]> Git — Sourcephile - haskell/literate-web.git/blob - src/Literate/Web/Syntaxes.hs
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[haskell/literate-web.git] / src / Literate / Web / Syntaxes.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
2 -- For IfSemantic
3 {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
5 {-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
6 {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
7 {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
8 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}
10 module Literate.Web.Syntaxes (
11 module Literate.Web.Syntaxes,
12 ProductFunctor (..),
13 SumFunctor (..),
14 Repeatable (..),
15 Optionable (..),
16 Dataable (..),
17 Inferable (..),
18 IsoFunctor (..),
19 pattern (:!:),
20 Endpoint (..),
21 ToFEndpoint,
22 ToFable,
23 type (-->),
24 ) where
26 import Control.Applicative (Applicative)
27 import Control.Monad (Monad)
28 import Control.Monad.Classes qualified as MC
29 import Control.Monad.Trans.Class as MT
30 import Data.Bool (Bool (..))
31 import Data.ByteString.Lazy qualified as BSL
32 import Data.Either (Either (..))
33 import Data.Function ((.))
34 import Data.Functor as Functor
35 import Data.Kind (Constraint, Type)
36 import Data.Maybe (Maybe)
37 import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
38 import Literate.Web.Types.URL
39 import Symantic.Semantics (Reader (..))
40 import Symantic.Semantics.Data (Data, SomeData (..))
41 import Symantic.Syntaxes (
42 Dataable (..),
43 Endpoint (..),
44 Inferable (..),
45 IsoFunctor (..),
46 ProductFunctor (..),
47 Repeatable (..),
48 SumFunctor (..),
49 ToFEndpoint,
50 ToFable,
51 dataType,
52 pattern (:!:),
53 type (-->),
54 )
55 import Symantic.Syntaxes.Derive hiding (Semantic)
56 import System.FilePath (FilePath)
58 -- deriving instance PathSegmentable sem => PathSegmentable (Reflector r sem)
59 -- deriving instance Endable sem => Endable (Reflector r sem)
60 -- deriving instance Capturable sem => Capturable (Reflector r sem)
62 -- * Class 'PathSegmentable'
64 -- | Syntax (final algebra) for expressing URL paths.
65 class PathSegmentable sem where
66 -- choosePathSegments :: Set [PathSegment] -> sem [PathSegment]
67 -- default choosePathSegments :: FromDerived PathSegmentable sem => Set [PathSegment] -> sem [PathSegment]
68 -- choosePathSegments = liftDerived . choosePathSegments
69 -- pathSegment :: PathSegment -> sem a -> sem a
71 pathSegment :: PathSegment -> sem ()
72 default pathSegment :: (FromDerived PathSegmentable sem) => PathSegment -> sem ()
73 -- default pathSegment :: IsoFunctor sem => PathSegment -> sem ()
74 -- pathSegment s = Iso (const ()) (const s) <%> pathSegments (Set.singleton s)
75 pathSegment = liftDerived . pathSegment
77 -- pathSegments :: Set PathSegment -> sem PathSegment
78 -- default pathSegments :: FromDerived PathSegmentable sem => Set PathSegment -> sem PathSegment
79 -- pathSegments = liftDerived . pathSegments
81 -- default pathSegments :: IsoFunctor sem => Set PathSegment -> sem PathSegment
82 -- pathSegments s = Iso List.head pure <%> choosePathSegments (Set.mapMonotonic pure s)
84 instance (PathSegmentable sem, IsoFunctor sem) => PathSegmentable (Reader r sem)
86 -- | Pattern-matchable encoding (initial algebra) of 'PathSegmentable'.
87 data instance Data PathSegmentable sem a where
88 PathSegment :: PathSegment -> Data PathSegmentable sem ()
90 -- PathSegments :: Set PathSegment -> Data PathSegmentable sem PathSegment
92 -- ChoosePathSegments :: Set [PathSegment] -> Data PathSegmentable sem [PathSegment]
94 -- | Initial to final algebra.
95 instance (PathSegmentable sem) => Derivable (Data PathSegmentable sem) where
96 derive = \case
97 PathSegment x -> pathSegment x
99 -- PathSegments x -> pathSegments x
101 -- ChoosePathSegments x -> choosePathSegments x
103 -- | Final to initial algebra.
104 instance (PathSegmentable sem) => PathSegmentable (SomeData sem) where
105 pathSegment = SomeData . PathSegment
107 -- pathSegments = SomeData . PathSegments
109 -- choosePathSegments = SomeData . ChoosePathSegments
111 -- | Convenient alias for an @index.html@ page.
112 index :: (PathSegmentable sem) => sem ()
113 index = pathSegment "index.html"
115 -- | Convenient alias for prefixing with a 'pathSegment'.
116 (</>) ::
117 (ProductFunctor sem) =>
118 (PathSegmentable sem) =>
119 PathSegment ->
120 sem a ->
121 sem a
122 (</>) n = (pathSegment n .>)
124 infixr 4 </>
126 -- * Class 'Copyable'
127 class Copyable sem where
128 copy :: FilePath -> sem ()
130 -- * Class 'Encodable'
131 class Encodable fmt a where
132 encode :: a -> BSL.ByteString
134 -- * Class 'Capturable'
135 class Capturable a sem where
136 type Captured a sem :: Type
137 type Captured a sem = a
138 capturePathSegment :: PathSegment -> sem (Captured a sem)
139 default capturePathSegment ::
140 (Captured a (Derived sem) ~ Captured a sem) =>
141 (FromDerived (Capturable a) sem) =>
142 PathSegment ->
143 sem (Captured a sem)
144 capturePathSegment = liftDerived . capturePathSegment @a
146 -- | @('CapturedExtra' a extra)@ is useful to add @(extra)@ data
147 -- to a 'Captured' value, eg. when using the 'Compiler' semantic,
148 -- to add the content of a page whose name was captured
149 -- directly available when iterating all the pages,
150 -- hence avoiding to lookup that content as would be done
151 -- when using the 'Server' semantic.
152 newtype CapturedExtra a extra = CapturedExtra (Either (a, extra) a)
154 -- instance Capturable sem => Capturable (Reader r sem)
155 data instance Data (Capturable a) sem r where
156 CapturePathSegment ::
157 (Capturable a sem) =>
158 PathSegment ->
159 Data (Capturable a) sem (Captured a sem)
160 instance (Capturable a sem) => Derivable (Data (Capturable a) sem) where
161 derive = \case
162 CapturePathSegment n -> capturePathSegment @a n
163 instance (Capturable a sem, Typeable a) => Capturable a (SomeData sem) where
164 type Captured a (SomeData sem) = Captured a sem
165 capturePathSegment = SomeData . CapturePathSegment @a
167 -- * Class 'Fileable'
168 class Fileable sem where
169 type FileableConstraint sem :: Type -> Constraint
170 static :: sem ()
171 dynamic :: (FileableConstraint sem a) => sem a
173 -- * Class 'Responsable'
174 class Responsable a (ts :: [Type]) (m :: Type -> Type) sem where
175 -- type Responsed a (ts::[Type]) (m::Type -> Type) end sem
176 -- type Responsed a ts m end sem = Endpoint end (Response ts m a)
177 -- response :: sem (Responsed a ts m end sem)
178 response :: sem (Endpoint sem (Response ts m a))
180 -- ** Type 'Response'
181 newtype Response (ts :: [Type]) m a = Response {unResponse :: m a}
182 deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad)
183 type instance MC.CanDo (Response ts m) eff = 'False
184 instance MT.MonadTrans (Response ts) where lift = Response
186 -- ** Class 'Optionable'
187 class Optionable a sem where
188 optional :: sem a -> sem (Maybe a)
189 optional = liftDerived1 optional
190 default optional ::
191 (FromDerived1 (Optionable a) sem) =>
192 sem a ->
193 sem (Maybe a)