]> Git — Sourcephile - gargantext.git/blob - src/Gargantext/Database/Query/Table/Node.hs
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/adinapoli/issue-198' into dev
[gargantext.git] / src / Gargantext / Database / Query / Table / Node.hs
1 {-|
2 import Gargantext.Database.Prelude (Cmd, runPGSQuery)
3 Module : Gargantext.Database.Query.Table.Node
4 Description : Main Tools of Node to the database
5 Copyright : (c) CNRS, 2017-Present
6 License : AGPL + CECILL v3
7 Maintainer : team@gargantext.org
8 Stability : experimental
9 Portability : POSIX
10 -}
12 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
14 {-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-}
15 {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
16 {-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
17 {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
18 {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
19 {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
21 module Gargantext.Database.Query.Table.Node
22 where
24 import Control.Arrow (returnA)
25 import Control.Lens (set, view)
26 import Data.Aeson
27 import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
28 import Data.Text (Text)
29 import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.SqlQQ (sql)
30 import Opaleye hiding (FromField)
31 import Prelude hiding (null, id, map, sum)
33 import Gargantext.Core
34 import Gargantext.Core.Types
35 import Gargantext.Core.Types.Query (Limit, Offset)
36 import Gargantext.Database.Admin.Types.Hyperdata
37 import Gargantext.Database.Admin.Types.Hyperdata.Default
38 import Gargantext.Database.Prelude
39 import Gargantext.Database.Query.Filter (limit', offset')
40 import Gargantext.Database.Query.Table.Node.Error
41 import Gargantext.Database.Schema.Node
42 import Gargantext.Prelude hiding (sum, head)
44 import qualified Database.PostgreSQL.Simple as PGS
47 queryNodeSearchTable :: Select NodeSearchRead
48 queryNodeSearchTable = selectTable nodeTableSearch
50 selectNode :: Column SqlInt4 -> Select NodeRead
51 selectNode id' = proc () -> do
52 row <- queryNodeTable -< ()
53 restrict -< _node_id row .== id'
54 returnA -< row
56 runGetNodes :: Select NodeRead -> Cmd err [Node HyperdataAny]
57 runGetNodes = runOpaQuery
59 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
60 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
61 -- | order by publication date
62 -- Favorites (Bool), node_ngrams
63 selectNodesWith :: HasDBid NodeType
64 => ParentId -> Maybe NodeType
65 -> Maybe Offset -> Maybe Limit -> Select NodeRead
66 selectNodesWith parentId maybeNodeType maybeOffset maybeLimit =
67 --offset' maybeOffset $ limit' maybeLimit $ orderBy (asc (hyperdataDocument_Publication_date . node_hyperdata)) $ selectNodesWith' parentId typeId
68 limit' maybeLimit $ offset' maybeOffset
69 $ orderBy (asc _node_id)
70 $ selectNodesWith' parentId maybeNodeType
72 selectNodesWith' :: HasDBid NodeType
73 => ParentId -> Maybe NodeType -> Select NodeRead
74 selectNodesWith' parentId maybeNodeType = proc () -> do
75 node' <- (proc () -> do
76 row@(Node _ _ typeId _ parentId' _ _ _) <- queryNodeTable -< ()
77 restrict -< parentId' .== (pgNodeId parentId)
79 let typeId' = maybe 0 toDBid maybeNodeType
81 restrict -< if typeId' > 0
82 then typeId .== (sqlInt4 (typeId' :: Int))
83 else (sqlBool True)
84 returnA -< row ) -< ()
85 returnA -< node'
87 deleteNode :: NodeId -> Cmd err Int
88 deleteNode n = mkCmd $ \conn ->
89 fromIntegral <$> runDelete_ conn
90 (Delete nodeTable
91 (\(Node n_id _ _ _ _ _ _ _) -> n_id .== pgNodeId n)
92 rCount
93 )
95 deleteNodes :: [NodeId] -> Cmd err Int
96 deleteNodes ns = mkCmd $ \conn ->
97 fromIntegral <$> runDelete_ conn
98 (Delete nodeTable
99 (\(Node n_id _ _ _ _ _ _ _) -> in_ ((map pgNodeId ns)) n_id)
100 rCount
101 )
103 -- TODO: NodeType should match with `a'
104 getNodesWith :: (JSONB a, HasDBid NodeType) => NodeId -> proxy a -> Maybe NodeType
105 -> Maybe Offset -> Maybe Limit -> Cmd err [Node a]
106 getNodesWith parentId _ nodeType maybeOffset maybeLimit =
107 runOpaQuery $ selectNodesWith parentId nodeType maybeOffset maybeLimit
109 -- TODO: Why is the second parameter ignored?
110 -- TODO: Why not use getNodesWith?
111 getNodesWithParentId :: (Hyperdata a, JSONB a)
112 => Maybe NodeId
113 -> Cmd err [Node a]
114 getNodesWithParentId n = runOpaQuery $ selectNodesWithParentID n'
115 where
116 n' = case n of
117 Just n'' -> n''
118 Nothing -> 0
121 -- | Given a node id, find it's closest parent of given type
122 -- NOTE: This isn't too optimal: can make successive queries depending on how
123 -- deeply nested the child is.
124 getClosestParentIdByType :: HasDBid NodeType
125 => NodeId
126 -> NodeType
127 -> Cmd err (Maybe NodeId)
128 getClosestParentIdByType nId nType = do
129 result <- runPGSQuery query (PGS.Only nId)
130 case result of
131 [(NodeId parentId, pTypename)] -> do
132 if toDBid nType == pTypename then
133 pure $ Just $ NodeId parentId
134 else
135 getClosestParentIdByType (NodeId parentId) nType
136 _ -> pure Nothing
137 where
138 query :: PGS.Query
139 query = [sql|
140 SELECT n2.id, n2.typename
141 FROM nodes n1
142 JOIN nodes n2 ON n1.parent_id = n2.id
143 WHERE n1.id = ?;
144 |]
146 -- | Similar to `getClosestParentIdByType` but includes current node
147 -- in search too
148 getClosestParentIdByType' :: HasDBid NodeType
149 => NodeId
150 -> NodeType
151 -> Cmd err (Maybe NodeId)
152 getClosestParentIdByType' nId nType = do
153 result <- runPGSQuery query (PGS.Only nId)
154 case result of
155 [(NodeId id, pTypename)] -> do
156 if toDBid nType == pTypename then
157 pure $ Just $ NodeId id
158 else
159 getClosestParentIdByType nId nType
160 _ -> pure Nothing
161 where
162 query :: PGS.Query
163 query = [sql|
164 SELECT n.id, n.typename
165 FROM nodes n
166 WHERE n.id = ?;
167 |]
169 -- | Given a node id, find all it's children (no matter how deep) of
170 -- given node type.
171 getChildrenByType :: HasDBid NodeType
172 => NodeId
173 -> NodeType
174 -> Cmd err [NodeId]
175 getChildrenByType nId nType = do
176 result <- runPGSQuery query (PGS.Only nId)
177 children_lst <- mapM (\(id, _) -> getChildrenByType id nType) result
178 pure $ concat $ [fst <$> filter (\(_, pTypename) -> pTypename == toDBid nType) result] ++ children_lst
179 where
180 query :: PGS.Query
181 query = [sql|
182 SELECT n.id, n.typename
183 FROM nodes n
184 WHERE n.parent_id = ?;
185 |]
187 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
188 getDocumentsV3WithParentId :: HasDBid NodeType => NodeId -> Cmd err [Node HyperdataDocumentV3]
189 getDocumentsV3WithParentId n = runOpaQuery $ selectNodesWith' n (Just NodeDocument)
191 -- TODO: merge with getDocumentsWithParentId by having a class IsHyperdataDocument
192 getDocumentsWithParentId :: HasDBid NodeType => NodeId -> Cmd err [Node HyperdataDocument]
193 getDocumentsWithParentId n = runOpaQuery $ selectNodesWith' n (Just NodeDocument)
195 getListsModelWithParentId :: HasDBid NodeType => NodeId -> Cmd err [Node HyperdataModel]
196 getListsModelWithParentId n = runOpaQuery $ selectNodesWith' n (Just NodeModel)
198 getCorporaWithParentId :: HasDBid NodeType => NodeId -> Cmd err [Node HyperdataCorpus]
199 getCorporaWithParentId n = runOpaQuery $ selectNodesWith' n (Just NodeCorpus)
201 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
202 selectNodesWithParentID :: NodeId -> Select NodeRead
203 selectNodesWithParentID n = proc () -> do
204 row@(Node _ _ _ _ parent_id _ _ _) <- queryNodeTable -< ()
205 restrict -< parent_id .== (pgNodeId n)
206 returnA -< row
209 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
210 -- | Example of use:
211 -- runCmdReplEasy (getNodesWithType NodeList (Proxy :: Proxy HyperdataList))
212 getNodesWithType :: (HasNodeError err, JSONB a, HasDBid NodeType) => NodeType -> proxy a -> Cmd err [Node a]
213 getNodesWithType nt _ = runOpaQuery $ selectNodesWithType nt
214 where
215 selectNodesWithType :: HasDBid NodeType
216 => NodeType -> Select NodeRead
217 selectNodesWithType nt' = proc () -> do
218 row@(Node _ _ tn _ _ _ _ _) <- queryNodeTable -< ()
219 restrict -< tn .== (sqlInt4 $ toDBid nt')
220 returnA -< row
222 getNodesIdWithType :: (HasNodeError err, HasDBid NodeType) => NodeType -> Cmd err [NodeId]
223 getNodesIdWithType nt = do
224 ns <- runOpaQuery $ selectNodesIdWithType nt
225 pure (map NodeId ns)
227 selectNodesIdWithType :: HasDBid NodeType
228 => NodeType -> Select (Column SqlInt4)
229 selectNodesIdWithType nt = proc () -> do
230 row@(Node _ _ tn _ _ _ _ _) <- queryNodeTable -< ()
231 restrict -< tn .== (sqlInt4 $ toDBid nt)
232 returnA -< _node_id row
234 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
236 nodeExists :: (HasNodeError err) => NodeId -> Cmd err Bool
237 nodeExists nId = (== [PGS.Only True])
238 <$> runPGSQuery [sql|SELECT true FROM nodes WHERE id = ? |] (PGS.Only nId)
240 getNode :: HasNodeError err => NodeId -> Cmd err (Node Value)
241 getNode nId = do
242 maybeNode <- headMay <$> runOpaQuery (selectNode (pgNodeId nId))
243 case maybeNode of
244 Nothing -> nodeError (DoesNotExist nId)
245 Just r -> pure r
247 getNodeWith :: (HasNodeError err, JSONB a)
248 => NodeId -> proxy a -> Cmd err (Node a)
249 getNodeWith nId _ = do
250 maybeNode <- headMay <$> runOpaQuery (selectNode (pgNodeId nId))
251 case maybeNode of
252 Nothing -> nodeError (DoesNotExist nId)
253 Just r -> pure r
256 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
257 -- | Sugar to insert Node with NodeType in Database
258 insertDefaultNode :: HasDBid NodeType
259 => NodeType -> ParentId -> UserId -> Cmd err [NodeId]
260 insertDefaultNode nt p u = insertNode nt Nothing Nothing p u
262 insertDefaultNodeIfNotExists :: HasDBid NodeType
263 => NodeType -> ParentId -> UserId -> Cmd err [NodeId]
264 insertDefaultNodeIfNotExists nt p u = do
265 children <- getChildrenByType p nt
266 case children of
267 [] -> insertDefaultNode nt p u
268 xs -> pure xs
270 insertNode :: HasDBid NodeType
271 => NodeType -> Maybe Name -> Maybe DefaultHyperdata -> ParentId -> UserId -> Cmd err [NodeId]
272 insertNode nt n h p u = insertNodesR [nodeW nt n h p u]
274 nodeW :: HasDBid NodeType
275 => NodeType -> Maybe Name -> Maybe DefaultHyperdata -> ParentId -> UserId -> NodeWrite
276 nodeW nt n h p u = node nt n' h' (Just p) u
277 where
278 n' = fromMaybe (defaultName nt) n
279 h' = maybe (defaultHyperdata nt) identity h
281 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
282 node :: (ToJSON a, Hyperdata a, HasDBid NodeType)
283 => NodeType
284 -> Name
285 -> a
286 -> Maybe ParentId
287 -> UserId
288 -> NodeWrite
289 node nodeType name hyperData parentId userId =
290 Node Nothing Nothing
291 (sqlInt4 typeId)
292 (sqlInt4 userId)
293 (pgNodeId <$> parentId)
294 (sqlStrictText name)
295 Nothing
296 (sqlJSONB $ cs $ encode hyperData)
297 where
298 typeId = toDBid nodeType
300 -------------------------------
301 insertNodes :: [NodeWrite] -> Cmd err Int64
302 insertNodes ns = mkCmd $ \conn -> runInsert_ conn $ Insert nodeTable ns rCount Nothing
304 {-
305 insertNodes' :: [Node a] -> Cmd err Int64
306 insertNodes' ns = mkCmd $ \conn -> runInsert_ conn
307 $ Insert nodeTable ns' rCount Nothing
308 where
309 ns' :: [NodeWrite]
310 ns' = map (\(Node i t u p n d h)
311 -> Node (pgNodeId <$> i)
312 (sqlInt4 $ toDBid t)
313 (sqlInt4 u)
314 (pgNodeId <$> p)
315 (sqlStrictText n)
316 (pgUTCTime <$> d)
317 (pgJSONB $ cs $ encode h)
318 ) ns
319 -}
321 insertNodesR :: [NodeWrite] -> Cmd err [NodeId]
322 insertNodesR ns = mkCmd $ \conn ->
323 runInsert_ conn (Insert nodeTable ns (rReturning (\(Node i _ _ _ _ _ _ _) -> i)) Nothing)
325 insertNodesWithParent :: Maybe ParentId -> [NodeWrite] -> Cmd err Int64
326 insertNodesWithParent pid ns = insertNodes (set node_parent_id (pgNodeId <$> pid) <$> ns)
328 insertNodesWithParentR :: Maybe ParentId -> [NodeWrite] -> Cmd err [NodeId]
329 insertNodesWithParentR pid ns = insertNodesR (set node_parent_id (pgNodeId <$> pid) <$> ns)
330 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
331 -- TODO
332 -- currently this function removes the child relation
333 -- needs a Temporary type between Node' and NodeWriteT
335 node2table :: HasDBid NodeType
336 => UserId -> Maybe ParentId -> Node' -> NodeWrite
337 node2table uid pid (Node' nt txt v []) = Node Nothing Nothing (sqlInt4 $ toDBid nt) (sqlInt4 uid) (fmap pgNodeId pid) (sqlStrictText txt) Nothing (sqlStrictJSONB $ cs $ encode v)
338 node2table _ _ (Node' _ _ _ _) = panic "node2table: should not happen, Tree insert not implemented yet"
341 data Node' = Node' { _n_type :: NodeType
342 , _n_name :: Text
343 , _n_data :: Value
344 , _n_children :: [Node']
345 } deriving (Show)
347 mkNodes :: [NodeWrite] -> Cmd err Int64
348 mkNodes ns = mkCmd $ \conn -> runInsert_ conn
349 $ Insert nodeTable ns rCount Nothing
351 mkNodeR :: [NodeWrite] -> Cmd err [NodeId]
352 mkNodeR ns = mkCmd $ \conn -> runInsert_ conn $ Insert nodeTable ns (rReturning _node_id) Nothing
354 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
355 childWith :: HasDBid NodeType
356 => UserId -> ParentId -> Node' -> NodeWrite
357 childWith uId pId (Node' NodeDocument txt v []) = node2table uId (Just pId) (Node' NodeDocument txt v [])
358 childWith uId pId (Node' NodeContact txt v []) = node2table uId (Just pId) (Node' NodeContact txt v [])
359 childWith _ _ (Node' _ _ _ _) = panic "This NodeType can not be a child"
362 -- =================================================================== --
363 -- |
364 -- CorpusDocument is a corpus made from a set of documents
365 -- CorpusContact is a corpus made from a set of contacts (syn of Annuaire)
366 data CorpusType = CorpusDocument | CorpusContact
368 class MkCorpus a
369 where
370 mk :: HasDBid NodeType => Maybe Name -> Maybe a -> ParentId -> UserId -> Cmd err [NodeId]
372 instance MkCorpus HyperdataCorpus
373 where
374 mk n Nothing p u = insertNode NodeCorpus n Nothing p u
375 mk n (Just h) p u = insertNode NodeCorpus n (Just $ DefaultCorpus h) p u
378 instance MkCorpus HyperdataAnnuaire
379 where
380 mk n Nothing p u = insertNode NodeCorpus n Nothing p u
381 mk n (Just h) p u = insertNode NodeAnnuaire n (Just $ DefaultAnnuaire h) p u
384 getOrMkList :: (HasNodeError err, HasDBid NodeType)
385 => ParentId
386 -> UserId
387 -> Cmd err ListId
388 getOrMkList pId uId =
389 maybe (mkList' pId uId) (pure . view node_id) . headMay =<< getListsWithParentId pId
390 where
391 mkList' pId' uId' = maybe (nodeError MkNode) pure . headMay =<< insertDefaultNode NodeList pId' uId'
393 -- | TODO remove defaultList
394 defaultList :: (HasNodeError err, HasDBid NodeType) => CorpusId -> Cmd err ListId
395 defaultList cId =
396 maybe (nodeError NoListFound) (pure . view node_id) . headMay =<< getListsWithParentId cId
398 defaultListMaybe :: (HasNodeError err, HasDBid NodeType) => CorpusId -> Cmd err (Maybe NodeId)
399 defaultListMaybe cId = headMay <$> map (view node_id ) <$> getListsWithParentId cId
401 getListsWithParentId :: HasDBid NodeType => NodeId -> Cmd err [Node HyperdataList]
402 getListsWithParentId n = runOpaQuery $ selectNodesWith' n (Just NodeList)