]> Git — Sourcephile - haskell/literate-web.git/blob - src/Literate/Web/Semantics/Compiler.hs
co- and contra- variant ToF
[haskell/literate-web.git] / src / Literate / Web / Semantics / Compiler.hs
1 -- For CompilerToF
2 {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
3 -- For Output
4 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
5 -- For CompilerToF
6 {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
7 -- For CompilerToF
8 {-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
9 -- For Output
10 {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
11 -- For Dataable__
12 {-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
14 module Literate.Web.Semantics.Compiler where
16 import Control.Applicative (Applicative (..))
17 import Control.Monad (Monad (..), forM, forM_, join, sequence, (>=>))
18 import Control.Monad.Classes qualified as MC
19 import Control.Monad.Trans.Class qualified as MT
20 import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader qualified as MT
21 import Data.Bool
22 import Data.ByteString.Lazy qualified as BSL
23 import Data.Either (Either (..))
24 import Data.Eq (Eq (..))
25 import Data.Foldable (toList)
26 import Data.Function (const, id, ($), (.))
27 import Data.Functor (Functor (..), (<$>))
28 import Data.Kind (Constraint, Type)
29 import Data.List qualified as List
30 import Data.Maybe (Maybe (..))
31 import Data.Ord (Ord (..))
32 import Data.Proxy (Proxy (..))
33 import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup (..))
34 import Data.String (fromString)
35 import Data.Text (Text)
36 import Data.Text qualified as Text
37 import Data.Tuple (curry, fst, snd)
38 import GHC.Generics (Generic)
39 import GHC.Stack (HasCallStack)
40 import Literate.Web.Syntaxes
41 import Literate.Web.Types.MIME
42 import Literate.Web.Types.URL
43 import Symantic qualified as Sym
44 import System.Directory qualified as Sys
45 import System.FilePath qualified as Sys
46 import System.FilePattern.Directory qualified as Sys
47 import System.IO qualified as Sys
48 import Text.Show (Show (..))
49 import Type.Reflection ((:~:) (..))
50 import Prelude (undefined)
52 -- * Type 'Compiler'
53 newtype Compiler m a = Compiler {unCompiler :: {-FIXME: is m required?-}m [Output a]}
54 -- deriving (Functor)
56 compile ::
57 MC.MonadExec Sys.IO m =>
58 CompilerEnv ->
59 Compiler m a ->
60 CompilerToF a (m BSL.ByteString) ->
61 m ()
62 compile CompilerEnv{..} router content = do
63 outputs <- unCompiler router
64 MC.exec @Sys.IO $ Sys.removePathForcibly compilerEnvDest
65 forM_ outputs $ \Output{..} -> do
66 let destPath =
67 ( List.intercalate "." $
68 encodePath outputPath :
69 ( if List.null outputExts
70 then ["txt"]
71 else Text.unpack . encodePathSegment <$> outputExts
72 )
73 )
74 -- hPutStrLn stderr $ "mkdir: " <> show (Sys.takeDirectory destPath)
75 MC.exec @Sys.IO $
76 Sys.createDirectoryIfMissing True $
77 compilerEnvDest Sys.</> Sys.takeDirectory destPath
78 -- hPutStrLn stderr $ "write: " <> show destPath
79 bsl <- outputData content
80 MC.exec @Sys.IO $
81 BSL.writeFile (compilerEnvDest Sys.</> destPath) $
82 bsl
85 compi :: Compiler m (m BSL.ByteString) -> Compiler m (m BSL.ByteString)
86 compi = id
88 -- compile2 ::
89 -- MC.MonadExec Sys.IO m =>
90 -- CompilerEnv ->
91 -- Compiler m (m BSL.ByteString) ->
92 -- m ()
93 -- compile2 CompilerEnv{..} router = do
94 -- outputs <- unCompiler router
95 -- MC.exec @Sys.IO $ Sys.removePathForcibly compilerEnvDest
96 -- -- FIXME: use pipes
97 -- forM_ outputs $ \Output{..} -> do
98 -- let destPath =
99 -- ( List.intercalate "." $
100 -- encodePath outputPath :
101 -- ( if List.null outputExts
102 -- then ["txt"]
103 -- else Text.unpack . encodePathSegment <$> outputExts
104 -- )
105 -- )
106 -- -- hPutStrLn stderr $ "mkdir: " <> show (Sys.takeDirectory destPath)
107 -- MC.exec @Sys.IO $
108 -- Sys.createDirectoryIfMissing True $
109 -- compilerEnvDest Sys.</> Sys.takeDirectory destPath
110 -- -- hPutStrLn stderr $ "write: " <> show destPath
111 -- outputBSL <- outputData content
112 -- MC.exec @Sys.IO $
113 -- BSL.writeFile (compilerEnvDest Sys.</> destPath) $
114 -- outputBSL
116 manifest :: forall m a. Monad m => Compiler m a -> m [Sys.FilePath]
117 manifest router = do
118 outputs <- unCompiler router
119 return
120 [ destPath
121 | out <- outputs
122 , let destPath =
123 ( List.intercalate "." $
124 encodePath (outputPath out) :
125 ( if List.null (outputExts out)
126 then ["txt"]
127 else Text.unpack . encodePathSegment <$> outputExts out
128 )
129 )
130 ]
132 -- instance Applicative m => Applicative (Compiler m) where
133 -- pure = Compiler . pure . pure . pure
134 -- liftA2 f (Compiler a) (Compiler b) = Compiler (liftA2 (liftA2 (liftA2 f)) a b)
135 -- instance Monad m => Monad (Compiler m) where
136 -- return = pure
137 -- Compiler mloa >>= a2mlob =
138 -- Compiler $ do
139 -- mloa >>= \loa ->
140 -- (join <$>) $
141 -- forM loa $ \oa -> do
142 -- lob <- unCompiler $ a2mlob $ outputData oa
143 -- forM lob $ \ob ->
144 -- return
145 -- ob
146 -- { outputPath = outputPath oa <> outputPath ob
147 -- , outputExts = outputExts oa <> outputExts ob
148 -- }
149 instance Applicative m => Sym.ProductFunctor (Compiler m) where
150 Compiler a <.> Compiler b = Compiler $ liftA2 (liftA2 (<.>)) a b
151 Compiler a <. Compiler b = Compiler $ liftA2 (liftA2 (<.)) a b
152 Compiler a .> Compiler b = Compiler $ liftA2 (liftA2 (.>)) a b
153 --instance Applicative m => Sym.AlternativeFunctor (Compiler m) where
154 -- Compiler a <|> Compiler b = Compiler (liftA2 (<>) a b)
155 instance Applicative m => Sym.SumFunctor (Compiler m) where
156 Compiler a <+> Compiler b = Compiler $ liftA2 (\as bs -> (a2e <$> as) <> (b2e <$> bs)) a b
157 where
158 a2e :: Output a -> Output (Either a b)
159 a2e o = o{ outputData = outputData o . fst }
160 b2e :: Output b -> Output (Either a b)
161 b2e o = o{ outputData = outputData o . snd }
163 instance (Applicative m, CompilerUnToF a) => Optionable a (Compiler m) where
164 optional (Compiler ma) = Compiler $ (\as -> (a2n <$> as) <> (a2j <$> as)) <$> ma
165 where
166 a2n :: Output a -> Output (Maybe a)
167 a2n o = o{ outputData = ($ Nothing) }
168 a2j :: Output a -> Output (Maybe a)
169 a2j o = o{ outputData = \k -> outputData o $ compilerUnToF @(CompilerIsToF a) $ k . Just }
170 -- optional (Compiler ma) = Compiler $ (\as -> (a2n <$> as) <> (a2j <$> as)) <$> ma
171 -- --pure Nothing Sym.<|> (Just <$> ma)
172 -- where
173 -- a2n :: Output a -> Output (Maybe a)
174 -- a2n o = o{ outputData = fst }
175 -- a2j :: Output a -> Output (Maybe a)
176 -- a2j o = o{ outputData = outputData o . snd }
177 --
178 -- ** Class 'CompilerUnToF'
179 type CompilerUnToF a = CompilerUnToFIf (CompilerIsToF a) a
180 class CompilerUnToFIf (t :: Bool) a where
181 compilerUnToF :: (a -> next) -> CompilerToFIf t a next
182 instance CompilerUnToFIf 'True () where
183 compilerUnToF = ($ ())
184 instance (CompilerUnToF a, CompilerUnToF b) => CompilerUnToFIf 'True (a, b) where
185 compilerUnToF ab2n = compilerUnToF @(CompilerIsToF a) $ \a -> compilerUnToF @(CompilerIsToF b) $ \b -> ab2n (a,b)
186 instance (CompilerUnToF a, CompilerUnToF b) => CompilerUnToFIf 'True (Either a b) where
187 compilerUnToF e2n = ( compilerUnToF @(CompilerIsToF a) $ e2n . Left
188 , compilerUnToF @(CompilerIsToF b) $ e2n . Right
189 )
190 instance CompilerUnToFIf 'False a where
191 compilerUnToF = id
193 instance
194 ( Generic a
195 , Sym.RepOfEoT a
196 , sem ~ Compiler m
197 , CompilerIsToF a ~ 'False
198 , e ~ Sym.EoT (Sym.ADT a)
199 , CompilerUnToF e
200 , Functor m
201 ) => Dataable__ a (Compiler m) where
202 data__ :: sem (Sym.EoT (Sym.ADT a)) -> sem a
203 data__ (Compiler e) = Compiler ((data__ <$>) <$> e)
204 instance
205 ( Generic a
206 --, Sym.EoTOfRep a
207 , Sym.RepOfEoT a
208 , sem ~ Output
209 , CompilerIsToF a ~ 'False
210 --, CompilerIsToF eot ~ 'False
211 , eot ~ Sym.EoT (Sym.ADT a)
212 , CompilerUnToF eot
213 ) => Dataable__ a Output where
214 data__ :: sem (Sym.EoT (Sym.ADT a)) -> sem a
215 data__ o = o { outputData = \k -> (outputData o) $ compilerUnToF @(CompilerIsToF eot) $ k . Sym.adtOfeot }
216 instance Applicative m => PathSegmentable (Compiler m) where
217 pathSegment s = Compiler $ pure
218 [
219 Output
220 { outputPath = [s]
221 , outputExts = []
222 , outputData = id
223 }
224 ]
225 instance
226 ( Show a
227 , Monad m
228 , n ~ m
229 , end ~ m BSL.ByteString
230 , MimeTypes ts (MimeEncodable a)
231 ) =>
232 Responsable a ts n end (Compiler m)
233 where
234 response = Compiler $ pure $
235 ( \(_mediaType, MimeType (Proxy :: Proxy t)) ->
236 Output
237 { outputPath = []
238 , outputExts = [decodePathSegment (fileExtension @t)]
239 , outputData = \(Refl, Response ma) -> do
240 a <- ma
241 pure $ mimeEncode @_ @t a
242 }
243 )
244 <$> toList (mimeTypesMap @ts @(MimeEncodable a))
246 -- ** Type 'CompilerEnv'
247 data CompilerEnv = CompilerEnv
248 { compilerEnvDest :: Sys.FilePath
249 , -- , compilerEnvSource :: Sys.FilePath
250 compilerEnvIndex :: Sys.FilePath
251 --, compilerEnvModel :: model
252 -- , compilerEnvPath :: [PathSegment]
253 }
254 deriving (Show)
256 -- ** Type 'Output'
257 -- TODO: use Seq instead of []
258 data Output a = Output
259 { outputPath :: [PathSegment]
260 , outputExts :: [PathSegment]
261 , outputData :: forall next. CompilerToF a next -> next
262 --, outputBSL :: BSL.ByteString
263 -- , outputType :: MimeType (MimeEncodable a)
264 }
266 -- instance Sym.SumFunctor Output where
267 -- a <+> b = Output
268 -- { outputPath = outputPath a <> outputPath b
269 -- , outputExts = outputExts a <> outputExts b
270 -- , outputData = \(a2n, b2n) -> outputData a a2n
271 -- }
272 instance Sym.ProductFunctor Output where
273 a <.> b = Output
274 { outputPath = outputPath a <> outputPath b
275 , outputExts = outputExts a <> outputExts b
276 , outputData = outputData b . outputData a
277 }
278 a <. b = Output
279 { outputPath = outputPath a <> outputPath b
280 , outputExts = outputExts a <> outputExts b
281 , outputData = outputData b . outputData a
282 }
283 a .> b = Output
284 { outputPath = outputPath a <> outputPath b
285 , outputExts = outputExts a <> outputExts b
286 , outputData = outputData b . outputData a
287 }
288 -- deriving (Functor, Show)
289 -- instance Applicative Output where
290 -- pure a =
291 -- Output
292 -- { outputPath = []
293 -- , outputExts = []
294 -- , outputData = a
295 -- --, outputBSL = ""
296 -- -- , outputType = mediaType @PlainText
297 -- }
298 -- oa2b <*> oa =
299 -- Output
300 -- { outputPath = outputPath oa2b <> outputPath oa
301 -- , outputExts = outputExts oa2b <> outputExts oa
302 -- , outputData = outputData oa2b (outputData oa)
303 -- --, outputBSL = outputBSL oa2b <> outputBSL oa
304 -- }
307 -- * Type family 'CompilerToF'
308 type CompilerToF a next = CompilerToFIf (CompilerIsToF a) a next
309 type family CompilerToFIf t a next :: Type where
310 -- For '<.>': curry.
311 CompilerToFIf 'True (a, b) next = CompilerToF a (CompilerToF b next)
312 -- For '<+>', request both branches.
313 CompilerToFIf 'True (Either l r) next = (CompilerToF l next, CompilerToF r next)
314 --CompilerToFIf 'True (Maybe a) next = (CompilerToF () next, CompilerToF a next)
315 -- Useless to ask '()' as argument.
316 CompilerToFIf 'True () next = next
317 -- Enable a different return value for each function.
318 CompilerToFIf 'True (Sym.Endpoint end a) next = (next :~: end, a)
319 -- Everything else becomes a new argument.
320 CompilerToFIf 'False a next = a -> next
323 -- | This 'Bool' is added to 'ToFIf' to avoid overlapping instances.
324 type family CompilerIsToF a :: Bool where
325 CompilerIsToF () = 'True
326 CompilerIsToF (a, b) = 'True
327 CompilerIsToF (Either l r) = 'True
328 --CompilerIsToF (Maybe a) = 'True
329 CompilerIsToF (Sym.Endpoint end a) = 'True
330 CompilerIsToF a = 'False
333 -- -- pathSegments _ss = Compiler $
334 -- -- MT.ReaderT $ \s ->
335 -- -- -- TODO: assert Set.member s ss
336 -- -- lift $
337 -- -- MT.modify' $ \st ->
338 -- -- st{compilerStatePath = compilerStatePath st </> Text.unpack (encodePathSegment s)}
339 --
340 -- {-
341 -- instance
342 -- TypeError (
343 -- 'Text "The instance (Capturable a Compiler)"
344 -- ':$$: 'Text "is disabled when compiling to a static Web site."
345 -- ':$$: 'Text "You can use (whenInterpreter @Compiler siteNotUsingCapturable siteUsingCapturable)"
346 -- ':$$: 'Text "to replace calls to any method of Capturable."
347 -- ) => Capturable a Compiler where
348 -- capturePathSegment = undefined
349 -- instance
350 -- TypeError (
351 -- 'Text "The instance (Capturable a (Reader model Compiler))"
352 -- ':$$: 'Text "is disabled when compiling to a static Web site."
353 -- ':$$: 'Text "You can use (whenInterpreter @(Reader model Compiler) siteNotUsingCapturable siteUsingCapturable)"
354 -- ':$$: 'Text "to replace calls to any method of Capturable."
355 -- ) => Capturable a (Reader model Compiler) where
356 -- capturePathSegment = undefined
357 -- -}
358 --
359 -- -- choosePathSegments _s = Compiler $ MT.ReaderT $ \s -> return $ Endo (List.reverse s <>)
360 -- {-
361 -- instance Capturable Compiler where
362 -- type CapturableConstraint Compiler =
363 -- capturePathSegment _n = Compiler $ MT.ReaderT $ \s ->
364 -- lift $ MT.modify' $ \st ->
365 -- st{compilerStatePath = compilerStatePath st </> Text.unpack (encodePathSegment s)}
366 -- -}
367 -- {-
368 -- instance Copyable Compiler where
369 -- copy path = Compiler $
370 -- lift $
371 -- MT.ReaderT $ \env -> do
372 -- lift $ do
373 -- doesPathExist (compilerEnvSource env </> path) >>= \case
374 -- True -> do
375 -- Sys.hPutStrLn Sys.stderr $
376 -- "staticCopy: "
377 -- <> show
378 -- ( (compilerEnvSource env </> path)
379 -- , (compilerEnvDest env </> path)
380 -- )
381 -- copyDirRecursively
382 -- path
383 -- (compilerEnvSource env </> path)
384 -- (compilerEnvDest env)
385 -- False -> do
386 -- Sys.hPutStrLn Sys.stderr $ "error: path does not exist: " <> (compilerEnvSource env </> path)
387 -- instance Encodable fmt a => Contentable fmt a Compiler where
388 -- content = Compiler $
389 -- MT.ReaderT $ \a -> MT.ReaderT $ \env -> do
390 -- st <- MT.get
391 -- let destPath = compilerEnvDest env </> compilerStatePath st
392 -- lift $ do
393 -- -- Sys.hPutStrLn Sys.stderr $ "mkdir: " <> show (Sys.takeDirectory destPath)
394 -- createDirectoryIfMissing True (Sys.takeDirectory destPath)
395 -- -- Sys.hPutStrLn Sys.stderr $ "write: " <> show destPath
396 -- BSL.writeFile destPath $ encode @fmt a
397 -- -}
398 -- --instance Endable Compiler where
399 -- -- end = Compiler $ return $ Endo id
400 --
401 -- --pathSegments _cs = Compiler $ MT.ReaderT $ \s -> return $ Endo (s :)
402 -- -- instance Fileable Compiler where
403 -- -- type FileableConstraint Compiler = Typeable
404 -- -- static = Compiler $ MT.ReaderT $ \_a ->
405 -- -- return $ Endo (\x -> x)
406 --
407 -- {-
408 -- -- * The 'Compiler' interpreter
409 --
410 -- -- | Create files according to the given model of type 'a'.
411 -- newtype Compiler a = Compiler
412 -- { unCompiler :: [Comp a]
413 -- }
414 -- deriving (Show, Functor)
415 --
416 -- instance Applicative Compiler where
417 -- pure = Compiler . pure . pure
418 -- Compiler f <*> Compiler x = Compiler $ (<*>) <$> f <*> x
419 --
420 -- -- instance Monad Compiler where
421 -- -- return = pure
422 -- -- Compiler x >>= f = Compiler (x >>=)
423 --
424 -- compile :: Show a => Renderable a => Compiler a -> CompilerEnv -> Sys.IO ()
425 -- compile compiler conf@CompilerEnv{..} = do
426 -- createDirectoryIfMissing True compilerEnvDest
427 -- let router = unCompiler compiler
428 -- when (null router) $
429 -- error "no router, nothing to compile"
430 -- -- Sys.hPutStrLn Sys.stderr $ "conf: " <> show conf
431 -- -- forM_ router $ \comp -> do
432 -- -- Sys.hPutStrLn Sys.stderr $ "route: " <> show comp
433 -- forM_ router $ \Comp{..} -> do
434 -- -- Sys.hPutStrLn Sys.stderr $ "route: " <> show comp
435 -- let routePath = pathOfPathSegments compPathSegments
436 -- in case render compData of
437 -- Left staticPath ->
438 -- doesPathExist (compilerEnvSource </> staticPath) >>= \case
439 -- True -> do
440 -- -- TODO: In current branch, we don't expect this to be a directory.
441 -- -- Although the user may pass it, but review before merge.
442 -- Sys.hPutStrLn Sys.stderr $
443 -- "staticCopy: "
444 -- <> show
445 -- ( (compilerEnvSource </> staticPath)
446 -- , (compilerEnvDest </> staticPath)
447 -- )
448 -- copyDirRecursively
449 -- staticPath
450 -- (compilerEnvSource </> staticPath)
451 -- (compilerEnvDest)
452 -- False -> do
453 -- Sys.hPutStrLn Sys.stderr $ "error: path does not exist: " <> (compilerEnvSource </> staticPath)
454 -- -- log LevelWarn $ toText $ "? " <> staticPath <> " (missing)"
455 -- Right bs -> do
456 -- let destPath = compilerEnvDest </> routePath
457 -- {-
458 -- maybe (routePath </> compilerEnvIndex)
459 -- (routePath Sys.FilePath.<.>)
460 -- (compType comp)
461 -- -}
462 -- -- Sys.hPutStrLn Sys.stderr $ "mkdir: " <> show (Sys.takeDirectory destPath)
463 -- createDirectoryIfMissing True (Sys.takeDirectory destPath)
464 -- -- Sys.hPutStrLn Sys.stderr $ "write: " <> show destPath
465 -- BSL.writeFile destPath bs
466 --
467 -- -- ** Class 'Renderable'
468 -- class Renderable a where
469 -- render :: a -> Either Sys.FilePath BSL.ByteString
470 -- instance Renderable () where
471 -- render () =
472 -- --Left $ pathOfPathSegments compPathSegments
473 -- Right BSL.empty
474 --
475 -- -- ** Type 'Comp'
476 -- data Comp a = Comp
477 -- { compPathSegments :: [PathSegment] -- TODO: Endo? Seq?
478 -- , compData :: a
479 -- -- , compType :: MimeType (MimeEncodable a)
480 -- }
481 -- deriving instance Eq a => Eq (Comp a)
482 -- deriving instance Ord a => Ord (Comp a)
483 -- deriving instance Show a => Show (Comp a)
484 -- deriving instance Functor Comp
485 -- instance Applicative Comp where
486 -- pure compData =
487 -- Comp
488 -- { compPathSegments = []
489 -- , compData
490 -- -- , compType = mediaType @PlainText
491 -- }
492 -- f <*> x =
493 -- Comp
494 -- { compPathSegments = compPathSegments f <> compPathSegments x
495 -- , compData = compData f (compData x)
496 -- -- , compType = compType f <> compType x
497 -- }
498 --
499 -- instance IsoFunctor Compiler where
500 -- (<%>) Iso{..} = (a2b <$>)
501 -- instance ProductFunctor Compiler where
502 -- (<.>) = liftA2 (,)
503 -- (<.) = (<*)
504 -- (.>) = (*>)
505 -- instance SumFunctor Compiler where
506 -- x <+> y =
507 -- Compiler $
508 -- (<>)
509 -- ((Left <$>) <$> unCompiler x)
510 -- ((Right <$>) <$> unCompiler y)
511 -- instance Optionable Compiler where
512 -- optional x =
513 -- Compiler $
514 -- Comp { compPathSegments = []
515 -- , compData = Nothing
516 -- -- , compType = Nothing
517 -- } :
518 -- ((Just <$>) <$> unCompiler x)
519 -- instance PathSegmentable Compiler where
520 -- pathSegment s = Compiler
521 -- [
522 -- Comp
523 -- { compPathSegments = [s]
524 -- , compData = ()
525 -- -- , compType = PlainText
526 -- }
527 -- ]
528 -- pathSegments ss =
529 -- Compiler $
530 -- [ Comp{ compPathSegments = [s]
531 -- , compData = s
532 -- -- , compType = Nothing
533 -- }
534 -- | s <- toList ss
535 -- ]
536 -- instance ContentTypeable PlainText () Compiler where
537 -- contentType =
538 -- Compiler
539 -- [ Comp
540 -- { compPathSegments = []
541 -- , compData = ()
542 -- --, compType = mediaType @PlainText
543 -- }
544 -- ]
545 --
546 -- -- instance Repeatable Compiler where
547 -- -- many0 (Compiler x) =
548 -- -- Compiler $
549 -- -- ((\Comp{} -> Comp [] []) <$> x)
550 -- -- <> ((\(Comp s a) -> Comp s [a]) <$> x)
551 -- -- <> ((\(Comp s a) -> Comp (s <> s) [a, a]) <$> x)
552 -- -- many1 (Compiler x) =
553 -- -- Compiler $
554 -- -- ((\(Comp s a) -> Comp s [a]) <$> x)
555 -- -- <> ((\(Comp s a) -> Comp (s <> s) [a, a]) <$> x)
556 -- -- instance Endable Compiler where
557 -- -- end = Compiler [Comp [] ()]
558 -- -- instance Capturable Compiler where
559 -- -- capturePathSegment n = Compiler $ [Comp [n] n]
560 -- -- instance Constantable c Compiler where
561 -- -- constant = pure
562 -- -}
563 --
564 copyDirRecursively ::
565 ( --MonadIO m,
566 --MonadUnliftIO m,
567 --MonadLoggerIO m,
568 HasCallStack
569 ) =>
570 -- | Source file path relative to CWD
571 Sys.FilePath ->
572 -- | Absolute path to source file to copy.
573 Sys.FilePath ->
574 -- | Directory *under* which the source file/dir will be copied
575 Sys.FilePath ->
576 Sys.IO ()
577 copyDirRecursively srcRel srcAbs destParent = do
578 Sys.doesFileExist srcAbs >>= \case
579 True -> do
580 Sys.hPutStrLn Sys.stderr $ "copyDirRecursively: " <> show ("srcAbs is a file", srcAbs)
581 copyFileCreatingParents srcAbs (destParent Sys.</> srcRel)
582 False ->
583 Sys.doesDirectoryExist srcAbs >>= \case
584 False -> do
585 Sys.hPutStrLn Sys.stderr $ "copyDirRecursively: " <> show ("srcAbs is neither a file nor directory", srcAbs)
586 return ()
587 -- throw $ StaticAssetMissing srcAbs
588 True -> do
589 Sys.hPutStrLn Sys.stderr $ "copyDirRecursively: " <> show ("srcAbs is a directory", srcAbs)
590 Sys.createDirectoryIfMissing True (destParent Sys.</> srcRel)
591 fs <- Sys.getDirectoryFiles srcAbs ["**"]
592 forM_ fs $ \fp -> do
593 let a = srcAbs Sys.</> fp
594 b = destParent Sys.</> srcRel Sys.</> fp
595 copyFileCreatingParents a b
596 where
597 copyFileCreatingParents a b = do
598 Sys.createDirectoryIfMissing True (Sys.takeDirectory b)
599 Sys.copyFile a b