]> Git — Sourcephile - gargantext.git/blob - src/Gargantext/Core/Text/Upload.hs
[graphql] use FTS instead of context table match for context ngrams
[gargantext.git] / src / Gargantext / Core / Text / Upload.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
3 module Gargantext.Core.Text.Upload
4 ( Host(..)
5 , DocId(..)
6 , Data(..)
7 , ContentType (..)
8 , ethercalc
9 , codimd
10 )
11 where
13 import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
14 import qualified Data.Text as T
15 import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TE
16 import Gargantext.Utils.Servant (CSV, Markdown)
17 import Network.HTTP.Client (newManager, Request(..))
18 import Network.HTTP.Client.TLS (tlsManagerSettings)
19 import Protolude
20 import Servant.API
21 import Servant.Client
24 newtype Host = Host { fromHost :: Text }
25 newtype DocId = DocId { fromDocId :: Text }
26 newtype Data = Data { fromData :: Text }
27 data ContentType a =
28 CTPlain a
29 | CTCSV a
30 -- TODO SocialCalc, Excel XML ?
32 instance MimeRender CSV Data where
33 mimeRender p (Data d) = mimeRender p d
34 instance MimeRender PlainText Data where
35 mimeRender p (Data d) = mimeRender p d
37 instance ToHttpApiData DocId where
38 toUrlPiece (DocId docId) = docId
41 -- https://github.com/audreyt/ethercalc/blob/master/API.md
42 type EthercalcAPI =
43 "_" :> (
44 -- plain text
45 ReqBody '[PlainText] Data
46 :> Post '[PlainText] Text
47 :<|>
48 Capture "docId" DocId
49 :> ReqBody '[PlainText] Data
50 :> Put '[PlainText] Text
52 -- csv
53 :<|>
54 ReqBody '[CSV] Data
55 :> Post '[PlainText, CSV] Text
56 :<|>
57 Capture "docId" DocId
58 :> ReqBody '[CSV] Data
59 :> Put '[PlainText, CSV] Text
60 )
62 ethercalcAPI :: Proxy EthercalcAPI
63 ethercalcAPI = Proxy
65 ethercalcNewPlain :: Data -> ClientM Text
66 ethercalcUpdatePlain :: DocId -> Data -> ClientM Text
67 ethercalcNewCSV :: Data -> ClientM Text
68 ethercalcUpdateCSV :: DocId -> Data -> ClientM Text
69 ethercalcNewPlain :<|> ethercalcUpdatePlain
70 :<|> ethercalcNewCSV :<|> ethercalcUpdateCSV = client ethercalcAPI
73 ------------------------------
75 -- | Create new or update existing Ethercalc document (depending on
76 -- `Maybe DocId` constructor). `Data` can be in various formats (CSV,
77 -- etc).
78 ethercalc :: Host -> Maybe DocId -> ContentType Data -> IO (Either ClientError Text)
79 ethercalc (Host host) mDocId ctD = do
80 manager' <- newManager tlsManagerSettings
81 let env = mkClientEnv manager' (BaseUrl Https (T.unpack host) 443 "")
82 case (mDocId, ctD) of
83 (Nothing, CTPlain d) -> runClientM (ethercalcNewPlain d) env
84 (Nothing, CTCSV d) -> runClientM (ethercalcNewCSV d) env
85 (Just docId, CTPlain d) -> runClientM (ethercalcUpdatePlain docId d) env
86 (Just docId, CTCSV d) -> runClientM (ethercalcUpdateCSV docId d) env
88 -----------------------------------
90 type CodiMDAPI =
91 "new" :> (
92 ReqBody '[Markdown] Data
93 :> Post '[Markdown] Text
94 )
96 instance MimeRender Markdown Data where
97 mimeRender p (Data d) = mimeRender p d
99 codimdAPI :: Proxy CodiMDAPI
100 codimdAPI = Proxy
102 codimdAPINew :: Data -> ClientM Text
103 codimdAPINew = client codimdAPI
106 -- | Create a new CodiMD document (with Markdown contents). Please
107 -- note that AFAIK CodiMD update is not supported, see
108 -- https://github.com/hackmdio/codimd/issues/1013
109 codimd :: Host -> Data -> IO (Either Text Text)
110 codimd (Host host) d = do
111 manager' <- newManager tlsManagerSettings
112 let env' = mkClientEnv manager' (BaseUrl Https (T.unpack host) 443 "")
113 let env = env' { makeClientRequest = \burl req -> (defaultMakeClientRequest burl req) { redirectCount = 0 } }
114 eRes <- runClientM (codimdAPINew d) env
115 pure $ case eRes of
116 -- NOTE We actually expect a redirect here (a 302 with the new
117 -- page's URL). Hence we expect a `Left FailureResponse` because
118 -- we have set `redirectCount = 0` above.
119 Left (FailureResponse _req (Response { responseHeaders })) ->
120 case Map.lookup "location" (Map.fromList $ toList responseHeaders) of
121 Nothing -> Left "Cannot find 'Location' header in response"
122 Just loc -> Right $ TE.decodeUtf8 loc
123 err -> Left $ "Error creating codimd document: " <> show err