]> Git — Sourcephile - haskell/symantic-http.git/blob - Symantic/HTTP/Mime/Type.hs
Add support for multiple MIME types
[haskell/symantic-http.git] / Symantic / HTTP / Mime / Type.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
5 {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-}
6 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
7 {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
8 {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
9 module Symantic.HTTP.Mime.Type where
11 -- import Text.Show (Show(..))
12 import Data.Function (($))
13 import Data.Functor ((<$>))
14 import Data.Kind (Constraint)
15 import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
16 import Data.Proxy (Proxy(..))
17 import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
18 import Data.Tuple (fst, snd)
19 import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
20 import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
21 import qualified Network.HTTP.Media as Media
23 -- * Class 'MediaTypeable'
24 class MediaTypeable mt where
25 mediaType :: Proxy mt -> MediaType
26 mediaTypes :: Proxy mt -> [MediaType]
27 mediaTypes mt = [mediaType mt]
28 type MediaType = Media.MediaType
29 instance MediaTypeable () where
30 mediaType _mt = mimeAny
32 charsetUTF8 :: MediaType -> MediaType
33 charsetUTF8 = (Media./: ("charset", "utf-8"))
35 mimeAny :: MediaType
36 mimeAny = "*/*"
38 -- ** Type 'JSON'
39 data JSON deriving (Typeable)
40 instance MediaTypeable JSON where
41 mediaType _mt = charsetUTF8 $ "application"Media.//"json"
42 mediaTypes mt = [mediaType mt, "application"Media.//"json"]
44 -- ** Type 'HTML'
45 data HTML
46 mimeHTML :: Proxy HTML
47 mimeHTML = Proxy
48 instance MediaTypeable HTML where
49 mediaType _mt = charsetUTF8 $ "text"Media.//"html"
50 mediaTypes mt = [mediaType mt, "text"Media.//"html"]
52 -- ** Type 'FormUrlEncoded'
53 data FormUrlEncoded
54 mimeFormUrlEncoded :: Proxy FormUrlEncoded
55 mimeFormUrlEncoded = Proxy
56 instance MediaTypeable FormUrlEncoded where
57 mediaType _mt = "application"Media.//"x-www-form-urlencoded"
59 -- ** Type 'OctetStream'
60 data OctetStream
61 mimeOctetStream :: Proxy OctetStream
62 mimeOctetStream = Proxy
63 instance MediaTypeable OctetStream where
64 mediaType _mt = "application"Media.//"octet-stream"
66 -- ** Type 'PlainText'
67 data PlainText
68 mimePlainText :: Proxy PlainText
69 mimePlainText = Proxy
70 instance MediaTypeable PlainText where
71 mediaType _mt = charsetUTF8 $ "text"Media.//"plain"
74 -- * Type 'MimeType'
75 data MimeType c where
76 MimeType :: c t => Proxy t -> MimeType c
78 -- ** Type 'MimeTypeT'
79 data MimeTypeT = forall t. MimeTypeT (MimeType t)
81 -- * Class 'MimeTypes'
82 class MimeTypes (ts::[*]) (c:: * -> Constraint) where
83 mimeTypesMap :: [(MediaType, MimeType c)]
84 -- TODO: Map
85 instance
86 (MediaTypeable t, c t) =>
87 MimeTypes '[t] c where
88 mimeTypesMap =
89 [ (t, MimeType @c @t Proxy)
90 | t <- mediaTypes (Proxy @t)
91 ]
92 instance
93 ( MediaTypeable t
94 , MediaTypeable t1
95 , MimeTypes ts c
96 , c t
97 , c t1
98 ) =>
99 MimeTypes (t ': t1 ': ts) c where
100 mimeTypesMap =
101 [ (t, MimeType @c @t Proxy)
102 | t <- mediaTypes (Proxy @t)
103 ] <>
104 [ (t, MimeType @c @t1 Proxy)
105 | t <- mediaTypes (Proxy @t1)
106 ] <> mimeTypesMap @ts @c
108 listMediaTypes :: forall ts c. MimeTypes ts c => [MediaType]
109 listMediaTypes = fst <$> mimeTypesMap @ts @c
111 listMimeTypes :: forall ts c. MimeTypes ts c => [MimeType c]
112 listMimeTypes = snd <$> mimeTypesMap @ts @c
114 matchAccept ::
115 forall ts c. MimeTypes ts c =>
116 BS.ByteString -> Maybe (MimeType c)
117 matchAccept = Media.mapAccept (mimeTypesMap @ts @c)
119 matchContent ::
120 forall ts c. MimeTypes ts c =>
121 BS.ByteString -> Maybe (MimeType c)
122 matchContent = Media.mapContent (mimeTypesMap @ts @c)
124 {-
125 class MediaTypeable t where
126 mimeTypeParse :: BS.ByteString -> Maybe (MimeType t)
128 -- parseAccept :: Proxy ts -> BS.ByteString -> Maybe (MimeTypeIn ts t)
130 -- mimeDecode :: Proxy mt -> Unserializer a
131 -- * Class 'MimeTypesInj'
132 type MimeTypesInj ts
133 = MimeTypesInjR ts ts
135 mimeTypeInj ::
136 forall ts.
137 MimeTypesInj ts =>
138 Either Error_MimeType (MimeTypes ts)
139 mimeTypeInj = mimeTypeInjR @_ @ts
141 -- ** Class 'MimeTypesInjR'
142 class MimeTypesInjR (ts::[*]) (rs::[*]) where
143 mimeTypeInjR :: Either Error_MimeType (MimeTypes ts)
144 instance MimeTypesInjR ts '[] where
145 mimeTypeInjR = Right $ MimeTypes mempty
146 instance ( MimeTypeFor ts t
147 , MimeTypesInjR ts rs
148 ) => MimeTypesInjR ts (Proxy t ': rs) where
149 mimeTypeInjR = do
150 x <- mimeTypeInjR @_ @rs
151 let (n, m) = moduleFor @_ @t
152 MimeTypes (Map.singleton n m) `unionMimeTypes` x
154 -}
155 {-
156 MimeType ss s
158 -- | Return the position of a type within a list of them.
159 -- This is useful to work around @OverlappingInstances@.
160 type family Index xs x where
161 Index (x ': xs) x = Zero
162 Index (not_x ': xs) x = Succ (Index xs x)
164 -- ** Type 'MimeTypeInj'
165 -- | Convenient type synonym wrapping 'MimeTypePInj'
166 -- applied on the correct 'Index'.
167 type MimeTypeInj ss s = MimeTypeInjP (Index ss (Proxy s)) ss s
169 -- | Inject a given /symantic/ @s@ into a list of them,
170 -- by returning a function which given a 'TeMimeType' on @s@
171 -- returns the same 'TeMimeType' on @ss@.
172 mimeTypeInj ::
173 forall s ss.
174 MimeTypeInj ss s =>
175 MimeType '[Proxy s] ->
176 MimeType ss
177 mimeTypeInj = mimeTypeInjP @(Index ss (Proxy s))
179 -- *** Class 'MimeTypePInj'
180 class MimeTypeInjP p ss s where
181 mimeTypeInjP :: MimeType '[Proxy s] -> MimeType ss
182 instance MimeTypeInjP Zero (Proxy s ': ss) (s::k) where
183 mimeTypeInjP (MimeType te) = MimeType te
184 instance MimeTypeInjP p ss s => MimeTypeInjP (Succ p) (Proxy not_s ': ss) s where
185 mimeTypeInjP (te::MimeType '[Proxy s]) =
186 case mimeTypeInjP @p te :: MimeType ss of
187 MimeType te' -> MimeType te'
188 -}