]> Git — Sourcephile - haskell/symantic-http.git/blob - symantic-http-doc/symantic-http-doc.cabal
Fix static routing
[haskell/symantic-http.git] / symantic-http-doc / symantic-http-doc.cabal
1 name: symantic-http-doc
2 -- PVP: +-+------- breaking API changes
3 -- | | +----- non-breaking API additions
4 -- | | | +--- code changes with no API change
5 version:
6 category: Protocol
7 synopsis: symantic-http applied to the derivation of HTTP documentation
8 description:
9 This library applies <https://hackage.haskell.org/package/symantic-http symantic-http>
10 to the documentation of an HTTP API.
11 .
12 For learning how to use this library,
13 you can read the demo example
14 in <git://git.autogeree.net/symantic-http symantic-http.git>.
15 extra-doc-files:
16 license: GPL-3
17 license-file: COPYING
18 stability: experimental
19 author: Julien Moutinho <julm+symantic-http@autogeree.net>
20 maintainer: Julien Moutinho <julm+symantic-http@autogeree.net>
21 bug-reports: Julien Moutinho <julm+symantic-http@autogeree.net>
22 -- homepage:
24 build-type: Simple
25 cabal-version: 1.24
26 tested-with: GHC==8.4.4
27 extra-source-files:
28 stack.yaml
29 extra-tmp-files:
31 Source-Repository head
32 location: git://git.autogeree.net/symantic-http
33 type: git
35 Library
36 exposed-modules:
37 Symantic.HTTP.Layout
38 default-language: Haskell2010
39 default-extensions:
40 AllowAmbiguousTypes
41 DataKinds
42 FlexibleContexts
43 FlexibleInstances
44 InstanceSigs
45 LambdaCase
46 MultiParamTypeClasses
47 NamedFieldPuns
48 NoImplicitPrelude
49 RecordWildCards
50 ScopedTypeVariables
51 TupleSections
52 TypeApplications
53 TypeFamilies
54 TypeOperators
55 ghc-options:
56 -Wall
57 -Wincomplete-uni-patterns
58 -Wincomplete-record-updates
59 -fno-warn-tabs
60 -- -fhide-source-paths
61 build-depends:
62 symantic-http >= 0.1
63 , base >= 4.10 && < 5
64 , bytestring >= 0.10
65 , containers >= 0.5
66 , http-api-data >= 0.4
67 , http-media >= 0.7
68 , http-types >= 0.12
69 , network-uri >= 2.6
70 , text >= 1.2
71 , time >= 1.8
72 , transformers >= 0.5
73 , word8 >= 0.1.3
74 -- pkgconfig-depends: zlib
75 -- extra-libraries: z