]> Git — Sourcephile - haskell/symantic-http.git/blob - Symantic/HTTP/Layout.hs
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[haskell/symantic-http.git] / Symantic / HTTP / Layout.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
3 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
4 module Symantic.HTTP.Layout where
6 import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..))
7 import Data.Eq (Eq(..))
8 import Data.Function (($), (.), id)
9 import Data.Functor (Functor(..), (<$>))
10 import Data.Ord (Ord(..))
11 import Data.Proxy (Proxy(..))
12 import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
13 import Data.String (String)
14 import Data.Tree (Tree(..), Forest, drawForest)
15 import Text.Show (Show(..))
16 import qualified Data.List as List
17 import qualified Network.HTTP.Media as Media
18 import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as HTTP
19 -- import qualified Network.Wai as Wai
21 import Symantic.HTTP.Media
22 import Symantic.HTTP.Mime
23 import Symantic.HTTP.API
25 -- * Type 'Layout'
26 newtype Layout h k = Layout { unLayout :: LayoutApp (LayoutAlt (Tree LayoutNode)) }
27 -- | Branches of alternatives matches.
28 type LayoutAlt = []
29 -- | Keep the path in the 'Tree'
30 -- where to append new matchers;
31 -- in reverse order to simplify appending.
32 type LayoutApp = []
34 -- | Useful to constrain 'repr' to be 'Layout'.
35 layout :: Layout h k -> Layout h k
36 layout = id
38 runLayout :: Layout h k -> Forest String
39 runLayout = ((show <$>) <$>) . collapseApp . unLayout
41 instance Show (Layout h k) where
42 show = drawForest . runLayout
44 reLayout :: Layout h k -> Layout h' k'
45 reLayout (Layout l) = Layout l
47 -- | Fold 'LayoutApp' maintained for appending matchers;
48 -- to be done when there is no more appending.
49 collapseApp :: LayoutApp (LayoutAlt (Tree LayoutNode)) -> LayoutAlt (Tree LayoutNode)
50 collapseApp = (`List.foldr` []) $ \ts acc ->
51 ((\(Node n ns) -> Node n (ns <> acc)) <$> ts)
53 layoutOfNode :: LayoutNode -> Layout h k
54 layoutOfNode = Layout . pure . pure . pure
56 -- ** Type 'LayoutNode'
57 data LayoutNode
58 = LayoutNode_Segment Segment
59 | LayoutNode_Capture Name
60 | LayoutNode_CaptureAll
61 | LayoutNode_Header HTTP.HeaderName
62 | LayoutNode_Headers HTTP.RequestHeaders
63 | LayoutNode_QueryParams QueryName
64 | LayoutNode_QueryFlag QueryName
65 | LayoutNode_QueryString HTTP.Query
66 | LayoutNode_Method HTTP.Method
67 | LayoutNode_Version HTTP.HttpVersion
68 | LayoutNode_Accept Media.MediaType
69 deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
71 instance Functor (Layout h) where
72 fmap _f = reLayout
73 instance Cat Layout where
74 Layout x <.> Layout y = Layout $ x <> y
75 instance Alt Layout where
76 Layout x <!> Layout y =
77 Layout [collapseApp x <> collapseApp y]
78 instance HTTP_Path Layout where
79 segment = layoutOfNode . LayoutNode_Segment
80 capture' = layoutOfNode . LayoutNode_Capture
81 captureAll = layoutOfNode $ LayoutNode_CaptureAll
82 instance HTTP_Method Layout where
83 method = layoutOfNode . LayoutNode_Method
84 instance HTTP_Header Layout where
85 header = layoutOfNode . LayoutNode_Header
86 instance HTTP_Accept Layout where
87 accept mt = layoutOfNode $ LayoutNode_Accept (mediaType mt)
88 instance HTTP_Query Layout where
89 queryParams' = layoutOfNode . LayoutNode_QueryParams
90 queryFlag = layoutOfNode . LayoutNode_QueryFlag
91 instance HTTP_Version Layout where
92 version = layoutOfNode . LayoutNode_Version
93 {-
94 instance HTTP_Response Layout where
95 response me mt =
96 (\(Layout l::Layout (a -> BSL.ByteString)) ->
97 Layout l::Layout (HTTP.Status -> HTTP.ResponseHeaders -> a -> Wai.Response)
98 ) $
99 method me *> accept mt
100 -}
101 instance HTTP_Response Layout where
102 type Response Layout = ()
103 type ResponseArg Layout = ResponseArgLayout
104 response' ::
105 forall repr k mt a.
106 MimeSerialize mt a =>
107 MimeUnserialize mt a =>
108 k ~ Response repr =>
109 repr ~ Layout =>
110 HTTP.Method ->
111 repr (ResponseArg repr mt a -> k) k
112 response' me = reLayout $ method me <.> accept (Proxy::Proxy mt)
113 instance HTTP_API Layout
114 data ResponseArgLayout mt body = ResponseArgLayout