]> Git — Sourcephile - haskell/literate-accounting.git/blob - src/Literate/Accounting/Balance.hs
iface: rename {Haccounting => Literate.Accounting}
[haskell/literate-accounting.git] / src / Literate / Accounting / Balance.hs
1 --{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
5 {-# LANGUAGE NoOverloadedLists #-}
6 {-# LANGUAGE PartialTypeSignatures #-}
7 {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
8 module Literate.Accounting.Balance where
10 import Lens.Micro
11 -- import Lens.Micro.Extras
12 -- import Lens.Micro.Type
13 import Control.DeepSeq (NFData, NFData1)
14 import Data.Functor.Classes (Eq1, Show1)
15 -- import Data.Kind (Type)
16 -- import Data.Bool
17 -- import Data.Coerce (coerce)
18 import Data.Either (Either(..), rights, lefts)
19 import Data.Eq (Eq(..))
20 import Data.Function (($), (.), id)
21 import Data.Functor (Functor(..), (<$), (<$>))
22 -- import Data.Foldable (foldMap)
23 import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
24 import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), maybe, fromMaybe, isJust, catMaybes)
25 import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..))
26 import Data.Ord (Ord(..))
27 import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
28 import Data.String (String)
29 import Data.Typeable ()
30 import GHC.Generics (Generic)
31 import Text.Show (Show(..))
32 import qualified Data.List as List
33 import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
34 import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
36 -- import Literate.Accounting.Rebindable
37 import Literate.Accounting.Flow
38 import Literate.Accounting.Math
39 import Literate.Accounting.Move
40 import Literate.Accounting.Unit
41 import Literate.Accounting.Chart as Chart
43 --type Lens' a b = forall f . Functor f => (b -> f b) -> (a -> f a)
45 -- * Type 'Balance'
46 data Balance acct unit qty sum = Balance
47 { balanceByAccount :: Chart acct (sum (Amounts unit qty))
48 , balanceByUnit :: Amounts unit (SumForUnit (Account acct) qty)
49 } deriving (Generic)
50 deriving instance (Eq acct, Eq unit, Eq qty, Eq (sum (Amounts unit qty))) => Eq (Balance acct unit qty sum)
51 deriving instance (Show acct, Show unit, Show qty, Show (sum (Amounts unit qty))) => Show (Balance acct unit qty sum)
52 deriving instance (NFData acct, NFData unit, NFData qty, NFData (sum (Amounts unit qty))) => NFData (Balance acct unit qty sum)
53 instance Zeroable (Balance acct unit qty sum) where
54 zero = Balance (Chart Map.empty) zero
55 instance (Ord acct, Ord unit, Addable qty, Addable (sum (Amounts unit qty))) => Addable (Balance acct unit qty sum) where
56 Balance xa xu + Balance ya yu = Balance (xa + ya) (xu + yu)
58 tableBalance ::
59 Ord acct =>
60 Show acct =>
61 Show unit =>
62 Show qty =>
63 Addable qty =>
64 Balance acct unit (Flow qty) Trickle ->
65 [[String]]
66 tableBalance Balance{..} =
67 Chart.foldrWithPath
68 (\acct Trickle{inclusive = Amounts amt} -> (
69 [ show acct
70 , List.intercalate "+" $ catMaybes $ (\(u,q) -> show . (u,) <$> flowIn q) <$> Map.toList amt
71 , List.intercalate "+" $ catMaybes $ (\(u,q) -> show . (u,) <$> flowOut q) <$> Map.toList amt
72 --, show (unFlow <$> amt)
73 ] :))
74 []
75 balanceByAccount
77 {-
78 -- * Type 'BalanceReprByAccount'
79 type BalanceReprByAccount f section unit qty =
80 Chart.Chart section (f (SumByAccount unit qty))
82 -- ** Type 'SumByAccount'
83 -- | A sum of quantities, concerning a single account.
84 type SumByAccount = Map
86 -- * Type 'BalanceReprByUnit'
87 type BalanceReprByUnit section unit qty =
88 Map unit (SumForUnit (Chart.ChartPath section) qty)
89 -}
91 -- ** Type 'SumForUnit'
92 -- | A sum of quantities with their 'Account's involved,
93 -- concerning a single @unit@.
94 data SumForUnit acct qty = SumForUnit
95 { sumForUnitQuantity :: qty
96 -- ^ The sum of quantities for a single @unit@.
97 , sumForUnitAccounts :: Map acct ()
98 -- ^ The accounts either involved to build 'sumForUnitQuantity',
99 -- or *not* involved when inside a 'DeviationByUnit'.
100 } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic, NFData)
101 instance Zeroable qty => Zeroable (SumForUnit acct qty) where
102 zero = SumForUnit zero Map.empty
103 instance (Ord acct, Addable qty) => Addable (SumForUnit acct qty) where
104 x + y = SumForUnit
105 (sumForUnitQuantity x + sumForUnitQuantity y)
106 (sumForUnitAccounts x + sumForUnitAccounts y)
107 instance (Ord acct, Negable qty) => Negable (SumForUnit acct qty) where
108 negate x = SumForUnit
109 { sumForUnitQuantity = negate (sumForUnitQuantity x)
110 , sumForUnitAccounts = negate (sumForUnitAccounts x)
111 }
112 instance (Ord acct, Subable qty) => Subable (SumForUnit acct qty) where
113 x - y = SumForUnit
114 { sumForUnitQuantity = sumForUnitQuantity x - sumForUnitQuantity y
115 , sumForUnitAccounts = sumForUnitAccounts x - sumForUnitAccounts y
116 }
118 -- * Class 'Balanceable'
119 class Balanceable a acct unit qty f where
120 balance :: a -> Balance acct unit qty f
121 instance
122 ( Balanceable a acct unit qty f
123 , Addable qty
124 , Addable (f (Amounts unit qty))
125 , Ord acct
126 , Ord unit
127 ) => Balanceable [a] acct unit qty f where
128 balance = List.foldr (\a acc -> acc + balance a) zero
130 data Post acct amt = Post
131 { _postAccount :: acct
132 , postAmounts :: amt
133 }
135 class Accountable a section where
136 account :: Lens' a (ChartPath section)
137 class Amountable a unit qty where
138 amounts :: Lens' a (Amounts unit qty)
140 --accountOf :: Functor f => (acct -> f acct) -> (Post acct amt) -> f (Post acct amt)
141 -- accountOf k post = fmap (\newAccount -> post { _postAccount = newAccount }) (k (_postAccount post))
143 -- postAccount :: Lens' (Post acct amt) acct
144 --postAccount :: Functor f => (acct -> f acct) -> (Post acct amt) -> f (Post acct amt)
145 -- postAccount k post = fmap (\newAccount -> post { _postAccount = newAccount }) (k (_postAccount post))
147 -- type instance AccountOf (Post acct amt) = acct
148 type instance AccountSectionOf (Post acct amt) = AccountSectionOf acct
149 type instance AmountOf (Post acct amt) = amt
150 type instance UnitOf (Post acct amt) = UnitOf amt
151 type instance QuantityOf (Post acct amt) = QuantityOf amt
152 type instance QuantityOf (Maybe a) = QuantityOf a
153 type instance UnitOf (Maybe a) = UnitOf a
155 {-
156 newtype Amount unit qty = Amount (unit, qty)
157 type instance UnitOf (Amount unit qty) = unit
158 type instance QuantityOf (Amount unit qty) = qty
159 -}
161 -- type instance AccountSectionOf (Account accountSection) = accountSection
163 -- ** BalanceRepr 'equilibrium'
164 -- | Return the 'BalanceRepr' (adjusted by inferred quantities)
165 -- of the given @post@s and either:
166 --
167 -- * 'Left': the @unit@s which have a non null 'SumForUnit'
168 -- and for which no equibrating account can be inferred.
169 -- * 'Right': the given @post@s with inferred quantities inserted.
170 equilibrium ::
171 forall post unit qty amt acct.
172 Balanceable post acct unit qty Maybe =>
173 Nullable qty =>
174 Addable qty =>
175 Negable qty =>
176 Ord unit =>
177 Ord acct =>
178 Accountable post acct =>
179 Amountable post unit qty =>
180 [post] -> Either [ ( unit, SumForUnit (Account acct) qty ) ]
181 [ post ]
182 equilibrium posts =
183 let Balance{..} :: Balance acct unit qty Maybe = balance posts in
184 let balanceAccounts = Map.filter isJust $ Chart.flatten id balanceByAccount in
185 let eithers = Map.foldrWithKey
186 (\unt sfu@SumForUnit{..} ->
187 let unusedAccounts = balanceAccounts `Map.difference` sumForUnitAccounts in
188 case Map.size unusedAccounts of
189 0 | null sumForUnitQuantity -> id
190 1 ->
191 -- The quantity can be inferred since having an equilibrated balance
192 -- means it must be the opposite of the quantity for that unit on other accounts.
193 (:) $ Right $ Amounts (Map.singleton unt (negate sumForUnitQuantity))
194 <$ Map.elemAt 0 unusedAccounts
195 _ ->
196 -- There is more than one account not specifying a quantity for that unit
197 -- hence those cannot be inferred.
198 (:) $ Left (unt, sfu)
199 ) [] (unAmounts balanceByUnit) in
200 case lefts eithers of
201 [] -> Right $
202 let inferredPosts = Map.fromListWith (+) $ rights eithers in
203 (\post ->
204 case Map.lookup (post^.account) inferredPosts of
205 Nothing -> post
206 Just inferredAmounts -> post & amounts%~(+ inferredAmounts)
207 ) <$> posts
208 ls -> Left ls
210 {-
211 -- | Return 'True' if and only if the given 'DeviationByUnit' maps no @unit@.
212 isEquilibrium :: DeviationByUnit section unit qty -> Bool
213 isEquilibrium (DeviationByUnit dev) = Map.null dev
215 -- | Return 'True' if and only if the given 'DeviationByUnit'
216 -- maps only to 'SumForUnit's whose 'sumForUnitAccounts'
217 -- maps exactly one account.
218 isEquilibriumInferrable :: DeviationByUnit section unit qty -> Bool
219 isEquilibriumInferrable (DeviationByUnit dev) =
220 Fold.all ((== 1) . Map.size . sumForUnitAccounts) dev
222 -- | {Ex,In}clusive 'BalanceReprByAccount':
223 -- descending propagation of quantities accross accounts.
224 -}
226 -- * Type 'Trickle'
227 -- A data type to calculate an 'inclusive' value
228 -- (through some propagation mecanism,
229 -- eg. incorporating the values of the children of a tree node),
230 -- while keeping the original 'exclusive' value
231 -- (eg. the original value of a tree node).
232 --
233 -- * 'exclusive': contains the original 'SumByAccount'.
234 -- * 'inclusive': contains ('+') folded
235 -- over 'exclusive' and 'inclusive' of children.
236 data Trickle amt = Trickle
237 { exclusive :: !amt
238 , inclusive :: !amt
239 } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, NFData)
240 type instance QuantityOf (Trickle amt) = QuantityOf amt
241 type instance UnitOf (Trickle amt) = UnitOf amt
242 instance Semigroup a => Semigroup (Trickle a) where
243 Trickle e0 i0 <> Trickle e1 i1 =
244 Trickle (e0<>e1) (i0<>i1)
245 instance Monoid a => Monoid (Trickle a) where
246 mempty = Trickle mempty mempty
247 mappend = (<>)
248 --type instance Ty (Trickle amt) TyUnit = Ty amt TyUnit
249 --type instance Ty (Trickle amt) TyQuantity = Ty amt TyQuantity
250 instance Addable amt => Addable (Trickle amt) where
251 x + y = Trickle
252 { exclusive = exclusive x + exclusive y
253 , inclusive = inclusive x + inclusive y
254 }
256 instance Ord acct => Postable acct unit qty (Balance acct unit qty Maybe) where
257 acct += amt = Balance
258 { balanceByAccount = Chart.singleton Nothing acct (Just amt)
259 , balanceByUnit =
260 Amounts $
261 Map.map (\qty -> SumForUnit
262 { sumForUnitQuantity = qty
263 , sumForUnitAccounts = Map.singleton acct ()
264 }) $
265 unAmounts amt
266 }
268 -- | Return the given 'Balance' with:
269 --
270 -- * all missing parent accounts inserted;
271 -- * and every mapped 'Amounts' added with any 'Amounts'
272 -- of the account for which it is a parent.
273 trickleBalance ::
274 Ord acct =>
275 Ord unit =>
276 Addable qty =>
277 Balance acct unit qty Maybe ->
278 Balance acct unit qty Trickle
279 trickleBalance bal = bal
280 { balanceByAccount =
281 Chart.mapByDepthFirst (\(Chart ch) a ->
282 let exclusive = fromMaybe zero a in
283 Trickle
284 { exclusive
285 , inclusive = Map.foldr (\(sba, _ch) -> (+ inclusive sba)) exclusive ch
286 }
287 ) (balanceByAccount bal)
288 }