]> Git — Sourcephile - gargantext.git/blob - tests/queue/Main.hs
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[gargantext.git] / tests / queue / Main.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
2 module Main where
4 import Control.Concurrent
5 import Control.Concurrent.STM
6 import Control.Monad
7 import Data.Either
8 import Data.List
9 import Prelude
10 import Test.Hspec
12 import Gargantext.Utils.Jobs.Map
13 import Gargantext.Utils.Jobs.Monad
14 import Gargantext.Utils.Jobs.Queue (applyPrios, defaultPrios)
15 import Gargantext.Utils.Jobs.State
17 data JobT = A | B deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Enum, Bounded)
19 data Counts = Counts { countAs :: Int, countBs :: Int }
20 deriving (Eq, Show)
22 inc, dec :: JobT -> Counts -> Counts
23 inc A cs = cs { countAs = countAs cs + 1 }
24 inc B cs = cs { countBs = countBs cs + 1 }
25 dec A cs = cs { countAs = countAs cs - 1 }
26 dec B cs = cs { countBs = countBs cs - 1 }
28 jobDuration, initialDelay :: Int
29 jobDuration = 100000
30 initialDelay = 20000
32 testMaxRunners :: IO ()
33 testMaxRunners = do
34 -- max runners = 2 with default settings
35 k <- genSecret
36 let settings = defaultJobSettings 2 k
37 st :: JobsState JobT [String] () <- newJobsState settings defaultPrios
38 runningJs <- newTVarIO []
39 let j num _inp _l = do
40 atomically $ modifyTVar runningJs (\xs -> ("Job #" ++ show num) : xs)
41 threadDelay jobDuration
42 atomically $ modifyTVar runningJs (\xs -> filter (/=("Job #" ++ show num)) xs)
43 jobs = [ j n | n <- [1..4::Int] ]
44 _jids <- forM jobs $ \f -> pushJob A () f settings st
45 threadDelay initialDelay
46 r1 <- readTVarIO runningJs
47 sort r1 `shouldBe` ["Job #1", "Job #2"]
48 threadDelay jobDuration
49 r2 <- readTVarIO runningJs
50 sort r2 `shouldBe` ["Job #3", "Job #4"]
51 threadDelay jobDuration
52 r3 <- readTVarIO runningJs
53 r3 `shouldBe` []
55 testPrios :: IO ()
56 testPrios = do
57 k <- genSecret
58 let settings = defaultJobSettings 2 k
59 st :: JobsState JobT [String] () <- newJobsState settings $
60 applyPrios [(B, 10)] defaultPrios -- B has higher priority
61 runningJs <- newTVarIO (Counts 0 0)
62 let j jobt _inp _l = do
63 atomically $ modifyTVar runningJs (inc jobt)
64 threadDelay jobDuration
65 atomically $ modifyTVar runningJs (dec jobt)
66 jobs = [ (A, j A)
67 , (A, j A)
68 , (B, j B)
69 , (B, j B)
70 ]
71 _jids <- forM jobs $ \(t, f) -> do
72 pushJob t () f settings st
73 threadDelay initialDelay
74 r1 <- readTVarIO runningJs
75 r1 `shouldBe` (Counts 0 2)
76 threadDelay jobDuration
77 r2 <- readTVarIO runningJs
78 r2 `shouldBe` (Counts 2 0)
79 threadDelay jobDuration
80 r3 <- readTVarIO runningJs
81 r3 `shouldBe` (Counts 0 0)
83 testExceptions :: IO ()
84 testExceptions = do
85 k <- genSecret
86 let settings = defaultJobSettings 2 k
87 st :: JobsState JobT [String] () <- newJobsState settings defaultPrios
88 jid <- pushJob A ()
89 (\_inp _log -> readFile "/doesntexist.txt" >>= putStrLn)
90 settings st
91 threadDelay initialDelay
92 mjob <- lookupJob jid (jobsData st)
93 case mjob of
94 Nothing -> error "boo"
95 Just je -> case jTask je of
96 DoneJ _ r -> isLeft r `shouldBe` True
97 _ -> error "boo2"
98 return ()
100 testFairness :: IO ()
101 testFairness = do
102 k <- genSecret
103 let settings = defaultJobSettings 2 k
104 st :: JobsState JobT [String] () <- newJobsState settings defaultPrios
105 runningJs <- newTVarIO (Counts 0 0)
106 let j jobt _inp _l = do
107 atomically $ modifyTVar runningJs (inc jobt)
108 threadDelay jobDuration
109 atomically $ modifyTVar runningJs (dec jobt)
110 jobs = [ (A, j A)
111 , (A, j A)
112 , (B, j B)
113 , (A, j A)
114 , (A, j A)
115 ]
116 _jids <- forM jobs $ \(t, f) -> do
117 pushJob t () f settings st
118 threadDelay initialDelay
119 r1 <- readTVarIO runningJs
120 r1 `shouldBe` (Counts 2 0)
121 threadDelay jobDuration
122 r2 <- readTVarIO runningJs
123 r2 `shouldBe` (Counts 1 1) -- MOST IMPORTANT CHECK: the B got picked after the
124 -- two As, because it was inserted right after them
125 -- and has equal priority.
126 threadDelay jobDuration
127 r3 <- readTVarIO runningJs
128 r3 `shouldBe` (Counts 1 0)
129 threadDelay jobDuration
130 r4 <- readTVarIO runningJs
131 r4 `shouldBe` (Counts 0 0)
133 main :: IO ()
134 main = hspec $ do
135 describe "job queue" $ do
136 it "respects max runners limit" $
137 testMaxRunners
138 it "respects priorities" $
139 testPrios
140 it "can handle exceptions" $
141 testExceptions
142 it "fairly picks equal-priority-but-different-kind jobs" $
143 testFairness