]> Git — Sourcephile - gargantext.git/blob - src/Gargantext/Database/Query/Facet.hs
[ngrams] some work towards getting the aggregate doc count
[gargantext.git] / src / Gargantext / Database / Query / Facet.hs
1 {-|
2 Module : Gargantext.Database.Query.Facet
3 Description : Main requests of Node to the database
4 Copyright : (c) CNRS, 2017-Present
5 License : AGPL + CECILL v3
6 Maintainer : team@gargantext.org
7 Stability : experimental
8 Portability : POSIX
9 -}
11 {-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-}
12 {-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
13 {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
14 {-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
15 {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
16 {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
17 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
18 module Gargantext.Database.Query.Facet
19 ( runViewAuthorsDoc
20 , runViewDocuments
21 , viewDocuments
22 , viewDocuments'
23 , runCountDocuments
24 , filterWith
26 , Category
27 , Score
28 , Title
30 , Pair(..)
31 , Facet(..)
32 , FacetDoc
33 , FacetDocRead
34 , FacetPaired(..)
35 , FacetPairedRead
36 , OrderBy(..)
37 )
38 where
40 import Control.Arrow (returnA)
41 import Control.Lens ((^.))
42 import qualified Data.Text as T
43 import Opaleye
44 import qualified Opaleye.Aggregate as OAgg
45 import Protolude hiding (null, map, sum, not)
46 import qualified Opaleye.Internal.Unpackspec()
48 import Gargantext.Core
49 import Gargantext.Core.Types
50 import Gargantext.Database.Query.Filter
51 import Gargantext.Database.Query.Table.Ngrams
52 import Gargantext.Database.Query.Table.Context
53 import Gargantext.Database.Query.Facet.Types
54 import Gargantext.Database.Query.Table.ContextNodeNgrams
55 import Gargantext.Database.Query.Table.NodeContext (queryNodeContextTable)
56 import Gargantext.Database.Prelude
57 import Gargantext.Database.Schema.Context
58 import Gargantext.Database.Schema.Node
59 import Gargantext.Database.Schema.NodeContext
60 import Gargantext.Prelude (printDebug)
62 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
65 -- TODO-SECURITY check
66 runViewAuthorsDoc :: HasDBid NodeType
67 => ContactId
68 -> IsTrash
69 -> Maybe Offset
70 -> Maybe Limit
71 -> Maybe OrderBy
72 -> Cmd err [FacetDoc]
73 runViewAuthorsDoc cId t o l order = runOpaQuery $ filterWith o l order $ viewAuthorsDoc cId t ntId
74 where
75 ntId = NodeDocument
77 -- TODO add delete ?
78 viewAuthorsDoc :: HasDBid NodeType
79 => ContactId
80 -> IsTrash
81 -> NodeType
82 -> Select FacetDocRead
83 viewAuthorsDoc cId _ nt = proc () -> do
84 --(doc,(_,(_,(_,contact')))) <- queryAuthorsDoc -< ()
85 (doc, _, _, _, contact') <- queryAuthorsDoc -< ()
87 restrict -< fromMaybeFields (sqlInt4 $ -1) (_node_id <$> contact') .=== pgNodeId cId
88 restrict -< _node_typename doc .== sqlInt4 (toDBid nt)
90 returnA -< FacetDoc { facetDoc_id = _node_id doc
91 , facetDoc_created = _node_date doc
92 , facetDoc_title = _node_name doc
93 , facetDoc_hyperdata = _node_hyperdata doc
94 , facetDoc_category = toNullable $ sqlInt4 1
95 , facetDoc_ngramCount = toNullable $ sqlDouble 1.0
96 , facetDoc_score = toNullable $ sqlDouble 1 }
98 queryAuthorsDoc :: Select ( NodeRead
99 , MaybeFields ContextNodeNgramsRead
100 , MaybeFields NgramsRead
101 , MaybeFields ContextNodeNgramsRead
102 , MaybeFields NodeRead)
103 queryAuthorsDoc = proc () -> do
104 n <- queryNodeTable -< ()
105 cnn <- optionalRestrict queryContextNodeNgramsTable -<
106 \cnn' -> _node_id n .== _cnng_context_id cnn'
107 ng <- optionalRestrict queryNgramsTable -<
108 \ng' -> justFields (ng' ^. ngrams_id) .=== (_cnng_ngrams_id <$> cnn)
109 cnn2 <- optionalRestrict queryContextNodeNgramsTable -<
110 \cnn2' -> (_ngrams_id <$> ng) .=== justFields (_cnng_ngrams_id cnn2')
111 contact <- optionalRestrict queryNodeTable -<
112 \contact' -> justFields (_node_id contact') .=== (_cnng_context_id <$> cnn2)
114 returnA -< (n, cnn, ng, cnn2, contact)
117 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
118 -- TODO-SECURITY check
119 runViewDocuments :: HasDBid NodeType
120 => CorpusId
121 -> IsTrash
122 -> Maybe Offset
123 -> Maybe Limit
124 -> Maybe OrderBy
125 -> Maybe Text
126 -> Maybe Text
127 -> Cmd err [FacetDoc]
128 runViewDocuments cId t o l order query year = do
129 printDebug "[runViewDocuments] sqlQuery" $ showSql sqlQuery
130 res <- runOpaQuery $ filterWith' o l order sqlQuery :: Cmd err [FacetDocAgg']
131 pure $ remapNgramsCount <$> res
132 where
133 sqlQuery = viewDocuments' cId t (toDBid NodeDocument) query year
135 remapNgramsCount (FacetDoc { .. }) =
136 FacetDoc { facetDoc_ngramCount = Just $ fromIntegral facetDoc_ngramCount
137 , .. }
139 runCountDocuments :: HasDBid NodeType => CorpusId -> IsTrash -> Maybe Text -> Maybe Text -> Cmd err Int
140 runCountDocuments cId t mQuery mYear = do
141 runCountOpaQuery sqlQuery
142 where
143 sqlQuery = viewDocuments' cId t (toDBid NodeDocument) mQuery mYear
146 viewDocuments :: CorpusId
147 -> IsTrash
148 -> NodeTypeId
149 -> Maybe Text
150 -> Maybe Text
151 -> Select FacetDocRead
152 viewDocuments cId t ntId mQuery mYear = proc () -> do
153 (c, nc) <- viewDocumentsQuery cId t ntId mQuery mYear -< ()
154 --ngramCountAgg <- laterally . aggregate sumInt4 -< cnng
156 -- TODO PGInt8 -> PGFloat conversion
157 -- https://github.com/tomjaguarpaw/haskell-opaleye/issues/401
158 -- unsafeCast "float8"
159 -- cnng <- optionalRestrict queryContextNodeNgramsTable -<
160 -- \cnng' -> (cnng' ^. cnng_node_id) .== pgNodeId cId .&&
161 -- (cnng' ^. cnng_context_id) .== (c ^. cs_id)
163 -- cnt <- aggregate sum -< maybeFields (sqlInt4 0) _cnng_doc_count cnng
164 -- (proc cnng' -> do
165 -- returnA -< maybeFields (sqlInt4 0) _cnng_doc_count cnng') -< cnng
167 returnA -< FacetDoc { facetDoc_id = _cs_id c
168 , facetDoc_created = _cs_date c
169 , facetDoc_title = _cs_name c
170 , facetDoc_hyperdata = _cs_hyperdata c
171 , facetDoc_category = toNullable $ nc^.nc_category
172 , facetDoc_ngramCount = toNullable $ nc^.nc_score
173 -- , facetDoc_ngramCount = toNullable $ toFields cnt
174 , facetDoc_score = toNullable $ nc^.nc_score
175 }
177 viewDocuments' :: CorpusId
178 -> IsTrash
179 -> NodeTypeId
180 -> Maybe Text
181 -> Maybe Text
182 -> Select FacetDocAgg
183 viewDocuments' cId t ntId mQuery mYear =
184 aggregate (pFacetDoc FacetDoc { facetDoc_id = OAgg.groupBy
185 , facetDoc_created = OAgg.groupBy
186 , facetDoc_title = OAgg.groupBy
187 , facetDoc_hyperdata = OAgg.groupBy
188 , facetDoc_category = OAgg.groupBy
189 , facetDoc_ngramCount = OAgg.sumInt4
190 , facetDoc_score = OAgg.sum })
191 (viewDocumentsAgg cId t ntId mQuery mYear)
193 viewDocumentsAgg :: CorpusId
194 -> IsTrash
195 -> NodeTypeId
196 -> Maybe Text
197 -> Maybe Text
198 -> Select FacetDocAggPart
199 viewDocumentsAgg cId t ntId mQuery mYear = proc () -> do
200 (c, nc) <- viewDocumentsQuery cId t ntId mQuery mYear -< ()
201 cnng <- optionalRestrict queryContextNodeNgramsTable -<
202 \cnng' -> (cnng' ^. cnng_node_id) .== (nc ^. nc_node_id) .&&
203 (cnng' ^. cnng_context_id) .== (c ^. cs_id)
204 returnA -< FacetDoc { facetDoc_id = _cs_id c
205 , facetDoc_created = _cs_date c
206 , facetDoc_title = _cs_name c
207 , facetDoc_hyperdata = _cs_hyperdata c
208 , facetDoc_category = nc ^. nc_category
209 , facetDoc_ngramCount = fromMaybeFields 0 $ _cnng_doc_count <$> cnng -- toNullable $ nc^.nc_score
210 -- , facetDoc_ngramCount = toNullable $ toFields cnt
211 , facetDoc_score = nc ^. nc_score
212 }
214 -- TODO Join with context_node_ngrams at context_id/node_id and sum by
215 -- doc_count.
216 viewDocumentsQuery :: CorpusId
217 -> IsTrash
218 -> NodeTypeId
219 -> Maybe Text
220 -> Maybe Text
221 -> Select (ContextSearchRead, NodeContextRead)
222 -- -> Select (ContextSearchRead, NodeContextRead, MaybeFields ContextNodeNgramsRead)
223 viewDocumentsQuery cId t ntId mQuery mYear = proc () -> do
224 c <- queryContextSearchTable -< ()
225 -- let joinCond (nc, cnn) = do
226 -- restrict -< (nc ^. context_id) .== (cnn ^. context_id)
227 -- restrict -< (nc ^. node_id) .== (cnn ^. node_id) -- :: (NodeContextRead, ContextNodeNgramsRead) -> Field SqlBool
228 nc <- queryNodeContextTable -< ()
229 restrict -< (c^.cs_id) .== (nc^.nc_context_id)
230 restrict -< nc^.nc_node_id .== pgNodeId cId
231 restrict -< c^.cs_typename .== sqlInt4 ntId
232 -- cnng <- optionalRestrict queryContextNodeNgramsTable -<
233 -- (\cnng' -> (nc ^. nc_context_id) .== (cnng' ^. cnng_context_id) .&&
234 -- (nc ^. nc_node_id) .== (cnng' ^. cnng_node_id))
235 restrict -< if t then nc^.nc_category .== sqlInt4 0
236 else nc^.nc_category .>= sqlInt4 1
238 let
239 query = (fromMaybe "" mQuery)
240 year = (fromMaybe "" mYear)
241 iLikeQuery = T.intercalate "" ["%", query, "%"]
242 abstractLHS h = fromNullable (sqlStrictText "")
243 $ toNullable h .->> sqlStrictText "abstract"
244 yearLHS h = fromNullable (sqlStrictText "")
245 $ toNullable h .->> sqlStrictText "publication_year"
247 restrict -<
248 if query == "" then sqlBool True
249 else ((c^.cs_name) `ilike` (sqlStrictText iLikeQuery))
250 .|| ((abstractLHS (c^.cs_hyperdata)) `ilike` (sqlStrictText iLikeQuery))
251 restrict -<
252 if year == "" then sqlBool True
253 else yearLHS (c ^. cs_hyperdata) .== sqlStrictText year
255 returnA -< (c, nc)
256 -- returnA -< (c, nc, cnng)
259 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
260 filterWith :: (SqlOrd date, SqlOrd title, SqlOrd category, SqlOrd score, hyperdata ~ SqlJsonb) =>
261 Maybe Gargantext.Core.Types.Offset
262 -> Maybe Gargantext.Core.Types.Limit
263 -> Maybe OrderBy
264 -> Select (Facet id (Field date) (Field title) (Field hyperdata) (FieldNullable category) ngramCount (FieldNullable score))
265 -> Select (Facet id (Field date) (Field title) (Field hyperdata)(FieldNullable category) ngramCount (FieldNullable score))
266 filterWith o l order q = limit' l $ offset' o $ orderBy (orderWith order) q
269 orderWith :: (SqlOrd b1, SqlOrd b2, SqlOrd b3, SqlOrd b4)
270 => Maybe OrderBy
271 -> Order (Facet id (Field b1) (Field b2) (Field SqlJsonb) (FieldNullable b3) ngramCount (FieldNullable b4))
272 orderWith (Just DateAsc) = asc facetDoc_created
273 orderWith (Just DateDesc) = desc facetDoc_created
275 orderWith (Just TitleAsc) = asc facetDoc_title
276 orderWith (Just TitleDesc) = desc facetDoc_title
278 orderWith (Just ScoreAsc) = ascNullsLast facetDoc_score
279 orderWith (Just ScoreDesc) = descNullsLast facetDoc_score
281 orderWith (Just SourceAsc) = ascNullsLast facetDoc_source
282 orderWith (Just SourceDesc) = descNullsLast facetDoc_source
284 orderWith (Just TagAsc) = ascNullsLast facetDoc_category
285 orderWith (Just TagDesc) = descNullsLast facetDoc_category
287 orderWith _ = asc facetDoc_created
291 filterWith' :: (SqlOrd date, SqlOrd title, SqlOrd category, SqlOrd score, hyperdata ~ SqlJsonb) =>
292 Maybe Gargantext.Core.Types.Offset
293 -> Maybe Gargantext.Core.Types.Limit
294 -> Maybe OrderBy
295 -> Select (Facet id (Field date) (Field title) (Field hyperdata) (Field category) ngramCount (Field score))
296 -> Select (Facet id (Field date) (Field title) (Field hyperdata) (Field category) ngramCount (Field score))
297 filterWith' o l order q = limit' l $ offset' o $ orderBy (orderWith' order) q
300 orderWith' :: (SqlOrd b1, SqlOrd b2, SqlOrd b3, SqlOrd b4)
301 => Maybe OrderBy
302 -> Order (Facet id (Field b1) (Field b2) (Field SqlJsonb) (Field b3) ngramCount (Field b4))
303 orderWith' (Just DateAsc) = asc facetDoc_created
304 orderWith' (Just DateDesc) = desc facetDoc_created
306 orderWith' (Just TitleAsc) = asc facetDoc_title
307 orderWith' (Just TitleDesc) = desc facetDoc_title
309 orderWith' (Just ScoreAsc) = asc facetDoc_score
310 orderWith' (Just ScoreDesc) = desc facetDoc_score
312 orderWith' (Just SourceAsc) = ascNullsLast facetDoc_source
313 orderWith' (Just SourceDesc) = descNullsLast facetDoc_source
315 orderWith' (Just TagAsc) = asc facetDoc_category
316 orderWith' (Just TagDesc) = desc facetDoc_category
318 orderWith' _ = asc facetDoc_created
320 facetDoc_source :: SqlIsJson a
321 => Facet id created title (Field a) favorite ngramCount score
322 -> FieldNullable SqlText
323 facetDoc_source x = (toNullable $ facetDoc_hyperdata x) .->> sqlString "source"