]> Git — Sourcephile - haskell/symantic-compta.git/blob - src/Symantic/Compta/Input/Journal.hs
[haskell/symantic-compta.git] / src / Symantic / Compta / Input / Journal.hs
1 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-name-shadowing #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE NoOverloadedLists #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
4 --{-# LANGUAGE QualifiedDo #-}
5 {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
6 module Symantic.Compta.Input.Journal where
8 import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..), liftA2)
9 import Control.Monad (Monad(..))
10 --import Data.Either (Either(..))
11 import Data.Bool
12 import Data.Function (($), (.))
13 import Data.Functor (Functor(..), (<$>))
14 --import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
15 --import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
16 import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..))
17 import Data.Ord (Ord(..))
18 import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
19 import GHC.Stack (HasCallStack)
20 import Prelude (undefined)
21 import Text.Show (Show(..))
22 --import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.Class as MT
23 import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.Writer as MT
24 --import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
26 import Symantic.Compta.Lang as List
27 import Symantic.Compta.Calc.Balance
28 --import Symantic.Compta.Calc.Chart
29 import Symantic.Compta.Calc.Unit
31 import Debug.Trace
33 -- * Type 'JournalDo'
34 -- | This 'Monad' enables the 'do' syntax for entering 'move's and 'post's,
35 -- which is less verbose than the list syntax.
36 newtype JournalDo repr a = JournalDo { unJournalDo ::
37 MT.Writer (JournalGenerator repr) a
38 } deriving newtype (Functor, Applicative, Monad)
39 type instance Ty (JournalDo repr) TyUnit = Ty repr TyUnit
40 instance Unitable repr => Unitable (JournalDo repr) where
41 unit u = JournalDo . MT.mapWriter (go <$>) . unJournalDo
42 where
43 go JournalGenerator{..} = JournalGenerator
44 { moves = unit u moves
45 , posts = unit u posts
46 }
48 runJournalDo :: HasCallStack => JournalDo repr a -> repr [TyMove]
49 runJournalDo p =
50 let (_a, out) = MT.runWriter (unJournalDo p) in
51 moves out
53 -- ** Type 'JournalGenerator'
54 data JournalGenerator repr = JournalGenerator
55 { moves :: repr [TyMove]
56 , posts :: repr [TyPost]
57 }
58 instance Listable repr => Semigroup (JournalGenerator repr) where
59 x <> y = JournalGenerator
60 { moves = moves x `concat` moves y
61 , posts = posts x `concat` posts y
62 }
63 instance Listable repr => Monoid (JournalGenerator repr) where
64 mempty = JournalGenerator
65 { moves = nil
66 , posts = nil
67 }
68 instance
69 ( Negable (repr [TyMove])
70 , Negable (repr [TyPost])
71 ) => Negable (JournalGenerator repr) where
72 negate JournalGenerator{..} = JournalGenerator
73 { moves = negate moves
74 , posts = negate posts
75 }
77 data JournalRepr repr a where
78 JournalReprAny ::
79 Balanceable a ~ 'False =>
80 repr a -> JournalRepr repr a
81 JournalRepr ::
82 --Balanceable a ~ 'True =>
83 JournalDo repr a -> JournalRepr repr a
85 instance Functor (JournalRepr repr) where
86 fmap f = \case
87 JournalRepr fx -> JournalRepr (fmap f fx)
88 instance Listable repr => Applicative (JournalRepr repr) where
89 pure = JournalRepr . pure
90 JournalRepr fa <*> JournalRepr fb = JournalRepr (fa <*> fb)
91 instance Listable repr => Monad (JournalRepr repr) where
92 return = JournalRepr . return
93 JournalRepr ma >>= f = JournalRepr $ ma >>= \a ->
94 case f a of
95 JournalRepr mb -> mb
97 type instance Ty (JournalRepr repr) TyUnit = Ty repr TyUnit
99 runJournalRepr :: JournalRepr repr TyMove -> repr [TyMove]
100 runJournalRepr = \case
101 JournalRepr j -> runJournalDo j
102 instance
103 Unitable repr =>
104 Unitable (JournalRepr repr) where
105 unit u = \case
106 JournalReprAny x -> JournalReprAny (unit u x)
107 JournalRepr x -> JournalRepr (unit u x)
109 {-
110 instance
111 ( Listable repr
112 , Monad m
113 ) => IsList (JournalRepr acct amt repr [a]) where
114 type Item (JournalRepr acct amt repr [a]) = JournalRepr acct amt repr a
115 fromList = Foldable.foldr cons nil
116 toList x = error "toList"
117 fromListN _len = fromList
118 -}
119 instance Listable repr => Listable (JournalRepr repr) where
120 nil = JournalRepr $ return []
121 cons (JournalRepr x) (JournalRepr xs) = JournalRepr $ liftA2 (:) x xs
122 -- NOTE: those two should never be needed, but Balanceable can't rule them out
123 cons (JournalReprAny x) (JournalRepr xs) = JournalRepr $
124 liftA2 (:) (JournalDo (return undefined)) xs
125 concat (JournalRepr xs) (JournalRepr ys) = JournalRepr $ liftA2 (<>) xs ys
126 instance Zeroable (repr TyAmount) => Zeroable (JournalRepr repr TyAmount) where
127 zero = JournalReprAny zero
128 instance Addable (repr TyAmount) => Addable (JournalRepr repr TyAmount) where
129 JournalReprAny x + JournalReprAny y = JournalReprAny (x + y)
130 instance
131 ( Negable (repr [TyMove])
132 , Negable (repr [TyPost])
133 , Negable (repr a)
134 ) => Negable (JournalRepr repr a) where
135 negate (JournalReprAny x) = JournalReprAny (negate x)
136 negate (JournalRepr x) = JournalRepr $ JournalDo $
137 MT.mapWriter (negate <$>) $ unJournalDo x
138 instance
139 ( Listable repr
140 , FromInteger (repr TyAmount)
141 ) => FromInteger (JournalRepr repr TyAmount) where
142 fromInteger = JournalReprAny . fromInteger
143 instance
144 ( Listable repr
145 , FromInteger (repr TyAccount)
146 ) => FromInteger (JournalRepr repr TyAccount) where
147 fromInteger = JournalReprAny . fromInteger
148 instance
149 ( Listable repr
150 , Accountable repr
151 , Amountable repr
152 , Postable repr
153 , Zeroable (repr TyAmount)
154 , FromInteger (repr TyAccount)
155 ) => FromInteger (JournalRepr repr TyPost) where
156 fromInteger i = post (fromInteger i) zero
157 instance
158 ( Listable repr
159 , Accountable repr
160 , Amountable repr
161 , Postable repr
162 , Zeroable (repr TyAmount)
163 , FromInteger (repr TyAccount)
164 ) => FromInteger (JournalRepr repr [TyPost]) where
165 fromInteger i = post (fromInteger i) zero `cons` nil
166 {-
167 instance
168 ( Postable repr
169 , FromInteger (JournalRepr repr acct)
170 , Listable repr
171 , Monad m
172 ) => FromInteger (JournalRepr repr [TyPost]) where
173 fromInteger i = cons (fromInteger i) nil
174 instance
175 ( Postable repr
176 , IsString (JournalRepr repr acct)
177 , Listable repr
178 , Monad m
179 ) => IsString (JournalRepr repr TyPost) where
180 fromString s = do
181 acct :: acct <- fromString s
182 post acct (Map.empty :: Map unit qty)
183 instance
184 ( Postable repr
185 , IsString (JournalRepr repr acct)
186 , Listable repr
187 , Monad m
188 ) => IsString (JournalRepr repr [TyPost]) where
189 fromString s = do
190 acct :: acct <- fromString s
191 cons (post acct (Map.empty :: Map unit qty)) nil
192 instance
193 ( FromRational qty
194 , Listable repr
195 , Monad m
196 ) => FromRational (JournalRepr repr qty) where
197 fromRational = JournalRepr . return . fromRational
198 type instance QuantityOf (Map unit qty) = qty
199 instance
200 ( IsString unit
201 , Monad m
202 ) => EURable (Map unit qty) (JournalRepr repr) where
203 eur = (Map.singleton "€" <$>)
204 -}
205 instance EURable repr => EURable (JournalRepr repr) where
206 eur (JournalReprAny x) = JournalReprAny (eur x)
207 instance USDable repr => USDable (JournalRepr repr) where
208 usd (JournalReprAny x) = JournalReprAny (usd x)
210 instance
211 ( Listable repr
212 , Accountable repr
213 , Amountable repr
214 , Postable repr
215 ) => Postable (JournalRepr repr) where
216 post (JournalReprAny acct) (JournalReprAny amt) = JournalRepr $ JournalDo $
217 MT.writer (TyPost, mempty{posts = post acct amt `cons` nil})
218 instance
219 ( Addable (Ty repr TyQuantity)
220 , Listable repr
221 , Moveable repr
222 , Negable (Ty repr TyQuantity)
223 , Nullable (Ty repr TyQuantity)
224 , Ord (Ty repr TyAccountSection)
225 , Ord (Ty repr TyUnit)
226 , Postable repr
227 , Show (Ty repr TyAccountSection)
228 , Show (Ty repr TyQuantity)
229 , Show (Ty repr TyUnit)
230 ) => Moveable (JournalRepr repr) where
231 move (JournalRepr ps) = JournalRepr $ JournalDo $
232 (`MT.mapWriterT` unJournalDo ps) $ fmap $ \(_ps, out) ->
233 ( TyMove, out
234 { moves = move (posts out) `cons` moves out
235 , posts = nil
236 }
237 )
239 {-
240 instance FromInteger (JournalRepr acct amt repr AccountCode) where
241 fromInteger i = JournalRepr do
242 env <- MT.ask
243 let ac = if 0 <= i then AccountCode (fromInteger i) else error ("Invalid AccountCode: "<>show i)
244 case HashMap.lookup ac (accountByCode env) of
245 Just{} -> return ac
246 _ -> error ("Chart does not allow AccountCode: "<>show ac<>" "<>show (accountByCode env))
247 -}
248 --instance FromInteger qty => FromInteger (JournalRepr acct amt repr qty) where
249 -- fromInteger = JournalRepr . return . fromInteger
250 {-
251 type instance AccountSectionOf (ChartPath section) = section
252 type instance UnitOf (Map unit qty) = unit
253 type instance AmountOf () = Map Unit Q
254 type instance AccountOf () = NonEmpty AccountSegment
256 type Account = AccountCode
257 type AccountPath = ChartPath AccountSegment
258 type Amount = Map Unit Q
259 type Q = Quantity (Flow Decimal)
261 instance FromInteger qty => FromInteger (Flow qty) where
262 fromInteger i | i <= 0 = Out (fromInteger i)
263 | otherwise = In (fromInteger i)
265 instance
266 Listable repr =>
267 IsString (JournalRepr acct amt repr (ChartPath AccountSegment)) where
268 fromString s = JournalRepr $ MT.ReaderT $ \env -> do
269 case nonEmpty (fromString s) of
270 Just acct | HashMap.member acct (accountByName env) -> MT.writer (acct, mempty)
271 Just acct -> error ("AccountPath is not allowed by given Chart: "<>show acct)
272 Nothing -> error "Invalid empty AccountPath"
273 instance
274 Listable repr =>
275 FromInteger (JournalRepr acct amt repr (ChartPath AccountSegment)) where
276 fromInteger i = JournalRepr $ MT.ReaderT $ \env -> do
277 let ac = if 0 <= i then AccountCode (fromInteger i) else error ("Invalid AccountCode: "<>show i)
278 case HashMap.lookup ac (accountByCode env) of
279 Just (Just acct, _) -> MT.writer (acct, mempty)
280 _ -> error ("Chart does not allow AccountCode: "<>show ac<>" "<>show (accountByCode env))
281 instance
282 Listable repr =>
283 IsString (JournalRepr acct amt repr AccountCode) where
284 fromString s = JournalRepr $ MT.ReaderT $ \env -> do
285 case nonEmpty (fromString s) of
286 Just acct | Just (ac, _) <- HashMap.lookup acct (accountByName env) -> MT.writer (ac, mempty)
287 Just acct -> error ("AccountPath is not allowed by given Chart: "<>show acct)
288 Nothing -> error "Invalid empty AccountPath"
290 -- ** Type 'JournalEnv'
291 data JournalEnv unit = JournalEnv
292 { accountByCode :: HashMap.HashMap AccountCode (Maybe AccountPath, ChartNode)
293 , accountByName :: HashMap.HashMap AccountPath (AccountCode, ChartNode)
294 , defaultUnit :: unit
295 }
296 journalEnv ch = JournalEnv
297 { accountByCode = HashMap.fromList byCode
298 , accountByName = HashMap.fromList byName
299 , defaultUnit = inject ""
300 } where
301 (byCode, byName) = goChart (AccountCode 0, []) ch
302 goChart p = Map.foldMapWithKey (goNode p) . unChart
303 goNode (AccountCode kc, kn) n (node, children) =
304 let keyCode = AccountCode (kc Prelude.* 10 Prelude.^ digitNumber n Prelude.+ n) in
305 let keyName = kn <> maybeToList (sectionName node) in
306 let (bc, bn) = goChart (keyCode, keyName) children in
307 ( (keyCode, (nonEmpty keyName, node)) : bc
308 , case nonEmpty keyName of
309 Just k -> (k, (keyCode, node)) : bn
310 Nothing -> bn
311 )
312 instance
313 ( FromInteger qty
314 , Listable repr
315 ) => FromInteger (JournalRepr acct (Map unit qty) repr (Map unit qty)) where
316 fromInteger i = JournalRepr $
317 --qty <- unJournalDo (fromInteger i :: JournalRepr acct (Map unit qty) repr qty)
318 MT.writer (Map.singleton (defaultUnit env) (fromInteger i), mempty)
320 -- | @('digitNumber' n)@ retourne le nombre de digits nécessaires pour encoder 'n'.
321 digitNumber :: Natural -> Natural
322 digitNumber = go where
323 go n | n < 10 = 1
324 | otherwise = 1 Prelude.+ go (n`Prelude.div`10)
326 -}