]> Git — Sourcephile - haskell/symantic-http.git/blob - symantic-http-test/Hspec/Server/Error.hs
Factorizing captures is semantically wrong
[haskell/symantic-http.git] / symantic-http-test / Hspec / Server / Error.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
2 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-missing-signatures #-}
3 module Hspec.Server.Error where
5 import Control.Monad (when)
6 import Data.Eq (Eq(..))
7 import Data.Int (Int)
8 import Prelude ((+), Integer)
9 import System.IO (IO)
10 import Test.Hspec.Wai (liftIO)
11 import Text.Show (Show(..))
12 import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64 as BS64
13 import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as HTTP
14 import qualified Network.Wai.Handler.Warp as Warp
15 import qualified Test.Hspec.Wai as Wai
17 import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
18 import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as TL
19 import Data.String (String)
20 import Data.String (IsString(..))
21 import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
22 import Data.List (length)
23 import Data.Char (Char)
25 import Symantic.HTTP
26 import Symantic.HTTP.Server
27 import Hspec.Utils
29 api =
30 {-
31 "good" </> "path" </> capture @Int "i"
32 <.> queryParams @Int "param"
33 <.> basicAuth @User "realm"
34 <.> body @Int @'[PlainText]
35 <.> post @Int @'[PlainText]
36 <!>
37 "unauthorized" </> basicAuth @UnauthorizedUser "realm"
38 <.> post @Int @'[PlainText]
39 -}
40 (capture @Int "u" <.> capture @Int "i" <.> get @String @'[PlainText])
41 <!> (capture @String "u" <.> capture @Char "i" <.> get @String @'[PlainText])
43 data User = User
44 instance ServerBasicAuth User where
45 serverBasicAuth user pass =
46 return $
47 if user=="user"
48 then if pass=="pass"
49 then BasicAuth_Authorized User
50 else BasicAuth_BadPassword
51 else BasicAuth_NoSuchUser
52 data UnauthorizedUser = UnauthorizedUser
53 instance ServerBasicAuth UnauthorizedUser where
54 serverBasicAuth user pass =
55 return $
56 if user=="user"
57 then if pass=="pass"
58 then BasicAuth_Unauthorized
59 else BasicAuth_BadPassword
60 else BasicAuth_NoSuchUser
62 srv = server api $
63 {-
64 route_good :!:
65 route_unauthorized :!:
66 -}
67 route_a :!:
68 route_a'
69 where
70 route_good i _params User (ServerBodyArg b) = return (i+b)
71 route_unauthorized UnauthorizedUser = return 0
72 route_a u i = return $ show (u,i)
73 route_a' u i = return $ show (u,i)
75 warp :: IO ()
76 warp = Warp.run 8080 srv
78 mkBody :: Wai.Body -> Wai.MatchBody
79 mkBody b = Wai.MatchBody $ \_ b' ->
80 if b == b'
81 then Nothing
82 else Just $ TL.unpack $
83 "expecting: "<>TL.decodeUtf8 b<>
84 " but got: "<>TL.decodeUtf8 b'<>"\n"
86 hspec = testSpecs $ describe "Error" $ Wai.with (return srv) $ do
87 describe "Alt" $ do
88 it "does not fail" $ do
89 Wai.get "/444/2"
90 `Wai.shouldRespondWith` 200 { Wai.matchBody = mkBody $ fromString "(444,\"2\")" }
91 it "does not fail" $ do
92 Wai.get "/AAA/1"
93 `Wai.shouldRespondWith` 200 { Wai.matchBody = mkBody $ fromString "(\"AAA\",2)" }
94 {-
95 describe "Path" $ do
96 it "checks shorter path" $ do
97 Wai.get "/good"
98 `Wai.shouldRespondWith` 404
99 it "checks longer path" $ do
100 Wai.get "/good/path/bad"
101 `Wai.shouldRespondWith` 404
102 describe "BasicAuth" $ do
103 it "can decode username and password" $ do
104 Wai.request goodMethod goodURI goodHeaders goodBody
105 `Wai.shouldRespondWith` 200
106 it "checks username" $ do
107 Wai.request goodMethod goodURI
108 [ (HTTP.hAuthorization, "Basic "<>BS64.encode "no-such-user:pass")
109 , goodAccept
110 , goodContentType
111 ] goodBody
112 `Wai.shouldRespondWith` 401
113 it "checks password" $ do
114 Wai.request goodMethod goodURI
115 [ (HTTP.hAuthorization, "Basic "<>BS64.encode "user:wrong-pass")
116 , goodAccept
117 , goodContentType
118 ] goodBody
119 `Wai.shouldRespondWith` 401
120 it "can deny access" $ do
121 Wai.request goodMethod "/unauthorized" goodHeaders goodBody
122 `Wai.shouldRespondWith` 403
123 describe "Priorities" $ do
124 it "has 404 as its highest priority error (path)" $ do
125 Wai.request badMethod badURI [badAuth, badAccept, badContentType] badBody
126 `Wai.shouldRespondWith` 404
127 it "has 405 as its second highest priority error (method)" $ do
128 Wai.request badMethod badParam [badAuth, badAccept, badContentType] badBody
129 `Wai.shouldRespondWith` 405
130 it "has 401 as its third highest priority error (auth)" $ do
131 Wai.request goodMethod badParam [badAuth, badAccept, badContentType] badBody
132 `Wai.shouldRespondWith` 401
133 it "has 406 as its fourth highest priority error (accept)" $ do
134 Wai.request goodMethod badParam [goodAuth, badAccept, badContentType] badBody
135 `Wai.shouldRespondWith` 406
136 it "has 415 as its fifth highest priority error (content type)" $ do
137 Wai.request goodMethod badParam [goodAuth, goodAccept, badContentType] badBody
138 `Wai.shouldRespondWith` 415
139 it "has 400 as its sixth highest priority error (query and body)" $ do
140 badParamsRes <- Wai.request goodMethod badParam goodHeaders goodBody
141 badBodyRes <- Wai.request goodMethod goodURI goodHeaders badBody
143 -- Both bad body and bad params result in 400
144 return badParamsRes `Wai.shouldRespondWith` 400
145 return badBodyRes `Wai.shouldRespondWith` 400
147 -- Param check should occur before body checks
148 badBothRes <- Wai.request goodMethod badParam
149 [goodAuth, goodAccept, goodContentType] badBody
150 when (badBothRes /= badParamsRes) $ liftIO $
151 expectationFailure $ "badParam + badBody /= badParam: "
152 <> show badBothRes <> ", " <> show badParamsRes
153 when (badBothRes == badBodyRes) $ liftIO $
154 expectationFailure $ "badParam + badBody == badBody: "
155 <> show badBothRes
156 -}
159 badContentType = (HTTP.hContentType, "application/json")
160 badAccept = (HTTP.hAccept, "application/json")
161 badMethod = HTTP.methodGet
162 badURI = "bad"
163 badBody = "bad"
164 badAuth = (HTTP.hAuthorization, "Basic foofoofoo")
165 goodContentType = (HTTP.hContentType, "text/plain;charset=utf-8")
166 goodAccept = (HTTP.hAccept, "text/plain")
167 goodMethod = HTTP.methodPost
168 goodPath = "good/path/4"
169 goodURI = goodPath<>"?param=2"
170 badParam = goodPath<>"?param=foo"
171 goodBody = "42" -- {-encode-} (42::Int)
172 goodAuth = (HTTP.hAuthorization, "Basic "<>BS64.encode "user:pass")
173 goodHeaders = [goodAuth, goodAccept, goodContentType]