]> Git — Sourcephile - gargantext.git/blob - devops/misc/check-repo-cycles.jq
[FEAT] Social lists, connection (WIP)
[gargantext.git] / devops / misc / check-repo-cycles.jq
1 .state |
2 to_entries[] | .key as $ty | .value |
3 to_entries[] | .key as $list | .value as $m | .value |
4 ("\($list): \($m|length) size" | debug) as $_ |
5 to_entries[] | .key as $ngram | .value |
6 select(.root) | debug |
7 select( # We keep only records with errors
8 .root and # We need .root
9 (
10 $m[.root].root != null or # A root should have no root itself
11 .parent != .root and # We need .parent different .root
12 $m[.parent].root != .root # The parent's root should the same root.
13 )
14 ) |
15 {$ty, $list, $ngram, data: .}