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[haskell/symantic-cli.git] / Symantic / CLI / Test.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
3 module Symantic.CLI.Test where
5 -- import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..))
6 -- import Data.Ord (Ord(..))
7 -- import Text.Show (Show(..))
8 import Control.Monad (Monad(..))
9 import Data.Bool
10 import Data.Either (Either(..))
11 import Data.Function (($))
12 import Data.Functor ((<$>))
13 import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
14 import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
15 import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
16 import Data.String (String)
17 import Data.Void (Void)
18 import Text.Show (Show(..))
19 import qualified Data.Set as Set
20 import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.IO as TL
21 import qualified Language.Symantic.Document.Term as Doc
22 import qualified Language.Symantic.Document.Term.IO as DocIO
23 import qualified System.IO as IO
24 import qualified Text.Megaparsec as P
26 import Symantic.CLI.Sym
27 import qualified Symantic.CLI.Plain as Plain
28 import qualified Symantic.CLI.Help as Help
29 import qualified Symantic.CLI.Read as Read
31 data Command
32 = Command_Source
33 { command_source_output :: [String]
34 , command_source_format :: String
35 , command_source_dump_tct :: Bool
36 }
37 | Command_Compile
38 { command_compile_output :: [String]
39 , command_compile_lang :: String
40 , command_compile_dump_tct :: Bool
41 , command_compile_dump_dtc :: Bool
42 }
43 | Command_Schema
44 { command_schema_output :: [String]
45 }
46 deriving (Show)
48 -- * Type 'Exit'
49 data Exit d
50 = Exit_Help d
51 | Exit_Version
52 deriving Show
54 doc ::
55 Plain.Doc d =>
56 Plain.Plain d (Exit d) t a -> d
57 doc = Plain.textPlain
59 {-
60 help_usage :: Plain.Doc d => Help.Help d (Exit d) t a -> d
61 help_usage = Help.help "USAGE" "COMMAND" "OPTION" Help.defReader
62 { Help.reader_command_indent = 4 }
63 -}
65 help_usage :: Plain.Doc d => Help.Help d (Exit d) t a -> d
66 help_usage = Help.textHelp Help.defReader
68 -- * Class 'Hdoc'
69 class
70 ( Sym_Fun repr
71 , Sym_App repr
72 , Sym_Alt repr
73 , Sym_Help d repr
74 , Sym_Rule repr
75 , Sym_Permutation repr
76 , Sym_Command repr
77 , Sym_Option repr
78 , Sym_Exit repr
79 , Sym_AltApp repr
80 , Plain.Doc d
81 ) => Hdoc d repr where
82 hdoc :: repr (Exit d) ArgCommand Command
83 hdoc =
84 help_words "technical document compiler\n(disclaimer: expect hdoc's documentation to be quite… technical :)" $
85 main "hdoc" $ opts **> cmds
86 where
87 opts =
88 runPermutation $
89 (\_ -> ())
90 <<$? option_help (help_usage hdoc)
91 <<|?>> ((), long "version" $ exit Exit_Version)
92 cmds =
93 command_source <||>
94 command_compile <||>
95 command_schema
97 help_words :: String -> repr (Exit d) t a -> repr (Exit d) t a
98 help_words d = help @d (Plain.words d)
100 option_help :: d -> ((), repr (Exit d) ArgOption ())
101 option_help d = ((), opt (OptionName 'h' "help") $ exit $ Exit_Help d)
103 command_source :: repr (Exit d) ArgCommand Command
104 command_source =
105 help_words "Format a TCT source file." $
106 command "source" $
107 runPermutation $
108 Command_Source
109 <<$? option_help (help_usage command_source)
110 <<|*>> rule_output
111 <<|>> option_format
112 <<|?>> option_dump_tct
113 command_compile :: repr (Exit d) ArgCommand Command
114 command_compile =
115 help_words "Compile a TCT source file." $
116 command "compile" $
117 (\cmd os -> case cmd of
118 Command_Compile{..} -> Command_Compile{command_compile_output=command_compile_output<>os, ..}
119 _ -> cmd)
120 <$$> opts
121 <** end_options
122 <**> inps
123 where
124 opts =
125 runPermutation $
126 Command_Compile
127 <<$? option_help (help_usage command_compile)
128 <<|*>> rule_output
129 <<|?>> option_lang
130 <<|?>> option_dump_tct
131 <<|?>> option_dump_dtc
132 inps = many $ string "file"
133 command_schema :: repr (Exit d) ArgCommand Command
134 command_schema =
135 help_words "Show the schema for DTC documents." $
136 command "schema" $
137 runPermutation $
138 Command_Schema
139 <<$? option_help (help_usage command_schema)
140 <<|*>> option_output
142 end_options :: repr (Exit d) ArgOption ()
143 end_options =
144 help_words "Force the end of options.\nUseful if <file> has the same name as an option." $
145 endOpt
147 option_lang :: (String, repr (Exit d) ArgOption String)
148 option_lang =
149 let def = "en_US" in
150 (def,) $
151 help_words ("Use language <lang>.\nDefault <lang> is: "<>def) $
152 long "lang" $
153 string "lang"
154 rule_output :: repr (Exit d) ArgOption String
155 rule_output =
156 rule "output" $
157 option_output
158 option_output :: repr (Exit d) ArgOption String
159 option_output =
160 help_words "Output into <file>.\nDefault <file> is: input <file> whose extension is replaced by <format> here and then." $
161 opt (OptionName 'o' "output") $
162 string "file"
163 option_dump_tct :: (Bool, repr (Exit d) ArgOption Bool)
164 option_dump_tct =
165 (False,) $
166 help_words "Dump TCT." $
167 long "dump-tct" $
168 value True
169 option_dump_dtc :: (Bool, repr (Exit d) ArgOption Bool)
170 option_dump_dtc =
171 (False,) $
172 help_words "Dump DTC." $
173 long "dump-dtc" $
174 value True
175 option_format :: repr (Exit d) ArgOption String
176 option_format =
177 help_words "Output format." $
178 opt (OptionName 'f' "format") $
179 "plain" <$$ tag "plain" <||>
180 "html5" <$$ tag "html5"
181 instance Plain.Doc d => Hdoc d (Plain.Plain d)
182 instance Plain.Doc d => Hdoc d Read.Parser
183 -- instance Plain.Doc d => Hdoc d (Help.Help d)
184 instance Plain.Doc d => Hdoc d (Help.Help d)
186 parse ::
187 Plain.Doc d =>
188 [String] -> IO.IO (Maybe (Either (Exit d) Command))
189 parse as =
190 case Read.readArgs hdoc $ Read.Args $ Read.Arg <$> as of
191 Right a -> return $ Just $ Right a
192 Left errs ->
193 case P.bundleErrors errs of
194 P.TrivialError o us es :| _ -> do
195 IO.putStr $ P.parseErrorPretty @Read.Args @Void $
196 P.TrivialError o us es
197 return Nothing
198 P.FancyError _o es :| _ ->
199 case Set.toList es of
200 [P.ErrorCustom (Read.ErrorRead e)] ->
201 return $ Just $ Left e
202 _ -> return Nothing
204 parseIO :: [String] -> IO.IO ()
205 parseIO as = do
206 ret <- parse as
207 case ret of
208 Nothing -> return ()
209 Just (Right cmd) ->
210 IO.print $ show cmd
211 Just (Left err) -> do
212 case err of
213 Exit_Help d ->
214 DocIO.runTermIO IO.stdout $
215 Doc.withBreakable (Just 80) d <>
216 Doc.newline
217 Exit_Version ->
218 TL.putStrLn "version"