]> Git — Sourcephile - haskell/symantic-parser.git/blob - src/Symantic/Parser/Automaton/Instructions.hs
Add first golden tests for the Automaton
[haskell/symantic-parser.git] / src / Symantic / Parser / Automaton / Instructions.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-} -- For Executable
2 {-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
4 module Symantic.Parser.Automaton.Instructions where
6 import Data.Bool (Bool)
7 import Data.Char (Char)
8 import Data.Either (Either)
9 import Data.Eq (Eq)
10 import Data.Function (($), (.))
11 import Text.Show (Show)
12 import qualified Data.Functor as Functor
13 import qualified Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax as TH
14 import qualified Symantic.Parser.Staging as Hask
16 import Symantic.Parser.Grammar
17 import Symantic.Univariant.Trans
19 import Prelude (undefined)
21 -- * Class 'InputPosition'
22 -- | TODO
23 class InputPosition inp where
24 instance InputPosition ()
26 -- * Type 'Instr'
27 -- | 'Instr'uctions for the 'Automaton'.
28 data Instr input valueStack (exceptionStack::Peano) returnValue a where
29 -- | @('Push' x k)@ pushes @(x)@ on the value-stack
30 -- and continues with the next 'Instr'uction @(k)@.
31 Push ::
32 InstrPure x ->
33 Instr inp (x ': vs) es ret a ->
34 Instr inp vs es ret a
35 -- | @('Pop' k)@ pushes @(x)@ on the value-stack.
36 Pop ::
37 Instr inp vs es ret a ->
38 Instr inp (x ': vs) es ret a
39 -- | @('LiftI2' f k)@ pops two values from the value-stack,
40 -- and pushes the result of @(f)@ applied to them.
41 LiftI2 ::
42 InstrPure (x -> y -> z) ->
43 Instr inp (z : vs) es ret a ->
44 Instr inp (y : x : vs) es ret a
45 -- | @('Fail')@ raises an error from the exception-stack.
46 Fail ::
47 Instr inp vs ('Succ es) ret a
48 -- | @('Commit' k)@ removes an exception from the exception-stack
49 -- and continues with the next 'Instr'uction @(k)@.
50 Commit ::
51 Instr inp vs es ret a ->
52 Instr inp vs ('Succ es) ret a
53 -- | @('Catch' l r)@ tries the @(l)@ 'Instr'uction,
54 -- if it raises an exception, catches it,
55 -- pushes the input on the value-stack
56 -- and continues with the @(r)@ 'Instr'uction.
57 Catch ::
58 Instr inp vs ('Succ es) ret a ->
59 Instr inp (inp ': vs) es ret a ->
60 Instr inp vs es ret a
61 -- | @('Seek' k)@ removes the input from the value-stack
62 -- and continues with the next 'Instr'uction @(k)@.
63 Seek ::
64 Instr inp vs es r a ->
65 Instr inp (inp : vs) es r a
66 -- | @('Tell' k)@ pushes the input @(inp)@ on the value-stack
67 -- and continues with the next 'Instr'uction @(k)@.
68 Tell ::
69 Instr inp (inp ': vs) es ret a ->
70 Instr inp vs es ret a
71 -- | @('Case' l r)@.
72 Case ::
73 Instr inp (x ': vs) es r a ->
74 Instr inp (y ': vs) es r a ->
75 Instr inp (Either x y ': vs) es r a
76 -- | @('Swap' k)@ pops two values on the value-stack,
77 -- pushes the first popped-out, then the second,
78 -- and continues with the next 'Instr'uction @(k)@.
79 Swap ::
80 Instr inp (x ': y ': vs) es r a ->
81 Instr inp (y ': x ': vs) es r a
82 -- | @('Choices' ps bs d)@.
83 Choices ::
84 [InstrPure (x -> Bool)] ->
85 [Instr inp vs es ret a] ->
86 Instr inp vs es ret a ->
87 Instr inp (x ': vs) es ret a
88 -- | @('Label' a k)@.
89 Label ::
90 Addr ret ->
91 Instr inp vs ('Succ es) ret a ->
92 Instr inp vs ('Succ es) ret a
93 -- | @('Jump' a k)@.
94 Jump ::
95 Addr ret ->
96 Instr inp '[] ('Succ es) ret a
97 -- | @('Call' a k)@.
98 Call ::
99 Addr ret ->
100 Instr inp (x ': vs) ('Succ es) ret a ->
101 Instr inp vs ('Succ es) ret a
102 -- | @('Ret')@ returns the value in a singleton value-stack.
103 Ret ::
104 Instr inp '[ret] es ret a
105 -- | @('Sat' p k)@.
106 Read ::
107 InstrPure (Char -> Bool) ->
108 Instr inp (Char ': vs) ('Succ es) ret a ->
109 Instr inp vs ('Succ es) ret a
111 -- ** Type 'InstrPure'
112 data InstrPure a
113 = InstrPureHaskell (Hask.Haskell a)
114 | InstrPureSameOffset
115 deriving (Show)
117 -- ** Type 'Addr'
118 newtype Addr a = Addr { unLabel :: TH.Name }
119 deriving (Eq, Show)
121 -- * Class 'Executable'
122 type Executable repr =
123 ( Stackable repr
124 , Branchable repr
125 , Exceptionable repr
126 , Inputable repr
127 , Routinable repr
128 , Readable repr
129 )
131 -- ** Class 'Stackable'
132 class Stackable (repr :: * -> [*] -> Peano -> * -> * -> *) where
133 push ::
134 InstrPure x ->
135 repr inp (x ': vs) n ret a ->
136 repr inp vs n ret a
137 pop ::
138 repr inp vs n ret a ->
139 repr inp (x ': vs) n ret a
140 liftI2 ::
141 InstrPure (x -> y -> z) ->
142 repr inp (z ': vs) es ret a ->
143 repr inp (y ': x ': vs) es ret a
144 swap ::
145 repr inp (x ': y ': vs) n r a ->
146 repr inp (y ': x ': vs) n r a
148 -- ** Class 'Branchable'
149 class Branchable (repr :: * -> [*] -> Peano -> * -> * -> *) where
150 case_ ::
151 repr inp (x ': vs) n r a ->
152 repr inp (y ': vs) n r a ->
153 repr inp (Either x y ': vs) n r a
154 choices ::
155 [InstrPure (x -> Bool)] ->
156 [repr inp vs es ret a] ->
157 repr inp vs es ret a ->
158 repr inp (x ': vs) es ret a
160 -- ** Class 'Exceptionable'
161 class Exceptionable (repr :: * -> [*] -> Peano -> * -> * -> *) where
162 fail :: repr inp vs ('Succ es) ret a
163 commit ::
164 repr inp vs es ret a ->
165 repr inp vs ('Succ es) ret a
166 catch ::
167 repr inp vs ('Succ es) ret a ->
168 repr inp (inp ': vs) es ret a ->
169 repr inp vs es ret a
171 -- ** Class 'Inputable'
172 class Inputable (repr :: * -> [*] -> Peano -> * -> * -> *) where
173 seek ::
174 repr inp vs es r a ->
175 repr inp (inp ': vs) es r a
176 tell ::
177 repr inp (inp ': vs) es ret a ->
178 repr inp vs es ret a
180 -- ** Class 'Routinable'
181 class Routinable (repr :: * -> [*] -> Peano -> * -> * -> *) where
182 label ::
183 Addr ret ->
184 repr inp vs ('Succ es) ret a ->
185 repr inp vs ('Succ es) ret a
186 call ::
187 Addr ret ->
188 repr inp (x ': vs) ('Succ es) ret a ->
189 repr inp vs ('Succ es) ret a
190 ret ::
191 repr inp '[ret] es ret a
192 jump ::
193 Addr ret ->
194 repr inp '[] ('Succ es) ret a
196 -- ** Class 'Readable'
197 class Readable (repr :: * -> [*] -> Peano -> * -> * -> *) where
198 read ::
199 InstrPure (Char -> Bool) ->
200 repr inp (Char ': vs) ('Succ es) ret a ->
201 repr inp vs ('Succ es) ret a
203 instance
204 Executable repr =>
205 Trans (Instr inp vs es ret) (repr inp vs es ret) where
206 trans = \case
207 Push x k -> push x (trans k)
208 Pop k -> pop (trans k)
209 LiftI2 f k -> liftI2 f (trans k)
210 Fail -> fail
211 Commit k -> commit (trans k)
212 Catch l r -> catch (trans l) (trans r)
213 Seek k -> seek (trans k)
214 Tell k -> tell (trans k)
215 Case l r -> case_ (trans l) (trans r)
216 Swap k -> swap (trans k)
217 Choices ps bs d -> choices ps (trans Functor.<$> bs) (trans d)
218 Label n k -> label n (trans k)
219 Jump n -> jump n
220 Call n (k::Instr inp (x ': vs) ('Succ es') ret a) ->
221 call n (trans k :: repr inp (x ': vs) ('Succ es') ret a)
222 Ret -> ret
223 Read p k -> read p (trans k)
225 -- ** Type 'Peano'
226 -- | Type-level natural numbers, using the Peano recursive encoding.
227 data Peano = Zero | Succ Peano
229 -- | @('Fmap' f k)@.
230 pattern Fmap ::
231 InstrPure (x -> y) ->
232 Instr inp (y ': xs) es ret a ->
233 Instr inp (x ': xs) es ret a
234 pattern Fmap f k = Push f (LiftI2 (InstrPureHaskell (Hask.Flip Hask.:@ (Hask.:$))) k)
236 -- | @('App' k)@ pops @(x)@ and @(x2y)@ from the value-stack,
237 -- pushes @(x2y x)@ and continues with the next 'Instr'uction @(k)@.
238 pattern App :: Instr inp (y : vs) es ret a -> Instr inp (x : (x -> y) : vs) es ret a
239 pattern App k = LiftI2 (InstrPureHaskell (Hask.:$)) k
241 -- | @('If' ok ko)@ pops a 'Bool' from the value-stack
242 -- and continues either with the 'Instr'uction @(ok)@ if it is 'True'
243 -- or @(ko)@ otherwise.
244 pattern If :: Instr inp vs es ret a -> Instr inp vs es ret a -> Instr inp (Bool ': vs) es ret a
245 pattern If ok ko = Choices [InstrPureHaskell Hask.Id] [ok] ko
247 parsecHandler :: InputPosition inp => Instr inp vs ('Succ es) ret a -> Instr inp (inp : vs) ('Succ es) ret a
248 parsecHandler k = Tell (LiftI2 InstrPureSameOffset (If k Fail))
250 -- * Type 'Automaton'
251 -- | Making the control-flow explicit.
252 data Automaton inp a x = Automaton { unAutomaton ::
253 forall vs es ret.
254 {-next-}Instr inp (x ': vs) ('Succ es) ret a ->
255 Instr inp vs ('Succ es) ret a
256 }
258 runAutomaton ::
259 forall inp a es repr.
260 Executable repr =>
261 Automaton inp a a -> (repr inp '[] ('Succ es) a) a
262 runAutomaton =
263 trans @(Instr inp '[] ('Succ es) a) .
264 ($ Ret) .
265 unAutomaton
267 instance Applicable (Automaton inp a) where
268 pure x = Automaton $ Push (InstrPureHaskell x)
269 Automaton f <*> Automaton x = Automaton $ f . x . App
270 liftA2 f (Automaton x) (Automaton y) = Automaton $
271 x . y . LiftI2 (InstrPureHaskell f)
272 Automaton x *> Automaton y = Automaton $ x . Pop . y
273 Automaton x <* Automaton y = Automaton $ x . y . Pop
274 instance
275 InputPosition inp =>
276 Alternable (Automaton inp a) where
277 empty = Automaton $ \_k -> Fail
278 Automaton l <|> Automaton r = Automaton $ \k ->
279 -- TODO: join points
280 Catch (l (Commit k)) (parsecHandler (r k))
281 try (Automaton x) = Automaton $ \k ->
282 Catch (x (Commit k)) (Seek Fail)
283 instance Charable (Automaton inp a) where
284 satisfy p = Automaton $ Read (InstrPureHaskell p)
285 instance Selectable (Automaton inp a) where
286 branch (Automaton lr) (Automaton l) (Automaton r) = Automaton $ \k ->
287 -- TODO: join points
288 lr (Case (l (Swap (App k)))
289 (r (Swap (App k))))
290 instance Matchable (Automaton inp a) where
291 conditional ps bs (Automaton a) (Automaton default_) =
292 Automaton $ \k ->
293 -- TODO: join points
294 a (Choices (InstrPureHaskell Functor.<$> ps)
295 ((\b -> unAutomaton b k) Functor.<$> bs)
296 (default_ k))
297 instance Lookable (Automaton inp a) where
298 look (Automaton x) = Automaton $ \k ->
299 Tell (x (Swap (Seek k)))
300 negLook (Automaton x) = Automaton $ \k ->
301 Catch (Tell (x (Pop (Seek (Commit Fail)))))
302 (Seek (Push (InstrPureHaskell Hask.unit) k))
303 instance Letable TH.Name (Automaton inp a) where
304 def n (Automaton x) = Automaton $ \k ->
305 Label (Addr n) (x k)
306 ref _isRec n = Automaton $ \case
307 Ret -> Jump (Addr n)
308 k -> Call (Addr n) k
309 instance Foldable (Automaton inp a) where
310 chainPre = undefined
311 chainPost = undefined