]> Git — Sourcephile - gargantext.git/blob - src/Gargantext/Core/Viz/Phylo/PhyloMaker.hs
[refactor] add newtype Limit, newtype Query
[gargantext.git] / src / Gargantext / Core / Viz / Phylo / PhyloMaker.hs
1 {-|
2 Module : Gargantext.Core.Viz.Phylo.PhyloMaker
3 Description : Maker engine for rebuilding a Phylo
4 Copyright : (c) CNRS, 2017-Present
5 License : AGPL + CECILL v3
6 Maintainer : team@gargantext.org
7 Stability : experimental
8 Portability : POSIX
9 -}
12 module Gargantext.Core.Viz.Phylo.PhyloMaker where
15 import Control.DeepSeq (NFData)
16 import Control.Lens hiding (Level)
17 import Control.Parallel.Strategies (parList, rdeepseq, using)
18 import Data.List (concat, nub, partition, sort, (++), group, intersect, null, sortOn, groupBy, tail)
19 import Data.Map (Map, fromListWith, keys, unionWith, fromList, empty, toList, elems, (!), restrictKeys, insert)
20 import Data.Set (Set)
21 import Data.Text (Text)
22 import Data.Vector (Vector)
23 import Debug.Trace (trace)
24 import Prelude (floor)
26 import Gargantext.Core.Methods.Similarities (Similarity(Conditional))
27 import Gargantext.Core.Methods.Graph.MaxClique (getMaxCliques)
28 import Gargantext.Core.Text.Metrics.FrequentItemSet (fisWithSizePolyMap, fisWithSizePolyMap', Size(..))
29 import Gargantext.Core.Viz.Phylo
30 import Gargantext.Core.Viz.Phylo.PhyloExport (toHorizon)
31 import Gargantext.Core.Viz.Phylo.PhyloTools
32 import Gargantext.Core.Viz.Phylo.SynchronicClustering (synchronicClustering)
33 import Gargantext.Core.Viz.Phylo.TemporalMatching (toPhyloQuality, temporalMatching, getNextPeriods, filterDocs, filterDiago, reduceDiagos, toSimilarity)
34 import Gargantext.Prelude
36 import qualified Data.Set as Set
37 import qualified Data.List as List
38 import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
40 ------------------
41 -- | To Phylo | --
42 ------------------
44 {-
45 -- TODO AD
46 data Phylo' = PhyloBase { _phylo'_phyloBase :: Phylo}
47 | PhyloN { _phylo'_flatPhylo :: Phylo}
50 toPhylo' :: Phylo' -> [Document] -> TermList -> PhyloConfig -> Phylo
51 toPhylo' (PhyloN phylo) = toPhylo'
52 toPhylo' (PhyloBase phylo) = toPhylo
53 -}
55 -- TODO an adaptative synchronic clustering with a slider
57 toPhylo :: Phylo -> Phylo
58 toPhylo phylowithoutLink = traceToPhylo (phyloScale $ getConfig phylowithoutLink) $
59 if (phyloScale $ getConfig phylowithoutLink) > 1
60 then foldl' (\phylo' _ -> synchronicClustering phylo') phyloAncestors [2..(phyloScale $ getConfig phylowithoutLink)]
61 else phyloAncestors
62 where
63 --------------------------------------
64 phyloAncestors :: Phylo
65 phyloAncestors =
66 if (findAncestors $ getConfig phylowithoutLink)
67 then toHorizon phyloWithLinks
68 else phyloWithLinks
69 --------------------------------------
70 phyloWithLinks :: Phylo
71 phyloWithLinks = temporalMatching (getLadder phylowithoutLink) phylowithoutLink
72 --------------------------------------
75 -----------------------------
76 -- | Create a flat Phylo | --
77 -----------------------------
80 {-
81 -- create a square ladder
82 -}
83 squareLadder :: [Double] -> [Double]
84 squareLadder ladder = List.map (\x -> x * x) ladder
87 {-
88 -- create an adaptative 'sea elevation' ladder
89 -}
90 adaptSeaLadder :: Double -> Set Double -> Set Double -> [Double]
91 adaptSeaLadder curr similarities ladder =
92 if curr <= 0 || Set.null similarities
93 then Set.toList ladder
94 else
95 let idx = ((Set.size similarities) `div` (floor curr)) - 1
96 thr = Set.elemAt idx similarities
97 -- we use a sliding methods 1/10, then 1/9, then ... 1/2
98 in adaptSeaLadder (curr -1) (Set.filter (> thr) similarities) (Set.insert thr ladder)
101 {-
102 -- create a constante 'sea elevation' ladder
103 -}
104 constSeaLadder :: Double -> Double -> Set Double -> [Double]
105 constSeaLadder curr step ladder =
106 if curr > 1
107 then Set.toList ladder
108 else constSeaLadder (curr + step) step (Set.insert curr ladder)
112 {-
113 -- create an evolving 'sea elevation' ladder based on estimated & local quality maxima
114 -}
115 evolvSeaLadder :: Double -> Double -> Map Int Double -> Set Double -> [((PhyloGroup,PhyloGroup),Double)] -> [Double]
116 evolvSeaLadder nbFdt lambda freq similarities graph = map snd
117 $ filter fst
118 $ zip maxima (map fst qua')
119 -- 3) find the corresponding measures of similarity and create the ladder
120 where
121 --------
122 -- 2) find the local maxima in the quality distribution
123 maxima :: [Bool]
124 maxima = [snd (List.head qua') > snd (List.head $ List.tail qua')] ++ (findMaxima qua') ++ [snd (List.head $ reverse qua') > snd (List.head $ List.tail $ reverse qua')]
125 --------
126 -- 1.2)
127 qua' :: [(Double,Double)]
128 qua' = foldl (\acc (s,q) ->
129 if length acc == 0
130 then [(s,q)]
131 else if (snd (List.last acc)) == q
132 then acc
133 else acc ++ [(s,q)]
134 ) [] $ zip (Set.toList similarities) qua
135 --------
136 -- 1.1) for each measure of similarity, prune the flat phylo, compute the branches and estimate the quality
137 qua :: [Double]
138 qua = map (\thr ->
139 let edges = filter (\edge -> snd edge >= thr) graph
140 nodes = nub $ concat $ map (\((n,n'),_) -> [n,n']) edges
141 branches = toRelatedComponents nodes edges
142 in toPhyloQuality nbFdt lambda freq branches
143 ) $ (Set.toList similarities)
146 {-
147 -- find a similarity ladder regarding the "sea elevation" strategy
148 -}
149 findSeaLadder :: Phylo -> Phylo
150 findSeaLadder phylo = case getSeaElevation phylo of
151 Constante start gap -> phylo & phylo_seaLadder .~ (constSeaLadder start gap Set.empty)
152 Adaptative steps -> phylo & phylo_seaLadder .~ (squareLadder $ adaptSeaLadder steps similarities Set.empty)
153 Evolving _ -> let ladder = evolvSeaLadder
154 (fromIntegral $ Vector.length $ getRoots phylo)
155 (getLevel phylo)
156 (getRootsFreq phylo)
157 similarities simGraph
158 in phylo & phylo_seaLadder .~ (if length ladder > 0
159 then ladder
160 -- if we don't find any local maxima with the evolving strategy
161 else constSeaLadder 0.1 0.1 Set.empty)
162 where
163 --------
164 -- 2) extract the values of the kinship links
165 similarities :: Set Double
166 similarities = Set.fromList $ sort $ map snd simGraph
167 --------
168 -- 1) we process an initial calculation of the kinship links
169 -- this initial calculation is used to estimate the real sea ladder
170 simGraph :: [((PhyloGroup,PhyloGroup),Double)]
171 simGraph = foldl' (\acc period ->
172 -- 1.1) process period by period
173 let sources = getGroupsFromScalePeriods 1 [period] phylo
174 next = getNextPeriods ToParents 3 period (keys $ phylo ^. phylo_periods)
175 targets = getGroupsFromScalePeriods 1 next phylo
176 docs = filterDocs (getDocsByDate phylo) ([period] ++ next)
177 diagos = filterDiago (getCoocByDate phylo) ([period] ++ next)
178 -- 1.2) compute the kinship similarities between pairs of source & target in parallel
179 pairs = map (\source ->
180 let candidates = filter (\target -> (> 2) $ length
181 $ intersect (getGroupNgrams source) (getGroupNgrams target)) targets
182 in map (\target ->
183 let nbDocs = (sum . elems)
184 $ filterDocs docs ([idToPrd (getGroupId source), idToPrd (getGroupId target)])
185 diago = reduceDiagos
186 $ filterDiago diagos ([idToPrd (getGroupId source), idToPrd (getGroupId target)])
187 in ((source,target),toSimilarity nbDocs diago (getSimilarity phylo) (getGroupNgrams source) (getGroupNgrams target) (getGroupNgrams target))
188 ) candidates
189 ) sources
190 pairs' = pairs `using` parList rdeepseq
191 in acc ++ (concat pairs')
192 ) [] $ keys $ phylo ^. phylo_periods
194 appendGroups :: (a -> Period -> (Text,Text) -> Scale -> Int -> [Cooc] -> PhyloGroup) -> Scale -> Map (Date,Date) [a] -> Phylo -> Phylo
195 appendGroups f lvl m phylo = trace ("\n" <> "-- | Append " <> show (length $ concat $ elems m) <> " groups to Level " <> show (lvl) <> "\n")
196 $ over ( phylo_periods
197 . traverse
198 . phylo_periodScales
199 . traverse)
200 (\phyloLvl -> if lvl == (phyloLvl ^. phylo_scaleScale)
201 then
202 let pId = phyloLvl ^. phylo_scalePeriod
203 pId' = phyloLvl ^. phylo_scalePeriodStr
204 phyloCUnit = m ! pId
205 in phyloLvl
206 & phylo_scaleGroups .~ (fromList $ foldl (\groups obj ->
207 groups ++ [ (((pId,lvl),length groups)
208 , f obj pId pId' lvl (length groups)
209 (elems $ restrictKeys (getCoocByDate phylo) $ periodsToYears [pId]))
210 ] ) [] phyloCUnit)
211 else
212 phyloLvl )
213 phylo
216 clusterToGroup :: Clustering -> Period -> (Text,Text) -> Scale -> Int -> [Cooc] -> PhyloGroup
217 clusterToGroup fis pId pId' lvl idx coocs = PhyloGroup pId pId' lvl idx ""
218 (fis ^. clustering_support )
219 (fis ^. clustering_visWeighting)
220 (fis ^. clustering_visFiltering)
221 (fis ^. clustering_roots)
222 (ngramsToCooc (fis ^. clustering_roots) coocs)
223 (1,[0]) -- branchid (lvl,[path in the branching tree])
224 (fromList [("breaks",[0]),("seaLevels",[0])])
225 [] [] [] [] [] [] []
228 -----------------------
229 -- | To Phylo Step | --
230 -----------------------
233 indexDates' :: Map (Date,Date) [Document] -> Map (Date,Date) (Text,Text)
234 indexDates' m = map (\docs ->
235 let ds = map (\d -> date' d) docs
236 f = if (null ds)
237 then ""
238 else toFstDate ds
239 l = if (null ds)
240 then ""
241 else toLstDate ds
242 in (f,l)) m
245 -- create a map of roots and group ids
246 joinRoots :: Phylo -> Phylo
247 joinRoots phylo = set (phylo_foundations . foundations_rootsInGroups) rootsMap phylo
248 where
249 --------------------------------------
250 rootsMap :: Map Int [PhyloGroupId]
251 rootsMap = fromListWith (++)
252 $ concat -- flatten
253 $ map (\g ->
254 map (\n -> (n,[getGroupId g])) $ _phylo_groupNgrams g)
255 $ getGroupsFromScale 1 phylo
258 maybeDefaultParams :: Phylo -> Phylo
259 maybeDefaultParams phylo = if (defaultMode (getConfig phylo))
260 then findDefaultLevel phylo
261 else phylo
264 -- To build the first phylo step from docs and terms
265 -- QL: backend entre phyloBase et Clustering
266 -- tophylowithoutLink
267 toPhyloWithoutLink :: [Document] -> PhyloConfig -> Phylo
268 toPhyloWithoutLink docs conf = joinRoots
269 $ findSeaLadder
270 $ maybeDefaultParams
271 $ appendGroups clusterToGroup 1 seriesOfClustering (updatePeriods (indexDates' docs') phyloBase)
272 where
273 --------------------------------------
274 seriesOfClustering :: Map (Date,Date) [Clustering]
275 seriesOfClustering = toSeriesOfClustering phyloBase docs'
276 --------------------------------------
277 docs' :: Map (Date,Date) [Document]
278 -- QL: Time Consuming here
279 docs' = groupDocsByPeriodRec date (getPeriodIds phyloBase) (sortOn date docs) empty
280 --------------------------------------
281 phyloBase :: Phylo
282 phyloBase = initPhylo docs conf
283 --------------------------------------
285 ---------------------------
286 -- | Frequent Item Set | --
287 ---------------------------
290 -- To apply a filter with the possibility of keeping some periods non empty (keep : True|False)
291 filterClique :: Bool -> Int -> (Int -> [Clustering] -> [Clustering]) -> Map (Date, Date) [Clustering] -> Map (Date, Date) [Clustering]
292 filterClique keep thr f m = case keep of
293 False -> map (\l -> f thr l) m
294 True -> map (\l -> keepFilled (f) thr l) m
297 -- To filter Fis with small Support
298 filterCliqueBySupport :: Int -> [Clustering] -> [Clustering]
299 filterCliqueBySupport thr l = filter (\clq -> (clq ^. clustering_support ) >= thr) l
302 -- To filter Fis with small Clique size
303 filterCliqueBySize :: Int -> [Clustering] -> [Clustering]
304 filterCliqueBySize thr l = filter (\clq -> (length $ clq ^. clustering_roots) >= thr) l
307 -- To filter nested Fis
308 filterCliqueByNested :: Map (Date, Date) [Clustering] -> Map (Date, Date) [Clustering]
309 filterCliqueByNested m =
310 let clq = map (\l ->
311 foldl (\mem f -> if (any (\f' -> isNested (f' ^. clustering_roots) (f ^. clustering_roots)) mem)
312 then mem
313 else
314 let fMax = filter (\f' -> not $ isNested (f ^. clustering_roots) (f' ^. clustering_roots)) mem
315 in fMax ++ [f] ) [] l)
316 $ elems m
317 clq' = clq `using` parList rdeepseq
318 in fromList $ zip (keys m) clq'
321 -- | To transform a time map of docs into a time map of Fis with some filters
322 toSeriesOfClustering :: Phylo -> Map (Date, Date) [Document] -> Map (Date,Date) [Clustering]
323 toSeriesOfClustering phylo phyloDocs = case (clique $ getConfig phylo) of
324 Fis s s' -> -- traceFis "Filtered Fis"
325 filterCliqueByNested
326 {- \$ traceFis "Filtered by clique size" -}
327 $ filterClique True s' (filterCliqueBySize)
328 {- \$ traceFis "Filtered by support" -}
329 $ filterClique True s (filterCliqueBySupport)
330 {- \$ traceFis "Unfiltered Fis" -}
331 seriesOfClustering
332 MaxClique s _ _ -> filterClique True s (filterCliqueBySize)
333 seriesOfClustering
334 where
335 --------------------------------------
336 seriesOfClustering :: Map (Date,Date) [Clustering]
337 seriesOfClustering = case (clique $ getConfig phylo) of
338 Fis _ _ ->
339 let fis = map (\(prd,docs) ->
340 case (corpusParser $ getConfig phylo) of
341 Csv' _ -> let lst = toList
342 $ fisWithSizePolyMap' (Segment 1 20) 1 (map (\d -> (ngramsToIdx (text d) (getRoots phylo), (weight d, (sourcesToIdx (sources d) (getSources phylo))))) docs)
343 in (prd, map (\f -> Clustering (Set.toList $ fst f) ((fst . snd) f) prd ((fst . snd . snd) f) (((snd . snd . snd) f))) lst)
344 _ -> let lst = toList
345 $ fisWithSizePolyMap (Segment 1 20) 1 (map (\d -> ngramsToIdx (text d) (getRoots phylo)) docs)
346 in (prd, map (\f -> Clustering (Set.toList $ fst f) (snd f) prd (Just $ fromIntegral $ snd f) []) lst)
347 )
348 $ toList phyloDocs
349 fis' = fis `using` parList rdeepseq
350 in fromList fis'
351 MaxClique _ thr filterType ->
352 let mcl = map (\(prd,docs) ->
353 let cooc = map round
354 $ foldl sumCooc empty
355 $ map listToMatrix
356 $ map (\d -> ngramsToIdx (text d) (getRoots phylo)) docs
357 in (prd, map (\cl -> Clustering cl 0 prd Nothing []) $ getMaxCliques filterType Conditional thr cooc))
358 $ toList phyloDocs
359 mcl' = mcl `using` parList rdeepseq
360 in fromList mcl'
361 --------------------------------------
363 -- dev viz graph maxClique getMaxClique
366 --------------------
367 -- | Coocurency | --
368 --------------------
371 -- To transform the docs into a time map of coocurency matrix
372 docsToTimeScaleCooc :: [Document] -> Vector Ngrams -> Map Date Cooc
373 docsToTimeScaleCooc docs fdt =
374 let mCooc = fromListWith sumCooc
375 $ map (\(_d,l) -> (_d, listToMatrix l))
376 $ map (\doc -> (date doc, sort $ ngramsToIdx (text doc) fdt)) docs
377 mCooc' = fromList
378 $ map (\t -> (t,empty))
379 $ toTimeScale (map date docs) 1
380 in trace ("\n" <> "-- | Build the coocurency matrix for " <> show (length $ keys mCooc') <> " unit of time" <> "\n")
381 $ unionWith sumCooc mCooc mCooc'
384 -----------------------
385 -- | to Phylo Base | --
386 -----------------------
388 -- TODO anoe
389 groupDocsByPeriodRec :: (NFData doc, Ord date, Enum date) => (doc -> date) -> [(date,date)] -> [doc] -> Map (date, date) [doc] -> Map (date, date) [doc]
390 groupDocsByPeriodRec f prds docs acc =
391 if ((null prds) || (null docs))
392 then acc
393 else
394 let prd = head' "groupBy" prds
395 docs' = partition (\d -> (f d >= fst prd) && (f d <= snd prd)) docs
396 in groupDocsByPeriodRec f (tail prds) (snd docs') (insert prd (fst docs') acc)
399 -- To group a list of Documents by fixed periods
400 groupDocsByPeriod' :: (NFData doc, Ord date, Enum date) => (doc -> date) -> [(date,date)] -> [doc] -> Map (date, date) [doc]
401 groupDocsByPeriod' f pds docs =
402 let docs' = groupBy (\d d' -> f d == f d') $ sortOn f docs
403 periods = map (inPeriode f docs') pds
404 periods' = periods `using` parList rdeepseq
405 in trace ("\n" <> "-- | Group " <> show(length docs) <> " docs by " <> show(length pds) <> " periods" <> "\n")
406 $ fromList $ zip pds periods'
407 where
408 --------------------------------------
409 inPeriode :: Ord b => (t -> b) -> [[t]] -> (b, b) -> [t]
410 inPeriode f' h (start,end) =
411 concat $ fst $ partition (\d -> f' (head' "inPeriode" d) >= start && f' (head' "inPeriode" d) <= end) h
415 -- To group a list of Documents by fixed periods
416 groupDocsByPeriod :: (NFData doc, Ord date, Enum date) => (doc -> date) -> [(date,date)] -> [doc] -> Map (date, date) [doc]
417 groupDocsByPeriod _ _ [] = panic "[ERR][Viz.Phylo.PhyloMaker] Empty [Documents] can not have any periods"
418 groupDocsByPeriod f pds es =
419 let periods = map (inPeriode f es) pds
420 periods' = periods `using` parList rdeepseq
422 in trace ("\n" <> "-- | Group " <> show(length es) <> " docs by " <> show(length pds) <> " periods" <> "\n")
423 $ fromList $ zip pds periods'
424 where
425 --------------------------------------
426 inPeriode :: Ord b => (t -> b) -> [t] -> (b, b) -> [t]
427 inPeriode f' h (start,end) =
428 fst $ partition (\d -> f' d >= start && f' d <= end) h
429 --------------------------------------
432 docsToTermFreq :: [Document] -> Vector Ngrams -> Map Int Double
433 docsToTermFreq docs fdt =
434 let nbDocs = fromIntegral $ length docs
435 freqs = map (/(nbDocs))
436 $ fromList
437 $ map (\lst -> (head' "docsToTermFreq" lst, fromIntegral $ length lst))
438 $ group $ sort $ concat $ map (\d -> nub $ ngramsToIdx (text d) fdt) docs
439 sumFreqs = sum $ elems freqs
440 in map (/sumFreqs) freqs
443 docsToTermCount :: [Document] -> Vector Ngrams -> Map Int Double
444 docsToTermCount docs roots = fromList
445 $ map (\lst -> (head' "docsToTermCount" lst, fromIntegral $ length lst))
446 $ group $ sort $ concat $ map (\d -> nub $ ngramsToIdx (text d) roots) docs
450 docsToLastTermFreq :: Int -> [Document] -> Vector Ngrams -> Map Int Double
451 docsToLastTermFreq n docs fdt =
452 let last = take n $ reverse $ sort $ map date docs
453 nbDocs = fromIntegral $ length $ filter (\d -> elem (date d) last) docs
454 freqs = map (/(nbDocs))
455 $ fromList
456 $ map (\lst -> (head' "docsToLastTermFreq" lst, fromIntegral $ length lst))
457 $ group $ sort $ concat $ map (\d -> nub $ ngramsToIdx (text d) fdt) $ filter (\d -> elem (date d) last) docs
458 sumFreqs = sum $ elems freqs
459 in map (/sumFreqs) freqs
462 -- To count the number of docs by unit of time
463 docsToTimeScaleNb :: [Document] -> Map Date Double
464 docsToTimeScaleNb docs =
465 let docs' = fromListWith (+) $ map (\d -> (date d,1)) docs
466 time = fromList $ map (\t -> (t,0)) $ toTimeScale (keys docs') 1
467 in trace ("\n" <> "-- | Group " <> show(length docs) <> " docs by " <> show(length time) <> " unit of time" <> "\n")
468 $ unionWith (+) time docs'
471 initPhyloScales :: Int -> Period -> Map PhyloScaleId PhyloScale
472 initPhyloScales lvlMax pId =
473 fromList $ map (\lvl -> ((pId,lvl),PhyloScale pId ("","") lvl empty)) [1..lvlMax]
476 setDefault :: PhyloConfig -> PhyloConfig
477 setDefault conf = conf {
478 phyloScale = 2,
479 similarity = WeightedLogJaccard 0.5 2,
480 findAncestors = True,
481 phyloSynchrony = ByProximityThreshold 0.6 0 SiblingBranches MergeAllGroups,
482 phyloQuality = Quality 0.5 3,
483 timeUnit = Year 3 1 3,
484 clique = MaxClique 5 30 ByNeighbours,
485 exportLabel = [BranchLabel MostEmergentTfIdf 2, GroupLabel MostEmergentInclusive 2],
486 exportSort = ByHierarchy Desc,
487 exportFilter = [ByBranchSize 3]
488 }
491 -- Init the basic elements of a Phylo
492 --
493 initPhylo :: [Document] -> PhyloConfig -> Phylo
494 initPhylo docs conf =
495 let roots = Vector.fromList $ nub $ concat $ map text docs
496 foundations = PhyloFoundations roots empty
497 docsSources = PhyloSources (Vector.fromList $ nub $ concat $ map sources docs)
498 docsCounts = PhyloCounts (docsToTimeScaleCooc docs (foundations ^. foundations_roots))
499 (docsToTimeScaleNb docs)
500 (docsToTermCount docs (foundations ^. foundations_roots))
501 (docsToTermFreq docs (foundations ^. foundations_roots))
502 (docsToLastTermFreq (getTimePeriod $ timeUnit conf) docs (foundations ^. foundations_roots))
503 params = if (defaultMode conf)
504 then defaultPhyloParam { _phyloParam_config = setDefault conf }
505 else defaultPhyloParam { _phyloParam_config = conf }
506 periods = toPeriods (sort $ nub $ map date docs) (getTimePeriod $ timeUnit conf) (getTimeStep $ timeUnit conf)
507 in trace ("\n" <> "-- | Init a phylo out of " <> show(length docs) <> " docs \n")
508 $ Phylo foundations
509 docsSources
510 docsCounts
511 []
512 params
513 (fromList $ map (\prd -> (prd, PhyloPeriod prd ("","") (initPhyloScales 1 prd))) periods)
514 0
515 (_qua_granularity $ phyloQuality $ conf)