]> Git — Sourcephile - haskell/symantic-http.git/blob - Symantic/HTTP/Router.hs
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[haskell/symantic-http.git] / Symantic / HTTP / Router.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
5 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
6 {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
7 module Symantic.HTTP.Router where
9 import Control.Arrow (first)
10 import Control.Monad (Monad(..), unless, sequence)
11 import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (MonadTrans(..))
12 import Control.Monad.Trans.Except (ExceptT(..), runExceptT)
13 import Data.Bool
14 import Data.Either (Either(..))
15 import Data.Eq (Eq(..))
16 import Data.Function (($), (.), id)
17 import Data.Functor (Functor, (<$>))
18 import Data.Int (Int)
19 import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), fromMaybe, catMaybes)
20 import Data.Proxy (Proxy(..))
21 import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
22 import Data.String (String, IsString(..))
23 import Data.Text (Text)
24 import Prelude ((+))
25 import System.IO (IO)
26 import Text.Show (Show(..))
27 import qualified Control.Monad.Classes as MC
28 import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State as S
29 import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
30 import qualified Data.List as List
31 import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as Text
32 import qualified Network.HTTP.Media as Media
33 import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as HTTP
34 import qualified Network.Wai as Wai
35 import qualified Web.HttpApiData as Web
37 import Symantic.HTTP.API
38 import Symantic.HTTP.Media
39 import Symantic.HTTP.Mime
41 {-
42 import Debug.Trace
43 debug msg x = trace (msg<>": "<>show x) x
44 -}
46 -- | Convenient alias.
47 liftIO :: MC.MonadExec IO m => IO a -> m a
48 liftIO = MC.exec
50 -- * Type 'RouterAPI'
51 -- | @RouterAPI f k@ is a recipe to produce an 'Wai.Application'
52 -- from handlers 'f' (one per number of alternative routes).
53 --
54 -- 'RouterAPI' is analogous to a scanf using a format customized for HTTP routing.
55 --
56 -- The multiple monad transformers are there to prioritize the errors
57 -- according to the type of check raising them,
58 -- instead of the order of the combinators within an actual API specification.
59 newtype RouterAPI f k = RouterAPI { unRouterAPI ::
60 S.StateT RouterState
61 (RouterCheckT [RouterErrorBody] -- 8th check, 400 error
62 (RouterCheckT [RouterErrorHeader] -- 7th check, 400 error
63 (RouterCheckT [RouterErrorQuery] -- 6th check, 400 error
64 (RouterCheckT [RouterErrorContentType] -- 5th check, 415 error
65 (RouterCheckT [RouterErrorAccept] -- 4th check, 406 error
66 (-- TODO: RouterCheckT [RouterErrorAuth] -- 3rd check, 401 error
67 (RouterCheckT [RouterErrorMethod] -- 2nd check, 405 error
68 (RouterCheckT [RouterErrorPath] -- 1st check, 404 error
69 IO)))))))) (f -> k) }
70 deriving (Functor {-, Applicative, Alternative, Monad, MonadPlus, P.MonadParsec RouteError RouteTokens-})
71 type Offset = Int
73 runRouterAPI ::
74 S.StateT RouterState (ExceptT e1 (ExceptT e2 (ExceptT e3 (ExceptT e4 (ExceptT e5 (ExceptT e6 (ExceptT e7 IO))))))) a ->
75 RouterState -> IO (Either e7 (Either e6 (Either e5 (Either e4 (Either e3 (Either e2 (Either e1 (a, RouterState))))))))
76 runRouterAPI s st =
77 runExceptT $
78 runExceptT $
79 runExceptT $
80 runExceptT $
81 runExceptT $
82 runExceptT $
83 runExceptT $
84 S.runStateT s st
86 -- ** Type 'RouterCheckT'
87 type RouterCheckT e = ExceptT (Fail e)
89 -- *** Type 'RouteResult'
90 type RouteResult e = Either (Fail e)
92 -- *** Type 'Fail'
93 data Fail e
94 = Fail RouterState e -- ^ Keep trying other paths. 404, 405 or 406.
95 | FailFatal !RouterState !e -- ^ Don't try other paths.
96 deriving (Show)
97 failState :: Fail e -> RouterState
98 failState (Fail st _) = st
99 failState (FailFatal st _) = st
100 instance Semigroup e => Semigroup (Fail e) where
101 Fail _ x <> Fail st y = Fail st (x<>y)
102 FailFatal _ x <> Fail st y = FailFatal st (x<>y)
103 Fail _ x <> FailFatal st y = FailFatal st (x<>y)
104 FailFatal _ x <> FailFatal st y = FailFatal st (x<>y)
106 -- ** Type 'RouterState'
107 data RouterState = RouterState
108 { routerState_offset :: Offset
109 , routerState_request :: Wai.Request
110 } -- deriving (Show)
111 instance Show RouterState where
112 show _ = "RouterState"
113 instance Cat RouterAPI where
114 (<.>) ::
115 forall a b c repr.
116 repr ~ RouterAPI =>
117 repr a b -> repr b c -> repr a c
118 -- NOTE: if x fails, run y to see if it fails on a more prioritized check.
119 -- And if so, fail with y instead of x.
120 --
121 -- This long spaghetti code may probably be avoided
122 -- with a more sophisticated RouterAPI using a binary tree
123 -- instead of nested Either, so that its Monad instance
124 -- would do the right thing, but to my mind,
125 -- with the very few priorities of checks currently needed,
126 -- this is currently not worth the cognitive pain to design it.
127 -- A copy/paste/modify will do for now.
128 RouterAPI x <.> RouterAPI y = RouterAPI $
129 S.StateT $ \st -> do
130 xPath <- liftIO $ runRouterAPI x st
131 case xPath of
132 Left xe -> MC.throw xe
133 Right xMethod ->
134 case xMethod of
135 Left xe -> do
136 yPath <- liftIO $ runRouterAPI y (failState xe)
137 case yPath of
138 Left ye -> MC.throw ye
139 Right _yMethod -> MC.throw xe
140 Right xAccept ->
141 case xAccept of
142 Left xe -> do
143 yPath <- liftIO $ runRouterAPI y (failState xe)
144 case yPath of
145 Left ye -> MC.throw ye
146 Right yMethod ->
147 case yMethod of
148 Left ye -> MC.throw ye
149 Right _yAccept -> MC.throw xe
150 Right xContentType ->
151 case xContentType of
152 Left xe -> do
153 yPath <- liftIO $ runRouterAPI y (failState xe)
154 case yPath of
155 Left ye -> MC.throw ye
156 Right yMethod ->
157 case yMethod of
158 Left ye -> MC.throw ye
159 Right yAccept ->
160 case yAccept of
161 Left ye -> MC.throw ye
162 Right _yQuery -> MC.throw xe
163 Right xQuery ->
164 case xQuery of
165 Left xe -> do
166 yPath <- liftIO $ runRouterAPI y (failState xe)
167 case yPath of
168 Left ye -> MC.throw ye
169 Right yMethod ->
170 case yMethod of
171 Left ye -> MC.throw ye
172 Right yAccept ->
173 case yAccept of
174 Left ye -> MC.throw ye
175 Right yQuery ->
176 case yQuery of
177 Left ye -> MC.throw ye
178 Right _yHeader -> MC.throw xe
179 Right xHeader ->
180 case xHeader of
181 Left xe -> do
182 yPath <- liftIO $ runRouterAPI y (failState xe)
183 case yPath of
184 Left ye -> MC.throw ye
185 Right yMethod ->
186 case yMethod of
187 Left ye -> MC.throw ye
188 Right yAccept ->
189 case yAccept of
190 Left ye -> MC.throw ye
191 Right yQuery ->
192 case yQuery of
193 Left ye -> MC.throw ye
194 Right yHeader ->
195 case yHeader of
196 Left ye -> MC.throw ye
197 Right _yBody -> MC.throw xe
198 Right xBody ->
199 case xBody of
200 Left xe -> do
201 yPath <- liftIO $ runRouterAPI y (failState xe)
202 case yPath of
203 Left ye -> MC.throw ye
204 Right yMethod ->
205 case yMethod of
206 Left ye -> MC.throw ye
207 Right yAccept ->
208 case yAccept of
209 Left ye -> MC.throw ye
210 Right yQuery ->
211 case yQuery of
212 Left ye -> MC.throw ye
213 Right yHeader ->
214 case yHeader of
215 Left ye -> MC.throw ye
216 Right _yBody -> MC.throw xe
217 Right (a2b, st') ->
218 (first (. a2b)) <$> S.runStateT y st'
219 instance Alt RouterAPI where
220 RouterAPI x <!> RouterAPI y = RouterAPI $
221 S.StateT $ \st -> do
222 xPath <- liftIO $ runRouterAPI x st
223 yPath <- liftIO $ runRouterAPI y st
224 let fy = (first (\b2k (_a:!:b) -> b2k b) <$>)
225 case xPath of
226 Left xe | FailFatal{} <- xe -> MC.throw xe
227 | otherwise ->
228 case yPath of
229 Left ye -> MC.throw (xe<>ye)
230 Right yMethod ->
231 fy $ ExceptT $ ExceptT $ ExceptT $ ExceptT $ ExceptT $ ExceptT $ ExceptT $
232 return $ Right yMethod
233 Right xMethod ->
234 case xMethod of
235 Left xe | FailFatal{} <- xe -> MC.throw xe
236 | otherwise ->
237 case yPath of
238 Left _ye -> MC.throw xe
239 Right yMethod ->
240 case yMethod of
241 Left ye -> MC.throw (xe<>ye)
242 Right yAccept ->
243 fy $ ExceptT $ ExceptT $ ExceptT $ ExceptT $ ExceptT $ ExceptT $
244 return $ Right $ yAccept
245 Right xAccept ->
246 case xAccept of
247 Left xe | FailFatal{} <- xe -> MC.throw xe
248 | otherwise ->
249 case yPath of
250 Left _ye -> MC.throw xe
251 Right yMethod ->
252 case yMethod of
253 Left _ye -> MC.throw xe
254 Right yAccept ->
255 case yAccept of
256 Left ye -> MC.throw (xe<>ye)
257 Right yContentType ->
258 fy $ ExceptT $ ExceptT $ ExceptT $ ExceptT $ ExceptT $
259 return $ Right yContentType
260 Right xContentType ->
261 case xContentType of
262 Left xe | FailFatal{} <- xe -> MC.throw xe
263 | otherwise ->
264 case yPath of
265 Left _ye -> MC.throw xe
266 Right yMethod ->
267 case yMethod of
268 Left _ye -> MC.throw xe
269 Right yAccept ->
270 case yAccept of
271 Left _ye -> MC.throw xe
272 Right yContentType ->
273 case yContentType of
274 Left ye -> MC.throw (xe<>ye)
275 Right yQuery ->
276 fy $ ExceptT $ ExceptT $ ExceptT $ ExceptT $
277 return $ Right yQuery
278 Right xQuery ->
279 case xQuery of
280 Left xe | FailFatal{} <- xe -> MC.throw xe
281 | otherwise ->
282 case yPath of
283 Left _ye -> MC.throw xe
284 Right yMethod ->
285 case yMethod of
286 Left _ye -> MC.throw xe
287 Right yAccept ->
288 case yAccept of
289 Left _ye -> MC.throw xe
290 Right yContentType ->
291 case yContentType of
292 Left _ye -> MC.throw xe
293 Right yQuery ->
294 case yQuery of
295 Left ye -> MC.throw (xe<>ye)
296 Right yHeader ->
297 fy $ ExceptT $ ExceptT $ ExceptT $
298 return $ Right yHeader
299 Right xHeader ->
300 case xHeader of
301 Left xe | FailFatal{} <- xe -> MC.throw xe
302 | otherwise ->
303 case yPath of
304 Left _ye -> MC.throw xe
305 Right yMethod ->
306 case yMethod of
307 Left _ye -> MC.throw xe
308 Right yAccept ->
309 case yAccept of
310 Left _ye -> MC.throw xe
311 Right yContentType ->
312 case yContentType of
313 Left _ye -> MC.throw xe
314 Right yQuery ->
315 case yQuery of
316 Left _ye -> MC.throw xe
317 Right yHeader ->
318 case yHeader of
319 Left ye -> MC.throw (xe<>ye)
320 Right yBody ->
321 fy $ ExceptT $ ExceptT $
322 return $ Right yBody
323 Right xBody ->
324 case xBody of
325 Left xe | FailFatal{} <- xe -> MC.throw xe
326 | otherwise ->
327 case yPath of
328 Left _ye -> MC.throw xe
329 Right yMethod ->
330 case yMethod of
331 Left _ye -> MC.throw xe
332 Right yAccept ->
333 case yAccept of
334 Left _ye -> MC.throw xe
335 Right yContentType ->
336 case yContentType of
337 Left _ye -> MC.throw xe
338 Right yQuery ->
339 case yQuery of
340 Left _ye -> MC.throw xe
341 Right yHeader ->
342 case yHeader of
343 Left _ye -> MC.throw xe
344 Right yBody ->
345 case yBody of
346 Left ye -> MC.throw (xe<>ye)
347 Right yr ->
348 fy $ ExceptT $
349 return $ Right yr
350 Right xr ->
351 return $ first (\a2k (a:!:_b) -> a2k a) xr
353 instance Pro RouterAPI where
354 dimap a2b _b2a (RouterAPI r) = RouterAPI $ (\k b2k -> k (b2k . a2b)) <$> r
356 -- | @'routerAPI' rt api@ returns a 'Wai.Application'
357 -- ready to be given to @Warp.run 80@.
358 routerAPI ::
359 RouterAPI handlers RouterResponse ->
360 handlers ->
361 Wai.Application
362 routerAPI (RouterAPI api) handlers rq re = do
363 lrPath <- liftIO $ runRouterAPI api (RouterState 0 rq)
364 case lrPath of
365 Left err -> respondError status404 err
366 Right lrMethod ->
367 case lrMethod of
368 Left err -> respondError status405 err
369 Right lrAccept ->
370 case lrAccept of
371 Left err -> respondError status406 err
372 Right lrContentType ->
373 case lrContentType of
374 Left err -> respondError status415 err
375 Right lrQuery ->
376 case lrQuery of
377 Left err -> respondError status400 err
378 Right lrHeader ->
379 case lrHeader of
380 Left err -> respondError status400 err
381 Right lrBody ->
382 case lrBody of
383 Left err -> respondError status400 err
384 Right (a2k, _st) ->
385 let RouterResponse app = a2k handlers in app rq re
386 where
387 respondError :: Show err => HTTP.Status -> err -> IO Wai.ResponseReceived
388 respondError st err =
389 re $ Wai.responseLBS st
390 [(HTTP.hContentType, Media.renderHeader $ mediaType mimePlainText)]
391 (fromString $ show err)
393 -- ** Type 'RouterErrorPath'
394 data RouterErrorPath = RouterErrorPath Offset Text
395 deriving (Eq, Show)
396 instance HTTP_Path RouterAPI where
397 segment expSegment = RouterAPI $ do
398 st@RouterState
399 { routerState_offset = o
400 , routerState_request = req
401 } <- S.get
402 case Wai.pathInfo req of
403 [] -> MC.throw $ Fail st [RouterErrorPath o "segment: empty"]
404 [""] -> MC.throw $ Fail st [RouterErrorPath o "trailing slash"]
405 curr:next
406 | curr /= expSegment ->
407 MC.throw $ Fail st [RouterErrorPath o $ "expected: "<>expSegment<>" but got: "<>curr]
408 | otherwise -> do
409 S.put st
410 { routerState_offset = o+1
411 , routerState_request = req{ Wai.pathInfo = next }
412 }
413 return id
414 capture' :: forall a k.
415 Web.FromHttpApiData a =>
416 Web.ToHttpApiData a =>
417 Name -> RouterAPI (a -> k) k
418 capture' name = RouterAPI $ do
419 st@RouterState
420 { routerState_offset = o
421 , routerState_request = req
422 } <- S.get
423 case Wai.pathInfo req of
424 [] -> MC.throw $ Fail st [RouterErrorPath o "empty"]
425 [""] -> MC.throw $ Fail st [RouterErrorPath o "trailing slash"]
426 curr:next ->
427 case Web.parseUrlPiece curr of
428 Left err -> MC.throw $ Fail st [RouterErrorPath o $ "capture: "<>fromString name<>": "<>err]
429 Right a -> do
430 S.put st
431 { routerState_offset = o+1
432 , routerState_request = req{ Wai.pathInfo = next }
433 }
434 return ($ a)
435 captureAll = RouterAPI $ do
436 req <- S.gets routerState_request
437 return ($ Wai.pathInfo req)
439 -- ** Type 'RouterErrorMethod'
440 data RouterErrorMethod = RouterErrorMethod
441 deriving (Eq, Show)
442 instance HTTP_Method RouterAPI where
443 method exp = RouterAPI $ do
444 st <- S.get
445 let got = Wai.requestMethod $ routerState_request st
446 if got == exp
447 || got == HTTP.methodHead
448 && exp == HTTP.methodGet
449 then return id
450 else MC.throw $ Fail st [RouterErrorMethod]
452 -- | TODO: add its own error?
453 instance HTTP_Version RouterAPI where
454 version exp = RouterAPI $ do
455 st <- S.get
456 let got = Wai.httpVersion $ routerState_request st
457 if got == exp
458 then return id
459 else MC.throw $ Fail st [RouterErrorMethod] -- FIXME: RouterErrorVersion
461 -- ** Type 'RouterErrorAccept'
462 data RouterErrorAccept = RouterErrorAccept
463 deriving (Eq, Show)
464 instance HTTP_Accept RouterAPI where
465 accept exp = RouterAPI $ do
466 st <- S.get
467 let hs = Wai.requestHeaders $ routerState_request st
468 case List.lookup HTTP.hAccept hs of
469 Nothing -> MC.throw $ Fail st [RouterErrorAccept]
470 Just h ->
471 case Media.parseAccept h of
472 Nothing -> MC.throw $ Fail st [RouterErrorAccept]
473 Just got | mediaType exp`Media.matches`got -> return id
474 | otherwise -> MC.throw $ Fail st [RouterErrorAccept]
476 -- ** Type 'RouterErrorContentType'
477 data RouterErrorContentType = RouterErrorContentType
478 deriving (Eq, Show)
479 instance HTTP_ContentType RouterAPI where
480 contentType exp = RouterAPI $ do
481 st <- S.get
482 let hs = Wai.requestHeaders $ routerState_request st
483 let got =
484 -- DOC: http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec7.html#sec7.2.1
485 -- DOC: http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/2002/0129-mime
486 fromMaybe "application/octet-stream" $
487 List.lookup HTTP.hContentType hs
488 case Media.mapContentMedia [(mediaType exp, ())] got of
489 Nothing -> MC.throw $ Fail st [RouterErrorContentType]
490 Just () -> return id -- TODO: mimeUnserialize
492 -- ** Type 'RouterErrorQuery'
493 newtype RouterErrorQuery = RouterErrorQuery Text
494 deriving (Show)
495 instance HTTP_Query RouterAPI where
496 queryParams' name = RouterAPI $ do
497 st <- S.get
498 lift $ ExceptT $ ExceptT $ ExceptT $ return $
499 let qs = Wai.queryString $ routerState_request st in
500 let vals = catMaybes $ (<$> qs) $ \(n,v) ->
501 if n == name
502 then Web.parseQueryParam . Text.decodeUtf8 <$> v
503 else Nothing in
504 case sequence vals of
505 Left err -> Left $ Fail st [RouterErrorQuery err]
506 Right vs -> Right $ Right $ Right ($ vs)
508 -- ** Type 'RouterErrorHeader'
509 data RouterErrorHeader = RouterErrorHeader
510 deriving (Eq, Show)
511 instance HTTP_Header RouterAPI where
512 header n = RouterAPI $ do
513 st <- S.get
514 lift $ ExceptT $ ExceptT $ return $
515 let hs = Wai.requestHeaders $ routerState_request st in
516 case List.lookup n hs of
517 Nothing -> Left $ Fail st [RouterErrorHeader]
518 Just v -> Right $ Right ($ v)
520 -- ** Type 'RouterErrorBody'
521 newtype RouterErrorBody = RouterErrorBody String
522 deriving (Eq, Show)
523 -- *** Type 'RouterBodyArg'
524 newtype RouterBodyArg mt a = RouterBodyArg a
526 instance HTTP_Body RouterAPI where
527 type BodyArg RouterAPI = RouterBodyArg
528 body' ::
529 forall mt a k repr.
530 MimeUnserialize mt a =>
531 MimeSerialize mt a =>
532 repr ~ RouterAPI =>
533 repr (BodyArg repr mt a -> k) k
534 body'= RouterAPI $ do
535 st <- S.get
536 lift $ ExceptT $ ExceptT $ ExceptT $ ExceptT $ do
537 let hs = Wai.requestHeaders $ routerState_request st
538 let expContentType = (Proxy::Proxy mt)
539 let reqContentType =
540 -- DOC: http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec7.html#sec7.2.1
541 -- DOC: http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/2002/0129-mime
542 fromMaybe "application/octet-stream" $
543 List.lookup HTTP.hContentType hs
544 case Media.mapContentMedia
545 [ ( mediaType expContentType
546 , mimeUnserialize expContentType )
547 ] reqContentType of
548 Nothing -> return $ Left $ Fail st [RouterErrorContentType]
549 Just unSerialize -> do
550 bodyBS <- liftIO $ Wai.requestBody $ routerState_request st
551 return $ Right $ Right $ Right $
552 -- NOTE: delay unSerialize after all checks
553 case unSerialize $ BSL.fromStrict bodyBS of
554 Left err -> Left $ Fail st [RouterErrorBody err]
555 Right a -> Right ($ RouterBodyArg a)
557 -- ** Type 'RouterResponse'
558 newtype RouterResponse = RouterResponse
559 ( -- the request made to the router
560 Wai.Request ->
561 -- the continuation for the router to respond
562 (Wai.Response -> IO Wai.ResponseReceived) ->
563 IO Wai.ResponseReceived
564 )
565 instance Show RouterResponse where
566 show _ = "RouterResponse"
568 -- *** Type 'RouterResponseArg'
569 newtype RouterResponseArg mt a = RouterResponseArg
570 (HTTP.Status ->
571 HTTP.ResponseHeaders ->
572 a -> Wai.Response)
574 instance HTTP_Response RouterAPI where
575 type Response RouterAPI = RouterResponse
576 type ResponseArg RouterAPI = RouterResponseArg
577 response' ::
578 forall mt a k repr.
579 MimeUnserialize mt a =>
580 MimeSerialize mt a =>
581 k ~ Response repr =>
582 repr ~ RouterAPI =>
583 HTTP.Method ->
584 repr (ResponseArg repr mt a -> k) k
585 response' expMethod = RouterAPI $ do
586 st <- S.get
587 let reqMethod = Wai.requestMethod $ routerState_request st
588 unless (reqMethod == expMethod
589 || reqMethod == HTTP.methodHead
590 && expMethod == HTTP.methodGet) $
591 MC.throw $ Fail st [RouterErrorMethod]
593 let reqHeaders = Wai.requestHeaders $ routerState_request st
594 let expAccept = (Proxy::Proxy mt)
595 reqAccept <- do
596 case List.lookup HTTP.hAccept reqHeaders of
597 Nothing -> MC.throw $ Fail st [RouterErrorAccept]
598 Just h ->
599 case Media.parseAccept h of
600 Nothing -> MC.throw $ Fail st [RouterErrorAccept]
601 Just got | mediaType expAccept`Media.matches`got ->
602 return expAccept -- FIXME: return got, maybe with GADTs
603 | otherwise -> MC.throw $ Fail st [RouterErrorAccept]
605 return ($ RouterResponseArg $ \s hs a ->
606 Wai.responseLBS s
607 ((HTTP.hContentType, Media.renderHeader $ mediaType reqAccept):hs)
608 (if reqMethod == HTTP.methodHead
609 then ""
610 else mimeSerialize reqAccept a))