]> Git — Sourcephile - haskell/symantic-cli.git/blob - Symantic/CLI/API.hs
API: add opt default
[haskell/symantic-cli.git] / Symantic / CLI / API.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilyDependencies #-}
5 {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} -- for type instance defaults
6 module Symantic.CLI.API where
8 import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..), Alternative(..))
9 import Control.Monad (Monad(..))
10 import Data.Bool
11 import Data.Char (Char)
12 import Data.Eq (Eq)
13 import Data.Function (($), (.), id)
14 import Data.Int (Int)
15 import Data.Kind (Constraint)
16 import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), maybe)
17 import Data.Monoid (Monoid)
18 import Data.String (String)
19 import Data.Text (Text)
20 import Text.Show (Show)
21 import Data.Functor (Functor(..), (<$>))
23 -- * Class 'App'
24 class App repr where
25 (<.>) :: repr a b -> repr b c -> repr a c
26 -- Trans defaults
27 default (<.>) ::
28 Trans repr =>
29 App (UnTrans repr) =>
30 repr a b -> repr b c -> repr a c
31 x <.> y = noTrans (unTrans x <.> unTrans y)
32 infixr 4 <.>
34 -- * Class 'Alt'
35 class Alt repr where
36 (<!>) :: repr a k -> repr b k -> repr (a:!:b) k
37 opt :: repr (a->k) k -> repr (Maybe a->k) k
38 -- Trans defaults
39 default (<!>) ::
40 Trans repr =>
41 Alt (UnTrans repr) =>
42 repr a k -> repr b k -> repr (a:!:b) k
43 x <!> y = noTrans (unTrans x <!> unTrans y)
44 default opt ::
45 Trans repr =>
46 Alt (UnTrans repr) =>
47 repr (a->k) k -> repr (Maybe a->k) k
48 opt = noTrans . opt . unTrans
49 infixr 3 <!>
51 -- ** Type (':!:')
52 -- | Like @(,)@ but @infixr@.
53 data (:!:) a b = a:!:b
54 infixr 3 :!:
56 -- * Class 'Pro'
57 class Pro repr where
58 dimap :: (a->b) -> (b->a) -> repr (a->k) k -> repr (b->k) k
59 -- Trans defaults
60 default dimap ::
61 Trans repr =>
62 Pro (UnTrans repr) =>
63 (a->b) -> (b->a) -> repr (a->k) k -> repr (b->k) k
64 dimap a2b b2a = noTrans . dimap a2b b2a . unTrans
66 -- * Class 'AltApp'
67 class AltApp repr where
68 many0 :: repr (a->k) k -> repr ([a]->k) k
69 many1 :: repr (a->k) k -> repr ([a]->k) k
70 default many0 ::
71 Trans repr =>
72 AltApp (UnTrans repr) =>
73 repr (a->k) k -> repr ([a]->k) k
74 default many1 ::
75 Trans repr =>
76 AltApp (UnTrans repr) =>
77 repr (a->k) k -> repr ([a]->k) k
78 many0 = noTrans . many0 . unTrans
79 many1 = noTrans . many1 . unTrans
81 -- * Class 'Permutable'
82 class Permutable repr where
83 -- Use @TypeFamilyDependencies@ to help type-inference infer @(repr)@.
84 type Permutation (repr:: * -> * -> *) = (r :: * -> * -> *) | r -> repr
85 type Permutation repr = Permutation (UnTrans repr)
86 runPermutation :: Permutation repr k a -> repr (a->k) k
87 toPermutation :: repr (a->k) k -> Permutation repr k a
88 toPermDefault :: a -> repr (a->k) k -> Permutation repr k a
90 -- | Convenient wrapper to omit a 'runPermutation'.
91 --
92 -- @
93 -- opts '<?>' next = 'runPermutation' opts '<.>' next
94 -- @
95 (<?>) ::
96 App repr => Permutable repr =>
97 Permutation repr b a -> repr b c -> repr (a->b) c
98 opts <?> next = runPermutation opts <.> next
99 infixr 4 <?>
101 -- * Type 'Name'
102 type Name = String
104 -- * Type 'Segment'
105 type Segment = String
107 -- * Class 'CLI_Command'
108 class CLI_Command repr where
109 command :: Name -> repr a k -> repr a k
111 -- * Class 'CLI_Var'
112 class CLI_Var repr where
113 type VarConstraint repr a :: Constraint
114 var' :: VarConstraint repr a => Name -> repr (a->k) k
115 just :: a -> repr (a->k) k
116 nothing :: repr k k
117 -- Trans defaults
118 type VarConstraint repr a = VarConstraint (UnTrans repr) a
119 default var' ::
120 Trans repr =>
121 CLI_Var (UnTrans repr) =>
122 VarConstraint (UnTrans repr) a =>
123 Name -> repr (a->k) k
124 default just ::
125 Trans repr =>
126 CLI_Var (UnTrans repr) =>
127 a -> repr (a->k) k
128 default nothing ::
129 Trans repr =>
130 CLI_Var (UnTrans repr) =>
131 repr k k
132 var' = noTrans . var'
133 just = noTrans . just
134 nothing = noTrans nothing
136 -- | Like 'var'' but with the type variable @(a)@ first instead or @(repr)@
137 -- so it can be passed using 'TypeApplications' without adding a |\@_| for @(repr)@.
138 var ::
139 forall a k repr.
140 CLI_Var repr =>
141 VarConstraint repr a =>
142 Name -> repr (a->k) k
143 var = var'
144 {-# INLINE var #-}
146 -- * Class 'CLI_Env'
147 class CLI_Env repr where
148 type EnvConstraint repr a :: Constraint
149 env' :: EnvConstraint repr a => Name -> repr (a->k) k
150 -- Trans defaults
151 type EnvConstraint repr a = EnvConstraint (UnTrans repr) a
152 default env' ::
153 Trans repr =>
154 CLI_Env (UnTrans repr) =>
155 EnvConstraint (UnTrans repr) a =>
156 Name -> repr (a->k) k
157 env' = noTrans . env'
159 -- | Like 'env'' but with the type enviable @(a)@ first instead or @(repr)@
160 -- so it can be passed using 'TypeApplications' without adding a |\@_| for @(repr)@.
161 env ::
162 forall a k repr.
163 CLI_Env repr =>
164 EnvConstraint repr a =>
165 Name -> repr (a->k) k
166 env = env'
167 {-# INLINE env #-}
169 -- ** Type 'Tag'
170 data Tag
171 = Tag Char Name
172 | TagLong Name
173 | TagShort Char
174 deriving (Eq, Show)
176 -- * Class 'CLI_Tag'
177 class (App repr, Permutable repr, CLI_Var repr) => CLI_Tag repr where
178 type TagConstraint repr a :: Constraint
179 tagged :: Tag -> repr f k -> repr f k
180 endOpts :: repr k k
182 -- tagged n = (tag n <.>)
183 short :: TagConstraint repr a => Char -> repr (a->k) k -> Permutation repr k a
184 short n = toPermutation . tagged (TagShort n)
185 long :: TagConstraint repr a => Name -> repr (a->k) k -> Permutation repr k a
186 long n = toPermutation . tagged (TagLong n)
188 option :: TagConstraint repr a => a -> repr (a->k) k -> Permutation repr k a
189 option = toPermDefault
190 flag :: TagConstraint repr Bool => Tag -> Permutation repr k Bool
191 flag n = toPermDefault False $ tagged n $ just True
192 shortOpt :: TagConstraint repr a => Char -> a -> repr (a->k) k -> Permutation repr k a
193 shortOpt n a = toPermDefault a . tagged (TagShort n)
194 longOpt :: TagConstraint repr a => Name -> a -> repr (a->k) k -> Permutation repr k a
195 longOpt n a = toPermDefault a . tagged (TagLong n)
197 -- Trans defaults
198 type TagConstraint repr a = TagConstraint (UnTrans repr) a
199 default tagged ::
200 Trans repr =>
201 CLI_Tag (UnTrans repr) =>
202 Tag -> repr f k -> repr f k
203 default endOpts ::
204 Trans repr =>
205 CLI_Tag (UnTrans repr) =>
206 repr k k
207 tagged n = noTrans . tagged n . unTrans
208 endOpts = noTrans endOpts
210 -- * Class 'CLI_Response'
211 class CLI_Response repr where
212 type ResponseConstraint repr a :: Constraint
213 type ResponseArgs repr a :: * -- = (r:: *) | r -> a
214 type Response repr :: *
215 response' ::
216 ResponseConstraint repr a =>
217 repr (ResponseArgs repr a)
218 (Response repr)
219 -- Trans defaults
220 type ResponseConstraint repr a = ResponseConstraint (UnTrans repr) a
221 type ResponseArgs repr a = ResponseArgs (UnTrans repr) a
222 type Response repr = Response (UnTrans repr)
223 default response' ::
224 forall a.
225 Trans repr =>
226 CLI_Response (UnTrans repr) =>
227 ResponseConstraint (UnTrans repr) a =>
228 ResponseArgs repr a ~ ResponseArgs (UnTrans repr) a =>
229 Response repr ~ Response (UnTrans repr) =>
230 repr (ResponseArgs repr a)
231 (Response repr)
232 response' = noTrans (response' @_ @a)
234 response ::
235 forall a repr.
236 CLI_Response repr =>
237 ResponseConstraint repr a =>
238 repr (ResponseArgs repr a)
239 (Response repr)
240 response = response' @repr @a
241 {-# INLINE response #-}
243 -- * Class 'CLI_Help'
244 class CLI_Help repr where
245 type HelpConstraint repr d :: Constraint
246 help :: HelpConstraint repr d => d -> repr f k -> repr f k
247 help _msg = id
248 program :: Name -> repr f k -> repr f k
249 rule :: Name -> repr f k -> repr f k
250 -- Trans defaults
251 type HelpConstraint repr d = HelpConstraint (UnTrans repr) d
252 default program ::
253 Trans repr =>
254 CLI_Help (UnTrans repr) =>
255 Name -> repr f k -> repr f k
256 default rule ::
257 Trans repr =>
258 CLI_Help (UnTrans repr) =>
259 Name -> repr f k -> repr f k
260 program n = noTrans . program n . unTrans
261 rule n = noTrans . rule n . unTrans
262 infixr 0 `help`
264 -- * Type 'Trans'
265 class Trans repr where
266 -- | The @(repr)@esentation that @(repr)@ 'Trans'forms.
267 type UnTrans repr :: * -> * -> *
268 -- | Lift the underlying @(repr)@esentation to @(repr)@.
269 -- Useful to define a combinator that does nothing in a 'Trans'formation.
270 noTrans :: UnTrans repr a b -> repr a b
271 -- | Unlift a @(repr)@esentation. Useful when a 'Trans'formation
272 -- combinator needs to access the 'UnTrans'formed @(repr)@esentation,
273 -- or at the end to get the underlying 'UnTrans'formed @(repr)@esentation
274 -- from the inferred @(repr)@ value (eg. in 'server').
275 unTrans :: repr a b -> UnTrans repr a b