]> Git — Sourcephile - gargantext.git/blob - src/Gargantext/Viz/Graph.hs
[gargantext.git] / src / Gargantext / Viz / Graph.hs
1 {-|
2 Module : Gargantext.Viz.Graph
3 Description : Graph utils
4 Copyright : (c) CNRS, 2017-Present
5 License : AGPL + CECILL v3
6 Maintainer : team@gargantext.org
7 Stability : experimental
8 Portability : POSIX
10 -}
12 {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
13 {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
14 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
16 module Gargantext.Viz.Graph
17 where
19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
20 import Control.Lens (makeLenses)
21 import GHC.IO (FilePath)
22 import GHC.Generics (Generic)
23 import Data.Aeson.TH (deriveJSON)
24 import qualified Data.Aeson as DA
26 import Data.ByteString.Lazy as DBL (readFile, writeFile)
28 import Data.Text (Text, pack)
29 import qualified Text.Read as T
30 import qualified Data.Text as T
32 import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
33 import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
35 import Data.Swagger
37 import Gargantext.Prelude
38 import Gargantext.Core.Types (Label)
39 import Gargantext.Core.Utils.Prefix (unPrefix)
41 import Data.Graph.Clustering.Louvain.CplusPlus (LouvainNode(..))
43 import Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary (Arbitrary, arbitrary)
44 import Test.QuickCheck (elements)
46 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
48 data TypeNode = Terms | Unknown
49 deriving (Show, Generic)
51 $(deriveJSON (unPrefix "") ''TypeNode)
52 instance ToSchema TypeNode
54 data Attributes = Attributes { clust_default :: Int }
55 deriving (Show, Generic)
56 $(deriveJSON (unPrefix "") ''Attributes)
57 instance ToSchema Attributes
59 data Node = Node { node_size :: Int
60 , node_type :: TypeNode
61 , node_id :: Text
62 , node_label :: Text
63 , node_attributes :: Attributes
64 }
65 deriving (Show, Generic)
66 $(deriveJSON (unPrefix "node_") ''Node)
67 instance ToSchema Node where
68 declareNamedSchema =
69 genericDeclareNamedSchema
70 defaultSchemaOptions {fieldLabelModifier = \fieldLabel -> drop 5 fieldLabel}
73 data Edge = Edge { edge_source :: Text
74 , edge_target :: Text
75 , edge_weight :: Double
76 , edge_id :: Text
77 }
78 deriving (Show, Generic)
79 $(deriveJSON (unPrefix "edge_") ''Edge)
80 instance ToSchema Edge where
81 declareNamedSchema =
82 genericDeclareNamedSchema
83 defaultSchemaOptions {fieldLabelModifier = \fieldLabel -> drop 5 fieldLabel}
85 ---------------------------------------------------------------
86 data LegendField = LegendField { _lf_id :: Int
87 , _lf_color :: Text
88 , _lf_label :: Text
89 } deriving (Show, Generic)
90 $(deriveJSON (unPrefix "_lf_") ''LegendField)
92 instance ToSchema LegendField where
93 declareNamedSchema =
94 genericDeclareNamedSchema
95 defaultSchemaOptions {fieldLabelModifier = \fieldLabel -> drop 4 fieldLabel}
97 makeLenses ''LegendField
98 --
99 data GraphMetadata = GraphMetadata { _gm_title :: Text -- title of the graph
100 , _gm_corpusId :: [Int] -- we can map with different corpus
101 , _gm_legend :: [LegendField] -- legend of the Graph
102 }
103 deriving (Show, Generic)
104 $(deriveJSON (unPrefix "_gm_") ''GraphMetadata)
105 instance ToSchema GraphMetadata where
106 declareNamedSchema =
107 genericDeclareNamedSchema
108 defaultSchemaOptions {fieldLabelModifier = \fieldLabel -> drop 4 fieldLabel}
109 makeLenses ''GraphMetadata
112 data Graph = Graph { _graph_nodes :: [Node]
113 , _graph_edges :: [Edge]
114 , _graph_metadata :: Maybe GraphMetadata
115 }
116 deriving (Show, Generic)
117 $(deriveJSON (unPrefix "_graph_") ''Graph)
118 makeLenses ''Graph
120 instance ToSchema Graph where
121 declareNamedSchema =
122 genericDeclareNamedSchema
123 defaultSchemaOptions {fieldLabelModifier = \fieldLabel -> drop 7 fieldLabel}
126 defaultGraph :: Graph
127 defaultGraph = Graph {_graph_nodes = [Node {node_size = 4, node_type = Terms, node_id = pack "0", node_label = pack "animal", node_attributes = Attributes {clust_default = 0}},Node {node_size = 3, node_type = Terms, node_id = pack "1", node_label = pack "bird", node_attributes = Attributes {clust_default = 0}},Node {node_size = 2, node_type = Terms, node_id = pack "2", node_label = pack "boy", node_attributes = Attributes {clust_default = 1}},Node {node_size = 2, node_type = Terms, node_id = pack "3", node_label = pack "dog", node_attributes = Attributes {clust_default = 0}},Node {node_size = 2, node_type = Terms, node_id = pack "4", node_label = pack "girl", node_attributes = Attributes {clust_default = 1}},Node {node_size = 4, node_type = Terms, node_id = pack "5", node_label = pack "human body", node_attributes = Attributes {clust_default = 1}},Node {node_size = 3, node_type = Terms, node_id = pack "6", node_label = pack "object", node_attributes = Attributes {clust_default = 2}},Node {node_size = 2, node_type = Terms, node_id = pack "7", node_label = pack "pen", node_attributes = Attributes {clust_default = 2}},Node {node_size = 2, node_type = Terms, node_id = pack "8", node_label = pack "table", node_attributes = Attributes {clust_default = 2}}], _graph_edges = [Edge {edge_source = pack "0", edge_target = pack "0", edge_weight = 1.0, edge_id = pack "0"},Edge {edge_source = pack "1", edge_target = pack "0", edge_weight = 1.0, edge_id = pack "1"},Edge {edge_source = pack "1", edge_target = pack "1", edge_weight = 1.0, edge_id = pack "2"},Edge {edge_source = pack "2", edge_target = pack "2", edge_weight = 1.0, edge_id = pack "3"},Edge {edge_source = pack "2", edge_target = pack "5", edge_weight = 1.0, edge_id = pack "4"},Edge {edge_source = pack "3", edge_target = pack "0", edge_weight = 1.0, edge_id = pack "5"},Edge {edge_source = pack "3", edge_target = pack "1", edge_weight = 1.0, edge_id = pack "6"},Edge {edge_source = pack "3", edge_target = pack "3", edge_weight = 1.0, edge_id = pack "7"},Edge {edge_source = pack "4", edge_target = pack "4", edge_weight = 1.0, edge_id = pack "8"},Edge {edge_source = pack "4", edge_target = pack "5", edge_weight = 1.0, edge_id = pack "9"},Edge {edge_source = pack "5", edge_target = pack "5", edge_weight = 1.0, edge_id = pack "10"},Edge {edge_source = pack "6", edge_target = pack "6", edge_weight = 1.0, edge_id = pack "11"},Edge {edge_source = pack "7", edge_target = pack "6", edge_weight = 1.0, edge_id = pack "12"},Edge {edge_source = pack "7", edge_target = pack "7", edge_weight = 1.0, edge_id = pack "13"},Edge {edge_source = pack "8", edge_target = pack "6", edge_weight = 1.0, edge_id = pack "14"},Edge {edge_source = pack "8", edge_target = pack "7", edge_weight = 1.0, edge_id = pack "15"},Edge {edge_source = pack "8", edge_target = pack "8", edge_weight = 1.0, edge_id = pack "16"}], _graph_metadata = Nothing}
129 -- | Intances for the mack
130 instance Arbitrary Graph where
131 arbitrary = elements $ [defaultGraph]
134 -----------------------------------------------------------
135 -- V3 Gargantext Version
137 data AttributesV3 = AttributesV3 { cl :: Int }
138 deriving (Show, Generic)
139 $(deriveJSON (unPrefix "") ''AttributesV3)
141 data NodeV3 = NodeV3 { no_id :: Int
142 , no_at :: AttributesV3
143 , no_s :: Int
144 , no_lb :: Text
145 }
146 deriving (Show, Generic)
147 $(deriveJSON (unPrefix "no_") ''NodeV3)
149 data EdgeV3 = EdgeV3 { eo_s :: Int
150 , eo_t :: Int
151 , eo_w :: Text
152 }
153 deriving (Show, Generic)
154 $(deriveJSON (unPrefix "eo_") ''EdgeV3)
156 data GraphV3 = GraphV3 {
157 go_links :: [EdgeV3]
158 , go_nodes :: [NodeV3]
159 }
160 deriving (Show, Generic)
161 $(deriveJSON (unPrefix "go_") ''GraphV3)
163 ----------------------------------------------------------
164 -- | From data to Graph
165 -- FIXME: distance should not be a map since we just "toList" it (same as cLouvain)
166 data2graph :: [(Label, Int)] -> Map (Int, Int) Int
167 -> Map (Int, Int) Double
168 -> [LouvainNode]
169 -> Graph
170 data2graph labels coocs distance partitions = Graph nodes edges Nothing
171 where
172 community_id_by_node_id = M.fromList [ (n, c) | LouvainNode n c <- partitions ]
173 nodes = [ Node { node_size = maybe 0 identity (M.lookup (n,n) coocs)
174 , node_type = Terms -- or Unknown
175 , node_id = cs (show n)
176 , node_label = T.unwords l
177 , node_attributes =
178 Attributes { clust_default = maybe 0 identity
179 (M.lookup n community_id_by_node_id) } }
180 | (l, n) <- labels ]
181 edges = [ Edge { edge_source = cs (show s)
182 , edge_target = cs (show t)
183 , edge_weight = w
184 , edge_id = cs (show i) }
185 | (i, ((s,t), w)) <- zip ([0..]::[Integer]) (M.toList distance) ]
186 -----------------------------------------------------------
187 -----------------------------------------------------------
189 graphV3ToGraph :: GraphV3 -> Graph
190 graphV3ToGraph (GraphV3 links nodes) = Graph (map nodeV32node nodes) (zipWith linkV32edge [1..] links) Nothing
191 where
192 nodeV32node :: NodeV3 -> Node
193 nodeV32node (NodeV3 no_id' (AttributesV3 cl') no_s' no_lb')
194 = Node no_s' Terms (cs $ show no_id') no_lb' (Attributes cl')
196 linkV32edge :: Int -> EdgeV3 -> Edge
197 linkV32edge n (EdgeV3 eo_s' eo_t' eo_w') = Edge (cs $ show eo_s') (cs $ show eo_t') ((T.read $ T.unpack eo_w') :: Double) (cs $ show n)
200 graphV3ToGraphWithFiles :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
201 graphV3ToGraphWithFiles g1 g2 = do
202 -- GraphV3 <- IO Fichier
203 graph <- DBL.readFile g1
204 let newGraph = case DA.decode graph :: Maybe GraphV3 of
205 Nothing -> panic (T.pack "no graph")
206 Just new -> new
208 DBL.writeFile g2 (DA.encode $ graphV3ToGraph newGraph)
210 readGraphFromJson :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe Graph)
211 readGraphFromJson fp = do
212 graph <- DBL.readFile fp
213 pure $ DA.decode graph