]> Git — Sourcephile - haskell/symantic-cli.git/blob - Language/Symantic/CLI/Read.hs
Update to megaparsec-7
[haskell/symantic-cli.git] / Language / Symantic / CLI / Read.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
5 module Language.Symantic.CLI.Read where
7 import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..), Alternative(..))
8 import Control.Applicative.Permutations as P
9 import Control.Arrow ((***))
10 import Control.Monad (Monad(..), MonadPlus(..))
11 import Data.Bool
12 import Data.Either (Either(..))
13 import Data.Eq (Eq(..))
14 import Data.Foldable (Foldable(..))
15 import Data.Function (($), (.), const)
16 import Data.Functor (Functor(..), (<$>))
17 import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
18 import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..))
19 import Data.Ord (Ord(..), Ordering(..))
20 import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
21 import Data.String (String)
22 import Prelude (error)
23 import Text.Show (Show(..))
24 import qualified Data.List as List
25 import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
26 import qualified Data.Set as Set
27 import qualified Text.Megaparsec as P
29 import Language.Symantic.CLI.Sym as Sym
31 -- * Type 'Arg'
32 newtype Arg = Arg { unArg :: String }
33 deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
34 -- TODO: first pass separating options from non-options.
36 -- * Type 'Args'
37 newtype Args = Args { unArgs :: [Arg] }
38 deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Semigroup, Monoid)
39 instance P.Stream Args where
40 type Token Args = Arg
41 type Tokens Args = Args
42 tokenToChunk _s = Args . pure
43 tokensToChunk _s = Args
44 chunkToTokens _s = unArgs
45 chunkLength _s = List.length . unArgs
46 chunkEmpty _s = List.null . unArgs
47 take1_ as =
48 case unArgs as of
49 [] -> Nothing
50 t:ts -> Just (t, Args ts)
51 takeN_ n as | n <= 0 = Just (Args [], as)
52 | null (unArgs as) = Nothing
53 | otherwise = Just $ (Args *** Args) $ List.splitAt n $ unArgs as
54 takeWhile_ f = (Args *** Args) . List.span f . unArgs
55 reachOffset = error "[BUG] P.Stream Args: reachOffset is useless here and must not be used"
56 reachOffsetNoLine = error "[BUG] P.Stream Args: reachOffsetNoLine is useless here and must not be used"
57 showTokens _s toks =
58 List.intercalate ", " $ toList $ showArg <$> toks
59 where
60 showArg :: Arg -> String
61 showArg (Arg a@('-':_)) = a
62 showArg (Arg a) = "\""<>a<>"\""
64 -- * Type 'Parser'
65 newtype Parser e s a
66 = Parser { unParser :: P.Parsec (ErrorRead e) Args a }
67 deriving ( Functor, Applicative, Alternative, Monad, MonadPlus
68 , P.MonadParsec (ErrorRead e) Args )
70 coerceParser :: Parser e s a -> Parser e t a
71 coerceParser = Parser . unParser
73 instance Sym_Fun Parser where
74 f <$$> Parser a = Parser $ f <$> a
75 instance Sym_App Parser where
76 value = Parser . pure
77 end = Parser P.eof
78 Parser f <**> Parser a = Parser $ f <*> a
79 instance Sym_Alt Parser where
80 (<||>) = (P.<|>)
81 optional = P.optional
82 option = P.option
83 choice = P.choice
84 try = P.try -- FIXME: use P.observing to not catch exit
85 instance Sym_AltApp Parser where
86 many = P.many
87 some = P.some
88 instance Sym_Permutation Parser where
89 runPermutation = P.runPermutation
90 toPermutation = P.toPermutation
91 toPermutationWithDefault = P.toPermutationWithDefault
93 f <<$>> x = f <$> P.toPermutation x
94 (<<$) = (<<$>>) . const
95 f <<$?>> (d,x) = f <$> P.toPermutationWithDefault d x
96 a <<$? b = const a <<$?>> b
97 f <<$*>> x = f <$> P.toPermutationWithDefault [] (P.some x)
98 f <<$:>> x = f . Seq.fromList <$> P.toPermutationWithDefault [] (P.some x)
99 {-# INLINE (<<$>>) #-}
100 {-# INLINE (<<$) #-}
101 {-# INLINE (<<$?>>) #-}
102 {-# INLINE (<<$?) #-}
103 {-# INLINE (<<$*>>) #-}
104 {-# INLINE (<<$:>>) #-}
106 f <<|>> x = f <*> P.toPermutation x
107 f <<| x = f <* P.toPermutation x
108 f <<|?>> (d,x) = f <*> P.toPermutationWithDefault d x
109 f <<|? (d,x) = f <* P.toPermutationWithDefault d x
110 f <<|*>> x = f <*> P.toPermutationWithDefault [] (P.some x)
111 f <<|:>> x = f <*> P.toPermutationWithDefault Seq.empty (Seq.fromList <$$> P.some x)
112 {-# INLINE (<<|>>) #-}
113 {-# INLINE (<<|) #-}
114 {-# INLINE (<<|?>>) #-}
115 {-# INLINE (<<|?) #-}
116 {-# INLINE (<<|*>>) #-}
117 {-# INLINE (<<|:>>) #-}
118 type instance Sym.Permutation (Parser e s) = P.Permutation (Parser e s)
119 instance Sym_Command Parser where
120 main = command
121 command n p = P.token check exps *> coerceParser p
122 where
123 exps = Set.singleton $ P.Tokens $ pure exp
124 exp = Arg n
125 check t | t == exp = Just ()
126 | otherwise = Nothing
127 instance Sym_Option Parser where
128 var n f = do
129 Arg arg <- P.token check exps
130 case f arg of
131 Right a -> return a
132 Left err -> P.customFailure $ ErrorRead err
133 where
134 exps = Set.singleton $ P.Tokens $ pure exp
135 exp | List.null n = Arg "<string>"
136 | otherwise = Arg $ "<"<>n<>">"
137 check = Just
138 tag n = P.token check exps
139 where
140 exps = Set.singleton $ P.Tokens $ pure exp
141 exp = Arg n
142 check t | t == exp = Just ()
143 | otherwise = Nothing
144 opt n p =
145 (*> coerceParser p) $
146 case n of
147 OptionNameLong l -> P.token (check expLong l) (exps $ expLong l)
148 OptionNameShort s -> P.token (check expShort s) (exps $ expShort s)
149 OptionName s l ->
150 P.token (check expShort s) (exps $ expShort s) <|>
151 P.token (check expLong l) (exps $ expLong l)
152 where
153 exps = Set.singleton . P.Tokens . pure
154 expShort s = Arg ['-', s]
155 expLong l = Arg $ "--"<>l
156 check exp t a | a == exp t = Just ()
157 | otherwise = Nothing
158 instance Sym_Help d Parser where
159 help _msg p = p
160 instance Sym_Rule Parser where
161 rule _n = coerceParser
162 instance Sym_Exit Parser where
163 exit e =
164 Parser $
165 P.fancyFailure $ Set.singleton $
166 P.ErrorCustom $ ErrorRead e
168 -- * Type 'ErrorRead'
169 newtype ErrorRead e
170 = ErrorRead e
171 deriving (Functor)
172 instance Show e => Show (ErrorRead e) where
173 showsPrec p (ErrorRead e) = showsPrec p e
174 instance Eq (ErrorRead a) where
175 _==_ = True
176 instance Ord (ErrorRead a) where
177 _`compare`_ = EQ
178 instance Show e => P.ShowErrorComponent (ErrorRead e) where
179 showErrorComponent = show
181 readArgs ::
182 Parser e s a -> Args ->
183 Either (P.ParseErrorBundle Args (ErrorRead e)) a
184 readArgs p = P.runParser (unParser $ p <* end) ""