]> Git — Sourcephile - gargantext.git/blob - src/Gargantext/Viz/Graph/API.hs
[Graph] add gexf exporter to graph endpoint
[gargantext.git] / src / Gargantext / Viz / Graph / API.hs
1 {-|
2 Module : Gargantext.Viz.Phylo.Tools
3 Description : Phylomemy Tools to build/manage it
4 Copyright : (c) CNRS, 2017-Present
5 License : AGPL + CECILL v3
6 Maintainer : team@gargantext.org
7 Stability : experimental
8 Portability : POSIX
10 -}
13 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
15 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
16 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
17 {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
18 {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
19 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} -- allows to write Text literals
20 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists #-} -- allows to write Map and HashMap as lists
21 {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
22 {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
24 module Gargantext.Viz.Graph.API
25 where
27 -- import Debug.Trace (trace)
28 import Control.Concurrent -- (forkIO)
29 import Control.Lens (set, (^.), _Just, (^?))
30 import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
31 import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy as HashMap
32 import qualified Data.Map as Map
33 import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
34 import Servant
35 import Servant.XML
36 import qualified Xmlbf as Xmlbf
38 import Gargantext.API.Ngrams (NgramsRepo, r_version)
39 import Gargantext.API.Ngrams.Tools
40 import Gargantext.API.Types
41 import Gargantext.Core.Types.Main
42 import Gargantext.Database.Config
43 import Gargantext.Database.Metrics.NgramsByNode (getNodesByNgramsOnlyUser)
44 import Gargantext.Database.Schema.Ngrams
45 import Gargantext.Database.Node.Select
46 import Gargantext.Database.Schema.Node (getNodeWith, getNodeUser, defaultList, insertGraph, HasNodeError)
47 import Gargantext.Database.Types.Node hiding (node_id) -- (GraphId, ListId, CorpusId, NodeId)
48 import Gargantext.Database.Node.UpdateOpaleye (updateHyperdata)
49 import Gargantext.Database.Utils (Cmd)
50 import Gargantext.Prelude
51 import qualified Gargantext.Prelude as P
52 import Gargantext.Viz.Graph
53 import qualified Gargantext.Viz.Graph as G
54 import Gargantext.Viz.Graph.Tools -- (cooc2graph)
56 instance Xmlbf.ToXml Graph where
57 toXml (Graph { _graph_nodes = graphNodes
58 , _graph_edges = graphEdges }) = root graphNodes graphEdges
59 where
60 root :: [G.Node] -> [G.Edge] -> [Xmlbf.Node]
61 root gn ge =
62 Xmlbf.element "gexf" params $ meta <> (graph gn ge)
63 where
64 params = HashMap.fromList [ ("xmlns", "http://www.gexf.net/1.2draft")
65 , ("version", "1.2") ]
66 meta = Xmlbf.element "meta" params $ creator <> description
67 where
68 params = HashMap.fromList [ ("lastmodifieddate", "2020-03-13") ]
69 creator = Xmlbf.element "Gargantext.org" HashMap.empty []
70 description = Xmlbf.element "Gargantext gexf file" HashMap.empty []
71 graph :: [G.Node] -> [G.Edge] -> [Xmlbf.Node]
72 graph gn ge = Xmlbf.element "graph" params $ (nodes gn) <> (edges ge)
73 where
74 params = HashMap.fromList [ ("mode", "static")
75 , ("defaultedgetype", "directed") ]
76 nodes :: [G.Node] -> [Xmlbf.Node]
77 nodes gn = Xmlbf.element "nodes" HashMap.empty $ P.concatMap node gn
78 node :: G.Node -> [Xmlbf.Node]
79 node (G.Node { node_id = nId, node_label = l }) =
80 Xmlbf.element "node" params []
81 where
82 params = HashMap.fromList [ ("id", nId)
83 , ("label", l) ]
84 edges :: [G.Edge] -> [Xmlbf.Node]
85 edges gn = Xmlbf.element "edges" HashMap.empty $ P.concatMap edge gn
86 edge :: G.Edge -> [Xmlbf.Node]
87 edge (G.Edge { edge_id = eId, edge_source = es, edge_target = et }) =
88 Xmlbf.element "edge" params []
89 where
90 params = HashMap.fromList [ ("id", eId)
91 , ("source", es)
92 , ("target", et) ]
94 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
96 -- | There is no Delete specific API for Graph since it can be deleted
97 -- as simple Node.
98 type GraphAPI = Get '[JSON] Graph
99 :<|> Post '[JSON] [GraphId]
100 :<|> Put '[JSON] Int
101 :<|> "gexf" :> Get '[XML] Graph
104 graphAPI :: UserId -> NodeId -> GargServer GraphAPI
105 graphAPI u n = getGraph u n
106 :<|> postGraph n
107 :<|> putGraph n
108 :<|> getGraphGexf u n
110 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
112 {- Model to fork Graph Computation
113 -- This is not really optimized since it increases the need RAM
114 -- and freezes the whole system
115 -- This is mainly for documentation (see a better solution in the function below)
116 -- Each process has to be tailored
117 getGraph' :: UserId -> NodeId -> GargServer (Get '[JSON] Graph)
118 getGraph' u n = do
119 newGraph <- liftIO newEmptyMVar
120 g <- getGraph u n
121 _ <- liftIO $ forkIO $ putMVar newGraph g
122 g' <- liftIO $ takeMVar newGraph
123 pure g'
124 -}
125 getGraph :: UserId -> NodeId -> GargNoServer Graph
126 getGraph uId nId = do
127 nodeGraph <- getNodeWith nId HyperdataGraph
128 let graph = nodeGraph ^. node_hyperdata . hyperdataGraph
129 let listVersion = graph ^? _Just
130 . graph_metadata
131 . _Just
132 . gm_list
133 . lfg_version
135 repo <- getRepo
136 let v = repo ^. r_version
137 nodeUser <- getNodeUser (NodeId uId)
139 let uId' = nodeUser ^. node_userId
141 let cId = maybe (panic "[ERR:G.V.G.API] Node has no parent")
142 identity
143 $ nodeGraph ^. node_parentId
145 newGraph <- liftIO newEmptyMVar
146 g <- case graph of
147 Nothing -> do
148 graph' <- computeGraph cId NgramsTerms repo
149 _ <- insertGraph cId uId' (HyperdataGraph $ Just graph')
150 pure graph'
152 Just graph' -> if listVersion == Just v
153 then pure graph'
154 else do
155 graph'' <- computeGraph cId NgramsTerms repo
156 _ <- updateHyperdata nId (HyperdataGraph $ Just graph'')
157 pure graph''
158 _ <- liftIO $ forkIO $ putMVar newGraph g
159 g' <- liftIO $ takeMVar newGraph
160 pure {- $ trace (show g) $ -} g'
163 -- TODO use Database Monad only here ?
164 computeGraph :: HasNodeError err => CorpusId -> NgramsType -> NgramsRepo -> Cmd err Graph
165 computeGraph cId nt repo = do
166 lId <- defaultList cId
168 let metadata = GraphMetadata "Title" [cId]
169 [ LegendField 1 "#FFF" "Cluster"
170 , LegendField 2 "#FFF" "Cluster"
171 ]
172 (ListForGraph lId (repo ^. r_version))
173 -- (map (\n -> LegendField n "#FFFFFF" (pack $ show n)) [1..10])
175 lIds <- selectNodesWithUsername NodeList userMaster
176 let ngs = filterListWithRoot GraphTerm $ mapTermListRoot [lId] nt repo
178 myCooc <- Map.filter (>1)
179 <$> getCoocByNgrams (Diagonal True)
180 <$> groupNodesByNgrams ngs
181 <$> getNodesByNgramsOnlyUser cId (lIds <> [lId]) nt (Map.keys ngs)
183 graph <- liftIO $ cooc2graph 0 myCooc
184 let graph' = set graph_metadata (Just metadata) graph
185 pure graph'
189 postGraph :: NodeId -> GargServer (Post '[JSON] [NodeId])
190 postGraph = undefined
192 putGraph :: NodeId -> GargServer (Put '[JSON] Int)
193 putGraph = undefined
196 getGraphGexf :: UserId -> NodeId -> GargNoServer Graph
197 getGraphGexf uId nId = do
198 graph <- getGraph uId nId
199 pure graph