]> Git — Sourcephile - haskell/symantic-http.git/blob - Symantic/HTTP/API.hs
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[haskell/symantic-http.git] / Symantic / HTTP / API.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE StrictData #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
5 {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
6 {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
7 module Symantic.HTTP.API where
9 import Data.Bool
10 import Data.Eq (Eq(..))
11 import Data.Ord (Ord(..))
12 import Data.Proxy (Proxy(..))
13 import Data.String (String)
14 import Prelude (and, pure)
15 import Text.Show (Show(..))
16 import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
17 import qualified Data.Text as T
18 import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as HTTP
19 import qualified Web.HttpApiData as Web
21 import Symantic.HTTP.Mime
23 -- * Class 'HTTP_API'
24 class
25 ( Cat repr
26 , Alt repr
27 -- , Pro repr
28 , HTTP_Version repr
29 , HTTP_Path repr
30 , HTTP_Header repr
31 -- , HTTP_ContentType repr
32 , HTTP_Query repr
33 , HTTP_Response repr
34 ) => HTTP_API (repr:: * -> * -> *)
36 -- * Class 'Cat'
37 class Cat repr where
38 (<.>) :: repr a b -> repr b c -> repr a c; infixl 4 <.>
39 -- (.>) :: repr x y -> repr a c -> repr a c; infixl 4 .>
41 -- * Class 'Alt'
42 class Alt repr where
43 {-
44 type AltMerge repr :: * -> * -> *
45 (<!>) :: repr a b -> repr c d -> repr (a:!:c) (AltMerge repr b d); infixl 3 <!>
46 -}
47 (<!>) :: repr a k -> repr b k -> repr (a:!:b) k; infixl 3 <!>
48 -- try :: repr k k -> repr k k
49 -- option :: k -> repr k k -> repr k k
51 -- ** Type ':!:'
52 -- Like '(,)' but 'infixl'.
53 data (:!:) a b = a:!:b
54 infixl 3 :!:
56 -- * Class 'Pro'
57 -- | Mainly useful to write a combinator which is a specialization of another,
58 -- by calling it instead of rewriting its logic.
59 -- Because 'a' is asked in a client but given in a server,
60 -- both @a->b@ and @b->a@ are used. This is reminiscent of a 'Profunctor'.
61 -- Hence the names 'Pro' and 'dimap'.
62 class Pro repr where
63 dimap :: (a -> b) -> (b -> a) -> repr (a -> k) k -> repr (b -> k) k
65 -- * Class 'HTTP_Path'
66 class HTTP_Path repr where
67 segment :: Segment -> repr k k
68 capture' ::
69 Web.FromHttpApiData a =>
70 Web.ToHttpApiData a =>
71 Name -> repr (a -> k) k
72 captureAll :: repr ([Segment] -> k) k
74 -- | Convenient wrapper of 'segment'.
75 (</>) :: Cat repr => HTTP_Path repr => Segment -> repr a b -> repr a b
76 (</>) n = (segment n <.>); infixr 5 </>
78 -- | Like |capture'| but with the type variable 'a' first instead or 'repr'
79 -- so it can be passed using 'TypeApplications' without adding a '@_' for 'repr'.
80 capture ::
81 forall a k repr.
82 HTTP_Path repr =>
83 Web.FromHttpApiData a =>
84 Web.ToHttpApiData a =>
85 Name -> repr (a -> k) k
86 capture = capture'
87 {-# INLINE capture #-}
89 type Segment = T.Text
90 type Path = [Segment]
91 type Name = String
93 -- * Class 'HTTP_Header'
94 class HTTP_Header repr where
95 header :: HTTP.HeaderName -> repr (HeaderValue -> k) k
96 type HeaderValue = BS.ByteString
98 -- * Class 'HTTP_Body'
99 class HTTP_Body repr where
100 type BodyArg repr :: * -> * -> *
101 body' ::
102 forall a mt k.
103 MimeUnserialize a mt =>
104 MimeSerialize a mt =>
105 repr (BodyArg repr mt a -> k) k
107 -- | Like |body'| but with the type variables 'a' and 'mt' first instead or 'repr'
108 -- so it can be passed using 'TypeApplications' withs adding a '@_' for 'repr'.
109 body ::
110 forall a mt k repr.
111 HTTP_Body repr =>
112 MimeUnserialize a mt =>
113 MimeSerialize a mt =>
114 repr (BodyArg repr mt a -> k) k
115 body = body' @repr
116 {-# INLINE body #-}
118 {-
119 data AcceptResponse repr a =
120 forall mt. MimeSerialize a mt =>
121 AcceptResponse (Proxy mt, repr a)
122 -}
123 -- * Class 'HTTP_Content'
124 class HTTP_ContentType repr where
125 contentType :: MediaTypeable mt => Proxy mt -> repr k k
127 -- * Class 'HTTP_Query'
128 class HTTP_Query repr where
129 queryParams' ::
130 Web.FromHttpApiData a =>
131 Web.ToHttpApiData a =>
132 QueryName -> repr ([a] -> k) k
133 queryFlag :: QueryName -> repr (Bool -> k) k
134 default queryFlag :: Pro repr => QueryName -> repr (Bool -> k) k
135 queryFlag n = dimap and pure (queryParams' n)
136 type QueryName = BS.ByteString
137 type QueryValue = BS.ByteString
139 queryParams ::
140 forall a k repr.
141 HTTP_Query repr =>
142 Web.FromHttpApiData a =>
143 Web.ToHttpApiData a =>
144 QueryName -> repr ([a] -> k) k
145 queryParams = queryParams'
146 {-# INLINE queryParams #-}
148 -- * Class 'HTTP_Version'
149 class HTTP_Version repr where
150 version :: HTTP.HttpVersion -> repr k k
152 -- * Class 'HTTP_Status'
153 class HTTP_Status repr where
154 status :: StatusIs -> repr (HTTP.Status -> k) k
156 -- ** Type 'StatusIs'
157 data StatusIs
158 = StatusIsInformational
159 | StatusIsSuccessful
160 | StatusIsRedirection
161 | StatusIsClientError
162 | StatusIsServerError
163 | StatusIs HTTP.Status
164 deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
165 statusIs :: StatusIs -> (HTTP.Status -> Bool)
166 statusIs = \case
167 StatusIsInformational -> HTTP.statusIsInformational
168 StatusIsSuccessful -> HTTP.statusIsSuccessful
169 StatusIsRedirection -> HTTP.statusIsRedirection
170 StatusIsClientError -> HTTP.statusIsClientError
171 StatusIsServerError -> HTTP.statusIsServerError
172 StatusIs x -> \y -> HTTP.statusCode x == HTTP.statusCode y
174 status200 :: HTTP.Status
175 status200 = HTTP.mkStatus 200 "Success"
176 status400 :: HTTP.Status
177 status400 = HTTP.mkStatus 400 "Bad Request"
178 status404 :: HTTP.Status
179 status404 = HTTP.mkStatus 404 "Not Found"
180 status405 :: HTTP.Status
181 status405 = HTTP.mkStatus 405 "Method Not Allowed"
182 status406 :: HTTP.Status
183 status406 = HTTP.mkStatus 406 "Not Acceptable"
184 status415 :: HTTP.Status
185 status415 = HTTP.mkStatus 415 "Unsupported Media Type"
187 -- * Class 'HTTP_Response'
188 class HTTP_Response repr where
189 type Response repr :: *
190 type ResponseArg repr :: * -> * -> *
191 response ::
192 MimeUnserialize a mt =>
193 MimeSerialize a mt =>
194 k ~ Response repr =>
195 HTTP.Method ->
196 repr (ResponseArg repr mt a -> k) k
198 -- | Wrap 'response' by giving it the corresponding 'HTTP.Method',
199 -- and put the type variables 'a' then 'mt' first instead or 'repr'
200 -- so they can be passed using 'TypeApplications'
201 -- without adding a '@_' for 'repr'.
202 get,head,put,post,delete,trace,connect,options,patch ::
203 forall a mt k repr.
204 HTTP_Response repr =>
205 MimeUnserialize a mt =>
206 MimeSerialize a mt =>
207 k ~ Response repr =>
208 repr (ResponseArg repr mt a -> k) k
209 get = response HTTP.methodGet
210 head = response HTTP.methodHead
211 put = response HTTP.methodPut
212 post = response HTTP.methodPost
213 delete = response HTTP.methodDelete
214 trace = response HTTP.methodTrace
215 connect = response HTTP.methodConnect
216 options = response HTTP.methodOptions
217 patch = response HTTP.methodPatch
218 {-# INLINE get #-}
219 {-# INLINE head #-}
220 {-# INLINE put #-}
221 {-# INLINE post #-}
222 {-# INLINE delete #-}
223 {-# INLINE trace #-}
224 {-# INLINE connect #-}
225 {-# INLINE options #-}
226 {-# INLINE patch #-}