNodeContext context_id node_id = do
134 -- lift $ printDebug "[dbUsers]" user_id
135 -- user <- getUsersWithId user_id
136 -- hyperdata <- getUserHyperdata user_id
137 -- lift (map toUser <$> zip user hyperdata)
138 c <- lift $ getNodeContext (NodeId context_id) (NodeId node_id)
139 pure $ toNodeContextGQL <$> [c]
141 -- | Returns list of `ContextGQL` for given ngrams in given corpus id.
142 dbContextForNgrams
143 :: (CmdCommon env)
144 => Int -> [Text] -> GqlM e env [ContextGQL]
145 dbContextForNgrams node_id ngrams_terms = do
146 contextsForNgramsTerms <- lift $ getContextsForNgramsTerms (NodeId node_id) ngrams_terms
147 --lift $ printDebug "[dbContextForNgrams] contextsForNgramsTerms" contextsForNgramsTerms
148 pure $ toContextGQL <$> contextsForNgramsTerms
150 -- | Fetch ngrams matching given context in a given list id.
151 dbContextNgrams
152 :: (CmdCommon env)
153 => Int -> Int -> GqlM e env [Text]
154 dbContextNgrams context_id list_id = do
155 lift $ getContextNgramsMatchingFTS (NodeId context_id) (NodeId list_id)
157 -- Conversion functions
159 toNodeContextGQL :: NodeContext -> NodeContextGQL
160 toNodeContextGQL (NodeContext { _nc_node_id = NodeId nc_node_id
161 , _nc_context_id = NodeId nc_context_id
162 , .. }) =
163 NodeContextGQL { nc_id = _nc_id
164 , nc_node_id
165 , nc_context_id
166 , nc_score = _nc_score
167 , nc_category = _nc_category }
169 toContextGQL :: ContextForNgramsTerms -> ContextGQL
170 toContextGQL ContextForNgramsTerms { _cfnt_nodeId = c_id
171 , _cfnt_hash = c_hash_id
172 , _cfnt_nodeTypeId = c_typename
173 , _cfnt_userId = c_user_id
174 , _cfnt_parentId = m_c_parent_id
175 , _cfnt_c_title = c_name
176 , _cfnt_date = c_date
177 , _cfnt_hyperdata =hyperdata
178 , _cfnt_score = c_score
179 , _cfnt_category = c_category } =
180 ContextGQL { c_id = unNodeId c_id
181 , c_parent_id = unNodeId <$> m_c_parent_id
182 , c_date = pack $ iso8601Show c_date
183 , c_hyperdata = toHyperdataRowDocumentGQL hyperdata
184 , c_score
185 , c_category
186 , .. }
188 toHyperdataRowDocumentGQL :: HyperdataDocument -> Maybe HyperdataRowDocumentGQL
189 toHyperdataRowDocumentGQL hyperdata =
190 case toHyperdataRow hyperdata of
191 HyperdataRowDocument { .. } ->
192 Just $ HyperdataRowDocumentGQL { hrd_abstract = _hr_abstract
193 , hrd_authors = _hr_authors
194 , hrd_bdd = _hr_bdd
195 , hrd_doi = _hr_doi
196 , hrd_institutes = _hr_institutes
197 , hrd_language_iso2 = _hr_language_iso2
198 , hrd_page = _hr_page
199 , hrd_publication_date = _hr_publication_date
200 , hrd_publication_day = _hr_publication_day
201 , hrd_publication_hour = _hr_publication_hour
202 , hrd_publication_minute = _hr_publication_minute
203 , hrd_publication_month = _hr_publication_month
204 , hrd_publication_second = _hr_publication_second
205 , hrd_publication_year = _hr_publication_year
206 , hrd_source = _hr_source
207 , hrd_title = _hr_title
208 , hrd_url = _hr_url
209 , hrd_uniqId = _hr_uniqId
210 , hrd_uniqIdBdd = _hr_uniqIdBdd
211 }
212 HyperdataRowContact { } -> Nothing
214 updateNodeContextCategory :: ( CmdCommon env, HasSettings env) =>
215 NodeContextCategoryMArgs -> GqlM' e env [Int]
216 updateNodeContextCategory NodeContextCategoryMArgs { context_id, node_id, category } = do
217 _ <- lift $ DNC.updateNodeContextCategory (NodeId context_id) (NodeId node_id) category
219 pure [1]