]> Git — Sourcephile - haskell/symantic-cli.git/blob - Language/Symantic/CLI/Read.hs
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[haskell/symantic-cli.git] / Language / Symantic / CLI / Read.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
5 module Language.Symantic.CLI.Read where
7 import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..), Alternative(..))
8 import Control.Arrow ((***))
9 import Control.Monad (Monad(..), MonadPlus(..))
10 import Data.Bool
11 import Data.Either (Either(..))
12 import Data.Eq (Eq(..))
13 import Data.Foldable (Foldable(..))
14 import Data.Function (($), (.))
15 import Data.Functor (Functor(..), (<$>))
16 import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
17 import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..))
18 import Data.Ord (Ord(..), Ordering(..))
19 import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
20 import Data.String (String)
21 import Text.Show (Show(..))
22 import qualified Data.List as List
23 import qualified Data.Set as Set
24 import qualified Text.Megaparsec as P
25 import qualified Text.Megaparsec.Perm as P
27 import Language.Symantic.CLI.Sym as Sym
29 -- * Type 'Arg'
30 newtype Arg = Arg { unArg :: String }
31 deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
33 -- * Type 'Args'
34 newtype Args = Args { unArgs :: [Arg] }
35 deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Semigroup, Monoid)
36 instance P.Stream Args where
37 type Token Args = Arg
38 type Tokens Args = Args
39 tokenToChunk _s = Args . pure
40 tokensToChunk _s = Args
41 chunkToTokens _s = unArgs
42 chunkLength _s = List.length . unArgs
43 chunkEmpty _s = List.null . unArgs
44 advance1 _s _ind (P.SourcePos n l c) _ = P.SourcePos n l (c <> P.pos1)
45 advanceN s ind pos = foldl' (P.advance1 s ind) pos . unArgs
46 take1_ as =
47 case unArgs as of
48 [] -> Nothing
49 t:ts -> Just (t, Args ts)
50 takeN_ n as | n <= 0 = Just (Args [], as)
51 | null (unArgs as) = Nothing
52 | otherwise = Just $ (Args *** Args) $ List.splitAt n $ unArgs as
53 takeWhile_ f = (Args *** Args) . List.span f . unArgs
54 instance P.ShowToken Arg where
55 showTokens toks =
56 List.intercalate ", " $ toList $ showArg <$> toks
57 where
58 showArg :: Arg -> String
59 showArg (Arg a@('-':_)) = a
60 showArg (Arg a) = "\""<>a<>"\""
62 -- * Type 'Parser'
63 newtype Parser e s a
64 = Parser { unParser :: P.Parsec (ErrorRead e) Args a }
65 deriving (Functor, Applicative, Alternative, Monad, MonadPlus, P.MonadParsec (ErrorRead e) Args)
67 coerceParser :: Parser e s a -> Parser e t a
68 coerceParser = Parser . unParser
70 instance Sym_Fun Parser where
71 f <$$> Parser a = Parser $ f <$> a
72 instance Sym_App Parser where
73 value = Parser . pure
74 end = Parser P.eof
75 Parser f <**> Parser a = Parser $ f <*> a
76 instance Sym_Alt Parser where
77 (<||>) = (P.<|>)
78 optional = P.optional
79 option = P.option
80 choice = P.choice
81 try = P.try
82 instance Sym_AltApp Parser where
83 many = P.many
84 some = P.some
85 type instance Perm (Parser e s) = P.PermParser Args (Parser e s)
86 instance Sym_Interleaved Parser where
87 interleaved = P.makePermParser
88 (<<$>>) = (P.<$$>)
89 (<<|>>) = (P.<||>)
90 (<<$?>>) = (P.<$?>)
91 (<<|?>>) = (P.<|?>)
92 f <<$*>> a = f P.<$?> ([],P.some a)
93 f <<|*>> a = f P.<|?> ([],P.some a)
94 instance Sym_Command Parser where
95 main = command
96 command n p = P.token check (Just expected) *> coerceParser p
97 where
98 expected = Arg n
99 check a | a == expected = Right ()
100 check t = Left
101 ( Just $ P.Tokens $ pure t
102 , Set.singleton $ P.Tokens $ pure expected )
103 instance Sym_Option Parser where
104 var n f = do
105 let check = Right
106 let expected | List.null n = Arg "<string>"
107 | otherwise = Arg $ "<"<>n<>">"
108 Arg arg <- P.token check (Just expected)
109 case f arg of
110 Right a -> return a
111 Left err -> P.customFailure $ ErrorRead err
112 tag n = do
113 let expected = Arg n
114 let check t | t == expected = Right ()
115 | otherwise = Left ( Just $ P.Tokens $ pure t
116 , Set.singleton $ P.Tokens $ pure expected )
117 P.token check (Just expected)
118 opt n p =
119 (*> coerceParser p) $
120 case n of
121 OptionNameLong l ->
122 P.token (checkLong l) (Just $ expectedLong l)
123 OptionNameShort s ->
124 P.token (checkShort s) (Just $ expectedShort s)
125 OptionName s l ->
126 P.token (checkShort s) (Just $ expectedShort s) <|>
127 P.token (checkLong l) (Just $ expectedLong l)
128 where
129 expectedShort s = Arg ['-', s]
130 checkShort s a | a == expectedShort s = Right ()
131 checkShort s t = Left
132 ( Just $ P.Tokens $ pure t
133 , Set.singleton $ P.Tokens $ pure $ expectedShort s)
134 expectedLong l = Arg $ "--"<>l
135 checkLong l a | a == expectedLong l = Right ()
136 checkLong l t = Left
137 ( Just $ P.Tokens $ pure t
138 , Set.singleton $ P.Tokens $ pure $ expectedLong l)
139 instance Sym_Help d Parser where
140 help _msg p = p
141 instance Sym_Rule Parser where
142 rule _n = coerceParser
143 instance Sym_Exit Parser where
144 exit e =
145 Parser $
146 P.fancyFailure $ Set.singleton $
147 P.ErrorCustom $ ErrorRead e
149 -- * Type 'ErrorRead'
150 newtype ErrorRead e
151 = ErrorRead e
152 deriving (Functor)
153 instance Show e => Show (ErrorRead e) where
154 showsPrec p (ErrorRead e) = showsPrec p e
155 instance Eq (ErrorRead a) where
156 _==_ = True
157 instance Ord (ErrorRead a) where
158 _`compare`_ = EQ
159 instance Show e => P.ShowErrorComponent (ErrorRead e) where
160 showErrorComponent = show
162 readArgs :: Parser e s a -> Args -> Either (P.ParseError (P.Token Args) (ErrorRead e)) a
163 readArgs p = P.runParser (unParser $ p <* end) ""