]> Git — Sourcephile - gargantext.git/blob - src/Gargantext/API/GraphQL/Node.hs
Fix NGrams pagination (purescript-gargantext#531)
[gargantext.git] / src / Gargantext / API / GraphQL / Node.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
4 module Gargantext.API.GraphQL.Node where
6 import Data.Either (Either(..))
7 import Data.Morpheus.Types
8 ( GQLType
9 , Resolver
10 , QUERY
11 , lift
12 )
13 import Data.Text (Text)
14 import qualified Data.Text as T
15 import Gargantext.API.Prelude (GargM, GargError)
16 import Gargantext.Database.Admin.Types.Node (NodeId(..), NodeType)
17 import qualified Gargantext.Database.Admin.Types.Node as NN
18 import Gargantext.Database.Query.Table.Node (getClosestParentIdByType, getNode)
19 import Gargantext.Database.Prelude (CmdCommon)
20 import qualified Gargantext.Database.Schema.Node as N
21 import Gargantext.Prelude
22 import GHC.Generics (Generic)
23 import qualified Prelude
24 import Text.Read (readEither)
26 data Node = Node
27 { id :: Int
28 , name :: Text
29 , parent_id :: Maybe Int
30 , type_id :: Int
31 } deriving (Show, Generic, GQLType)
33 data NodeArgs
34 = NodeArgs
35 { node_id :: Int
36 } deriving (Generic, GQLType)
38 type GqlM e env = Resolver QUERY e (GargM env GargError)
40 -- | Function to resolve user from a query.
41 resolveNodes
42 :: (CmdCommon env)
43 => NodeArgs -> GqlM e env [Node]
44 resolveNodes NodeArgs { node_id } = dbNodes node_id
46 dbNodes
47 :: (CmdCommon env)
48 => Int -> GqlM e env [Node]
49 dbNodes node_id = do
50 node <- lift $ getNode $ NodeId node_id
51 pure [toNode node]
53 data NodeParentArgs
54 = NodeParentArgs
55 { node_id :: Int
56 , parent_type :: Text
57 } deriving (Generic, GQLType)
59 resolveNodeParent
60 :: (CmdCommon env)
61 => NodeParentArgs -> GqlM e env [Node]
62 resolveNodeParent NodeParentArgs { node_id, parent_type } = dbParentNodes node_id parent_type
64 dbParentNodes
65 :: (CmdCommon env)
66 => Int -> Text -> GqlM e env [Node]
67 dbParentNodes node_id parent_type = do
68 let mParentType = readEither (T.unpack parent_type) :: Either Prelude.String NodeType
69 case mParentType of
70 Left err -> do
71 lift $ printDebug "[dbParentNodes] error reading parent type" (T.pack err)
72 pure []
73 Right parentType -> do
74 mNodeId <- lift $ getClosestParentIdByType (NodeId node_id) parentType -- (fromNodeTypeId parent_type_id)
75 case mNodeId of
76 Nothing -> pure []
77 Just id -> do
78 node <- lift $ getNode id
79 pure [toNode node]
81 toNode :: NN.Node json -> Node
82 toNode (N.Node { .. }) = Node { id = NN.unNodeId _node_id
83 , name = _node_name
84 , parent_id = NN.unNodeId <$> _node_parent_id
85 , type_id = _node_typename }