]> Git — Sourcephile - haskell/symantic-http.git/blob - symantic-http.cabal
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[haskell/symantic-http.git] / symantic-http.cabal
1 name: symantic-http
2 -- PVP: +-+------- breaking API changes
3 -- | | +----- non-breaking API additions
4 -- | | | +--- code changes with no API change
5 version:
6 category: Protocol
7 synopsis: Symantic combinators for deriving HTTP clients, servers and docs from an API.
8 description: An experimental Domain-Specific Language (DSL) for HTTP,
9 trying to be as powerful as
10 <https://hackage.haskell.org/package/servant servant>'s
11 while proposing an arguably simpler (hence more customisable) machinery,
12 based upon <http://okmij.org/ftp/typed-formatting/ symantics> (aka. Tagless-Final DSL)
13 instead of a type-level machinery using advanced Haskell.
14 extra-doc-files:
15 license: GPL-3
16 license-file: COPYING
17 stability: experimental
18 author: Julien Moutinho <julm+symantic-http@autogeree.net>
19 maintainer: Julien Moutinho <julm+symantic-http@autogeree.net>
20 bug-reports: Julien Moutinho <julm+symantic-http@autogeree.net>
21 -- homepage:
23 build-type: Simple
24 cabal-version: 1.24
25 tested-with: GHC==8.4.4
26 extra-source-files:
27 stack.yaml
28 extra-tmp-files:
30 Source-Repository head
31 location: git://git.autogeree.net/symantic-http
32 type: git
34 Library
35 exposed-modules:
36 Symantic.HTTP
37 Symantic.HTTP.API
38 Symantic.HTTP.Client
39 Symantic.HTTP.Client.Connection
40 Symantic.HTTP.Layout
41 Symantic.HTTP.MIME
42 Symantic.HTTP.Server
43 Symantic.HTTP.URI
44 Symantic.HTTP.Utils
45 default-language: Haskell2010
46 default-extensions:
47 AllowAmbiguousTypes
48 DataKinds
49 FlexibleContexts
50 FlexibleInstances
51 InstanceSigs
52 LambdaCase
53 MultiParamTypeClasses
54 NamedFieldPuns
55 NoImplicitPrelude
56 RecordWildCards
57 ScopedTypeVariables
58 TupleSections
59 TypeApplications
60 TypeFamilies
61 TypeOperators
62 ghc-options:
63 -Wall
64 -Wincomplete-uni-patterns
65 -Wincomplete-record-updates
66 -fno-warn-tabs
67 -- -fhide-source-paths
68 build-depends:
69 base >= 4.10 && < 5
70 , base64-bytestring >=
71 , bytestring >= 0.10
72 , containers >= 0.5
73 -- , constraint >= 0.1
74 , data-default-class >= 0.1
75 -- , filepath >= 1.4
76 , http-api-data >= 0.4
77 , http-client >= 0.5.12
78 , http-types >= 0.12
79 , http-media >= 0.7
80 , monad-classes >= 0.3.2
81 , network-uri >= 2.6
82 , resourcet >= 1.1.11
83 -- , safe >= 0.3
84 , stm >= 2.4.5
85 , time
86 , text >= 1.2
87 , transformers >= 0.5
88 , unordered-containers >= 0.2.8
89 , wai >=
90 -- , wai-app-static >=
91 , warp
92 , word8 >= 0.1.3
93 -- pkgconfig-depends: zlib
94 -- extra-libraries: z
96 Test-Suite symantic-http-test
97 type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
98 hs-source-dirs: test
99 main-is: Main.hs
100 other-modules:
101 -- Golden
102 Hspec
103 Hspec.API
104 Hspec.Client
105 Hspec.Server
106 Hspec.Server.Error
107 HUnit
108 -- HUnit.HSpec
109 -- QuickCheck
110 default-language: Haskell2010
111 default-extensions:
112 DataKinds
113 FlexibleContexts
114 FlexibleInstances
115 LambdaCase
116 MultiParamTypeClasses
117 NamedFieldPuns
118 NoImplicitPrelude
119 RecordWildCards
120 ScopedTypeVariables
121 TupleSections
122 TypeApplications
123 TypeFamilies
124 TypeOperators
125 ViewPatterns
126 ghc-options:
127 -Wall
128 -Wincomplete-uni-patterns
129 -Wincomplete-record-updates
130 -fno-warn-tabs
131 -fhide-source-paths
132 build-depends:
133 symantic-http
134 , base >= 4.10 && < 5
135 , base64-bytestring >=
136 , bytestring >= 0.10
137 , containers >= 0.5
138 , deepseq >= 1.4
139 , filepath >= 1.4
140 , hashable >= 1.2.6
141 , hspec
142 , hspec-wai >= 0.9
143 , http-api-data >= 0.4
144 , http-client >= 0.5.12
145 , http-media >= 0.7
146 , http-types >= 0.12
147 , megaparsec >= 6.3
148 , network
149 -- >= 2.8
150 , network-uri >= 2.6
151 , tasty >= 0.11
152 , tasty-hspec >= 1.1
153 , tasty-hunit >= 0.10
154 , text >= 1.2
155 , time
156 , transformers >= 0.4
157 , wai >=
158 , wai-extra >= 3.0
159 , warp
160 -- , wai-app-static >=
161 -- , QuickCheck >= 2.0
162 -- , tasty-golden >= 2.3
163 -- , tasty-quickcheck