9 ( t@( Data.Text.Internal.Text
15 let !( Data.Text.Unsafe.Iter
18 ) = Data.Text.Unsafe.iter t 0
21 Data.Text.Internal.Text arr (off GHC.Num.+ d) (unconsumed GHC.Num.- d)
24 ( Data.Text.Internal.Text
28 ) = unconsumed GHC.Classes.> 0
29 in (# input, more, next #)
30 finalRet = \_farInp _farExp v _inp -> Symantic.Parser.Machine.Generate.returnST GHC.Base.$ Data.Either.Right v
33 Symantic.Parser.Machine.Generate.OnException
36 b = \(!exn) _failInp (!farInp) (!farExp) ->
37 Symantic.Parser.Machine.Generate.returnST GHC.Base.$
39 Symantic.Parser.Machine.Generate.ParsingError
40 { Symantic.Parser.Machine.Generate.parsingErrorOffset = Symantic.Parser.Machine.Input.offset farInp,
41 Symantic.Parser.Machine.Generate.parsingErrorException = exn,
42 Symantic.Parser.Machine.Generate.parsingErrorUnexpected =
52 else GHC.Maybe.Nothing,
53 Symantic.Parser.Machine.Generate.parsingErrorExpecting =
57 Data.Set.Internal.foldr
61 ) -> case Symantic.Parser.Grammar.Combinators.unSomeFailure f of
62 GHC.Maybe.Just (Symantic.Parser.Grammar.Combinators.FailureHorizon h :: Symantic.Parser.Grammar.Combinators.Failure (Symantic.Parser.Grammar.Combinators.CombSatisfiable (Symantic.Parser.Machine.Input.InputToken inp)))
63 | GHC.Maybe.Just old <- minH ->
64 ( GHC.Maybe.Just (GHC.Classes.min old h),
67 | GHC.Base.otherwise ->
80 in Data.Set.Internal.fromList GHC.Base.$
82 GHC.Maybe.Just h -> Symantic.Parser.Grammar.Combinators.SomeFailure (Symantic.Parser.Grammar.Combinators.FailureHorizon @(Symantic.Parser.Machine.Input.InputToken inp) h) GHC.Types.: res
83 GHC.Maybe.Nothing -> res
87 ( let inputToken = Data.Proxy.Proxy :: Data.Proxy.Proxy (Symantic.Parser.Machine.Input.InputToken inp)
89 in let readFail = finalRaise
90 in let _ = "checkHorizon.newCheck: checkedHorizon=0 minHoriz=1"
94 in let _ = "pushValue"
95 in let join = \farInp farExp v (!inp) ->
96 let _ = "lift2Value checkedHorizon=0"
101 ( let _ = "resume.genCode"
105 in let _ = "catch ExceptionFailure checkedHorizon=1"
107 let _ = "onException"
108 in \(!_exn) (!failInp) (!farInp) (!farExp) ->
109 let _ = "comment: raiseAgainIfConsumed"
110 in let _ = "saveInput checkedHorizon=0"
111 in let _ = "lift2Value checkedHorizon=0"
112 in if ( \( Data.Text.Internal.Text
117 ( Data.Text.Internal.Text
121 ) -> i GHC.Classes.== j
126 let _ = "choicesBranch checkedHorizon=0"
127 in let _ = "pushValue"
128 in let _ = "comment: satisfy ((GHC.Classes.==) 'b')"
130 in let readFail = finalRaise
131 in let _ = "checkHorizon.newCheck: checkedHorizon=0 minHoriz=1"
139 in if (GHC.Classes.==) 'b' c
141 let _ = "lift2Value checkedHorizon=1"
146 ( let _ = "resume.genCode"
151 let _ = "checkToken.fail"
153 Data.Set.Internal.Bin
155 ( Symantic.Parser.Grammar.Combinators.SomeFailure
157 (Data.Proxy.Proxy :: Data.Proxy.Proxy tok') -> Symantic.Parser.Grammar.Combinators.FailureToken 'b'
160 Data.Set.Internal.Tip
161 Data.Set.Internal.Tip
165 #) = case (GHC.Classes.compare `Data.Function.on` Symantic.Parser.Machine.Input.offset) farInp inp of
174 failExp GHC.Base.<> farExp
181 in finalRaise Symantic.Parser.Grammar.Combinators.ExceptionFailure inp farInp farExp
183 let _ = "checkHorizon.newCheck.fail"
185 Data.Set.Internal.Bin
187 ( Symantic.Parser.Grammar.Combinators.SomeFailure
189 (Data.Proxy.Proxy :: Data.Proxy.Proxy tok') -> Symantic.Parser.Grammar.Combinators.FailureHorizon @tok' 1
192 Data.Set.Internal.Tip
193 Data.Set.Internal.Tip
197 #) = case (GHC.Classes.compare `Data.Function.on` Symantic.Parser.Machine.Input.offset) farInp inp of
206 failExp GHC.Base.<> farExp
213 in finalRaise Symantic.Parser.Grammar.Combinators.ExceptionFailure inp farInp farExp
215 let _ = "choicesBranch.else"
216 in finalRaise Symantic.Parser.Grammar.Combinators.ExceptionFailure failInp farInp farExp
217 in let _ = "pushValue"
218 in let _ = "comment: satisfy ((GHC.Classes.==) 'a')"
219 in let _ = "checkHorizon.oldCheck: checkedHorizon=1"
220 in let _ = "checkToken"
225 in if (GHC.Classes.==) 'a' c
227 let _ = "lift2Value checkedHorizon=0"
232 Data.Set.Internal.empty
233 ( let _ = "resume.genCode"
238 let _ = "checkToken.fail"
240 Data.Set.Internal.Bin
242 ( Symantic.Parser.Grammar.Combinators.SomeFailure
244 (Data.Proxy.Proxy :: Data.Proxy.Proxy tok') -> Symantic.Parser.Grammar.Combinators.FailureToken 'a'
247 Data.Set.Internal.Tip
248 Data.Set.Internal.Tip
252 #) = case (GHC.Classes.compare `Data.Function.on` Symantic.Parser.Machine.Input.offset) init inp of
261 failExp GHC.Base.<> Data.Set.Internal.empty
266 Data.Set.Internal.empty
268 in onException Symantic.Parser.Grammar.Combinators.ExceptionFailure inp farInp farExp
270 let _ = "checkHorizon.newCheck.fail"
272 Data.Set.Internal.Bin
274 ( Symantic.Parser.Grammar.Combinators.SomeFailure
276 (Data.Proxy.Proxy :: Data.Proxy.Proxy tok') -> Symantic.Parser.Grammar.Combinators.FailureHorizon @tok' 1
279 Data.Set.Internal.Tip
280 Data.Set.Internal.Tip
284 #) = case (GHC.Classes.compare `Data.Function.on` Symantic.Parser.Machine.Input.offset) init inp of
293 failExp GHC.Base.<> Data.Set.Internal.empty
298 Data.Set.Internal.empty
300 in finalRaise Symantic.Parser.Grammar.Combinators.ExceptionFailure inp farInp farExp