]> Git — Sourcephile - haskell/literate-accounting.git/blob - src/Symantic/Compta/Norm/PCG/Journal.hs
[haskell/literate-accounting.git] / src / Symantic / Compta / Norm / PCG / Journal.hs
1 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-missing-signatures #-}
2 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unused-do-bind #-}
3 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}
4 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unused-imports #-}
5 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-name-shadowing #-}
6 {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
7 --{-# LANGUAGE QualifiedDo #-}
8 module Symantic.Compta.Norm.PCG.Journal where
10 import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..), liftA2)
11 import Control.DeepSeq (NFData)
12 import Control.Monad (Monad(..), forM)
13 import Data.Bool
14 import Data.Decimal (Decimal)
15 import Data.Either (Either(..))
16 import Data.Eq (Eq(..))
17 import Data.Function (($), (.), id)
18 import Data.Functor (Functor, (<$>), (<$))
19 import Data.Hashable (Hashable)
20 import Data.Kind (Type)
21 import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..), nonEmpty)
22 import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
23 import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), maybeToList)
24 import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..), Endo(..))
25 import Data.Ord (Ord(..))
26 import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
27 import Data.String (String)
28 import Data.Tuple (uncurry)
29 import GHC.Generics (Generic)
30 import GHC.Stack (HasCallStack)
31 import GHC.TypeLits (Symbol)
32 import Numeric.Natural (Natural)
33 import Prelude (error)
34 import Text.Show (Show(..), showString)
35 import qualified Control.Monad as Monad (Monad(..), forM)
36 import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.Class as MT
37 import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.Reader as MT
38 import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State as MT
39 import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.Writer as MT
40 import qualified Data.Char as Char
41 import qualified Data.Foldable as Foldable
42 import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
43 import qualified Data.List as List
44 import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
45 import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
46 import qualified Data.Tree as Tree
47 import qualified Prelude
49 import Symantic.Compta.Input.Journal
50 import Symantic.Compta.Calc.Balance
51 import Symantic.Compta.Calc.Flow
52 import Symantic.Compta.Calc.Unit
53 import Symantic.Compta.Lang
54 import Symantic.Compta.Norm.PCG.Chart
55 import Symantic.Compta.Utils.Error
56 import qualified Symantic.Compta.Calc.Chart as Chart
58 -- * Type 'JournalPCG'
59 newtype JournalPCG repr a = JournalPCG { unJournalPCG ::
60 MT.Reader (JournalEnv repr) (repr {-Ty (JournalPCG repr)-} a)
61 } deriving anyclass (Functor, Applicative, Monad)
62 type instance Ty (JournalPCG repr) TyAccountSection = Ty repr TyAccountSection
63 type instance Ty (JournalPCG repr) TyAccount = Ty repr TyAccount
64 type instance Ty (JournalPCG repr) TyAmount = Ty repr TyAmount
65 type instance Ty (JournalPCG repr) TyUnit = Ty repr TyUnit
66 type instance Ty (JournalPCG repr) TyQuantity = Ty repr TyQuantity
68 --instance Trans (JournalPCG repr) repr where
69 --trans (JournalPCG m) = _e m
71 journal ::
72 IsString (Ty repr TyUnit) =>
73 Chart -> JournalRepr (JournalPCG repr) TyMove -> repr [TyMove]
74 journal ch jnl = MT.runReader (unJournalPCG (runJournalRepr jnl)) (journalEnv ch)
76 -- ** Type 'JournalEnv'
77 data JournalEnv (repr::Type -> Type) = JournalEnv
78 { journalChart :: Chart
79 --, accountByCode :: HashMap.HashMap AccountCode ChartNode
80 --, accountByName :: HashMap.HashMap AccountPath (AccountCode, ChartNode)
81 , defaultUnit :: Ty repr TyUnit
82 }
83 journalEnv ::
84 IsString (Ty repr TyUnit) =>
85 Chart -> JournalEnv repr
86 journalEnv ch = JournalEnv
87 { journalChart = ch
88 --, accountByCode = HashMap.fromList byCode
89 --, accountByName = HashMap.fromList byName
90 , defaultUnit = fromString ""
91 }
92 -- where
93 -- (byCode{-, byName-}) = goChart (AccountCode 0{-, []-}) ch
94 -- goChart p = Map.foldMapWithKey (goNode p) . Chart.unChart
95 -- goNode (AccountCode kc{-, kn-}) n (node, children) =
96 -- let keyCode = AccountCode (kc Prelude.* 10 Prelude.^ digitNumber n Prelude.+ n) in
97 -- --let keyName = kn <> maybeToList (sectionName node) in
98 -- let (bc{-, bn-}) = goChart (keyCode{-, keyName-}) children in
99 -- ( (keyCode, ({-nonEmpty keyName,-} node)) : bc
100 -- {-
101 -- , case nonEmpty keyName of
102 -- Just k -> (k, (keyCode, node)) : bn
103 -- Nothing -> bn
104 -- -}
105 -- )
107 -- | @('digitNumber' n)@ retourne le nombre de digits nécessaires pour encoder 'n'.
108 digitNumber :: Natural -> Natural
109 digitNumber = go where
110 go n | n < 10 = 1
111 | otherwise = 1 Prelude.+ go (n`Prelude.div`10)
113 instance
114 ( Postable repr
115 , Listable repr
116 ) => IsString (JournalPCG repr TyAccount) where
117 fromString = error ""
118 instance
119 ( Postable repr
120 , Listable repr
121 , Zeroable (repr TyAmount)
122 ) => IsString (JournalPCG repr TyPost) where
123 fromString s = JournalPCG do
124 acct <- unJournalPCG $ fromString s
125 return $ post acct zero
126 instance
127 ( Postable repr
128 , Listable repr
129 , Zeroable (repr TyAmount)
130 , Inject (Chart.ChartPath AccountCode) repr TyAccount
131 --, FromInteger (JournalPCG repr TyPost)
132 ) => FromInteger (JournalPCG repr TyPost) where
133 fromInteger i = JournalPCG do
134 acct <- unJournalPCG $ fromInteger i
135 return $ post acct zero
136 instance
137 Zeroable (repr TyAmount) =>
138 Zeroable (JournalPCG repr TyAmount) where
139 zero = JournalPCG (return zero)
140 instance Addable a => Addable (JournalPCG repr a) where
141 x + y = (+) <$> x <*> y
142 instance Listable repr => Listable (JournalPCG repr) where
143 nil = JournalPCG (return nil)
144 cons (JournalPCG x) (JournalPCG xs) = JournalPCG (liftA2 cons x xs)
145 concat (JournalPCG xs) (JournalPCG ys) = JournalPCG (concat <$> xs <*> ys)
146 instance Postable repr => Postable (JournalPCG repr) where
147 post (JournalPCG acct) (JournalPCG amt) = JournalPCG do
148 post <$> acct <*> amt
149 instance
150 ( Addable (Ty repr TyQuantity)
151 , Moveable repr
152 , Negable (Ty repr TyQuantity)
153 , Nullable (Ty repr TyQuantity)
154 , Ord (Ty repr TyAccountSection)
155 , Ord (Ty repr TyUnit)
156 , Postable repr
157 , Show (Ty repr TyAccountSection)
158 , Show (Ty repr TyQuantity)
159 , Show (Ty repr TyUnit)
160 , Trans repr (BalanceRepr Maybe repr)
161 , Trans repr (InferPost repr)
162 ) => Moveable (JournalPCG repr) where
163 move (JournalPCG ps) = JournalPCG $ go <$> ps
164 where
165 go ps =
166 case equilibrium ps of
167 Right eps -> move eps
168 Left errs -> error ("equilibrium: "<>show errs)
169 instance Accountable repr => Accountable (JournalPCG repr) where
170 account = JournalPCG . return . account
171 instance Amountable repr => Amountable (JournalPCG repr) where
172 amount = JournalPCG . return . amount
173 instance Negable (repr qty) => Negable (JournalPCG repr qty) where
174 negate = JournalPCG . (negate <$>) . unJournalPCG
175 {-
176 instance
177 ( Postable repr
178 , Listable repr
179 ) => Postable acct amt (JournalPCG repr) where
180 post acct amt = JournalPCG $ MT.ReaderT $ \_env -> post acct amt
181 instance
182 ( Postable acct (Map unit qty) repr
183 , FromInteger (JournalPCG acct (Map unit qty) repr acct)
184 , Listable repr
185 ) => FromInteger (JournalPCG acct (Map unit qty) repr [TyPost]) where
186 fromInteger i = cons (fromInteger i) nil
187 instance
188 ( Postable acct (Map unit qty) repr
189 , IsString (JournalPCG acct (Map unit qty) repr acct)
190 , Listable repr
191 ) => IsString (JournalPCG acct (Map unit qty) repr [TyPost]) where
192 fromString s = do
193 acct :: acct <- fromString s
194 cons (post acct (Map.empty :: Map unit qty)) nil
195 -}
196 {-
197 instance
198 ( FromRational qty
199 , Listable repr
200 ) => FromRational (JournalPCG repr qty) where
201 fromRational i = JournalPCG $ MT.ReaderT $ \_env ->
202 fromRational i
203 instance FromInteger (JournalPCG repr AccountCode) where
204 fromInteger i = JournalPCG do
205 env <- MT.ask
206 let ac = if 0 <= i then AccountCode (fromInteger i) else error ("Invalid AccountCode: "<>show i)
207 case HashMap.lookup ac (accountByCode env) of
208 Just{} -> return ac
209 _ -> error ("Chart does not allow AccountCode: "<>show ac<>" "<>show (accountByCode env))
210 -}
211 {-
212 instance
213 Listable repr =>
214 IsString (JournalPCG repr (Chart.ChartPath AccountSegment)) where
215 fromString s = JournalM $ do
216 env <- MT.lift MT.ask
217 case nonEmpty (fromString s) of
218 Just acct | HashMap.member acct (accountByName env) -> return acct
219 Just acct -> error ("AccountPath is not allowed by given Chart: "<>show acct)
220 Nothing -> error "Invalid empty AccountPath"
221 instance
222 Listable repr =>
223 FromInteger (JournalPCG repr (Chart.ChartPath AccountSegment)) where
224 fromInteger i = JournalM $ do
225 env <- MT.lift MT.ask
226 let ac = if 0 <= i then AccountCode (fromInteger i) else error ("Invalid AccountCode: "<>show i)
227 case HashMap.lookup ac (accountByCode env) of
228 Just (Just acct, _) -> return acct
229 _ -> error ("Chart does not allow AccountCode: "<>show ac)
230 -}
231 instance
232 ( Listable repr
233 --, Ty repr TyAccount ~ Chart.ChartPath Natural --AccountCodeSegment
234 , Inject (Chart.ChartPath AccountCode) repr TyAccount
235 ) => FromInteger (JournalPCG repr TyAccount) where
236 fromInteger i = JournalPCG $ do
237 env <- MT.ask
238 let code = if 0 <= i then fromInteger i else error ("Invalid AccountCode: "<>show code)
239 let path = {-chartSection <$>-} NonEmpty.fromList (AccountCode <$> digitsOfNatural code)
240 case Chart.lookup path (journalChart env) of
241 Just{} -> return $ inject path
242 _ -> error ("Chart does not allow AccountCode: "<>show code)
243 --instance FromInteger qty => FromInteger (JournalPCG repr qty) where
244 -- fromInteger = JournalPCG . return . fromInteger
245 --type instance QuantityOf (Map unit qty) = qty
246 instance
247 ( Listable repr
248 , Inject (Map (Ty repr TyUnit) (Ty repr TyQuantity)) repr TyAmount
249 , FromInteger (Ty repr TyQuantity)
250 ) => FromInteger (JournalPCG repr TyAmount) where
251 fromInteger i = JournalPCG $ do
252 env <- MT.ask
253 --qty <- unJournalM (fromInteger i :: JournalPCG acct (Map unit qty) repr qty)
254 --q <- unJournalPCG $ fromInteger i
255 return $ inject $ Map.singleton (defaultUnit env) (fromInteger i::Ty repr TyQuantity)
256 instance Unitable (JournalPCG repr) where
257 unit u = JournalPCG . MT.local (\env -> env{defaultUnit=u}) . unJournalPCG
258 instance EURable repr => EURable (JournalPCG repr) where
259 eur qty = JournalPCG $ eur <$> unJournalPCG qty
260 instance USDable repr => USDable (JournalPCG repr) where
261 usd qty = JournalPCG $ usd <$> unJournalPCG qty
262 {-
263 instance
264 Listable repr =>
265 IsString (JournalPCG repr AccountCode) where
266 fromString s = JournalM $ do
267 env <- MT.lift MT.ask
268 case nonEmpty (fromString s) of
269 Just acct | Just (ac, _) <- HashMap.lookup acct (accountByName env) -> return ac
270 Just acct -> error ("AccountPath is not allowed by given Chart: "<>show acct)
271 Nothing -> error "Invalid empty AccountPath"
272 -}
275 balance :: forall repr a.
276 Balanceable a ~ 'True =>
277 Addable (Ty repr TyQuantity) =>
278 Ord (Ty repr TyAccountSection) =>
279 Ord (Ty repr TyUnit) =>
280 Trans repr (BalanceRepr Maybe repr) =>
281 repr a ->
282 Balance (Ty repr TyAccountSection)
283 (Ty repr TyUnit)
284 (Ty repr TyQuantity)
285 (Trickle (Ty (BalanceRepr Trickle repr) TyAmount))
286 balance =
287 runBalanceRepr @Trickle .
288 trickleBalanceRepr .
289 trans @_ @(BalanceRepr Maybe repr)
291 {-
292 instance Listable repr => Listable (JournalPCG repr) where
293 nil = Monad.return []
294 cons = liftA2 (:)
295 concat = liftA2 (<>)
296 -}
298 --type instance AccountSectionOf (Chart.ChartPath section) = section
299 --type instance UnitOf (Map unit qty) = unit
300 --type instance AmountOf () = Map Unit Q
301 --type instance AccountOf () = NonEmpty AccountCode
303 --type Account = AccountCode
304 --type AccountCodeSegment = AccountCode
305 --type AccountPath = Chart.ChartPath AccountSegment
306 --type Amount = Map Unit Q
307 --type Q = (Flow Decimal)