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[haskell/symantic-parser.git] / src / Symantic / Typed / Optim.hs
1 module Symantic.Typed.Optim where
3 import Data.Bool (Bool)
4 import qualified Data.Function as Fun
5 import Symantic.Typed.Lang
6 import Symantic.Typed.Data
8 -- | Beta-reduce the left-most outer-most lambda abstraction (aka. normal-order reduction),
9 -- but to avoid duplication of work, only those manually marked
10 -- as using their variable at most once.
11 --
12 -- DOC: Demonstrating Lambda Calculus Reduction, Peter Sestoft, 2001,
13 -- https://www.itu.dk/people/sestoft/papers/sestoft-lamreduce.pdf
14 normalOrderReduction :: forall repr a.
15 Abstractable repr =>
16 IfThenElseable repr =>
17 SomeData repr a -> SomeData repr a
18 normalOrderReduction = nor
19 where
20 -- | normal-order reduction
21 nor :: SomeData repr b -> SomeData repr b
22 nor = \case
23 Data (Lam f) -> lam (nor Fun.. f)
24 Data (Lam1 f) -> lam1 (nor Fun.. f)
25 Data (x :@ y) -> case whnf x of
26 Data (Lam1 f) -> nor (f y)
27 x' -> nor x' .@ nor y
28 Data (IfThenElse test ok ko) ->
29 case nor test of
30 Data (Constant b :: Data (Constantable Bool) repr Bool) ->
31 if b then nor ok else nor ko
32 t -> ifThenElse (nor t) (nor ok) (nor ko)
33 x -> x
34 -- | weak-head normal-form
35 whnf :: SomeData repr b -> SomeData repr b
36 whnf = \case
37 Data (x :@ y) -> case whnf x of
38 Data (Lam1 f) -> whnf (f y)
39 x' -> x' .@ y
40 x -> x