]> Git — Sourcephile - haskell/symantic-cli.git/blob - Symantic/CLI/Help.hs
help: fix newline before a rule
[haskell/symantic-cli.git] / Symantic / CLI / Help.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} -- for From (Word *) d
4 module Symantic.CLI.Help where
6 import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..))
7 import Data.Bool
8 import Data.Foldable (null)
9 import Data.Function (($), (.))
10 import Data.Functor (Functor(..), (<$>))
11 import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), maybe, isJust)
12 import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..))
13 import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
14 import Text.Show (Show(..))
15 import Data.Tree as Tree
16 import qualified Symantic.Document as Doc
18 import Symantic.CLI.API
19 import Symantic.CLI.Schema as Schema
21 -- * Type 'Help'
22 data Help d f k
23 = Help
24 { help_result :: HelpInh d -> HelpResult d
25 -- ^ The 'HelpResult' of the current symantic.
26 , help_schema :: Schema d f k
27 -- ^ The 'Schema' of the current symantic.
28 }
30 runHelp :: Docable d => HelpInh d -> Help d f k -> d
31 runHelp def (Help h _p) = runHelpNodes def (h def) <> Doc.newline
33 docHelp :: Docable d => Doc.Indentable d => Docable d => Help d f k -> d
34 docHelp = runHelp defHelpInh
36 coerceHelp :: Help d f k -> Help d f' k'
37 coerceHelp Help{help_schema, ..} = Help
38 { help_schema = Schema.coerceSchema help_schema
39 , ..
40 }
42 -- ** Type 'HelpInh'
43 -- | Configuration inherited top-down.
44 data HelpInh d
45 = HelpInh
46 { helpInh_message :: !(Maybe d)
47 -- ^ The message inherited from 'help's.
48 , helpInh_command_indent :: !Doc.Indent
49 -- ^ 'Doc.Indent'ation for 'command's.
50 , helpInh_tag_indent :: !Doc.Indent
51 -- ^ 'Doc.Indent'ation for 'Tag's.
52 , helpInh_schema :: !(SchemaInh d)
53 -- ^ The inherited 'SchemaInh' for 'runSchema'.
54 , helpInh_helpless_options :: !Bool
55 -- ^ Whether to include options without help in the listing.
56 , helpInh_command_rule :: !Bool
57 -- ^ Whether to print the name of the rule.
58 , helpInh_full :: !Bool
59 -- ^ Whether to print full help.
60 }
62 defHelpInh :: Docable d => HelpInh d
63 defHelpInh = HelpInh
64 { helpInh_message = Nothing
65 , helpInh_command_indent = 2
66 , helpInh_tag_indent = 16
67 , helpInh_schema = defSchemaInh
68 , helpInh_helpless_options = False
69 , helpInh_command_rule = False
70 , helpInh_full = True
71 }
73 -- ** Type 'HelpResult'
74 type HelpResult d = Tree.Forest (HelpNode, d)
76 defHelpResult :: Monoid d => HelpResult d
77 defHelpResult = mempty
79 -- *** Type 'HelpNode'
80 data HelpNode
81 = HelpNode_Message
82 | HelpNode_Rule
83 | HelpNode_Command
84 | HelpNode_Tag
85 | HelpNode_Env
86 deriving Show
88 runHelpNode ::
89 Monoid d =>
90 Docable d =>
91 Tree (HelpNode, d) -> d
92 runHelpNode (Tree.Node (n,d) _ts) = d -- "[" <> Doc.stringH (show n) <> "]" <> d
94 -- | Introduce 'Doc.newline' according to the 'HelpNode's
95 -- put next to each others.
96 runHelpNodes ::
97 Monoid d =>
98 Docable d =>
99 HelpInh d ->
100 Tree.Forest (HelpNode, d) -> d
101 runHelpNodes inh [] = mempty
102 runHelpNodes inh ( t0@(Tree.Node _ t0s)
103 : t1@(Tree.Node (HelpNode_Command, _) _) : ts ) =
104 runHelpNode t0 <>
105 Doc.newline <>
106 (if null t0s || not (helpInh_full inh) then mempty else Doc.newline) <>
107 runHelpNodes inh (t1:ts)
108 runHelpNodes inh ( t0@(Tree.Node (HelpNode_Tag, _) _)
109 : t1@(Tree.Node (HelpNode_Tag, _) _) : ts ) =
110 runHelpNode t0 <>
111 Doc.newline <>
112 runHelpNodes inh (t1:ts)
113 runHelpNodes inh ( t0@(Tree.Node (HelpNode_Rule, _) t0s)
114 : t1@(Tree.Node (_, _) _) : ts ) =
115 runHelpNode t0 <>
116 Doc.newline <>
117 (if null t0s || not (helpInh_full inh) then mempty else Doc.newline) <>
118 runHelpNodes inh (t1:ts)
119 runHelpNodes inh ( t0@(Tree.Node (HelpNode_Message, _) _)
120 : t1 : ts ) =
121 runHelpNode t0 <>
122 Doc.newline <>
123 Doc.newline <>
124 runHelpNodes inh (t1:ts)
125 runHelpNodes inh ( t0 : t1@(Tree.Node (HelpNode_Tag, _) _) : ts ) =
126 runHelpNode t0 <>
127 Doc.newline <>
128 Doc.newline <>
129 runHelpNodes inh (t1:ts)
130 runHelpNodes inh ( t0 : t1@(Tree.Node (HelpNode_Env, _) _) : ts ) =
131 runHelpNode t0 <>
132 Doc.newline <>
133 Doc.newline <>
134 runHelpNodes inh (t1:ts)
135 runHelpNodes inh ( t0 : t1@(Tree.Node (HelpNode_Env, _) _) : ts ) =
136 runHelpNode t0 <>
137 Doc.newline <>
138 runHelpNodes inh (t1:ts)
139 runHelpNodes inh ( t0 : t1@(Tree.Node (HelpNode_Rule, _) _) : ts ) =
140 runHelpNode t0 <>
141 Doc.newline <>
142 runHelpNodes inh (t1:ts)
143 runHelpNodes inh (t:ts) = runHelpNode t <> runHelpNodes inh ts
145 instance Semigroup d => Semigroup (Help d f k) where
146 Help hx px <> Help hy py = Help (hx<>hy) (px<>py)
147 instance Monoid d => Monoid (Help d f k) where
148 mempty = Help mempty mempty
149 mappend = (<>)
150 {-
151 instance (Semigroup d, IsString d) => IsString (Help d e s a) where
152 fromString "" = Help $ \_ro -> Nothing
153 fromString s = Help $ \_ro -> Just $ fromString s
154 instance Show (Help Doc.Term e s a) where
155 show = TL.unpack . Doc.textTerm . runHelp
156 instance Docable d => Functor (Help d f) where
157 f <$$> Help h s = Help h (f<$$>s)
158 -}
159 instance Docable d => App (Help d) where
160 Help hf pf <.> Help hx px = Help (hf<>hx) (pf<.>px)
161 instance Docable d => Alt (Help d) where
162 Help hl pl <!> Help hr pr = Help (hl<>hr) (pl<!>pr)
163 opt (Help h s) = Help h (opt s)
164 {-
165 try (Help h s) = Help h (try s)
166 choice hs = Help (mconcat $ help_result <$> hs) (choice (help_schema <$> hs))
167 option a (Help h s) = Help h (option a s)
168 -}
169 instance Docable d => Permutable (Help d) where
170 type Permutation (Help d) = HelpPerm d
171 runPermutation (HelpPerm h s) = Help h $ runPermutation s
172 toPermutation (Help h s) = HelpPerm h $ toPermutation s
173 toPermDefault a (Help h s) = HelpPerm h $ toPermDefault a s
174 instance Pro (Help d) where
175 dimap a2b b2a (Help h s) = Help h $ dimap a2b b2a s
176 instance Docable d => AltApp (Help d) where
177 many0 (Help h s) = Help h (many0 s)
178 many1 (Help h s) = Help h (many1 s)
179 instance Docable d => CLI_Var (Help d) where
180 type VarConstraint (Help d) a = ()
181 var' n = Help mempty (var' n)
182 just a = Help mempty (just a)
183 nothing = Help mempty nothing
184 instance Docable d => CLI_Env (Help d) where
185 type EnvConstraint (Help d) a = ()
186 env' n =
187 Help (\inh ->
188 let ts =
189 if helpInh_full inh
190 then maybe [] (pure . pure . (HelpNode_Message,)) (helpInh_message inh)
191 else [] in
192 let d =
193 Doc.breakfill (helpInh_tag_indent inh)
194 (Doc.bold (Doc.green (Doc.from (Doc.Word n)))
195 <> Doc.space)
196 <> (if null ts then mempty else Doc.space)
197 <> Doc.align (runHelpNodes inh ts)
198 in
199 [ Tree.Node (HelpNode_Env, d) ts ]
200 ) schema
201 where schema = env' n
202 instance Docable d => CLI_Command (Help d) where
203 -- type CommandConstraint (Help d) a = ()
204 command n (Help h s) =
205 Help (\inh ->
206 let ts =
207 (if helpInh_full inh
208 then maybe [] (pure . pure . (HelpNode_Message,)) (helpInh_message inh)
209 else []) <>
210 h inh
211 { helpInh_message = Nothing
212 , helpInh_command_rule = True
213 } in
214 let d =
215 (if not (null n) && helpInh_command_rule inh
216 then ref<>Doc.space<>"::= " else mempty)
217 <> Schema.runSchema schema (helpInh_schema inh)
218 <> (if null ts || not (helpInh_full inh) then mempty else Doc.newline)
219 <> Doc.incrIndent (helpInh_command_indent inh)
220 ((if null ts then mempty else Doc.newline) <> runHelpNodes inh ts)
221 in
222 [ Tree.Node (HelpNode_Command, d) ts ]
223 ) schema
224 where
225 schema = command n s
226 ref =
227 Doc.bold $
228 Doc.angles $
229 Doc.magentaer $
230 Doc.from (Doc.Word n)
231 instance Docable d => CLI_Tag (Help d) where
232 type TagConstraint (Help d) a = ()
233 tagged n (Help h s) =
234 Help (\inh ->
235 if (isJust (helpInh_message inh)
236 || helpInh_helpless_options inh)
237 && helpInh_full inh
238 then
239 let ts =
240 maybe [] (pure . pure . (HelpNode_Message,)) (helpInh_message inh) <>
241 h inh{helpInh_message=Nothing} in
242 let d =
243 Doc.breakfill (helpInh_tag_indent inh)
244 (Doc.bold $
245 Schema.runSchema schema (helpInh_schema inh)
246 <> Doc.space) -- FIXME: space is not always needed
247 <> (if null ts then mempty else Doc.space)
248 <> Doc.align (runHelpNodes inh ts)
249 in
250 [ Tree.Node (HelpNode_Tag, d) ts ]
251 else []
252 ) schema
253 where schema = tagged n s
254 endOpts = Help mempty endOpts
255 instance Docable d => CLI_Help (Help d) where
256 type HelpConstraint (Help d) d' = d ~ d'
257 help msg (Help h s) = Help
258 (\inh -> h inh{helpInh_message=Just msg})
259 (help msg s)
260 program n (Help h s) =
261 Help (\inh ->
262 let ts =
263 (if helpInh_full inh
264 then maybe [] (pure . pure . (HelpNode_Message,)) (helpInh_message inh)
265 else []) <>
266 h inh
267 { helpInh_message = Nothing
268 , helpInh_command_rule = True
269 } in
270 let d =
271 Schema.runSchema schema (helpInh_schema inh)
272 <> (if null ts {-|| not (helpInh_full inh)-} then mempty else Doc.newline)
273 <> Doc.incrIndent
274 (helpInh_command_indent inh)
275 ((if null ts then mempty else Doc.newline) <> runHelpNodes inh ts)
276 in
277 [ Tree.Node (HelpNode_Rule, d) ts ]
278 ) schema
279 where
280 schema = program n s
281 rule n (Help h s) =
282 Help (\inh ->
283 let ts =
284 (if helpInh_full inh
285 then maybe [] (pure . pure . (HelpNode_Message,)) (helpInh_message inh)
286 else []) <>
287 h inh
288 { helpInh_message = Nothing
289 , helpInh_command_rule = True
290 } in
291 let d =
292 ref<>Doc.space<>"::= "
293 <> Schema.runSchema schema (helpInh_schema inh)
294 <> (if null ts || not (helpInh_full inh) then mempty else Doc.newline)
295 <> Doc.incrIndent
296 (helpInh_command_indent inh)
297 ((if null ts then mempty else Doc.newline) <> runHelpNodes inh ts)
298 in
299 [ Tree.Node (HelpNode_Rule, d) ts ]
300 ) schema
301 where
302 schema = rule n s
303 ref =
304 Doc.bold $
305 Doc.angles $
306 Doc.magentaer $
307 Doc.from (Doc.Word n)
308 type HelpResponseArgs = SchemaResponseArgs
309 instance Docable d => CLI_Response (Help d) where
310 type ResponseConstraint (Help d) a = () -- ResponseConstraint (Schema d)
311 type ResponseArgs (Help d) a = SchemaResponseArgs a -- ResponseArgs (Schema d) a
312 type Response (Help d) = () -- Response (Schema d)
313 response' ::
314 forall a repr.
315 repr ~ Help d =>
316 ResponseConstraint repr a =>
317 repr (ResponseArgs repr a)
318 (Response repr)
319 response' = Help mempty $ response' @(Schema d) @a
321 {-
322 instance Docable d => Sym_AltApp (Help d) where
323 many (Help h s) = Help h (many s)
324 some (Help h s) = Help h (many s)
325 -}
327 -- * Type 'HelpPerm'
328 data HelpPerm d k a
329 = HelpPerm (HelpInh d -> HelpResult d)
330 (SchemaPerm d k a)
331 instance Functor (HelpPerm d k) where
332 f`fmap`HelpPerm h ps = HelpPerm h (f<$>ps)
333 instance Applicative (HelpPerm d k) where
334 pure a = HelpPerm mempty (pure a)
335 HelpPerm fh f <*> HelpPerm xh x =
336 HelpPerm (fh<>xh) (f<*>x)
337 instance Docable d => CLI_Help (HelpPerm d) where
338 type HelpConstraint (HelpPerm d) d' = d ~ d'
339 help msg (HelpPerm h s) = HelpPerm
340 (\inh -> h inh{helpInh_message=Just msg})
341 (help msg s)
342 program n (HelpPerm h s) = HelpPerm
343 (help_result $ program n (Help h (runPermutation s)))
344 (rule n s)
345 rule n (HelpPerm h s) = HelpPerm
346 (help_result $ rule n (Help h (runPermutation s)))
347 (rule n s)