]> Git — Sourcephile - haskell/literate-web.git/blob - src/Literate/Web/Semantics/Compiler.hs
[haskell/literate-web.git] / src / Literate / Web / Semantics / Compiler.hs
1 -- For Output
2 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
4 module Literate.Web.Semantics.Compiler where
6 import Control.Applicative (Applicative (..))
7 import Control.Monad (Monad (..), forM, forM_, join, sequence, (>=>))
8 import Control.Monad.Classes qualified as MC
9 import Control.Monad.Trans.Class qualified as MT
10 import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader qualified as MT
11 import Data.Bool
12 import Data.ByteString.Lazy qualified as BSL
13 import Data.Either (Either (..))
14 import Data.Eq (Eq (..))
15 import Data.Foldable (toList)
16 import Data.Function (const, id, ($), (.))
17 import Data.Functor (Functor (..), (<$>))
18 import Data.Kind (Constraint, Type)
19 import Data.List qualified as List
20 import Data.Maybe (Maybe (..))
21 import Data.Ord (Ord (..))
22 import Data.Proxy (Proxy (..))
23 import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup (..))
24 import Data.String (fromString)
25 import Data.Text (Text)
26 import Data.Text qualified as Text
27 import Data.Tuple (curry)
28 import GHC.Generics (Generic)
29 import GHC.Stack (HasCallStack)
30 import Literate.Web.Syntaxes
31 import Literate.Web.Types.MIME
32 import Literate.Web.Types.URL
33 import Symantic qualified as Sym
34 import System.Directory qualified as Sys
35 import System.FilePath qualified as Sys
36 import System.FilePattern.Directory qualified as Sys
37 import System.IO qualified as Sys
38 import Text.Show (Show (..))
39 import Type.Reflection ((:~:) (..))
41 -- * Type 'Compiler'
42 newtype Compiler m a = Compiler {unCompiler :: m [Output a]}
43 deriving (Functor)
45 compile ::
46 MC.MonadExec Sys.IO m =>
47 CompilerEnv ->
48 Sym.ToFer (Compiler m) a ->
49 Sym.ToF a (m BSL.ByteString) ->
50 m ()
51 compile CompilerEnv{..} router content = do
52 outputs <- unCompiler $ Sym.tuplesOfFunctions router content
53 MC.exec @Sys.IO $ Sys.removePathForcibly compilerEnvDest
54 forM_ outputs $ \Output{..} -> do
55 let destPath =
56 ( List.intercalate "." $
57 encodePath outputPath :
58 ( if List.null outputExts
59 then ["txt"]
60 else Text.unpack . encodePathSegment <$> outputExts
61 )
62 )
63 -- hPutStrLn stderr $ "mkdir: " <> show (Sys.takeDirectory destPath)
64 MC.exec @Sys.IO $
65 Sys.createDirectoryIfMissing True $
66 compilerEnvDest Sys.</> Sys.takeDirectory destPath
67 -- hPutStrLn stderr $ "write: " <> show destPath
68 bsl <- outputData
69 MC.exec @Sys.IO $
70 BSL.writeFile (compilerEnvDest Sys.</> destPath) $
71 bsl
73 manifest ::
74 forall m a.
75 Monad m =>
76 Sym.ToFer (Compiler m) a ->
77 Sym.ToF a (m BSL.ByteString) ->
78 m [Sys.FilePath]
79 manifest router content = do
80 outputs <- unCompiler $ Sym.tuplesOfFunctions router content
81 forM outputs $ \(Output{..} :: Output (m BSL.ByteString)) -> do
82 let destPath =
83 ( List.intercalate "." $
84 encodePath outputPath :
85 ( if List.null outputExts
86 then ["txt"]
87 else Text.unpack . encodePathSegment <$> outputExts
88 )
89 )
90 return destPath
92 instance Applicative m => Applicative (Compiler m) where
93 pure = Compiler . pure . pure . pure
94 liftA2 f (Compiler a) (Compiler b) = Compiler (liftA2 (liftA2 (liftA2 f)) a b)
95 instance Monad m => Monad (Compiler m) where
96 return = pure
97 Compiler mloa >>= a2mlob =
98 Compiler $ do
99 mloa >>= \loa ->
100 (join <$>) $
101 forM loa $ \oa -> do
102 lob <- unCompiler $ a2mlob $ outputData oa
103 forM lob $ \ob ->
104 return
105 ob
106 { outputPath = outputPath oa <> outputPath ob
107 , outputExts = outputExts oa <> outputExts ob
108 }
109 instance Applicative m => Sym.ProductFunctor (Compiler m) where
110 (<.>) = liftA2 (,)
111 (<.) = liftA2 const
112 (.>) = liftA2 (const id)
113 instance Applicative m => Sym.AlternativeFunctor (Compiler m) where
114 Compiler a <|> Compiler b = Compiler (liftA2 (<>) a b)
115 instance Applicative m => Sym.SumFunctor (Compiler m) where
116 a <+> b = Left <$> a Sym.<|> Right <$> b
117 instance Applicative m => Sym.Optionable (Compiler m) where
118 optional ma = pure Nothing Sym.<|> (Just <$> ma)
119 instance Applicative m => PathSegmentable (Compiler m) where
120 pathSegment s = Compiler $ pure [Output{outputPath = [s], outputExts = [], outputData = ()}]
121 instance
122 ( Show a
123 , Monad m
124 , n ~ m
125 , MimeTypes ts (MimeEncodable a)
126 ) =>
127 Responsable a ts n (m BSL.ByteString) (Sym.ToFer (Compiler m))
128 where
129 response =
130 Sym.ToFer
131 { tuplesOfFunctions = \(Refl, Response ma) ->
132 Compiler $ do
133 a <- ma
134 pure $
135 ( \(mt, MimeType (Proxy :: Proxy t)) ->
136 Output
137 { outputPath = []
138 , outputExts = [decodePathSegment (fileExtension @t)]
139 , outputData = pure $ mimeEncode @_ @t a
140 }
141 )
142 <$> toList (mimeTypesMap @ts @(MimeEncodable a))
143 , eithersOfTuples = Compiler $ pure []
144 }
146 -- ** Type 'CompilerEnv'
147 data CompilerEnv = CompilerEnv
148 { compilerEnvDest :: Sys.FilePath
149 , -- , compilerEnvSource :: Sys.FilePath
150 compilerEnvIndex :: Sys.FilePath
151 --, compilerEnvModel :: model
152 -- , compilerEnvPath :: [PathSegment]
153 }
154 deriving (Show)
156 -- ** Type 'Output'
157 data Output a = Output
158 { outputPath :: [PathSegment]
159 , outputExts :: [PathSegment]
160 , outputData :: a
161 -- , outputType :: MimeType (MimeEncodable a)
162 }
163 deriving (Functor, Show)
164 instance Applicative Output where
165 pure a =
166 Output
167 { outputPath = []
168 , outputExts = []
169 , outputData = a
170 -- , outputType = mediaType @PlainText
171 }
172 oa2b <*> oa =
173 Output
174 { outputPath = outputPath oa2b <> outputPath oa
175 , outputExts = outputExts oa2b <> outputExts oa
176 , outputData = outputData oa2b (outputData oa)
177 -- , outputType = outputType f <> outputType x
178 }
180 -- -- pathSegments _ss = Compiler $
181 -- -- MT.ReaderT $ \s ->
182 -- -- -- TODO: assert Set.member s ss
183 -- -- lift $
184 -- -- MT.modify' $ \st ->
185 -- -- st{compilerStatePath = compilerStatePath st </> Text.unpack (encodePathSegment s)}
186 --
187 -- {-
188 -- instance
189 -- TypeError (
190 -- 'Text "The instance (Capturable a Compiler)"
191 -- ':$$: 'Text "is disabled when compiling to a static Web site."
192 -- ':$$: 'Text "You can use (whenInterpreter @Compiler siteNotUsingCapturable siteUsingCapturable)"
193 -- ':$$: 'Text "to replace calls to any method of Capturable."
194 -- ) => Capturable a Compiler where
195 -- capturePathSegment = undefined
196 -- instance
197 -- TypeError (
198 -- 'Text "The instance (Capturable a (Reader model Compiler))"
199 -- ':$$: 'Text "is disabled when compiling to a static Web site."
200 -- ':$$: 'Text "You can use (whenInterpreter @(Reader model Compiler) siteNotUsingCapturable siteUsingCapturable)"
201 -- ':$$: 'Text "to replace calls to any method of Capturable."
202 -- ) => Capturable a (Reader model Compiler) where
203 -- capturePathSegment = undefined
204 -- -}
205 --
206 -- -- choosePathSegments _s = Compiler $ MT.ReaderT $ \s -> return $ Endo (List.reverse s <>)
207 -- {-
208 -- instance Capturable Compiler where
209 -- type CapturableConstraint Compiler =
210 -- capturePathSegment _n = Compiler $ MT.ReaderT $ \s ->
211 -- lift $ MT.modify' $ \st ->
212 -- st{compilerStatePath = compilerStatePath st </> Text.unpack (encodePathSegment s)}
213 -- -}
214 -- {-
215 -- instance Copyable Compiler where
216 -- copy path = Compiler $
217 -- lift $
218 -- MT.ReaderT $ \env -> do
219 -- lift $ do
220 -- doesPathExist (compilerEnvSource env </> path) >>= \case
221 -- True -> do
222 -- Sys.hPutStrLn Sys.stderr $
223 -- "staticCopy: "
224 -- <> show
225 -- ( (compilerEnvSource env </> path)
226 -- , (compilerEnvDest env </> path)
227 -- )
228 -- copyDirRecursively
229 -- path
230 -- (compilerEnvSource env </> path)
231 -- (compilerEnvDest env)
232 -- False -> do
233 -- Sys.hPutStrLn Sys.stderr $ "error: path does not exist: " <> (compilerEnvSource env </> path)
234 -- instance Encodable fmt a => Contentable fmt a Compiler where
235 -- content = Compiler $
236 -- MT.ReaderT $ \a -> MT.ReaderT $ \env -> do
237 -- st <- MT.get
238 -- let destPath = compilerEnvDest env </> compilerStatePath st
239 -- lift $ do
240 -- -- Sys.hPutStrLn Sys.stderr $ "mkdir: " <> show (Sys.takeDirectory destPath)
241 -- createDirectoryIfMissing True (Sys.takeDirectory destPath)
242 -- -- Sys.hPutStrLn Sys.stderr $ "write: " <> show destPath
243 -- BSL.writeFile destPath $ encode @fmt a
244 -- -}
245 -- --instance Endable Compiler where
246 -- -- end = Compiler $ return $ Endo id
247 --
248 -- --pathSegments _cs = Compiler $ MT.ReaderT $ \s -> return $ Endo (s :)
249 -- -- instance Fileable Compiler where
250 -- -- type FileableConstraint Compiler = Typeable
251 -- -- static = Compiler $ MT.ReaderT $ \_a ->
252 -- -- return $ Endo (\x -> x)
253 --
254 -- {-
255 -- -- * The 'Compiler' interpreter
256 --
257 -- -- | Create files according to the given model of type 'a'.
258 -- newtype Compiler a = Compiler
259 -- { unCompiler :: [Comp a]
260 -- }
261 -- deriving (Show, Functor)
262 --
263 -- instance Applicative Compiler where
264 -- pure = Compiler . pure . pure
265 -- Compiler f <*> Compiler x = Compiler $ (<*>) <$> f <*> x
266 --
267 -- -- instance Monad Compiler where
268 -- -- return = pure
269 -- -- Compiler x >>= f = Compiler (x >>=)
270 --
271 -- compile :: Show a => Renderable a => Compiler a -> CompilerEnv -> Sys.IO ()
272 -- compile compiler conf@CompilerEnv{..} = do
273 -- createDirectoryIfMissing True compilerEnvDest
274 -- let router = unCompiler compiler
275 -- when (null router) $
276 -- error "no router, nothing to compile"
277 -- -- Sys.hPutStrLn Sys.stderr $ "conf: " <> show conf
278 -- -- forM_ router $ \comp -> do
279 -- -- Sys.hPutStrLn Sys.stderr $ "route: " <> show comp
280 -- forM_ router $ \Comp{..} -> do
281 -- -- Sys.hPutStrLn Sys.stderr $ "route: " <> show comp
282 -- let routePath = pathOfPathSegments compPathSegments
283 -- in case render compData of
284 -- Left staticPath ->
285 -- doesPathExist (compilerEnvSource </> staticPath) >>= \case
286 -- True -> do
287 -- -- TODO: In current branch, we don't expect this to be a directory.
288 -- -- Although the user may pass it, but review before merge.
289 -- Sys.hPutStrLn Sys.stderr $
290 -- "staticCopy: "
291 -- <> show
292 -- ( (compilerEnvSource </> staticPath)
293 -- , (compilerEnvDest </> staticPath)
294 -- )
295 -- copyDirRecursively
296 -- staticPath
297 -- (compilerEnvSource </> staticPath)
298 -- (compilerEnvDest)
299 -- False -> do
300 -- Sys.hPutStrLn Sys.stderr $ "error: path does not exist: " <> (compilerEnvSource </> staticPath)
301 -- -- log LevelWarn $ toText $ "? " <> staticPath <> " (missing)"
302 -- Right bs -> do
303 -- let destPath = compilerEnvDest </> routePath
304 -- {-
305 -- maybe (routePath </> compilerEnvIndex)
306 -- (routePath Sys.FilePath.<.>)
307 -- (compType comp)
308 -- -}
309 -- -- Sys.hPutStrLn Sys.stderr $ "mkdir: " <> show (Sys.takeDirectory destPath)
310 -- createDirectoryIfMissing True (Sys.takeDirectory destPath)
311 -- -- Sys.hPutStrLn Sys.stderr $ "write: " <> show destPath
312 -- BSL.writeFile destPath bs
313 --
314 -- -- ** Class 'Renderable'
315 -- class Renderable a where
316 -- render :: a -> Either Sys.FilePath BSL.ByteString
317 -- instance Renderable () where
318 -- render () =
319 -- --Left $ pathOfPathSegments compPathSegments
320 -- Right BSL.empty
321 --
322 -- -- ** Type 'Comp'
323 -- data Comp a = Comp
324 -- { compPathSegments :: [PathSegment] -- TODO: Endo? Seq?
325 -- , compData :: a
326 -- -- , compType :: MimeType (MimeEncodable a)
327 -- }
328 -- deriving instance Eq a => Eq (Comp a)
329 -- deriving instance Ord a => Ord (Comp a)
330 -- deriving instance Show a => Show (Comp a)
331 -- deriving instance Functor Comp
332 -- instance Applicative Comp where
333 -- pure compData =
334 -- Comp
335 -- { compPathSegments = []
336 -- , compData
337 -- -- , compType = mediaType @PlainText
338 -- }
339 -- f <*> x =
340 -- Comp
341 -- { compPathSegments = compPathSegments f <> compPathSegments x
342 -- , compData = compData f (compData x)
343 -- -- , compType = compType f <> compType x
344 -- }
345 --
346 -- instance IsoFunctor Compiler where
347 -- (<%>) Iso{..} = (a2b <$>)
348 -- instance ProductFunctor Compiler where
349 -- (<.>) = liftA2 (,)
350 -- (<.) = (<*)
351 -- (.>) = (*>)
352 -- instance SumFunctor Compiler where
353 -- x <+> y =
354 -- Compiler $
355 -- (<>)
356 -- ((Left <$>) <$> unCompiler x)
357 -- ((Right <$>) <$> unCompiler y)
358 -- instance Optionable Compiler where
359 -- optional x =
360 -- Compiler $
361 -- Comp { compPathSegments = []
362 -- , compData = Nothing
363 -- -- , compType = Nothing
364 -- } :
365 -- ((Just <$>) <$> unCompiler x)
366 -- instance PathSegmentable Compiler where
367 -- pathSegment s = Compiler
368 -- [
369 -- Comp
370 -- { compPathSegments = [s]
371 -- , compData = ()
372 -- -- , compType = PlainText
373 -- }
374 -- ]
375 -- pathSegments ss =
376 -- Compiler $
377 -- [ Comp{ compPathSegments = [s]
378 -- , compData = s
379 -- -- , compType = Nothing
380 -- }
381 -- | s <- toList ss
382 -- ]
383 -- instance ContentTypeable PlainText () Compiler where
384 -- contentType =
385 -- Compiler
386 -- [ Comp
387 -- { compPathSegments = []
388 -- , compData = ()
389 -- --, compType = mediaType @PlainText
390 -- }
391 -- ]
392 --
393 -- -- instance Repeatable Compiler where
394 -- -- many0 (Compiler x) =
395 -- -- Compiler $
396 -- -- ((\Comp{} -> Comp [] []) <$> x)
397 -- -- <> ((\(Comp s a) -> Comp s [a]) <$> x)
398 -- -- <> ((\(Comp s a) -> Comp (s <> s) [a, a]) <$> x)
399 -- -- many1 (Compiler x) =
400 -- -- Compiler $
401 -- -- ((\(Comp s a) -> Comp s [a]) <$> x)
402 -- -- <> ((\(Comp s a) -> Comp (s <> s) [a, a]) <$> x)
403 -- -- instance Endable Compiler where
404 -- -- end = Compiler [Comp [] ()]
405 -- -- instance Capturable Compiler where
406 -- -- capturePathSegment n = Compiler $ [Comp [n] n]
407 -- -- instance Constantable c Compiler where
408 -- -- constant = pure
409 -- -}
410 --
411 copyDirRecursively ::
412 ( --MonadIO m,
413 --MonadUnliftIO m,
414 --MonadLoggerIO m,
415 HasCallStack
416 ) =>
417 -- | Source file path relative to CWD
418 Sys.FilePath ->
419 -- | Absolute path to source file to copy.
420 Sys.FilePath ->
421 -- | Directory *under* which the source file/dir will be copied
422 Sys.FilePath ->
423 Sys.IO ()
424 copyDirRecursively srcRel srcAbs destParent = do
425 Sys.doesFileExist srcAbs >>= \case
426 True -> do
427 Sys.hPutStrLn Sys.stderr $ "copyDirRecursively: " <> show ("srcAbs is a file", srcAbs)
428 copyFileCreatingParents srcAbs (destParent Sys.</> srcRel)
429 False ->
430 Sys.doesDirectoryExist srcAbs >>= \case
431 False -> do
432 Sys.hPutStrLn Sys.stderr $ "copyDirRecursively: " <> show ("srcAbs is neither a file nor directory", srcAbs)
433 return ()
434 -- throw $ StaticAssetMissing srcAbs
435 True -> do
436 Sys.hPutStrLn Sys.stderr $ "copyDirRecursively: " <> show ("srcAbs is a directory", srcAbs)
437 Sys.createDirectoryIfMissing True (destParent Sys.</> srcRel)
438 fs <- Sys.getDirectoryFiles srcAbs ["**"]
439 forM_ fs $ \fp -> do
440 let a = srcAbs Sys.</> fp
441 b = destParent Sys.</> srcRel Sys.</> fp
442 copyFileCreatingParents a b
443 where
444 copyFileCreatingParents a b = do
445 Sys.createDirectoryIfMissing True (Sys.takeDirectory b)
446 Sys.copyFile a b