]> Git — Sourcephile - haskell/logic.git/blob - src/Logic/Kernel.hs
[haskell/logic.git] / src / Logic / Kernel.hs
1 -- For `proven`
2 {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
3 -- For `Exists`
4 {-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
5 -- For `Exists` instances
6 {-# LANGUAGE QuantifiedConstraints #-}
7 -- For `(=:)`
8 {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
9 {-# LANGUAGE Safe #-}
10 -- For `UnNamed` and `Exists` instances
11 {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
12 -- For `letSymbol`
13 -- {-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
14 -- For pattern `Named`
15 {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
17 module Logic.Kernel (
18 type (:::) (),
19 pattern Named,
20 (...),
21 unitName,
22 type UnNamed,
23 type UnName,
24 unName,
25 letName,
26 letName2,
27 letName3,
28 letName4,
29 liftName,
30 liftName2,
31 liftName3,
32 liftName4,
33 -- letSymbol,
34 namedAs,
35 (=:),
36 type Proof (),
37 proven,
38 implies,
39 unImplies,
40 type Provable (..),
41 type Axiom (..),
42 type Lemma (..),
43 type SuchThat (),
44 type (/),
45 (/),
46 suchThatProof,
47 type That (..),
48 type (<->),
49 (-->),
50 (<--),
51 type Exists (..),
52 type EqUnNamed,
53 type Commutative,
54 type Associative,
55 type RefHoTTBook,
56 ) where
58 import Control.Applicative (Applicative (..))
59 import Control.Monad (Monad (..))
60 import Data.Eq (Eq (..))
61 import Data.Function ((.))
62 import Data.Functor (Functor (..))
63 import Data.Ord (Ord (..))
64 import Data.Tuple (fst, snd)
65 import Text.Show (Show (..), showParen, showString)
66 import Type.Reflection (Typeable, typeRep)
68 -- | A value of type @(a `:::` name)@ has the same runtime
69 -- representation as a value of type @a@, with a nominal "name" attached.
70 --
71 -- The newtype constructor of `(:::)` is not exported
72 -- as it would break the "smart constructor" confidence.
73 newtype (:::) name a = NameAxiom a
74 deriving (Eq, Ord)
76 instance Show a => Show (name ::: a) where
77 showsPrec p (NameAxiom a) = showsPrec p a
79 type role (:::) nominal representational
80 infixr 9 :::
82 -- | A safe pattern matcher to unwrap a name attached with `(:::)`.
83 pattern Named :: UnName a => UnNamed a -> a
84 pattern Named x <- (unName -> x)
86 {-# COMPLETE Named #-}
88 -- | Attach a name to a value of type @(a)@.
89 -- This name must be inhabited,
90 -- it means that if it's a data or newtype constructor,
91 -- attaching such a name can be restricted to a module's boundary
92 -- by not exporting that constructor out of that module.
93 (...) :: name -> a -> name ::: a
94 (...) _ = NameAxiom
96 infix 0 ...
98 {-# INLINE (...) #-}
100 unitName :: a -> () ::: a
101 unitName = NameAxiom
102 {-# INLINE unitName #-}
104 -- | Unwrap `(:::)` at the type-level.
105 --
106 -- This is not recursive like `coerce` would.
107 type family UnNamed a where
108 UnNamed (n ::: a) = a
109 UnNamed (SuchThat a p) = UnNamed a
110 UnNamed (That a pred x) = UnNamed (() ::: a `SuchThat` pred ())
111 UnNamed a = a
113 -- | Unwrap `(:::)` at the value-level.
114 --
115 -- Note: this is not recursive like `Data.Coerce.coerce`.
116 class UnName a where
117 unName :: a -> UnNamed a
119 instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} UnName (n ::: a) where
120 unName (NameAxiom a) = a
121 {-# INLINE unName #-}
122 instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} UnName a => UnName (SuchThat a p) where
123 unName (SuchThat a) = unName a
124 {-# INLINE unName #-}
125 instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} UnName a => UnName (That a pred x) where
126 unName (That a) = unName a
127 {-# INLINE unName #-}
128 instance UnNamed a ~ a => UnName a where
129 unName a = a
130 {-# INLINE unName #-}
132 -- | Introduce a name for the argument,
133 -- and pass the named argument into the given function.
134 letName :: a -> (forall x. x ::: a -> res) -> res
135 letName x k = k (NameAxiom x)
136 {-# INLINE letName #-}
138 infixr 0 `letName`
140 -- | Introduce names for two arguments,
141 -- and pass the named arguments into the given function.
142 letName2 :: a -> b -> (forall x y. x ::: a -> y ::: b -> res) -> res
143 letName2 x y k = k (NameAxiom x) (NameAxiom y)
144 {-# INLINE letName2 #-}
146 infixr 0 `letName2`
148 -- | Introduce names for three arguments,
149 -- and pass the named arguments into the given function.
150 letName3 :: a -> b -> c -> (forall x y z. x ::: a -> y ::: b -> z ::: c -> res) -> res
151 letName3 x y z k = k (NameAxiom x) (NameAxiom y) (NameAxiom z)
152 {-# INLINE letName3 #-}
154 infixr 0 `letName3`
156 -- | Introduce names for four arguments,
157 -- and pass the named arguments into the given function.
158 letName4 :: a -> b -> c -> d -> (forall x y z w. x ::: a -> y ::: b -> z ::: c -> w ::: d -> res) -> res
159 letName4 x y z w k = k (NameAxiom x) (NameAxiom y) (NameAxiom z) (NameAxiom w)
160 {-# INLINE letName4 #-}
162 infixr 0 `letName4`
164 -- \| Injects a `Symbol` into a `Type` for `letSymbol`.
165 -- data Name (s :: Symbol)
167 -- \| Like `letName` but with a `Symbol` hint and a `Typeable` constraint
168 -- enabling to `show` @(name)@.
169 -- letSymbol :: forall (s :: Symbol) a res. KnownSymbol s => a -> (forall name. Typeable name => name ::: a -> res) -> res
170 -- letSymbol a k =
171 -- let n = hashUnique (unsafePerformIO newUnique)
172 -- in case someSymbolVal (symbolVal (Proxy @s) <> show n) of
173 -- SomeSymbol (Proxy :: Proxy n) ->
174 -- k @(Name n) (NameAxiom a)
176 -- | Infix alias to `letName`.
177 namedAs :: a -> (forall name. name ::: a -> res) -> res
178 namedAs a k = k (NameAxiom a)
179 {-# INLINE namedAs #-}
181 infixr 0 `namedAs`
183 -- | Introduce a name for the argument,
184 -- and pass the named argument into the given function.
185 liftName :: (forall x. x ::: a -> res) -> a -> res
186 liftName k x = k (NameAxiom x)
187 {-# INLINE liftName #-}
189 infixr 0 `liftName`
191 -- | Introduce names for two arguments,
192 -- and pass the named arguments into the given function.
193 liftName2 :: (forall x y. x ::: a -> y ::: b -> res) -> a -> b -> res
194 liftName2 k x y = k (NameAxiom x) (NameAxiom y)
195 {-# INLINE liftName2 #-}
197 infixr 0 `liftName2`
199 -- | Introduce names for three arguments,
200 -- and pass the named arguments into the given function.
201 liftName3 :: (forall x y z. x ::: a -> y ::: b -> z ::: c -> res) -> a -> b -> c -> res
202 liftName3 k x y z = k (NameAxiom x) (NameAxiom y) (NameAxiom z)
203 {-# INLINE liftName3 #-}
205 infixr 0 `liftName3`
207 -- | Introduce names for four arguments,
208 -- and pass the named arguments into the given function.
209 liftName4 :: (forall x y z w. x ::: a -> y ::: b -> z ::: c -> w ::: d -> res) -> a -> b -> c -> d -> res
210 liftName4 k x y z w = k (NameAxiom x) (NameAxiom y) (NameAxiom z) (NameAxiom w)
211 {-# INLINE liftName4 #-}
213 infixr 0 `liftName4`
215 -- | Operator version of `letName`.
216 (=:) :: a -> (forall name. name ::: a -> res) -> res
217 (=:) a k = k (NameAxiom a)
218 {-# INLINE (=:) #-}
220 infixr 0 =:
222 -- | Here, a proposition in the logic side,
223 -- is a type in the programming side.
224 -- And a proven proposition is an inhabited type.
225 --
226 -- * `Logic.Name.RefHoTTBook`
227 -- * https://groups.seas.harvard.edu/courses/cs152/2016sp/lectures/lec16-curryhoward.pdf
228 -- * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Type_inhabitation_problem
229 -- * https://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/wadler/papers/propositions-as-types/propositions-as-types.pdf
230 -- * https://ncatlab.org/nlab/show/propositions+as+types
231 data Proof proposition = ProofAxiom
233 instance Typeable p => Show (Proof p) where
234 showsPrec p _ =
235 showParen
236 (prec < p)
237 ( showString "Proof "
238 . showsPrec prec (typeRep @p)
239 )
240 where
241 prec = 10
243 proven :: a -> Proof a
244 proven !_ = ProofAxiom
245 {-# INLINE proven #-}
247 type role Proof nominal
249 instance Functor Proof where
250 fmap _f !_ = ProofAxiom
252 instance Applicative Proof where
253 -- Observing an instance of 'a'
254 -- Therefore, an instance of 'a' exists.
255 pure !_ = ProofAxiom
256 (<*>) !_ !_ = ProofAxiom
258 instance Monad Proof where
259 -- There exist a proof that proves the existence of a proof of 'a'
260 -- Therefore, a proof of 'a' exists.
261 !_ >>= !_ = ProofAxiom
263 -- | The implication in the logic side,
264 -- is the function type of the programming side.
265 implies :: (Proof p -> Proof q) -> Proof (p -> q)
266 implies !_ = ProofAxiom
267 {-# INLINE implies #-}
269 -- | modus ponens
270 unImplies :: Proof (p -> q) -> (Proof p -> Proof q)
271 unImplies = (<*>)
272 {-# INLINE unImplies #-}
274 -- | Reify a `Proof` or `(:::)` to inspect it.
275 class Provable a where
276 type ProofOf a
277 prove :: a -> ProofOf a
279 -- nameProof :: ProofOf n a -> n ::: a
281 class Axiom p where
282 -- | CorrectnessWarning: the default definition declares an axiom.
283 -- This is the only way to declare an axiom out of this module
284 -- (except through `undefined` or `TemplateHaskell` if LANGUAGE Safe is not used).
285 --
286 -- Beware that `Axiom` instances can be hidden from the documentation
287 -- when not exporting a type involved in defining them,
288 -- however their do appear in:
289 --
290 -- @
291 -- ghci> :info! Axiom
292 -- @
293 axiom :: Proof p
294 axiom = ProofAxiom
295 {-# WARNING axiom "x-logic-axiom" #-}
297 class Lemma p where
298 lemma :: Proof p
300 type (<->) p q = ((p -> q), (q -> p))
301 infix 0 <->
303 (-->) :: (<->) p q -> p -> q
304 (-->) = fst
305 infix 9 -->
306 {-# INLINE (-->) #-}
308 (<--) :: (<->) p q -> q -> p
309 (<--) = snd
310 infix 9 <--
311 {-# INLINE (<--) #-}
313 type Commutative op x y = op x y <-> op y x
314 type Associative op x y z = op (op x y) z <-> op x (op y z)
316 -- | Existential quantification.
317 data Exists p = forall x. Exists (p x)
319 instance (forall x. Show (p x)) => Show (Exists p) where
320 showsPrec p (Exists px) = showsPrec p px
322 -- | Class alias working around the impossibility
323 -- to refer to the type family `UnNamed`
324 -- in the quantified constraint of the @(`Eq` (`Exists` p))@ instance.
325 --
326 -- IssueRef: https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/issues/14860#note_495352
327 class (Eq (UnNamed (p x)), UnName (p x), UnNamed (p x) ~ UnNamed (p y)) => EqUnNamed p x y
329 instance (Eq (UnNamed (p x)), UnName (p x), UnNamed (p x) ~ UnNamed (p y)) => EqUnNamed p x y
331 instance (forall x y. EqUnNamed p x y) => Eq (Exists p) where
332 (==) (Exists (Named px)) (Exists (Named py)) = (==) px py
334 newtype SuchThat a p = SuchThat a
335 deriving (Eq, Ord)
336 type role SuchThat representational nominal
337 infixr 0 `SuchThat`
338 instance Show a => Show (SuchThat a p) where
339 showsPrec p (SuchThat a) = showsPrec p a
341 -- | Convenient alias to `SuchThat`.
342 type (/) = SuchThat
344 infixr 0 /
346 (/) :: a -> Proof p -> a `SuchThat` p
347 (/) a ProofAxiom = SuchThat a
348 {-# INLINE (/) #-}
350 suchThatProof :: a `SuchThat` p -> Proof p
351 suchThatProof SuchThat{} = ProofAxiom
352 {-# INLINE suchThatProof #-}
354 newtype That a p x = That (x ::: a `SuchThat` p x)
355 deriving (Eq, Ord)
356 type role That representational nominal nominal
357 instance Show a => Show (That a p x) where
358 showsPrec p (That a) = showsPrec p a
360 data RefHoTTBook
361 -- ^ Reference to [Homotopy Type Theory: Univalent Foundations of Mathematics](https://homotopytypetheory.org/book)
362 --
363 -- > [
364 -- > {
365 -- > "author": [
366 -- > {
367 -- > "family": "Univalent Foundations Program",
368 -- > "given": "The"
369 -- > }
370 -- > ],
371 -- > "id": "hottbook",
372 -- > "issued": {
373 -- > "date-parts": [
374 -- > [
375 -- > 2013
376 -- > ]
377 -- > ]
378 -- > },
379 -- > "publisher": "https://homotopytypetheory.org/book",
380 -- > "publisher-place": "Institute for Advanced Study",
381 -- > "title": "Homotopy Type Theory: Univalent Foundations of Mathematics",
382 -- > "title-short": "Homotopy Type Theory",
383 -- > "type": "book"
384 -- > }
385 -- > ]