]> Git — Sourcephile - haskell/literate-web.git/blob - src/Literate/Web/Live/Common.hs
feat(live): init `Literate.Web.Live`
[haskell/literate-web.git] / src / Literate / Web / Live / Common.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
5 module Literate.Web.Live.Common where
7 import Data.ByteString qualified as BS
8 import Data.ByteString.Lazy qualified as BSL
9 import Data.FileEmbed
10 import Data.Function (($), (.))
11 import Data.Functor ((<$>))
12 import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup (..))
13 import Data.Text (Text)
14 import Data.Text qualified as Text
15 import Data.Text.Encoding qualified as Text
16 import Data.Text.Lazy qualified as TextL
17 import Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding qualified as TextL
18 import System.IO qualified as Sys
20 import Literate.Web qualified as Web
21 import Text.Show (Show)
23 {-
24 renderCatchingErrors ::
25 forall r m.
26 ( MonadLoggerIO m
27 , MonadUnliftIO m
28 , EmaStaticSite r
29 ) =>
30 RouteModel r ->
31 r ->
32 m (Asset BSL.ByteString)
33 renderCatchingErrors m r =
34 catch (siteOutput (fromPrism_ $ routePrism m) m r) $ \(err :: SomeException) -> do
35 -- Log the error first.
36 logErrorNS "App" $ show @Text err
37 pure
38 $ AssetGenerated Html
39 . mkHtmlErrorMsg
40 $ show @Text err
42 -- Decode an URL path into a route
43 --
44 -- This function is used only in live server. If the route is not
45 -- isomoprhic, this returns a Left, with the mismatched encoding.
46 decodeUrlRoute ::
47 forall r.
48 (Eq r, Show r, IsRoute r) =>
49 RouteModel r ->
50 Text ->
51 Either (BadRouteEncoding r) (Maybe r)
52 decodeUrlRoute m (urlToFilePath -> s) = do
53 case checkRoutePrismGivenFilePath routePrism m s of
54 Left (r, log) -> Left $ BadRouteEncoding s r log
55 Right mr -> Right mr
56 -}
58 -- | A basic error response for displaying in the browser
59 liveErrorHtmlResponse :: Text -> BSL.ByteString
60 liveErrorHtmlResponse err = mkHtmlErrorMsg err <> BSL.fromStrict wsClientHtml
62 urlToFilePath :: Text -> Sys.FilePath
63 urlToFilePath = Text.unpack . Text.intercalate "/" . (Web.encodePathSegment . Web.decodePathSegment <$>) . Text.splitOn "/"
65 mkHtmlErrorMsg :: Text -> BSL.ByteString
66 mkHtmlErrorMsg s = TextL.encodeUtf8 $ TextL.replace "MESSAGE" (TextL.fromStrict s) $ TextL.fromStrict $ Text.decodeUtf8 $ emaErrorHtml
68 emaErrorHtml :: BS.ByteString
69 emaErrorHtml = $(embedFile "www/live-error.html")
71 decodeRouteNothingMsg :: Text
72 decodeRouteNothingMsg = "Literate.Web.Live: 404 (route decoding returned Nothing)"
74 data BadRouteEncoding r = BadRouteEncoding
75 { _bre_urlFilePath :: Sys.FilePath
76 , _bre_decodedRoute :: r
77 , _bre_checkLog :: [(Sys.FilePath, Text)]
78 }
79 deriving stock (Show)
81 wsClientHtml :: BS.ByteString
82 wsClientHtml = $(embedFile "www/live-indicator.html")
84 {-
85 badRouteEncodingMsg :: (Show r) => BadRouteEncoding r -> Text
86 badRouteEncodingMsg BadRouteEncoding {..} =
87 toText $
88 "A route Prism' is unlawful.\n\nThe URL '"
89 <> toText _bre_urlFilePath
90 <> "' decodes to route '"
91 <> show _bre_decodedRoute
92 <> "', but it is not isomporphic on any of the allowed candidates: \n\n"
93 <> Text.intercalate
94 "\n\n"
95 ( _bre_checkLog <&> \(candidate, log) ->
96 "## Candidate '" <> toText candidate <> "':\n" <> log
97 )
98 <> " \n\nYou should make the relevant routePrism lawful to fix this issue."
99 -}