]> Git — Sourcephile - haskell/symantic-cli.git/blob - Language/Symantic/CLI/Plain.hs
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[haskell/symantic-cli.git] / Language / Symantic / CLI / Plain.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
2 module Language.Symantic.CLI.Plain where
4 import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..))
5 import Data.Bool
6 import Data.Function (($), (.), const)
7 import Data.Functor ((<$>))
8 import Data.Functor.Compose (Compose(..))
9 import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), fromMaybe, catMaybes)
10 import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..))
11 import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
12 import Data.String (String, IsString(..))
13 import Text.Show (Show(..))
14 import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
15 import qualified Language.Symantic.Document.Term as Doc
16 import qualified Language.Symantic.Document.Term.IO as DocIO
18 import Language.Symantic.CLI.Sym
19 import Language.Symantic.CLI.Fixity
21 -- * Class 'Doc'
22 class
23 ( IsString d
24 , Semigroup d
25 , Monoid d
26 , Doc.Textable d
27 , Doc.Indentable d
28 , Doc.Breakable d
29 , Doc.Colorable d
30 , Doc.Decorable d
31 ) =>
32 Doc d
33 instance Doc Doc.Term
34 instance Doc DocIO.TermIO
36 words :: Doc.Textable d => Doc.Breakable d => String -> d
37 words m = Doc.breakableSpaces $ Doc.string <$> Doc.words m
39 -- * Type 'Reader'
40 -- | Constructed top-down
41 data Reader d
42 = Reader
43 { reader_op :: (Infix, Side) -- ^ Parent operator.
44 , reader_define :: Bool -- ^ Whether to print a definition, or not.
45 , reader_or :: d
46 }
48 defReader :: Doc.Textable d => Reader d
49 defReader = Reader
50 { reader_op = (infixN0, SideL)
51 , reader_define = True
52 , reader_or = Doc.stringH " | "
53 }
55 pairIfNeeded :: Doc d => Reader d -> Infix -> d -> d
56 pairIfNeeded Reader{..} op d =
57 if needsParenInfix reader_op op
58 then Doc.align $ Doc.between (Doc.charH '(') (Doc.charH ')') d
59 else d
61 -- * Type 'Plain'
62 newtype Plain d e t a
63 = Plain { unPlain :: Reader d -> Maybe d }
65 runPlain :: Monoid d => Plain d e t a -> Reader d -> d
66 runPlain (Plain p) = fromMaybe mempty . p
68 coercePlain :: Plain d e t a -> Plain d e u b
69 coercePlain Plain{..} = Plain{..}
71 textPlain :: Monoid d => Doc.Textable d => Plain d e t a -> d
72 textPlain p = runPlain p defReader
74 instance Semigroup d => Semigroup (Plain d e t a) where
75 Plain x <> Plain y = Plain $ x <> y
76 instance (Semigroup d, Monoid d) => Monoid (Plain d e t a) where
77 mempty = Plain mempty
78 mappend = (<>)
79 instance (Semigroup d, IsString d) => IsString (Plain d e t a) where
80 fromString "" = Plain $ \_ro -> Nothing
81 fromString s = Plain $ \_ro -> Just $ fromString s
82 instance Show (Plain Doc.Term e t a) where
83 show = TL.unpack . Doc.textTerm . textPlain
84 instance Doc d => Sym_Fun (Plain d) where
85 _f <$$> Plain x = Plain $ \ro ->
86 pairIfNeeded ro op <$>
87 x ro{reader_op=(op, SideR)}
88 where
89 op = infixB SideL 10
90 instance Doc d => Sym_App (Plain d) where
91 value _ = Plain $ \_ro -> Nothing
92 end = Plain $ \_ro -> Nothing -- FIXME:
93 Plain f <**> Plain x = Plain $ \ro ->
94 case (f ro{reader_op=(op, SideL)}, x ro{reader_op=(op, SideR)}) of
95 (Nothing, Nothing) -> Nothing
96 (Just f', Nothing) -> Just f'
97 (Nothing, Just x') -> Just x'
98 (Just f', Just x') -> Just $ pairIfNeeded ro op $ f' <> Doc.space <> x'
99 where
100 op = infixB SideL 10
101 instance Doc d => Sym_Alt (Plain d) where
102 lp <||> rp = Plain $ \ro ->
103 Just $
104 if needsParenInfix (reader_op ro) op
105 then
106 Doc.ifBreak
107 (Doc.align $
108 Doc.between (Doc.charH '(') (Doc.charH ')') $
109 Doc.space <>
110 runPlain lp ro{reader_op=(op, SideL), reader_or=Doc.newline<>Doc.charH '|'<>Doc.space} <>
111 Doc.newline <>
112 Doc.stringH "| " <>
113 runPlain rp ro{reader_op=(op, SideR), reader_or=Doc.newline<>Doc.charH '|'<>Doc.space} <>
114 Doc.newline)
115 (Doc.between (Doc.charH '(') (Doc.charH ')') $
116 Doc.withBreakable Nothing $
117 runPlain lp ro{reader_op=(op, SideL), reader_or=Doc.stringH " | "} <>
118 Doc.stringH " | " <>
119 runPlain rp ro{reader_op=(op, SideR), reader_or=Doc.stringH " | "})
120 else
121 runPlain lp ro{reader_op=(op, SideL)} <>
122 reader_or ro <>
123 runPlain rp ro{reader_op=(op, SideR)}
124 where op = infixB SideL 2
125 try p = p
126 choice [] = "<none>"
127 choice [p] = p
128 choice l@(_:_) = Plain $ \ro -> Just $
129 pairIfNeeded ro op $
130 Doc.foldWith ("\n| " <>) $
131 (($ ro{reader_op=(op, SideL)}) . runPlain) <$> l
132 where op = infixB SideL 2
133 option _a p = Plain $ \ro -> Just $
134 if needsParenInfix (reader_op ro) op
135 then
136 Doc.ifBreak
137 (Doc.align $
138 Doc.between (Doc.charH '[') (Doc.charH ']') $
139 Doc.space <>
140 runPlain p ro{reader_op=(op, SideL)} <>
141 Doc.newline)
142 (Doc.between (Doc.charH '[') (Doc.charH ']') $
143 Doc.withBreakable Nothing $
144 runPlain p ro{reader_op=(op, SideL), reader_or=Doc.stringH " | "})
145 else
146 runPlain p ro{reader_op=(op, SideL)}
147 where op = infixN0
148 instance Doc d => Sym_AltApp (Plain d) where
149 many p = Plain $ \ro -> Just $
150 runPlain p ro{reader_op=(op, SideL)}<>"*"
151 where op = infixN 10
152 some p = Plain $ \ro -> Just $
153 runPlain p ro{reader_op=(op, SideL)}<>"+"
154 where op = infixN 10
155 type instance Permutation (Plain d e t) = Compose [] (Plain d e t)
156 instance Doc d => Sym_Permutation (Plain d) where
157 runPermutation (Compose []) = "<none>"
158 runPermutation (Compose [Plain p]) = Plain p
159 runPermutation (Compose l@(_:_)) = Plain $ \ro -> Just $
160 -- pairIfNeeded ro op $
161 Doc.align $
162 Doc.foldWith Doc.breakableSpace $
163 catMaybes $
164 (\(Plain p) ->
165 p ro
166 { reader_op=(op, SideL)
167 , reader_or=Doc.stringH " | " }
168 ) <$> l
169 where op = infixN 10
170 toPermutation = Compose . pure
171 toPermutationWithDefault _def = Compose . pure
172 _f <<$>> Plain p = Compose [Plain p]
173 _f <<$?>> (_, Plain p) = Compose [coercePlain $ optional $ Plain p]
174 _f <<$*>> Plain p = Compose [coercePlain $ many $ Plain p]
175 _f <<$:>> Plain p = Compose [coercePlain $ many $ Plain p]
176 (<<$) = (<<$>>) . const
177 a <<$? b = const a <<$?>> b
178 Compose ws <<|>> Plain p = Compose $ coercePlain <$> ws <> [Plain p]
179 Compose ws <<| Plain p = Compose $ coercePlain <$> ws <> [Plain p]
180 Compose ws <<|?>> (_, Plain p) = Compose $ coercePlain <$> ws <> [coercePlain $ optional $ Plain p]
181 Compose ws <<|? (_, Plain p) = Compose $ coercePlain <$> ws <> [coercePlain $ optional $ Plain p]
182 Compose ws <<|*>> Plain p = Compose $ coercePlain <$> ws <> [coercePlain $ many $ Plain p]
183 Compose ws <<|:>> Plain p = Compose $ coercePlain <$> ws <> [coercePlain $ many $ Plain p]
184 instance Doc d => Sym_Rule (Plain d) where
185 rule n p = Plain $ \ro -> Just $
186 if reader_define ro
187 then runPlain p ro{reader_define=False}
188 else ref
189 where
190 ref =
191 Doc.bold $
192 Doc.between (Doc.charH '<') (Doc.charH '>') $
193 Doc.magentaer $
194 Doc.stringH n
195 instance Doc d => Sym_Option (Plain d) where
196 var n _f = Plain $ \_ro -> Just $ Doc.between (Doc.charH '<') (Doc.charH '>') (Doc.string n)
197 tag = fromString
198 opt n r = Plain $ \ro ->
199 unPlain (prefix n <**> coercePlain r) ro
200 where
201 prefix = \case
202 OptionName s l -> prefix (OptionNameShort s)<>"|"<>prefix (OptionNameLong l)
203 OptionNameShort s -> fromString ['-', s]
204 OptionNameLong l -> fromString ("--"<>l)
205 instance Doc d => Sym_Command (Plain d) where
206 main n r = Plain $ \ro -> Just $
207 if reader_define ro
208 then
209 runPlain
210 (fromString n <**> coercePlain r)
211 ro{reader_define = False}
212 else ref
213 where
214 ref =
215 Doc.bold $
216 Doc.between (Doc.charH '<') (Doc.charH '>') $
217 Doc.magentaer $
218 Doc.stringH n
219 command = main
220 instance Doc d => Sym_Help d (Plain d) where
221 help _msg p = p
222 instance Doc d => Sym_Exit (Plain d) where
223 exit _ = Plain $ \_ro -> Nothing