]> Git — Sourcephile - gargantext.git/blob - package.yaml
add types Fis, Clique and Support
[gargantext.git] / package.yaml
1 name: gargantext
2 version: ''
3 synopsis: Search, map, share
4 description: Please see README.md
5 category: Data
6 author: Gargantext Team
7 maintainer: team@gargantext.org
8 copyright:
9 - ! 'Copyright: (c) 2017-2018: see git logs and README'
10 license: BSD3
11 homepage: https://gargantext.org
12 ghc-options: -Wall
13 dependencies:
14 - extra
15 - text
16 library:
17 source-dirs: src
18 ghc-options:
19 - -Wincomplete-uni-patterns
20 - -Wincomplete-record-updates
21 - -Wmissing-signatures
22 - -Wunused-binds
23 - -Wunused-imports
24 - -Werror
25 exposed-modules:
26 - Gargantext
27 - Gargantext.API
28 - Gargantext.API.Auth
29 - Gargantext.API.Count
30 - Gargantext.API.FrontEnd
31 - Gargantext.API.Node
32 - Gargantext.API.Orchestrator
33 - Gargantext.API.Search
34 - Gargantext.API.Settings
35 - Gargantext.Core
36 - Gargantext.Core.Types
37 - Gargantext.Core.Types.Main
38 - Gargantext.Core.Utils.Prefix
39 - Gargantext.Database
40 - Gargantext.Database.Flow
41 - Gargantext.Database.Schema.Node
42 - Gargantext.Database.Cooc
43 - Gargantext.Database.Tree
44 - Gargantext.Database.Types.Node
45 - Gargantext.Database.Utils
46 - Gargantext.Database.Schema.User
47 - Gargantext.Prelude
48 - Gargantext.Text
49 - Gargantext.Text.Context
50 - Gargantext.Text.Examples
51 - Gargantext.Text.List.CSV
52 - Gargantext.Text.Metrics
53 - Gargantext.Text.Metrics.CharByChar
54 - Gargantext.Text.Metrics.Count
55 - Gargantext.Text.Parsers
56 - Gargantext.Text.Parsers.CSV
57 - Gargantext.Text.Parsers.Date
58 - Gargantext.Text.Parsers.Wikimedia
59 - Gargantext.Text.Parsers.WOS
60 - Gargantext.Text.Search
61 - Gargantext.Text.Terms
62 - Gargantext.Text.Terms.Stop
63 - Gargantext.Text.Terms.Mono
64 - Gargantext.Text.Terms.Multi.Lang.En
65 - Gargantext.Text.Terms.Multi.Lang.Fr
66 - Gargantext.Text.Terms.Multi.RAKE
67 - Gargantext.Text.Terms.WithList
68 - Gargantext.Text.Flow
69 - Gargantext.Viz.Graph
70 - Gargantext.Viz.Graph.Distances.Matrice
71 - Gargantext.Viz.Graph.Index
72 dependencies:
73 - QuickCheck
74 - accelerate
75 - aeson
76 - aeson-lens
77 - aeson-pretty
78 - async
79 - attoparsec
80 - base >=4.7 && <5
81 - base16-bytestring
82 - blaze-html
83 - bytestring
84 - case-insensitive
85 - cassava
86 #- charsetdetect-ae # detect charset
87 - clustering-louvain
88 - conduit
89 - conduit-extra
90 - containers
91 - contravariant
92 - data-time-segment
93 - directory
94 - duckling
95 - exceptions
96 - filepath
97 - fullstop
98 - fclabels
99 - fast-logger
100 - full-text-search
101 - http-client
102 - http-client-tls
103 - http-conduit
104 - http-api-data
105 - http-types
106 - hsparql
107 - hxt
108 - hlcm
109 - ini
110 - insert-ordered-containers
111 - jose-jwt
112 # - kmeans-vector
113 - KMP
114 - lens
115 - located-base
116 - logging-effect
117 - matrix
118 - monad-logger
119 - mtl
120 - natural-transformation
121 - opaleye
122 - pandoc
123 - parsec
124 - patches-class
125 - patches-map
126 - path
127 - path-io
128 - postgresql-simple
129 - pretty-simple
130 - probability
131 - product-profunctors
132 - profunctors
133 - protolude
134 - pureMD5
135 - SHA
136 - rake
137 - regex-compat
138 - resourcet
139 - rdf4h
140 - safe
141 - semigroups
142 - servant
143 - servant-auth
144 - servant-blaze
145 - servant-client
146 - servant-job
147 - servant-mock
148 - servant-multipart
149 - servant-server
150 - servant-swagger
151 - servant-swagger-ui
152 - servant-static-th
153 - serialise
154 - split
155 - stemmer
156 - string-conversions
157 - swagger2
158 - tagsoup
159 - text-metrics
160 - time
161 - time-locale-compat
162 - timezone-series
163 - transformers
164 - transformers-base
165 - unordered-containers
166 - uuid
167 - vector
168 - wai
169 - wai-cors
170 - wai-extra
171 - warp
172 - wreq
173 - xml-conduit
174 - xml-types
175 - yaml
176 - zip
177 - zlib
178 # - utc
180 executables:
181 gargantext-server:
182 main: Main.hs
183 source-dirs: bin/gargantext-server
184 ghc-options:
185 - -O2
186 - -Wcompat
187 - -Wmissing-signatures
188 - -rtsopts
189 - -threaded
190 - -with-rtsopts=-N
191 dependencies:
192 - base
193 - containers
194 - gargantext
195 - vector
196 - cassava
197 - ini
198 - optparse-generic
199 - unordered-containers
200 - full-text-search
202 gargantext-cli:
203 main: Main.hs
204 source-dirs: bin/gargantext-cli
205 ghc-options:
206 - -threaded
207 - -rtsopts
208 - -with-rtsopts=-N
209 - -O2
210 - -Wmissing-signatures
211 dependencies:
212 - aeson
213 - async
214 - base
215 - bytestring
216 - containers
217 - gargantext
218 - vector
219 - cassava
220 - ini
221 - optparse-generic
222 - split
223 - unordered-containers
224 - full-text-search
226 gargantext-import:
227 main: Main.hs
228 source-dirs: bin/gargantext-import
229 ghc-options:
230 - -threaded
231 - -rtsopts
232 - -with-rtsopts=-N
233 - -O2
234 - -Wmissing-signatures
235 dependencies:
236 - gargantext
237 - base
238 - servant-server
240 tests:
241 # garg-test:
242 # main: Main.hs
243 # source-dirs: src-test
244 # ghc-options:
245 # - -threaded
246 # - -rtsopts
247 # - -with-rtsopts=-N
248 # dependencies:
249 # - base
250 # - gargantext
251 # - hspec
252 # - QuickCheck
253 # - quickcheck-instances
254 # - time
255 # - parsec
256 # - duckling
257 # - text
258 garg-doctest:
259 main: Main.hs
260 source-dirs: src-doctest
261 ghc-options:
262 - -O2
263 - -Wcompat
264 - -Wmissing-signatures
265 - -rtsopts
266 - -threaded
267 - -with-rtsopts=-N
268 dependencies:
269 - doctest
270 - Glob
271 - QuickCheck
272 - base
273 - gargantext