]> Git — Sourcephile - gargantext.git/blob - src/Gargantext/Core/Viz/Phylo/API.hs
[refactor] add newtype Limit, newtype Query
[gargantext.git] / src / Gargantext / Core / Viz / Phylo / API.hs
1 {-|
2 Module : Gargantext.Core.Viz.Phylo.API
3 Description : Phylo API
4 Copyright : (c) CNRS, 2017-Present
5 License : AGPL + CECILL v3
6 Maintainer : team@gargantext.org
7 Stability : experimental
8 Portability : POSIX
10 -}
12 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
14 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists #-} -- allows to write Map and HashMap as lists
15 {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
17 module Gargantext.Core.Viz.Phylo.API
18 where
20 import GHC.Generics (Generic)
21 import Data.Aeson
22 import Data.Either
23 import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
24 import Data.Swagger
25 import Gargantext.API.Prelude
26 import Gargantext.Core.Types (TODO(..))
27 import Gargantext.Core.Viz.LegacyPhylo
28 import Gargantext.Core.Viz.Phylo (defaultConfig)
29 import Gargantext.Core.Viz.Phylo.API.Tools
30 import Gargantext.Core.Viz.Phylo.Example (phyloCleopatre)
31 import Gargantext.Core.Viz.Phylo.Legacy.LegacyMain
32 import Gargantext.Database.Admin.Types.Hyperdata
33 import Gargantext.Database.Admin.Types.Node -- (PhyloId, ListId, CorpusId, UserId, NodeId(..))
34 import Gargantext.Database.Query.Table.Node (getClosestParentIdByType, defaultList)
35 import Gargantext.Database.Query.Table.Node.UpdateOpaleye (updateHyperdata)
36 import Gargantext.Prelude
37 import Network.HTTP.Media ((//), (/:))
38 import Servant
39 import Test.QuickCheck (elements)
40 import Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary (Arbitrary, arbitrary)
41 import Web.HttpApiData (readTextData)
42 import qualified Data.ByteString as DB
43 import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as DBL
45 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
46 type PhyloAPI = Summary "Phylo API"
47 :> GetPhylo
48 -- :<|> PutPhylo
49 :<|> PostPhylo
52 phyloAPI :: PhyloId -> UserId -> GargServer PhyloAPI
53 phyloAPI n u = getPhylo n
54 :<|> postPhylo n u
55 -- :<|> putPhylo n
56 -- :<|> deletePhylo n
58 newtype SVG = SVG DB.ByteString
59 --instance Show a => MimeRender PlainText a where mimeRender _ val = cs ("" <> show val)
60 instance Accept SVG where contentType _ = "SVG" // "image/svg+xml" /: ("charset", "utf-8")
61 instance MimeRender SVG SVG where mimeRender _ (SVG s) = DBL.fromStrict s
62 instance MimeUnrender SVG SVG where mimeUnrender _ lbs = Right $ SVG (DBL.toStrict lbs)
63 instance Show SVG where show (SVG a) = show a
64 instance ToSchema SVG where declareNamedSchema _ = declareNamedSchema (Proxy :: Proxy TODO)
66 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
67 instance ToSchema Value where declareNamedSchema _ = declareNamedSchema (Proxy :: Proxy TODO)
69 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
71 data PhyloData = PhyloData { pd_corpusId :: NodeId
72 , pd_listId :: NodeId
73 , pd_data :: Value
74 }
75 deriving (Generic)
77 instance FromJSON PhyloData
78 instance ToJSON PhyloData
79 instance ToSchema PhyloData
81 type GetPhylo = QueryParam "listId" ListId
82 :> QueryParam "level" Level
83 :> QueryParam "minSizeBranch" MinSizeBranch
84 {- :> QueryParam "filiation" Filiation
85 :> QueryParam "childs" Bool
86 :> QueryParam "depth" Level
87 :> QueryParam "metrics" [Metric]
88 :> QueryParam "periodsInf" Int
89 :> QueryParam "periodsSup" Int
90 :> QueryParam "minNodes" Int
91 :> QueryParam "taggers" [Tagger]
92 :> QueryParam "sort" Sort
93 :> QueryParam "order" Order
94 :> QueryParam "export" ExportMode
95 :> QueryParam "display" DisplayMode
96 :> QueryParam "verbose" Bool
97 -}
98 -- :> Get '[SVG] SVG
99 :> Get '[JSON] PhyloData
102 -- | TODO
103 -- Add real text processing
104 -- Fix Filter parameters
105 -- TODO fix parameters to default config that should be in Node
106 getPhylo :: PhyloId -> GargServer GetPhylo
107 getPhylo phyloId lId _level _minSizeBranch = do
108 corpusId <- fromMaybe (panic $ "[G.C.V.Phylo.API] no parent for NodeId " <> (cs $ show phyloId))
109 <$> getClosestParentIdByType phyloId NodeCorpus
110 listId <- case lId of
111 Nothing -> defaultList corpusId
112 Just ld -> pure ld
113 theData <- getPhyloDataJson phyloId
114 -- printDebug "getPhylo" theData
115 pure $ PhyloData corpusId listId theData
119 getPhyloDataJson :: PhyloId -> GargNoServer Value
120 getPhyloDataJson phyloId = do
121 maybePhyloData <- getPhyloData phyloId
122 let phyloData = fromMaybe phyloCleopatre maybePhyloData
123 phyloJson <- liftBase $ phylo2dot2json phyloData
124 pure phyloJson
127 -- getPhyloDataSVG phId _lId l msb = do
128 -- let
129 -- level = fromMaybe 2 l
130 -- branc = fromMaybe 2 msb
131 -- maybePhylo = phNode ^. (node_hyperdata . hp_data)
133 -- p <- liftBase $ viewPhylo2Svg
134 -- $ viewPhylo level branc
135 -- $ fromMaybe phyloFromQuery maybePhylo
136 -- pure (SVG p)
139 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
140 type PostPhylo = QueryParam "listId" ListId
141 -- :> ReqBody '[JSON] PhyloQueryBuild
142 :> (Post '[JSON] NodeId)
144 postPhylo :: PhyloId -> UserId -> GargServer PostPhylo
145 postPhylo phyloId _userId _lId = do
146 -- TODO get Reader settings
147 -- s <- ask
148 -- let
149 -- _vrs = Just ("1" :: Text)
150 -- _sft = Just (Software "Gargantext" "4")
151 -- _prm = initPhyloParam vrs sft (Just q)
152 corpusId <- getClosestParentIdByType phyloId NodeCorpus
153 phy <- flowPhyloAPI defaultConfig (fromMaybe (panic "[G.C.V.P.API] no corpus ID found") corpusId) -- params
154 -- phyloId <- insertNodes [node NodePhylo "Phylo" (HyperdataPhylo Nothing (Just phy)) (Just corpusId) userId]
155 _ <- updateHyperdata phyloId (HyperdataPhylo Nothing (Just phy))
156 pure phyloId
158 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
159 -- | DELETE Phylo == delete a node
160 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
161 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
162 {-
163 type PutPhylo = (Put '[JSON] Phylo )
164 --putPhylo :: PhyloId -> Maybe ListId -> PhyloQueryBuild -> Phylo
165 putPhylo :: PhyloId -> GargServer PutPhylo
166 putPhylo = undefined
167 -}
170 -- | Instances
171 -- instance Arbitrary Phylo where arbitrary = elements [phylo]
172 instance Arbitrary PhyloGroup where arbitrary = elements []
173 -- instance Arbitrary PhyloView where arbitrary = elements [phyloView]
174 instance FromHttpApiData DisplayMode where parseUrlPiece = readTextData
175 instance FromHttpApiData ExportMode where parseUrlPiece = readTextData
176 instance FromHttpApiData Filiation where parseUrlPiece = readTextData
177 instance FromHttpApiData Metric where parseUrlPiece = readTextData
178 instance FromHttpApiData Order where parseUrlPiece = readTextData
179 instance FromHttpApiData Sort where parseUrlPiece = readTextData
180 instance FromHttpApiData Tagger where parseUrlPiece = readTextData
181 instance FromHttpApiData [Metric] where parseUrlPiece = readTextData
182 instance FromHttpApiData [Tagger] where parseUrlPiece = readTextData
183 instance ToParamSchema DisplayMode
184 instance ToParamSchema ExportMode
185 instance ToParamSchema Filiation
186 instance ToParamSchema Tagger
187 instance ToParamSchema Metric
188 instance ToParamSchema Order
189 instance ToParamSchema Sort
190 instance ToSchema Order