]> Git — Sourcephile - haskell/literate-accounting.git/blob - src/Literate/Accounting/Math.hs
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[haskell/literate-accounting.git] / src / Literate / Accounting / Math.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-}
2 module Literate.Accounting.Math where
4 import Data.Bool
5 import Data.Function ((.), flip)
6 import Data.Decimal (Decimal, DecimalRaw(..), roundTo)
7 import Data.Eq (Eq(..))
8 import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
9 import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
10 import Data.Functor ((<$>))
11 import Data.Monoid (Endo(..))
12 import Data.String (String)
13 import Data.Ord (Ord(..), Ordering(..))
14 import Data.Word (Word8)
15 import Data.Int (Int)
16 import Prelude (Integral, Integer, fromIntegral)
17 import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
18 import qualified Prelude
20 import Literate.Accounting.Rebindable
22 -- * Class 'Zeroable'
23 class Zeroable a where
24 zero :: a
25 instance Zeroable String where
26 zero = ""
27 instance Zeroable Decimal where
28 zero = 0
29 instance Zeroable (Map.Map k a) where
30 zero = Map.empty
32 {-
33 instance Zeroable Decimal where
34 zero = 0
35 instance Zeroable (Map k a) where
36 zero = Map.empty
37 -}
39 -- * Class 'Nullable'
40 class Nullable a where
41 null :: a -> Bool
42 default null :: Zeroable a => Eq a => a -> Bool
43 null = (== zero)
44 instance Nullable String
45 instance Nullable Decimal
47 {-
48 instance Nullable Decimal where
49 null = (==) zero
50 instance Nullable a => Nullable (Map k a) where
51 null = Foldable.all null
52 -}
54 -- * Class 'Signable'
55 class Signable a where
56 sign :: a -> Ordering
57 default sign :: Zeroable a => Nullable a => Ord a => a -> Ordering
58 sign a =
59 case () of
60 _ | null a -> EQ
61 _ | a < zero -> LT
62 _ -> GT
63 --instance Signable Decimal
65 -- * Class 'Addable'
66 class Addable a where
67 (+) :: a -> a -> a; infixl 6 +
68 default (+) :: Prelude.Num a => a -> a -> a
69 (+) = (Prelude.+)
70 -- | For @'Addable' ('Map' k ())@.
71 instance Addable () where
72 (+) () () = ()
73 instance (Ord k, Addable a) => Addable (Map k a) where
74 (+) = Map.unionWith (flip (+))
75 instance Addable a => Addable (Maybe a) where
76 Nothing + Nothing = Nothing
77 Just x + Nothing = Just x
78 Nothing + Just y = Just y
79 Just x + Just y = Just (x + y)
80 instance Addable Decimal where
81 (+) x y = Decimal e (fromIntegral (nx Prelude.+ ny))
82 where (e, nx, ny) = roundMinDecimal x y
83 -- | Round the two 'DecimalRaw' values to the smallest exponent.
84 roundMinDecimal :: Integral i => DecimalRaw i -> DecimalRaw i -> (Word8, i, i)
85 roundMinDecimal d1@(Decimal e1 _) d2@(Decimal e2 _) = (e, n1, n2)
86 where
87 e = min e1 e2
88 Decimal _ n1 = roundTo e d1
89 Decimal _ n2 = roundTo e d2
91 -- * Class 'Negable'
92 class Negable a where
93 negate :: a -> a
94 default negate :: Prelude.Num a => a -> a
95 negate = Prelude.negate
96 -- | For @'Negable' ('Map' k ())@.
97 instance Negable () where
98 negate () = ()
99 instance Negable Int
100 instance Negable Integer
101 instance Negable Decimal
102 instance Negable a => Negable (Map k a) where
103 negate = Map.map negate
104 instance Negable a => Negable (Endo a) where
105 negate (Endo f) = Endo (f . negate)
106 instance Negable a => Negable [a] where
107 negate = (negate <$>)
109 -- * Class 'Subable'
110 class Subable a where
111 (-) :: a -> a -> a; infixl 6 -
112 default (-) :: Prelude.Num a => a -> a -> a
113 (-) = (Prelude.-)
114 -- | For @'Subable' ('Map' k ())@.
115 instance Subable () where
116 (-) () () = ()
117 instance Subable Int
118 instance Subable Integer
119 instance Subable Decimal
120 instance (Ord k, Addable a, Negable a) => Subable (Map k a) where
121 (-) x y = Map.unionWith (flip (+)) x (negate y)