]> Git — Sourcephile - gargantext.git/blob - src/Gargantext/Core/Mail.hs
[ngrams] add score update endpoint + sorting
[gargantext.git] / src / Gargantext / Core / Mail.hs
1 {-|
2 Module : Gargantext.Core.Mail
3 Description :
4 Copyright : (c) CNRS, 2017-Present
5 License : AGPL + CECILL v3
6 Maintainer : team@gargantext.org
7 Stability : experimental
8 Portability : POSIX
10 TODO put main configuration variables in gargantext.ini
12 -}
14 module Gargantext.Core.Mail
15 where
17 import Data.Text (Text, unlines, splitOn)
18 import Gargantext.Core.Types.Individu
19 import Gargantext.Prelude
20 import Gargantext.Prelude.Mail (gargMail, GargMail(..))
21 import qualified Data.List as List
23 -- | Tool to put elsewhere
24 isEmail :: Text -> Bool
25 isEmail = ((==) 2) . List.length . (splitOn "@")
27 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
28 data SendEmail = SendEmail Bool
30 type EmailAddress = Text
31 type Name = Text
32 type ServerAddress = Text
34 data MailModel = Invitation { invitation_user :: NewUser GargPassword }
35 | PassUpdate { passUpdate_user :: NewUser GargPassword }
36 | MailInfo { mailInfo_username :: Name
37 , mailInfo_address :: EmailAddress
38 }
39 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
40 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
41 mail :: ServerAddress -> MailModel -> IO ()
42 mail server model = gargMail (GargMail m (Just u) subject body)
43 where
44 (m,u) = email_to model
45 subject = email_subject model
46 body = emailWith server model
48 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
49 emailWith :: ServerAddress -> MailModel -> Text
50 emailWith server model =
51 unlines $ [ "Hello" ]
52 <> bodyWith server model
53 <> email_disclaimer
54 <> email_signature
56 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
57 email_to :: MailModel -> (EmailAddress, Name)
58 email_to (Invitation user) = email_to' user
59 email_to (PassUpdate user) = email_to' user
60 email_to (MailInfo u m) = (m, u)
62 email_to' :: NewUser GargPassword -> (EmailAddress, Name)
63 email_to' (NewUser u m _) = (m,u)
65 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
66 bodyWith :: ServerAddress -> MailModel -> [Text]
67 bodyWith server (Invitation u) = [ "Congratulation, you have been granted a beta user account to test the"
68 , "new GarganText platform!"
69 ] <> (email_credentials server u)
71 bodyWith server (PassUpdate u) = [ "Your account password have been updated on the GarganText platform!"
72 ] <> (email_credentials server u)
74 bodyWith server (MailInfo _ _) = [ "Your last analysis is over on the server: " <> server]
76 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
77 email_subject :: MailModel -> Text
78 email_subject (Invitation _) = "[GarganText] Invitation"
79 email_subject (PassUpdate _) = "[GarganText] Update"
80 email_subject (MailInfo _ _) = "[GarganText] Info"
83 email_credentials :: ServerAddress -> NewUser GargPassword -> [Text]
84 email_credentials server (NewUser u _ (GargPassword p)) =
85 [ ""
86 , "You can log in to: " <> server
87 , "Your username is: " <> u
88 , "Your password is: " <> p
89 , ""
90 ]
92 email_disclaimer :: [Text]
93 email_disclaimer =
94 [ ""
95 , "If you log in you agree with the following terms of use:"
96 , " https://gitlab.iscpif.fr/humanities/tofu/tree/master"
97 , ""
98 , ""
99 , "/!\\ Please note that your account is opened for beta tester only. Hence"
100 , "we cannot guarantee neither the perenniality nor the stability of the"
101 , "service at this stage. It is therefore advisable to back up important"
102 , "data regularly."
103 , ""
104 , "/!\\ Gargantext is an academic service supported by ISC-PIF partners."
105 , "In case of congestion on this service, access to members of the ISC-PIF"
106 , "partners will be privileged."
107 , ""
108 , "Your feedback will be valuable for further development of the platform,"
109 , "do not hesitate to contact us and to contribute on our forum:"
110 , ""
111 , " https://discourse.iscpif.fr/c/gargantext"
112 , ""
113 ]
115 email_signature :: [Text]
116 email_signature =
117 [ "With our best regards,"
118 , "-- "
119 , "The Gargantext Team (CNRS)"
120 ]