]> Git — Sourcephile - haskell/symantic-cli.git/blob - Symantic/CLI/Schema.hs
layout: add this alternative help rendition
[haskell/symantic-cli.git] / Symantic / CLI / Schema.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
5 {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} -- for From (Word *) d
6 module Symantic.CLI.Schema where
8 import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..))
9 import Data.Bool
10 import Data.Char (Char)
11 import Data.Function (($), (.), id)
12 import Data.Functor (Functor(..), (<$>))
13 import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), fromMaybe, catMaybes)
14 import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..))
15 import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
16 import Data.String (String, IsString(..))
17 import Data.Text (Text)
18 import Text.Show (Show(..))
19 import qualified Data.List as List
20 import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
21 import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as TLB
22 import qualified Symantic.Document as Doc
24 import Symantic.CLI.API
25 import Symantic.CLI.Fixity
27 -- * Type 'Schema'
28 newtype Schema d f k
29 = Schema { unSchema :: SchemaInh d -> Maybe d }
31 runSchema :: Monoid d => Schema d f k -> SchemaInh d -> d
32 runSchema (Schema s) = fromMaybe mempty . s
34 docSchema :: Monoid d => SchemaDoc d => Schema d f k -> d
35 docSchema s = runSchema s defSchemaInh
37 coerceSchema :: Schema d f k -> Schema d f' k'
38 coerceSchema Schema{..} = Schema{..}
40 -- ** Type 'Doc'
41 type Doc = Doc.AnsiText (Doc.Plain TLB.Builder)
43 -- ** Class 'SchemaDoc'
44 type SchemaDoc d =
45 ( Semigroup d
46 , Monoid d
47 , IsString d
48 , Doc.Colorable16 d
49 , Doc.Decorable d
50 , Doc.Spaceable d
51 , Doc.Indentable d
52 , Doc.Wrappable d
53 , Doc.From (Doc.Word Char) d
54 , Doc.From (Doc.Word Text) d
55 , Doc.From (Doc.Word String) d
56 )
58 -- ** Type 'SchemaInh'
59 -- | Inherited top-down.
60 data SchemaInh d
61 = SchemaInh
62 { schemaInh_op :: (Infix, Side) -- ^ Parent operator.
63 , schemaInh_define :: Bool -- ^ Whether to print a definition, or not.
64 , schemaInh_or :: d
65 }
67 defSchemaInh :: SchemaDoc d => SchemaInh d
68 defSchemaInh = SchemaInh
69 { schemaInh_op = (infixN0, SideL)
70 , schemaInh_define = True
71 , schemaInh_or = docOrH
72 }
74 pairIfNeeded :: SchemaDoc d => (Infix, Side) -> Infix -> d -> d
75 pairIfNeeded opInh op =
76 if needsParenInfix opInh op
77 then Doc.align . Doc.parens
78 else id
80 instance Semigroup d => Semigroup (Schema d f k) where
81 Schema x <> Schema y = Schema $ x <> y
82 instance (Semigroup d, Monoid d) => Monoid (Schema d f k) where
83 mempty = Schema mempty
84 mappend = (<>)
85 instance (Semigroup d, IsString d) => IsString (Schema d f k) where
86 fromString "" = Schema $ \_inh -> Nothing
87 fromString s = Schema $ \_inh -> Just $ fromString s
88 instance Show (Schema Doc a k) where
89 show =
90 TL.unpack .
91 TLB.toLazyText .
92 Doc.runPlain .
93 Doc.runAnsiText .
94 docSchema
96 docOrH, docOrV :: Doc.Spaceable d => Doc.From (Doc.Word Char) d => d
97 docOrH = Doc.space <> Doc.from (Doc.Word '|') <> Doc.space
98 docOrV = Doc.newline <> Doc.from (Doc.Word '|') <> Doc.space
100 {-
101 instance SchemaDoc d => Functor (Schema d f) where
102 _f `fmap` Schema x = Schema $ \inh ->
103 pairIfNeeded (schemaInh_op inh) op <$>
104 x inh{schemaInh_op=(op, SideR)}
105 where
106 op = infixB SideL 10
107 -}
108 instance SchemaDoc d => App (Schema d) where
109 Schema f <.> Schema x = Schema $ \inh ->
110 case f inh{schemaInh_op=(op, SideL)} of
111 Nothing -> x inh{schemaInh_op=(op, SideR)}
112 Just fd ->
113 case x inh{schemaInh_op=(op, SideR)} of
114 Nothing -> Just fd
115 Just xd -> Just $
116 pairIfNeeded (schemaInh_op inh) op $
117 fd <> Doc.space <> xd
118 where
119 op = infixB SideL 10
120 instance SchemaDoc d => Alt (Schema d) where
121 l <!> r = Schema $ \inh ->
122 -- NOTE: first try to see if both sides are 'Just',
123 -- otherwise does not change the inherited operator context.
124 case (unSchema l inh, unSchema r inh) of
125 (Nothing, Nothing) -> Nothing
126 (Just ld, Nothing) -> Just ld
127 (Nothing, Just rd) -> Just rd
128 (Just{}, Just{}) -> Just $
129 if needsParenInfix (schemaInh_op inh) op
130 then
131 -- NOTE: when parenthesis are needed
132 -- first try to fit the alternative on a single line,
133 -- otherwise align them on multiple lines.
134 Doc.breakalt
135 (Doc.parens $
136 -- Doc.withBreakable Nothing $
137 runSchema l inh
138 { schemaInh_op=(op, SideL)
139 , schemaInh_or=docOrH } <>
140 docOrH <>
141 runSchema r inh
142 { schemaInh_op=(op, SideR)
143 , schemaInh_or=docOrH })
144 (Doc.align $
145 Doc.parens $
146 Doc.space <>
147 runSchema l inh
148 { schemaInh_op=(op, SideL)
149 , schemaInh_or=docOrV } <>
150 docOrV <>
151 runSchema r inh
152 { schemaInh_op=(op, SideR)
153 , schemaInh_or=docOrV } <>
154 Doc.newline)
155 else
156 -- NOTE: when parenthesis are NOT needed
157 -- just concat alternatives using the inherited separator
158 -- (either horizontal or vertical).
159 runSchema l inh{schemaInh_op=(op, SideL)} <>
160 schemaInh_or inh <>
161 runSchema r inh{schemaInh_op=(op, SideR)}
162 where op = infixB SideL 2
163 alt x y = coerceSchema $ coerceSchema x <!> coerceSchema y
164 opt s = Schema $ \inh -> Just $
165 Doc.brackets $
166 runSchema s inh{schemaInh_op=(op, SideL)}
167 where op = infixN0
168 instance Pro (Schema d) where
169 dimap _a2b _b2a = coerceSchema
170 instance SchemaDoc d => AltApp (Schema d) where
171 many0 s = Schema $ \inh -> Just $
172 runSchema s inh{schemaInh_op=(op, SideL)}<>"*"
173 where op = infixN 10
174 many1 s = Schema $ \inh -> Just $
175 runSchema s inh{schemaInh_op=(op, SideL)}<>"..."
176 where op = infixN 10
177 instance SchemaDoc d => CLI_Command (Schema d) where
178 -- type CommandConstraint (Schema d) a = ()
179 command n s = Schema $ \inh -> Just $
180 if schemaInh_define inh || List.null n
181 then
182 Doc.align $
183 runSchema
184 (fromString n <.> coerceSchema s)
185 inh{schemaInh_define = False}
186 else ref
187 where
188 ref =
189 Doc.bold $
190 Doc.angles $
191 Doc.magentaer $
192 Doc.from (Doc.Word n)
193 instance SchemaDoc d => CLI_Var (Schema d) where
194 type VarConstraint (Schema d) a = ()
195 var' n = Schema $ \_inh -> Just $
196 Doc.underline $ Doc.from $ Doc.Word n
197 just _ = Schema $ \_inh -> Nothing
198 nothing = Schema $ \_inh -> Nothing
199 instance SchemaDoc d => CLI_Env (Schema d) where
200 type EnvConstraint (Schema d) a = ()
201 env' _n = Schema $ \_inh -> Nothing
202 -- NOTE: environment variables are not shown in the schema,
203 -- only in the help.
204 instance SchemaDoc d => CLI_Tag (Schema d) where
205 type TagConstraint (Schema d) a = ()
206 tagged n r = Schema $ \inh ->
207 unSchema (prefix n <.> r) inh
208 where
209 prefix = \case
210 Tag s l -> prefix (TagShort s)<>"|"<>prefix (TagLong l)
211 TagShort s -> fromString ['-', s]
212 TagLong l -> fromString ("--"<>l)
213 endOpts = Schema $ \_inh -> Just $ Doc.brackets "--"
214 instance SchemaDoc d => CLI_Help (Schema d) where
215 type HelpConstraint (Schema d) d' = d ~ d'
216 help _msg = id
217 program n s = Schema $ \inh -> Just $
218 runSchema
219 (fromString n <.> coerceSchema s)
220 inh{schemaInh_define = False}
221 rule n s = Schema $ \inh -> Just $
222 if schemaInh_define inh
223 then runSchema s inh{schemaInh_define=False}
224 else ref
225 where
226 ref =
227 Doc.bold $
228 Doc.angles $
229 Doc.magentaer $
230 Doc.from (Doc.Word n)
231 data SchemaResponseArgs a
232 instance SchemaDoc d => CLI_Response (Schema d) where
233 type ResponseConstraint (Schema d) a = ()
234 type ResponseArgs (Schema d) a = SchemaResponseArgs a
235 type Response (Schema d) = ()
236 response' = Schema $ \_inh -> Nothing
238 -- ** Type 'SchemaPerm'
239 data SchemaPerm d k a = SchemaPerm
240 { schemaPerm_finalizer :: forall b c.
241 Schema d (b->c) c ->
242 Schema d (b->c) c
243 -- ^ Used to implement 'rule'.
244 , schemaPerm_alternatives :: [Schema d (a->k) k]
245 -- ^ Collect alternatives for rendering them all at once in 'runPermutation'.
246 }
247 instance Functor (SchemaPerm d k) where
248 _f`fmap`SchemaPerm fin ps = SchemaPerm fin (coerceSchema <$> ps)
249 instance Applicative (SchemaPerm d k) where
250 pure _a = SchemaPerm id mempty
251 SchemaPerm fd f <*> SchemaPerm fx x =
252 SchemaPerm (fd . fx) $ (coerceSchema <$> f) <> (coerceSchema <$> x)
253 instance SchemaDoc d => Permutable (Schema d) where
254 type Permutation (Schema d) = SchemaPerm d
255 runPermutation (SchemaPerm fin ps) =
256 case ps of
257 [] -> fin $ Schema $ \_inh -> Nothing
258 _ -> fin $ Schema $ \inh -> Just $
259 Doc.intercalate Doc.breakspace $
260 catMaybes $ (<$> ps) $ \(Schema s) ->
261 s inh
262 { schemaInh_op=(op, SideL)
263 , schemaInh_or=docOrH }
264 where op = infixN 10
265 toPermutation = SchemaPerm id . pure
266 toPermDefault _a s = SchemaPerm id $ pure $ Schema $ \inh -> Just $
267 if needsParenInfix (schemaInh_op inh) op
268 then
269 Doc.brackets $
270 runSchema s inh{schemaInh_op=(op, SideL), schemaInh_or=docOrH}
271 else
272 runSchema s inh{schemaInh_op=(op, SideL)}
273 where op = infixN0
274 instance SchemaDoc d => CLI_Help (SchemaPerm d) where
275 type HelpConstraint (SchemaPerm d) d' = d ~ d'
276 help _msg = id
277 program n (SchemaPerm fin ps) = SchemaPerm (program n . fin) ps
278 rule n (SchemaPerm fin ps) = SchemaPerm (rule n . fin) ps